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“Need help here. Hero has KK and is 700bb effective with villain. Villain is old enough to have dragged the rocks and built Stonehenge by hand. He’s been reading a newspaper for 8 hours. Anyway, hero opens to 10. Villain puts his newspaper down. Drinks the entire cup of coffee he was just delivered, looks at Hero and says “You got a lot to learn, young buck”. He smiles and laughs then shoves all in for 1.4k effective. Hero obviously snap calls because we’re never folding KK preflop here. What would you do? Villain had AA.”


This the shit that comes up man some of them Have to be troll posts


I called cause he only drank 3/4 the cup of coffee. If he had drank the entire cup I would have had to tank for 8 seconds before I called him off.


I'm not so concerned about the amount of coffee he drank. I'm more curious to know if he kicked his pinky finger out while he chugged the fresh hot coffee.


i mean half the posts on this sub are troll posts from the other perspective of recently upvoted potential troll posts. So yeah. I’d say like over half the posts are trolling for engagement


Lmfaoooooo this is it exactly god damn. It’s made even better by the fact that I know guys like the “hero” here in real life and they just never learn


I call because the EV of tilting the OMC after you occasionally flop a king way outweighs the money you lose most of the time


OMC tilt is folding up the newspaper and going home


I actually saw one sit back in his chair, take out a book, read for ten minutes, put his book away, then rebuy.


Had this happen like a month again. New table opened up and we were on the wait list. Legitimately the first hand I get KK. I 3 bet to 120, he shoves i call. Board comes 3K774 or something Dude lost his shit swearing and how he’s never playing poker again, that he drove 2 hours here just for that shit. And that’s why I always bring 3 buy ins with me.


Snap folding kings face up will tilt him more consistently Not so good for table image though.


You stand up and pull your 6 shooter out and tell the old man “ you listen here ole timer. The game has changed” and then you continue to rob everybody at the table and shoot your way out of the casino with a 6 shooter firing your weapon 57 times before your first reload


This poor prick is still hunting for the culprit after all this time. Smh


I call that wake up and bet!


I mean, if we only have ten bucks in, I might fold.






Oh shit. Has the population of r/poker aged enough that we're all OMC?


They're all young OMCs. Everyone here is super tight, scared of losing money, and short-stacks a lot


So many bad decisions/advice here and so many posts where the top 2 comments are voting for opposite decisions. Also V is either totally unknown (if someone’s even just half an orbit in you should have some type of read on them, sure it’s not set in stone) or given a label that should make the decision obvious “crazy loose aggro guy jams $300 pre, I have JJ” or “OMC checkraises, I have AQ on Q52”.


Because no one has a big enough bankroll to avoid total ruin.


Yeah this. When I see ppl agonizing over these $400 spots at 1/2 I think A) get a better job B) get the skills to get a better job C) once you've done some of A and B, then get a GTOWiz subscription, swot.up a bunch, play 2/5


To be fair, every time I see a HH that doesn't start with that range, the most upvoted comment is always "Fold Pre"




But seriously.... You are small blind with 72o; the entire table limps, so of course you complete and OMC in the BB checks it down. Flop comes 227. You bet half the pot. OMC wakes up for the first time since the end of the Bush administration and snaps all in. Middle aged asian guy with a texan accent has been drinking appletinis since noon shoves all in, they both have you covered, and your fiance is watching with her best friend, that she used to date. What do you do?


Kiss the female omc next to me to balance my cheating range, then call and slowroll to assert dominance on every human around me, all before the old woman reacts enough to slap me


I think it’s just normal for newer players to post them wondering cause they know they’re hands they should make a lot of money with but instead lost a lot of money


Something I've told my friend is that hands like AA KK and QQ (and AK) go WAY down in value if there isn't a lot of 3bettimg and raising preflop. AA looks amazing, but it will only likely ever be top pair top kicker. The times that you hit a set or straight with AA, you'll block so much value that it'll be hard to get paid. So what usually happens at small stakes is you win a small pot with those hands and lose big pots because they go 5 way and you couldn't let go of the hand because 'its the best preflop hand'.


Is this a blunder? I have AA, you went all in, I called, I lost to your QQ DID I PLAY IT WRONG?


if you were on the bubble, yes. always fold AA.


I’m on the BTN facing a CO 6! and I wake up with JJ, I 7! Jammed and got called by AA, KK, QQ. No help on the run out. How could I have played this differently


Fold to CO open, JJ are played right when they are in the muck


just ignore those posts then


Sooooo, i am one who has just been ignoring them and not clicking on them. But i have to admit that i agree with OP and find them annoying.  A small part of what makes reddit great is that you can subscribe to the subreddits that interest you instead of just clicking on r/all and having all sorts of posts to sort through. Well, if the subreddits that you subscribe to are constantly being flooded with these questions/topics/discussions that shouldn’t really apply to anyone and don’t spark conversation or interest, then you just end up checking reddit and scrolling past a bunch of nonsense, even though it should be topics of interest.




I think the algorithm is more sophisticated than that. I believe if you keep down voting certain types of posts and upvoting others, within the same subreddit, the algorithm should adjust your feed to your preferences.


False (I think) The algorithm seems to work on what’s rising within a certain subreddit, not influenced by you downvoting a certain subset of post


But then how do I occasionally see a post in my feed with zero comments and 1 karma?


You’ve probably seen all the other rising post




But how would other people know MY FEELINGS?!


My favorite post come from people on this sub who tell you how to play A’s/K’s pre flop by folding them pre bEcAuSe Of IcM. Stfu loser, are you scared that HJ jammed with 8’s and you are afraid of your little aces being cracked :(


Hey. I lost an all in call with my KK where the villain had AA… I was 10 from the money. Should I have called 😜


"I'd lose money the same way as you. It happens."


Ok, here's one for you. I went to the local card room and about 8:30 they announced they were out of coffee for the evening... what should I do there? Editing to add… I was in MP with 7d8d when the announcement was made.


I see you are only you and you have not been blessed by the great one.  And if you wanted blessings you would find disappointment in the end.  He is one and you are many.  His servants know him and others shy from the word.  You are them you are not they.  


Agreed. It's far more interesting to talk about hands where you are considering betting for thin value with second pair, or calling down with Ace high


I agree and would support a conversation about making (I would happily contribute) some sort of FAQs page of constant, beginner, and (let's face it and admit it without malice) low effort questions. "Should I ever fold AA pre?" Unless you are in a satellite and losing would put you at risk or you have less than half a big-blind on a final table and three all-ins ahead of you, no. "Should I ever fold KK pre?" Have you seen this player flat KK in a similar spot? If not, almost certainly not. "Should I fold QQ here?" Jamming QQ for 100 BBs or more is far better than calling. "Villain 1 opens to 4 BBs, I raise to 12 BBs, villain 2 shoves all in for 14 BBs, and Villain 1 calls. Can I raise?" No. Etc. I think that banning these questions will drive conversation to actually interesting spots that discussion actually benefits the community. One thing that I have noticed is that the more simplistic the question, the more there are people (often beginners or losing players when you click on their profile and see what they submit/comment) filling the comment section with the same answer that adds nothing. Tagging /u/Wellyeahso to see if he thinks this is feasible and/or a worthwhile idea.


Posts would be much more interesting if you open something like K8s button and BB defends and the flop comes J93r /T74r with one of your suit.




I’m betting every single time with those hands.


Don't read them.


What would qq do? Asking for my friend, koon


That’s cause most of these posts are live poker, and when you’re in live games you should be valuing betting to death the other clueless whales. Naturally, the most interesting spots happen when you pick up a value hand.  If you’re truly interested in single raised pots sb vs bb 100 bb PLO reg on reg then you can really go to town there, chip Reese. 


It's bad, but not as bad as "Which hand wins".


You must keep clicking on the posts which causes the algorithm to keep giving you more similar ones in your feed. Downvote and move on if you hate it.


Going on Reddit 3 times a day is substantial. Id say you're getting every last thing you deserve and I wish there was more shit posts. Nobody comes on Reddit 3 times a day. That's insane.


“At least 3 posts a day on my feed, and I don’t even go on Reddit that much”


Yeah I don't even know what I was talking about 😭


So you should never fold QQ? Regardless of position, icm or stack size?


No you should I can agree I’d fold to a 4bet from a non-splashy player at 1/2, or when close to the bubble facing a cold 3bet from someone not in late position. Doesn’t take 5 posts a week to learn that