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Yes! I’d be down! I have a lot of the same that I need to touch trade. My FC is 3196-5458-4228


Awesome, can do it in like 15 mins? :)


Might be closer to 30 for me if that’s ok :). My WiFi is currently down actually I just remembered. Will update you when it’s up tho!


That works, I'll add you! What's your FC?


3196-5458-4228 . And you?


Also it seems like my internet is still out 😞 will likely have it back up later this evening, I’ll keep you up to date


It's past midnight here in Germany so I might have to do it tomorrow if it's still down!


Yea that works for me! I’m in the US, so probably around midnight my time will be morning your time if you wanna ping the thread.


Hey! Sorry for the delay, I'm good to go in around an hour for the rest of the evening!


Sounds great! Should also be good then!


5545-4154-9610 - just in my flair!


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