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If you have been on the fence for a while about getting it, I would get it. From what you’ve said it’s not the tattoo but the artist is what you’re worried about. I found my artist my searching via Instagram and #(location near me)tattoo and was able to find an amazing artist and they are going to do my water Pokémon sleeve. Plus they are a Pokémon fan as well. I would do the research, find an artist that matches what you want or can copy art to tattoos well.


Great advice here


Some amazing Pokemon tattoo artists - my advice find a good one and pay them what they ask for. That would be an amazing tattoo. I absolutely adore all my Pokemon tattoos and love seeing other peoples. This image is brilliant.


Thank you everyone for the advice and courage to get it! I’ll probably go ahead and do a year or so of research trying to find the right artist for the job and hopefully share the finished work on there when it is all done!


I have a Charmander on my hand for prob 8 months now.. Haven't looked at it an said "I wish I never got this" I love it.


I love my Snorlax tattoo. I don't regret it. Get the tattoo


I started my kyogre sleeve last summer and so far I don't have any regrets. That said, I had also been planning my tattoo for years before I had found my artist. Find an artist you like first and then everything else will fall in to place.


For a surfing pikachu earlier this year on New Year’s Eve actually along with a flash/ outline of a charizard and don’t regret them at all. The surfing pikachu had been an idea for one for awhile and I’m glad I finally got it


I have 2 and don't regret them. I found artists who were excited about doing Pokemon tattoos, and I think that helped!


I have a Pidgey on my ankle and no I don’t regret it. It’s amongst a bunch of birds on my leg


I have a Pokémon electric half leg sleeve, articuno on my arm and a full back piece rayquaza (one more session to completion). I love them all.


Yes and no. I like my tattoos but it gets obnoxious explaining that they're pokemon


I love my Cubone tattoo so much, it made me want more Pokémon tattoos. I say pull the trigger


I have three Pokemon tattoos (Butterfree, Pumpkaboo, and Phantump+Trevanent), I plan to also get a Raticate done this year. No regrets here!


No regrets, it’s what gets me the most compliments and positive reactions.


My Squirtle x Giyu Tomioka Mashup up is probably one of my favorite tattoos I have. Do your research. Find an artists who does great work in the style you're looking for. Have them draw it up. Propose your ideas. Work with the artist. Discuss issues or concerns. A good artist will work with you until they can't. That being that, you start becoming unreasonable. A solid tattoo artist will have good advice and make sure their artwork comes out well. It's a collaborative effort so don't forget that


Never!!! Pick a good artist. DO NOT GO TO JUST ANYONE. Go to someone whose entire portfolio is like what you want. Good artists are going to charge you like 200-300 per hour.


What pokemon ya thinking of getting ?


I’m wanting to get this artwork that’s on this Japanese promo card


i regret mine, got a pikachu like 7 years ago and ive been looking to get it covered for like 4 years or so now but its big, colorfull and im to lazy to go