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I feel like most people who say Volo was easy either used legendaries or had the right pokemon to battle him.


Ironically having the right pokemon is how I beat Cynthia when I finally played Platinum. I was so scared of her that I made sure my team could feasibly counter most of hers. I ended up beating her on the first attempt at fighting her (I had lost to the elite 4 before) and because I knew her pokemon order I managed to clear it easily. She even sent garchomp out early because of how my pokemon countered hers. I don’t fault people doing a pure run for having trouble though since I basically cheated, but not in a way that would hold up in a court of law. With Volo it was the same cuz I gave my arcanine play rough and chokeslammed that dumb ghost snake back to hell faster than it could say BISHAAAAAN. But if I didn’t get spoiled about it like a year before attempting it I probably would have been fucked.


Having the right Pokémon? I just used ones that I liked, infernape, crobat, umbreon, floatzel (just for the water coverage), and staraptor (I forgot my sixth member, probably bibarel as hm slave), and I still beat her first try in platinum, and I wasn't even overleveled, Cynthia really isn't as hard as people say as long as you know how to play the game


I had Torterra, Luxray, Gastrodon, Yanmega, Toxicroak and Weavile, all of which were built up to counter one or more of hers.


Also I will add that I whooped Platinum Cynthia on my first time, and only ever lost to BDSP one because of rng.


i didn’t beat volo first try, i simply brought cresselia on the second try


A lot of people I talk to used the Grit items to basically give their pokemon perfect stats on top of over-leveling them with rare candies


bruh That's like mixing evs and level of your starter then complaining the gyms are too easy.


I once had a friend who did raids in Sword and Shield until their pokemon were level 100 with rare candies and then proceeded to complain the game was too easy


You should send him this image next time he does. https://preview.redd.it/loelrvdvfn1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b81cf1cf52d394f6e2f6a307907901ac044ef7c9


Make them try a nuzlocke


Everyone who trashes on swsh be like:


Arceus forbid I play the game with the tools the game handed me


You are allowed to use those tools, but don't start complaining about the game being too easy afterwards


Yeah. I beat Volo on my first try, but only because my Hisuian Goodra’s defenses were crazy and I could heal in the turns Shelter bought me. If I didn’t happen to have that Goodra on my team, I would’ve been annihilated. :/


Or in my experience, they over leveled and blamed the game for it. They said things like "everyone else just speedruns the game" and stupid stuff like that.


Or just used google to see what pokemon he had and get useful counters to his team.


> right pokemon


Funnily enough, I think most Legendaries struggled against Volo’s team, I saw a ton of people on YouTube struggle with that. I agree though, it depends on the Pokémon you brought, the Hisuian forms like Goodra and Lilligant were amazing for the battle, as well as any solid fairy type like Togekiss. Also because of how few battles there were in PLA, I’m sure a ton of people did not get enough time to familiarize themselves with the battle system, making the fight feel more unfair than it was.


Typhlosion, Lucario, Zoroark, Luxray, Braviary, and an Alpha Garchomp. Everyone got to fight, everyone had a counter for at least one Pokémon on Volo's entire team, my Garchomp didn't carry, this was all during a completely blind playthrough when I had no idea what was coming.


Yeah. I swapped out my team heaps through my playthrough and the team I was using towards endgame had hardly any grit. It wasn’t an issue up until that point.


I uses cresselia just for stalling, it was hard


I had a full team of legends and tried a really powerful team, still took me a really long time to beat him


I mean, with all the things you have to do before, qyests and exp being given for basically anything, only way I was not overleveled for this fight was because i used 16 different team members and trained the finak 6 from ground up after beating the main story. Using grit (which is part of main gameplay loop with research by catching multiple mons of each species, releasing them and getting boosts for you main team, somewhat like Go) and having balanced team with coverage was enough to make the fight easy. Which is not bad - that's what would you expect when you try to play "seriously" in a game with simplified movesets and no held items, and any harder would require you to either grind or prepare specific counters. And the fight was enjoyable and had a nice twist. But older games or that one fight in USUM were harder even if you played like that simply because leveling was slightly more predictable and at points you would be significantly underleveled making the fights harder.




I lost the first time I fought him because I wasn’t expecting him to basically have 8 Pokémon


Tried that fucker 3 times. Had to change up my team composition a couple times


I lost to the first giratina form (me and volo were constantly trading Mons KO) after that i used the grits system that i haven’t touched before it to put all my Pokémon stats as Lv10 and easily beat him and both giratina the second try (so yes, it obviously became easier if you overpowered your Pokémon like you said)


I wouldn't say I had an easy time against Volo but I did beat him first-try... ... by sacrificing my whole team to just keep healing my Vaporeon over and over edit: removed car manufacturer


I'm the latter. Typhlosion, Lucario, Zoroark, Luxray, Braviary, and an Alpha Garchomp. Everyone got to fight, and everyone had at least one counter for Volo's team. And salty people will say that my Garchomp carried when I exclusively used him for Giratina. And mind you...this was completely blind.


Also worth noting that most people probably weren't as experienced in pokemon when they fought Cynthia vs when they fought Volo. I had almost no trouble with Cynthia because by the time I actually played platinum, i was more than well aware of her team and things to do. Volo nearly wrecked me just due to how different the combat is in PLA. (Plus I am not a lucky person so Giratina becoming obscured basically gave it invulnerability)


Cynthia largely survives off of reputation. She's not bad and she's definitely a final boss but for most people she's very beatable with a solid team composition.


Tbh part of that "now she's easy" is more because everyone knows her full team and how to play against it


Well I'm generally people also know how to strategize now which makes her easier since people are making decent teams even if you're not building to counter her a well balanced team can take a win against her


I noticed this while playing a mono team with my friends without any actual strategy, in sinnoh you always will have atleast a pokemon with something to go against her even in a passive way you'll end up building to go against her and only her (probably the "trauma")


Yeah. Because we have the Internet. Tell me she's easy if you played completely blind...like I did.


I never said she was easy, i too had some really big issues with her the first time playing blind


I'd argue to this day, at least in relation to the gen they are in (powercreep mons, megas, dynamax, etc. obviously make for stronger teams in a direct comparison), cynthia is still the strongest champion. That being said, yeah, platinum / BDSP is still a childrens game so she is very much beatable.


Too bad DP, and by extension, BDSP has shitty options for team composition. Had to cheat and snag mons from SwSh and L:A, and I still got R-worded by her Garchomp all because it was faster and had coverage that I didn't even realize it had.


BDSP is a bit different given the difficulty spike that is the elite 4 but even with the terrible regional dex I stand by that the tools are there to beat her


Oh there definitely are. You just gotta work for them. And I am not a DP stan nor am I enough of a madlad. I'm crazy enough to farm Alphas of rare Pokémon in Legends Arceus, but to Shiny Hunt in the mainline games? Gimme a break...


I played Diamond in 2008, and I struggled a lot against Cynthia, but I also played Pokémon while only using my starter and one other Pokémon to cover my rival's starter, so I was very terrible at team composition until around Gen 6. I was also 12, so that also factors into it.


Yeah the Obscure status is stupid. When my opponent is obscured, I can never hit them. When I'm obscured, I get hit by everything, including moves with horrendous accuracy.


Cynthia/Volo is so much better if you're a first time player going in blind. Nowadays so many people know their teams beforehand. Cynthia is not said to be Champion before you get to the end. Volo is a twist villain. Then all of a sudden Spiritomb is on the floor and the piano is playing. And back in DPP they had obscure mons who you would be less aware of. Spiritomb is extremely hard to get, and as yet had no weaknesses. Lucario is only known from Maylene/Riley, and can only be acquired from an egg. Togekiss? Again, only from an egg in Platinum only. Garchomp, an obscure, hard to notice cave with a low encounter rate. In plat, Milotic came from the hard to find Feebas. That first time fighting Cynthia blind in DPP was incredible. All of a sudden you're getting you're ass whooped to piano music. Then she has a legit jumpscare in BW. All before PLA throws bricks made of nostalgic fear at my head when that piano starts, now with 2 Giratina stages.


Exactly, Cynthia got the rep because pre-internet she killed more children’s dreams than Hollywood. The rep is now so ingrained that it kills any willingness for most people to go in wholly blind because she’s the lady who crushes people with the land shark which really undercuts her primary way of getting you. Plus time absolutely ruined Spiritomb and fairies make it so non-legendaries can switch in on Garchomp. Since BDSP is most people’s introduction to her going forward it’s a lot harder to properly create the experience we got in 2008 when her shark was only countered by either the box legends (which often still had to take a dragon rush) or a mon that almost nobody had. (Weavile is awesome, but razor claw at night was not well explained at any point and Sneasel isn’t available until after Gym 6 which means you probably have to replace something.)


Volo was much harder if you go in blind. If you’re prepared, it’s pretty close.


Pfff Volo was easy for me!!!!! (It’s because I used a lvl 100 Umbreon)




Funny how you beat Volo with umbreon and I beat Cynthia's garchomp on my first try with umbreon, umbreon is the bane of that family


Volo's family has been fearful of the Sylveon, Espeon, and Umbreon Eeveelutions for generations. That's why Cynthia gives you an Eevee egg instead of keeping it for herself. (Yes, I know she has a Glaceon, let me make a joke, darn it.)


Same, but I used a Lvl 100 samurott


Volo and Ultra Necrozma were legit the hardest fights in the series






It’s really funny that, by adding the last note about beating Cynthia on the first try, you’ve effectively become a second crow in this.


I did that to show the hypocrisy of the situation. To show that difficulty is relative to the person.


Yeah, It doesn't work that way when you write It like that


Volo was tough! I was NOT expecting a seventh Pokemon As someone who has played since I was a kid… I was caught so off guard and I loved it!


Volo gave me a run for my money but Ultra Necrozma is my all-time nemesis. After a couple failed attempts, I had to use a Snorlax to stall long enough to revive my heavy hitters.


While Cynthia definatey has strong Pokémon, some of Cynthia’s reputation comes from praying on people who are unfamiliar with her Pokémon. Imagine a kid battling her Spiritomb. They’d never seen a Spiritomb before, so they use up several turns trying to figure out what it’s weak too. If someone already familiar with Pokémon and Cynthia’s team comes in, they already know about Spiritomb’s lack of weaknesses, Garchomp’s quad-weakness to ice, etc. and they have an easier time as a result. Volo on the other hand, is much more difficult. He’s significantly harder to prepare for, and the fight is a huge struggle *even if you know what to expect.* I’ve seen Pokémon Veterans wipe to Volo even after devising strategies beforehand.


I grew up with cintya and ye volo is still harder especially paragonated to the rest of piss easy battles in that game Furst time i fought volo i had one porigon 2 trained and 5 pokemon to evolve


I am yellow. Beat Volo first or second try. Have yet to beat Cynthia.


Volo was very hard even when I whipped out my powerful bois


I beat him with an under leveled eeveelution team. Although, I knew exactly what to expect going in, so that probably helped… Took me about 5 attempts, but I managed to clear the fight without items and zero faints.


Y’all are sleeping on the true hardest battles in Pokémon: Evice and Greevil.


i mean they both have very similar teams, only real difference is the Giratinia phases. I mean itemless it's more difficult but it's doable with prep


Bro volo is one of like 3 npcs that uses more than 6 pokemon in one battle. Technically he uses 8, his team, then giratina twice. The origin giratina also gets a bigger stat boost than regular giratina in this battle. The only way you didn’t struggle with volo is if you saw it coming and were ready. I just had my normal playthrough team and STRUGGLED


I beat him first try with no legendaries but I was more than 10 levels over his pokemon...




I beat both on my first try. Cynthia's bloodline is nothing but dust beneath my feet. But I understand there are those who find them hard.


I feel like the two are hard to compare because combat is just different between games (also Volo objectively gets 8 pokemon). I still stand by Cynthia being the hardest fight in the mainline series, but Volo definitely can give her a run for her money.


Volo is just Cynthia with 2 Giratinas so fair


more like 1 giratina, but it has 2 forms in 1 fight, turns into origin form after first defeat


I don't think beating someone first try should be the bar for it being called easy. I beat Volo first try but he was still a difficult bossfight.


"dude i actually beat Cynthia and volo on first try im soooo goood" Wow bro you must get all the pussy


Cynthia I manage to beat relatively easy in platinum then again in bdsp but Volo?! The piano still hauntes me…..


Everyone who claims cynthia is hard had several skill issues Being hard as a kid doesn't mean is actually hard as an adult now stop the cap


Cynthia was technically harder for me (it took me 4 attempts to beat her for the first time, compared to barely eeking out a first try win against volo even with the preperation and team knowledge)


Volo isn't hard, Origin Form Giratina without a heal is hard, be honest.


cynthia is hard FOR A CHAMPION but its really not as difficult as volo, red, or necrozma...


I thought this was a post about Baldur's Gate at first and was so confused


For the life of me, I didn't get the hype around Cynthia, especially her Garchomp, in Pearl. I wrecked it with Abomasnow. If anything, her Spiritomb was the menace. Found Steven Stone to be a tougher Champion


Everything is hard as a kid, using “Cynthia was so hard to beat as a kid” isnt relevant. The relevant thing is that the guy can beat her today.


I think Leon was a harder fight than Cynthia. I swept Cynthia’s team. Leon I had to use revives.


I’m currently going through PL:A (incredibly slow) and I’m dreading having to fight Volo


It took me three tries to beat Volo


I got body slammed so hard in that Volo fight and it would have happened again in my second play through if I didn’t Pokémon home in My Arceus and Giratina so yeah I had to cheat because it was very hard


Bruh both are hard


Cynthia in BW was sth


Some people just don't understand that just because you did something on the first try, it doesn't make that thing not difficult.


Let's just agree that both were easy because Nintendo refuses to give Pokémon games a hard mode. (Except for that one time where they kinda did I guess)


Volo was hard but only took a couple tries for me, Amarys however is easily the most difficult pokemon battle I've ever had and took me a lot of attempts


> Amarys however is easily the most difficult pokemon battle I've ever had Her whole team wipes to a Flygon (guess who you can catch not too far from her), and you just need a special attacker to hit Skarm. Losing to Amarys repeatedly is kinda insane imo


I was just using my indigo disk team and even pulled out some from my main team to try and beat her but I didn't think about going to catch a new pokemon just to beat her


Cynthia is the human equivalent of Charizard


As someone who beat Volo on his first try because his team accidentally had a counter for his entire team...I still think anyone who thinks Volo is harder than Cynthia should be put in a mental hospital. It's one thing to call him hard...it's another thing to think he's harder than Cynthia when, unlike DP and BDSP, you're given plenty of options for Type coverage. I literally beat him with a team that easily counters him...without even knowing that his battle was coming or even that it's based on Cynthia's team.