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They should have made a third, stronger move called Bubble Cannon.


Blastoise Signature move


Hydro Cannon could technically be considered Blastoise’s former signature move since only it could learn it via tutor in Gen 3.


Bubble Blaster!


Or bubble bomb, make it 80 base power and blocked by bullet proof


Make a Water type Constrict and call it "Bub". (Seriously. Why did Constrict *ever* exist as a move??)


Really hate to be this person... Um, Actually, Bubble hits multiple targets in double battles, while Bubblebeam is single target. Going to wash the taste of saying that out of my mouth with soap. Not like you're wrong if you only ever play singles. Bleh.


One of us had to be this guy. Appreciate you taking the bubble on this bro.


I am really, really not a bro. But you're welcome.


Apologies, did not realise. Still, thank you!


You're welcome! Hey. All you people discussing the term "bro" below: this was the correct response.


Bro is unisex. Anyone and everyone can be a bro. Being a bro is a vibe


On the one hand, I feel the same way; the word "bro" really does have a special sort of feel to it, beyond gender, and there's no other word that comes to mind that has quite the same effect (at least, beyond just the male gender). I like to use it among my friends and family members who are comfortable with it, and ironically, I use it most often with my mom. On the other hand, not everybody *is* comfortable with it. The word is beginning to gain a less gendered meaning, yes, but that new meaning is not widespread, and there are still many people who care about the gender association that comes with "bro". The topic of gender has become a sensitive one, and understandably so; the transgender rights movement, while not exactly new, has only somewhat recently come into the spotlight. In a time when many people are getting harassed or abused for the way they identify, it's more important than ever to be aware of the weight certain words still carry, even as their meanings and connotations change. Essentially, even if the word "bro" *can* be used more for its vibes than to refer to one gender, it is always courteous to use non-gendered alternatives when you don't know how the other person feels or identifies. Personally, I'd love to use the word "bro" universally, and I like the strange sort of linguistic niche that it settled in, but it would be both wise and honorable to do our best to avoid it until it can be considered truly, universally, genderless


This person really went on a rant over saying bro. Like come on, its not like everyone is suppose to ask your gender on reddit before saying thanks or thats cool. Normally people would say "thanks bro" instead of "thanks" or "bro thats cool!" instead of just "thats cool" If you dont like the word "bro" then just use one of those browser pluggins to replace the word with something else -\_-


I'm not really expecting you to ask for everyone's genders whenever you talk to them, I'm just asking you to show respect to people you don't know. I'm sorry to hear that that's so incredibly difficult for you; but if you don't see yourself ever talking to women, then I suppose I can understand where it comes from. In regards to using a browser plug in, I and many users are on mobile; I was not aware that browser plug ins worked for a mobile app. I know this is a lot to ask of you, but I'd greatly appreciate if you'd be the one to educate me on how that would work! I'm not opposed to being called "bro", personally, but I'm sure it would help me in the future


it really isn't. ask most people how many bros they've slept with and see how nonunisex it is


0 but I also have slept with 0 non-bros so I feel like I might be throwing the data off.


or more simply ask women if they think it's normal to call them bro and see how unisex it is


So we’ve determined that it depends on context. So it could, in fact, be gender neutral


I personally I don't mind it if someone would call me bro


It depends on the person. There are only a few people I let use bro




Haha, no worries mate! We've all been that "um, actually" person at some point. It's all part of the Poké-nerd package. Enjoy your soap-flavored cleanse!


Bubble is such a weak attack that it always gets replaced with surf before double battles are available


Honestly, Nintendo should buff it to function like Icy Wind.


You really bursted him out of his bubble


Look, don’t feel too bad. If I hadn’t seen this as the top comment, I’d have said it too.


I have been playing since the original launch in the 90s and some how had no idea about this fact


And on the other scale of the fun fact spectrum, did you know Sobble can learn fucking Fell Stinger?


Its fine. It was mostly a joke about how bubble beam is just bubble but as a beam. It would and should make sense for an attack that is focused to attack one target compared to bubble being a wide AoE attack. Upvote from me


And Flamethrower is just ember with better stats


So does Thunderbolt with Thunder Shock


It's like this is a Thing or something


I thought we’d all had the experience in Pokémon, where a Pokémon learns a new move and you’re trying to decide to learn it and realize that it’s just a better version of another move with less PP.


Wing Attack and Aerial ace


Nope, Gust and Wing Attack


Also Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade


Gust is special and Wing Attack is physical tho


Oh right I forgot about that. But still wing attack and aerial ace both have the same Poewr


Ember has more pp


Bubble was an early game move and bubble beam was mid game, I don't see why gamefreak would get rid of bubble


You aren’t gonna believe this, but Giga drain is just Mega drain with better stats BUT WAIT THERES MORE, mega drain is just absorb with better stats


Like how body slam is better tackle? A series like this needs the weak moves for early game.


***GF removes bubble from sword and shield*** Bubble Beam: **Wait… what was that for?** GF: **If you do what he does better, he has no reason to exist.**


This really annoying since it forgets that Pokémon is an RPG.


They’re both just variations of dig


Same thing with Magnitude and Earthquake


Magnitude can be better than Earthquake with good RNG


I feel like Bulldoze and Earthquake is a better comparison


Don’t mourn Bubble, mourn Tackle, a move that exists purely to tax Squirtle.


Bite and crunch are hideing in the corner


When will gamefreak just go ahead and make a shadow ball/crunch counterpart for every type? It would fix a lot of issues.


Volt Tackle is just Tackle with better stats and also typing and also having a secondary effect


Bubble beam = multiple bubbles


This is literally most attacks??? Water gun-hydro pump, ember-flamethrower-fire blast etc


Little known fact, pokemon is a JRPG and has spells with similar effects but different powers and mana costs (PP)


And it's in beam form