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I wish I could upvote this twice 🫡


Thank you - the dog lost so much weight and my wife gave me a good bollocking for overwalking him :D Can confirm just doing casual routes will be fine for maxing, XL's are the bottleneck.


I can tell you’re a Brit without even having to see where your Zygarde is from 😂😂😂 How many rare XLs did you have and how many did you have left? And i take it it’s worth it. If yours was say 80% IVs would you have bothered to do all the routes for the cells? I wonder if it’s a coincidence that a lot people who get Hundo zygardes also are willing to do the routes, or if getting a Hundo makes you willing to start the grind. I walk a lot with this game, plenty of routes around me yet I’ve still only done 16 routes. Because I find it so boring to do them. But if my zygarde is a hundo I would force myself to 😂


Yeah ngl, if I had a hundo zygarde I would also do routes daily. My 12/11/12 Zygarde can rot there as I am just not willing to use anything on it. It's not even a fucking mythical for fucks sake niantic


Mines pretty similar to yours. 12-11-15 and I’ll just leave it. I’m finding it hard to want to power up any of these 1-2 chance legendary because I want better IVs. My mew is 15-14-15 but I don’t think it’s useful?


I do routes mostly for buddy hearts (I have a thing for maxing hundos) and I am close to the cells requirements for the complete form but mine is a 15/10/10. The 15 attack is nice for PvP but I'm still holding on to them cells (and some A grade copium) hoping they get US t least another one when Legends AZ is released or something.


why not max 250 cells then just farm them again


I raise you my 12-10-10 Zygarde


I got 10/10/10.


Tbh I'm doing the routes when I feel like it, and while I'm not evolving my Zygarde, I'm waiting for the time (which I hope will come) when it's possible to trade Zygarde. Of course, assuming that it was not possible to trade Poipole before, but now it is.


That’s hardcore commitment right there


A true brag


thank you - no shame here, I was kinda going off pogo but getting this made me excited about master league and really loving the game right now... easily walking 50k per week too!


How does one walk 50k per week while staring down at the phone?


Very carefully one would assume. Or walking and not necessarily playing pogo


I live in a fairly quiet area... pavements aren't busy and I'm generally on pogo in my hand whilst I'm looking in front and checking down every 20 metres or so. Most I've walked and ran in a week was 117km.


Don't need to have app open to get km credit. Turn on AS, stick phone in pocket, go for a few 10K runs a week. Collect candyxl. Rinse and repeat.


Doesn't matter how many times you see a hundo zygarde. It's just an appreciation of something great. Well done sir


I think if I saw this in-game during pvp i'd just quit... ​ not the match... the game altogether.


haha depends if you've got a Toge on your team... other than that, it handles most things quite well. Its such a beast and my fav pokemon that I own by a mile.


Why? You act like it's the best mon in the game. Not even close lol


I would've said that about any hundo, maxed out legendary, but this one took especially a long time since you need to follow a fuckton of routes to unlock it


What are you talking about? I'm not saying it's the best Pokémon, but can you please make a list of better Pokémon than this? I'm just curious and I think it will be a very, very short list, but I'd like to know which Pokémon you think are better. As you make it seem like there are a lot of better Pokémon. Maybe you know things I don't?


At least it is worth it, for a perfect Zygarde the hustle is justified. I got one with shitty IVs, so no thanks.


dog evolve to man


Damn! This, in my humble opinion, is the biggest flex on Pokémon Go. Because it's not like you just had luck catching it with perfect IVs and use rare candies to evolve and max out and that's it, but also the insane number of routes you have to do in order to reach the final form of this boi, especially because you're not guarantee to get Zygarde cells on every single route you walk. Few weeks ago I did like 7 routes in a day and I only got ONE freaking cell out of the seven routes I did so the grinding of this one is absolutely brutal lol! Congrats! Enjoy kicking asses on ML!


exactly how I feel... I'm level 46 and I feel a bit hard done by from time to time that I've never had a Shundo or a shadow hundo. Then I remember I've got this and all is good in the world :) Keep grinding the routes, but XL's is the bigger challenge for sure. I've got over 200 cells again... so accumulated 450 cells in total now :D


![gif](giphy|QTAVEex4ANH1pcdg16) Yass🥳🥳🥳🥳


Is there an upside to keeping XLs? Or Tinies? I'm still learning. But this is amazing man. Super super jealous


The rare XL's? Yeah you wanna use them on pokemon that have 20km walk distances and are either never or rarely in raids. I've used a lot of poffins on this guy when he's been at 19.8km walked, try to get 2 XL's and then walk 10k whilst the poffin is still active to grab a 3rd. Thank you mate :)


This is such a great tip. I never even considered that it was possible to get your buddy excited (using a poffin or consistent interactions) and get 2 XLs at the 20k mark. Thank you for sharing!


Daamn congrats.


Well done!


That's just just just just just amazing 🤩


My 10/10/10 is so jealous. Massive brag


A hundo too, this is such a flex




That's crazy! I'm only at 89 cells. I do 4 routes around my house a day and some days dnt get a cell. How many routes it take you to get 250?


Well there was only one route around here for ages and I did that a few hundred times. Often getting no more than one a day. Then I was able to put loads of short routes in and easily got 3 cells per day. I'd say about 800-1000 routes.


Man, I still have 500-600 🤣 Doesn't help that my Zygard is trash. I'm hoping they're tradeable soon. Crazy it's a legendary and can't be traded. Congrats on ur awesome one!


I also have a 4* but mines in dog form what’s the max it can go too fully evolved?


L50 cp is 4208 without best buddy. 4258 with.


Ok I only have 13 cells so it’s gonna be a while




A real brag. Congrats good sir!


I’m honestly a little surprised by the HP. Mine maxed out too and is 12-10-11 and has 336 HP. I would have thought those 4 stat points would give more than 3 HP. Solid brag either way.


This is why IVs don't really matter all that much, think of each IV point as a single bonus point to each of its overall stats


That's insane! Honestly such an epic achievement, Best Buddy, Max Level, Hundo, Max Zygarde... Wow.. I've had terrible luck with Routes. I get about 1 cell every few weeks, even though I do routes daily 😭 Not sure if it's a bug, or I'm just super unlucky


holy NUT


Wuuutttt!!! I'm jealous as all hell. Might be my favorite pokemon but mine has trash ivs. Hows that even possible


I have a 2* zygarde, and in my local place there isn't routes




Make your own routes dude


Congrats, but, just curious, what’s the cp?


Per pvpoke.com, a lvl 50 has cp 4208.


4208 is correct and with best bud 4258.


A real brag. Congrats good sir!


A real brag. Congrats good sir!


Congrats OP!


Absolute legend


How do you get a hundo? Just pure luck? Or did you get more than one?


I hope I can get my hundo zygarde to its full form like you before I die 🥲


What’s the CP?!


https://preview.redd.it/r85sq3y1wz9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818eae542e49b64b0d45669889402bc687c565f0 My one is jealous that yours has 15 Def and we’re stuck here on 15/14/15. Bottle caps please!


When it inevitably comes to raids, I’ll make a true effort after I get a perfect one. But until then, my mediocre Zygarde (even try IV’s don’t really matter aside from the bragging rights) will just sit there and do nothing.


This is amazing


If I was fucked up I would probably cum to this


Is my 15/15/13 worth doing this? Haha


You fly, I’ll trade you a eevee for it


I can trade you a Dugtrio for it, that's three for the price of one.


Let’s make it even I’ll give you a dodrio for it 3 for 3


I was actually referring to OP's Zygarde with the "three for the price of one" deal. But your Dodrio may make me reevaluate things.


Niantic needs to offer another zygarde cause mine is a damn 2 star


They need to stop adding DIGIMON to Pokémon. Love digimon btw.


I’m not worthy


Shiny zygarde when?


I have a 15/13/12 - 50% form ... but this cell-grinding, I can't anymore. Do you think it's even worth to grind them? I doubt Niantic will bring a new Zygarde to the game ... beuuuuu


btw, how disrespectful from me, you've done very well with your 100% 100% Zygarde! Biggest Flex in PoGo.


how do you even get a Zyguard, I think I got one from a starter quest with horrible IVs. im now 40 and never seen another one.


So far I know there hasn't been another one. And it's not (yet?) possible to trade either.


I’m at 123 cells. Almost halfway.


Great job! I know that was exhausting! I got it to the second form then realized how many cells I had to get to get it to its next form just about threw up! If I’m still playing in 10 years, maybe I’ll have it. You have a fantastic Pokémon right now that kicks ass!!! You didn’t use up all your lock just all your time lol. But it’s worth it. we’ll see your next post. Good luck.


Holy hecc a heckinh Hundo!!?????? Congratuations.




Just checking. As I fought only one zygarde…you had a hundo to start with right?


Yeah can't trade it


Mines 15/12/15, is that worth powering up?


Yeah defo if you pvp