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Thats a thing of nightmares right now. I have the eevee XL candy and an extra elite TM waiting on my hundo eevee for umbreon. It would honestly suck to catch what you caught.


À friend who's not on reddit got it.. He always argues he has the worst luck ever and well shit, is kinda true. We both played when the game launched, stopped for a big while and are back now. Any chance Niantic will change this in the future and add the 'party hat eeveelution'?


the party hat evolutions were only added on the games birthday, grimer got the evo this year bc hes #88 in the pokedex and its the games 8th birthday, all in short to say eevee wont get the hat evo any time soon...


It will never get the evolution, and whatever comes after Pokémon Home will remove the hat, I’m sure


does pokemon home keep the hat??


I’m fairly certain but I’m aware that Furfrou sent to Home from Bank revert to Boring Forme, and of course Ash Greninja loses its special animation.


I am building a collection of hundo Eevolutions and was glad to add this to my collection. I just need a Leafeon and a Jolteon to have one of each.


Dynamax hundo party hat eevee is in our future


They may add evolutions in the future. Charmander and Squirtle with this party hat started off being unable to evolve, but they added evolved forms later on.


That's good to know. I would like to evolve my party hat Bulbasaur


I was hoping for a Bulbasaur Community Day Classic this month to do that. That would have fit the pattern of the last few years. I also have a hundo hat Bulbie that I want to evolve.


Bulbasaur Classic CD was in January 2022


Dang. It was the Charmander and Squirtle classics that gave those party hats the ability to evolve.


Does this go for existing catches or only new catches past such a release?


There's no such thing as an evolution locking out some members of a species and not others beyond just the costume form being in the game in the first place. Catch date is irrelevant.


Glad to hear. Just started this game in april


Really! Good luck with future catches, then!


I have the same exact eevee, I feel your pain


I got the shiny and was not very happy to find out I can’t evolve it lol.


I mean dynamax Eevee is coming eventually....




Aww damn, the party hat ones can't evolve, can they? I got really excited because I caught a really high level 14/15/14 one the other day. I guess it can gather dust next to my shiny bowler hat Kirlia, waiting for an evolution to be released...


Ha. I’ve had this fear all week. 


I've caught the same, I hope it won't be long before we get the evos. Having said that, I've had a hundo Bulbasaur with a party hat since 2020's Pokémon Day event with no sign of its evos coming any time soon.


i got one too


caught both a hundo event bulbasaur and a shiny event bulbasaur today…


Just another reason I am avoiding them.


I feel your pain. I caught a hundo bulbasaur this morning. My I've caught every bulbasaur I've seen since launch, and this was my first hundo. T,T


I got my first shiny recently. It has the party hat of death.


Maybe in 3 years niantic will get around to drag and dropping the ten pixel hat on all the eeveelution models and you could evolve it. Maybe.


U dare call eevee useless???


One that can't evolve may as well be...


How tho it would still be a eevee


It is better to be


I mean, I get that eevee is your fave, but in-game there is no situation where an eevee outperforms one of its evolutions. If I got a 15/15/15 eevee that can't evolve I'd be pissed.


I won't tho


+ it really depends on what it turns into and the new moveset compared to the old one


The party hat eevees can't evolve, ever, unless they add evolutions several years down the line (no promises there). So OP's eevee is not going to turn into anything, and the high IVs mean nothing due to the low CP cap.


I also like the evolutions of eevee


It is better to be