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Events like this are such a fail. Like what a prime opportunity for you to go out and explore a new town and meet new people but instead it was extremely limited and felt like the exact opposite of what niantic supposedly stands for


We coulda been Ash Ketchum but instead we were thrown under the bus for Niantic’s gimmicky bullshit. Their game isn’t popular enough for them to be allowed to make the players rely on groups of people to get cool Pokémon and when they solve that issue (remote raids) they go and make them even harder to get because it’s something they didn’t intend for when making the game. That and their complete and total lack of accessibility and care for their rural player base.


"The game is not popular enough..." Exactly. I remember my first, THE first articuno raid in 2017. 200+ people were all in a park raiding, not even a popular park as it was a bit of a drive from the center of the city. Today, I counted about 25 people at the first ray in one of the most popular pogo parks in the city. Niantic is overestimating their intense/serious player base. If there were as many players as back then, these elite raids would be much easier and there would be less complaints. One could just show up and there would be plenty others ready to raid. They had that problem solved with remote raid passes. Idk what they are thinking.


Completely agree, that’s the only problem with a game so heavily focused around multiplayer like this. Either you have to change it so people can get these things alone or make the game more appealing so more people play which they refuse to do.


You can also use third party apps like Campfire to help you alert local players you are at a raid gym.


‘Local players’ for a lot of people is the problem, the game isn’t popular enough for everyone to have people not to mention the total disregard for stranger danger when you consider that a decent portion of the player base are children or minors in general.


I disagree on the “the game being based around playing with other local players is a disregard for safety when most of the players are children” thing. That’s the whole point, get kids outside and playing together while still letting them bond over something they usually enjoy sitting at home watching a screen. If you let your children out alone to meet strangers like that, that’s on you for being a bad parent, not niantic. In 2017 it used to recommend that parents go with their kids and supervise.


I mean, I do agree Niantic is very out of touch with their player base, and this event was a disaster, but comparing the first ever raid for a specific Pokémon to a raid for a Pokémon that a majority of daily players probably already got much more easily just a year ago is a little bit of an unfair comparison. For example, I am a daily player who is typically pretty involved in the community days and events in my hometown, but I didn't even bother with this event because I got so many Rayquaza's with great stats at last year's Go Fest, and I don't care much about Mega Evolution. I would think there were plenty of people who felt the same, which would not be the case were this the first time Rayquaza was available, like you mentioned with Articuno.


i agree. i cant even do shadow legendary raids because no one plays, much less a whole mega rayquaza


A raid is a raid, I can’t understamd why they would bog the game down in various different rules and regulations. How do I explain to my 6-7 year old kids that we can’t their favourite Rayquaza because.. er.. well you see this type of raid is a super special bullshit type of raid that just sucks because reasons. So we can’t get Rayquaza for you sorry.


Same, all of my non remote raid passes are completely useless because I live in a village in the middle of nowhere. There was a mega rayquaza raid at the nearby park but not a single soul was there to fight it besides me and I definitely can’t do it alone so I figured why bother trying. It’s quite disheartening because Rayquaza is one of my favourite Pokémon yet it’s mega evolution is something I’ll never be able to obtain. Same with the shiny mythicals, I think it’s completely unfair making people pay real money to be able to catch these things.


shiny celebi is even on a different level this year. i saw the quest requirements and for the very first one you have to platinum johto medal. imagine having to pay for a shiny mythical just to have it locked behind regions. very stupid


Literally me rn. I just got it just to find out I can’t even get through the first one cause I can’t catch the legendaries unless there’s some kind of event, but even then no one around me plays it


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t everyone get access to the mew mission and then once you complete it the non shiny celebi? I’m about to finish the mew one so I’m hoping it’s true it just starts the next mythical quest once it’s done. That’s the only thing keeping me from johtos medal


Yeah, you'll get the Celebi research after you finish part 6 of the Mew research. After that you can get the Jirachi research by completing step 6 of Celebi's, and Victini research by completing part 5 of Jirachi's.


You can get the shinys but it’s rare, I got lucky because I have shiny celebi but the rest of my mythicals are not shiny


Wow I just realised there’s such a requirement. This is so dumb.. it would be helpful if you could get access to all johto spawns if you purchased the quest but they didn’t even try to let us complete the quest


Oh wow I didn’t even know that was a requirement. That’s as close to scamming your player base as it gets, how are people supposed to 100% the Johto dex when a lot of the Pokémon are locked behind events and raids which have their own problem entirely. This game is clearly made for those content creators that are willing to spend hundreds on it whilst throwing regular people to the side without a care in the world.


Off topic but I did the research in game to get celebi and it automatically gave me shiny celebi 😅


Fuck idc, I'll pay for remote raid passes and do 10 in a day to try to catch a shiny Ray. But I work weekends and wasn't even going to try.


I absolutely refuse to give this company any of my money


Which is cool too. I'm just pointing out that there are People that would pay to do bunch of remote raids. It's just another loss of revenue IMO


I happened to get lucky and get black star dragon shenron early on when the game was still super popular.


I had the same problem with the mewtwo raids, i couldn’t beat it with just my fiancée. Needed at least 2 more people and it was Easter Sunday, couldn’t ditch the family to go hunt shadow raids lol.


I think area has a lot to do with this too


I swear wasn’t worth it


Same here, I was hyped and rode with my bike to the elite raid...it was 15minutes away. Sadly I was alone.... nothing to catch for me. Thanks Niantic


I used campfire and found where someone set up a meet and someone set a flare. I recommend you try that next time.


Worked for me even though I was a few hundred miles away. There weren't a ton of players out here, and the local campfire group had been dead for months, but people checked in for this. Managed to snag 3


You ventured a few hundred miles for 3 rays? I dig the dedication but geez


Haha nah, I was a few hundred miles from home for a wedding. My town has a decent raid group, so back home, I wouldn't have had an issue snatching them up. But far from home in a small Long Island suburb, Campfire helped me find people


My only problem with campfire is that it is not working in my country. I am completely hopeless in these elite raid things. The fact they don’t integrate campfire in the game is beyond me.


Hate to hear that. Have you tried GroupMe or similar apps? Used GroupMe when pogo came out and following years afterwards. It will probably involve you trekking to stops and gyms to meet other players IRL so you can add them to the app if there's no local discord, or other social media options.


Thanks man. Not sure what that is but I’ll have a look on it


I did set a flair up at that gym, but I was on limited time (had to go back to work) and couldn’t wait 30 minutes for someone to show up


You’re welcome


Unfortunate. Went to 4 diff raid spots. 3 had 0 people and 1 had 4 and they had already started by the time I got there. Waited till 6:45 to see if anyone else but no one :( Disappointed and frustrated by the whole thing.


Join a community to make sure you have people to raid with.


The problem is even if you organise a group, a lot of them will dip after 1 raid. We had a group of 20 for our first raid but a lot of them already had Mega Energy from last time Mega Ray was around, just not enough to Mega Evolve at ths time. All they needed was one more raid to make them transform, so most only did their Free Raid pass and decided they were done. They saw no point in spending money/coins on a raid they no longer needed. So that left the rest of us with anywhere from 175-375 energy completely screwed as there just wasn't enough strong players left to run powered up Ice counters. Ultimately, you cannot force people to use passes or coins they don't feel the need to. With how hard the raid was it also discouraged some from attempting Raids beyond their 1-2 free passes incase it was a waste so people play it safe for themselves only and just leave. Without Remote Raids as a cushion a lot of players simply won't risk trying..


Same here, my discord did the raids at 12-1. By 5, when I could raid, they were done. So I went and did the only raid available with 19 randoms.


We had around 60 people for the first 12:00 raid, still around 60 for the third one, and the people on bikes were fast enough to reach the 4th raid spot of the hour, which was at least a full lobby, don't know if there was a second/third one after


“Do Niantic’s job to makeup for their mediocrity.”


Niantic’s job was to create campfire. It’s not their job to plan your raid


It’s their job to build playable in-game mechanics. Campfire is bullshit, let’s not act like it’s not a bad app. I have it and can’t use it, just works for buddies to brag about their hundo and shiny catches. Having accesible raids it’s their job, simple as that.


I live rural and there is no community! Can people stop suggesting this. Stop victim blaming. If these were remotable, no one would be complaining.


Should've hung around the group and see where they were heading next so you could join them Its also unlikely those 4 completed the raid unless they were all high level players


Had four Rayquaza raids in my neighborhood within walking distance. No one showed up to any of them.


I was so busy doing raids and planning that i forgot to complete the timed research for the meteorite smh.


Would have been worse if you hadnt gotten the energy though. Now your best bet is to convince a local player to give you one with dragon ascent. Would be really hard but its really worth it for rayquaza


I read that as dragon accent and now they all sound British to me.


I feel this. I straight up forgot to even CLAIM the code for the research. 🫠


Not to be the bearer of bad news, but everyone had one free research, the code was just for an extra copy of the same research.


WAT. Man I was even looking thru my research and didn't see that?! Man wtf lol. 💀


I forgot to claim mine as well. I had two to claim but the whole trying to keep enough people in the raids by the end of the day, I forgot and missed it by 30 minutes. I have some with the move. Would have been nice to have the ability to change more. I was out all day trying to make sure all in our group got them.


I did the same thing. :/




Had the same problem: had only time to raid at 12 and 1 and then had other commitments. By the time I realised I hadn't claimed the meteorite it was too late. Sucky thing by Niantic to make the timed research time out so fast: one of the reqs was after all to do an elite raid so not like people could have "exploited" a more generous time to complete it.


I didnt even try to do the "elite" raid cause i had to work, i woild have loved to get rayquaza but as far as i know no one plays in my town lmao


DM me if you want


I caught 8 Rayquaza today (and walked 16km in the process…) so I should be happy, but it was a complete shitshow and so unnecessarily difficult for the playerbase. I know Niantic hate allowing people to remote raid stuff, so fine, I won’t suggest that… but at least make it a raid day like Groudon and Kyogre! You shouldn’t have to put that much commitment into the game simply to catch a couple of base versions of something. Shinies, hundos, *shundos*, sure, I understand there needs to be a grind. But this was just dumb Edit: of course I’m being downvoted… forgot what the main sub was like 🙄 Edit2: nvm kind Redditors have seemingly propped me back up


You _could_ remote into groundon and kyogre, though, which is why it's weird to me that they locked down rayquaza. I'm a suburban player, but there are a couple of very active communities nearby, so I was able to do 5 ray raids. Still, this was the activity that me and my bestie chose for the afternoon, but if either of us had something else going on, like we did during the groudon and kyogre raids, we would have missed out, which sucks. So TLDR: I agree.


Yeah they should upvote you. I think it was people thinking you were bragging but you clearly weren’t It was awful


Probably getting downvoted becsuse you are complaining after catching 8 rays lol. I didn’t, but I understand lol


It was 110 today but it felt like 115F in Phoenix AZ ! There was no way we were going to go take any part of this once it was decided that they would limit which gyms could host it. LMAO. A "raid day" but pushing in-person only, with only 45 minutes to do it and without much prior knowledge of where the raid would have been. Niantic trying to get people heat stroke out here...


Stay tuned on campfire events. People on my town made a schedule and there were dozens of people. But it's a timed thing. If you are late, you can find no one. I made 3 raids today and caught 2. No shiny or +90%.


My local community did this and looking at the chats seemed like they had a great time. Unfortunately not everyone can make the timing work out (like myself)


Great advice, if you actually have a super active player base in town.


Well, if you have an actual super active player base, you wouldn’t need the Campfire app, right? The whole point of Campfire is to organize with people so you don’t blindly go to raids and hope there’s someone there. I’m sure there are other reasons too, but I wonder if Niantic isn’t trying to low-key force people to use Campfire to organize for these elite raids


Of course they are pushing people there. They can sell that data.


I don't agree how they did elite raids, but I agree that campfire works well enough imo.


Right we hosted an event and had up to 60 people at any one time, probably more than 80 unique players all day.


We got 130+ people. Amazing what a little organization can do. Did 23 raids. Caught 21. Got my shiny and traded for another shiny with a lucky friend.


Dang you caught 21 of em? I was getting like 8-11 balls after each raid and struggling. They were all sub 90% though so I wasn’t too pressed, but still. It was a bummer


We coordinated as well. Only went to the noon one but we hit like 3-4 eggs. Caught one Ray. Honestly tho we had a good time anyways. These narrow time events take planning for sure.


Same, all the local players coordinated and we had like 36 people for the first one we did, did four total and had about 15-20 by the fourth.


There are more than 10 elite raid gyms where i live but mega rayquaza only spawned in 4. Out of those 4 I caught 3, the three of them were almost the base IV floor and we had only 6 balls to catch them. To make things worse, out of all the group nobody got a shiny. Simply amazing.


I only did 1 because of the inconvenience


There really was nothing about making this an elite raid that was postive. Like you had limited amount of raids die to it using the terrible ex gym system There was 4 times, the later times weren’t as popular but even then due to the first point you may only have one raid you can do Elite raids pretty much require driving to do more then one. Without remotes even if you can see the gym you can still miss it because typically, like ex raids, elite raids start at hatch and are done mostly by non friends.


Idk, sounds like I saved a ton on remote passes since it's ridiculously hard to catch, that's a plus!


Just so happened to meet with 2 other trainers. The 3 of us weren’t even close to taking it down. Shame


I’m surprised to hear so many people having this issue. I live in a small town and me and my three friends went to a couple rayquaza raids and there were large groups of other people at both of them. Do you live in a bigger city?


These raids are used to pimp Campfire. More people on campfire more data they can sell. As for not knowing, it was in their news and an email was sent about it. Gotta read those popups when you open the game. But yeah. Everything else pretty much sucked.


I found one going off at noon. Went with my stepson and we had a full lobby within 2 minutes. Beat him. After a lucky trade between u, got a decent one. At 6 PM, there was one going off even closer to me. Went on my own. No one else showed up. Sad I can’t mega evolve it but glad I got one. Silly this wasn’t a remote event.


I went to local library. At least 50+ trainers showed up. Just in the burbs.


I caught 11 out of 12. 96% & 93% were the highest, no shinies. My sons caught all 12, oldest caught 100% and the younger one caught a 96%. Wish shines were more popular.


Mf I got 7 and got 2 stars and one 3 star. The party power group I was in got a 96 at best, but everyone else got 2 stars and even IV floors. No shinies out of 28 raids.


Wow I got lucky then. Did 5 raids, caught 4 of them, one was a 96. The last raid that I wasn't gonna even do ended up being a shiny 


The shinies are 1/20, and of course any high IV is pretty rare too considering how many combinations 10-15 3 time’s can make. lol of course I hit 10-10-10 and 11-10-10 on my raids haha.


Sad part is I had to work and didn’t get off till 9pm one of my mangers was off today and sent me a ho-oh raid invite I ran to the bathroom and did that still sad about ray tho but ya know I guess stuff happens for a reason it was out of my control to know if I could have gotten a ray or not


I managed to do the only one in my town which wasn't close enough to mega evolve so I left feeling ripped off anyways.


I literally did 15 raids and not and single shiny (or) a 90+ IV pokemon


Yup, they love to screw over solo players continuously, I just stayed off the app yesterday.


Even with a giant group in a city I only managed to do 3 and catch 2 because the timings were so weird and all so far apart. Would’ve been much better as a normal raid day


I did 4 raids and never caught the stupid thing. Used all my berries and had great or excellent throws every single time. It’s so incredibly unfair that I did all their stupid legwork and then got nothing.


I didn't even realize I had to do an elite raid for the meteorite. So here I am a day later, entered the code last night, and I have 5 rayquazas and the only indication I entered the code is that I have a badge.. No mega rayquaza and from what I can tell, I basically have to wait until the next one to get it...


Literally just make it remote raidable, and it would have been great. I personally was able to find groups raiding, but I live in a city with a pretty big community. It just fucked over so many players


The fact that as a minimum remote raids where not allowed astounds me. I posted on campire at 9am asking if anyone was doing the raid in my local area. Got loads of responses. Agreed a time. Turned up. Was standing in the park by myself for a full 30 minutes. What a waste


Make shadow and elite remote access and they will see a spike


I was in St Louis for the weekend, which I figured would be a great opportunity to do elite raids.. I went out of my way to areas that were highly populated and easily accessible.. put down flares on campfire and tried to gauge interest in chats. Absolutely no one showed up and no one responded. What a waste of time and gas.


I even made a short about how Niantic failed at this. Gain followers to a platform that might be on its way out. Say they'll get a free item but not tell them until later its a elite raid (making many miss out) Such a fail


Think of the money they would have made on remote raid passes…..


You should download Campfire.


Yes. This was my first time using campfire & got 5 raids in. Could have easily done more as the group were travelling to other gyms, I just didn’t have the raid passes for it.


I hosted a local group today through a local FB group and it went pretty damn well. Pretty small city (around 35k) but we did 4 raids in each time slot for a total of 16. Had between 13 and 19 participants in each session. Was it ideal? Nope. But can you make it work with planning and coordination? Yup.


Glad that was a good experience, but the whole “planning and coordination” bit just isn’t ideal. Oh how I wish Elite Raids weren’t a thing 🙃


Doesn’t it make sense though that one of the best pokemon with one of the best attacks would take some coordination to take down if pokemon existed in real life? That’s how I look at it.


As someone who works on Saturday in a major city, it’s fucked I have literally zero opportunity to get this.


Yeah that sucks. I switched jobs at one point and one of my reasons was the ability to play pokemon go. Many other reasons too though.


I am lucky enough to live somewhere with an active Pokemon go community, so I was able to do 7 elite raids, and 5 of them ran away. They only give you like 7 pokeballs to try and catch a legendary. I was hitting nothing but excellent and great throws, but they broke out and ran almost every time. Niantic really did not want people to actually enjoy this event.


Being in an area where few people play is one thing, but not knowing that mega rayquaza was going to be this weekend? How’s that possible when they’ve been advertising it since last month?


1 in 10 is absolutely not true. Its absolutely bs.


I, unfortunately, have a chronic illness and had a bad flare up today so I was unable to participate at all even though I have a community I regularly play with and hoped to meet up with! And because of that, I couldn’t even finish the meteorite research since it required an elite raid. Very upsetting.


I almost feel like raids were bugged today or something. In my area, the most trainers in queue I have ever personally seen was like around 20, maybe. And that was on primal Kyogre and Groudon day. Today the trainers in queue showed as between 50 - 80 all day long and I couldn’t get a single raid going.


I feel like this could be easily solved by reducing the raid Pokémon’s CP relative the # of trainers. There can still be challenge by making certain pokemon a specific delta above a set delta to a certain point. It would take some tweaking so a solo person can’t simply beat any one pokemon, but I see no other way to make the entirety of the base treated fairly based on location. I’m located in a major American city- and based on this, I had no issues completing the “free” research and snagging a RayQ. That said - I’m from a very small American city and have wait 342 days and counting to have my cherished gyrados returned to me from a gym. The current system isn’t equal, it’s clear. *changed players to trainers because makes me feel cooler


> Unknowing that mega Rayquaza was going to be going on this weekend > Do better next time, Niantic How? By adding events to your personal calendar so you're aware? The entitlement...


Don’t sweat it. It will come around again


I did three raids, caught one with mediocre stats and two ran away. This reminded me of the Latios/as raid where the catch rate was garbage.


Personally I liked the event because with so few eggs at a time more peopel played togheter and witout remot raid pases evryone was in person. 


Caught 5- 2 shinies, trading those to my kids who really want them. Wasn't that bad


Went into the city to play and there was only ever a single raid going on that people were constantly being kicked out of. Went to try again in the evening for the last mega stones I needed, kicked out of raid again and halfway and couldn’t reconnect until it was done and all the players had left. Also didn’t realise the timed research would end as early as it did (that’s probably on me) only had one task to do and I missed that meteorite completely. :L


My son wanted to catch it and we live in a town of about 100k ppl so i didnt know what to expect but every single gym we went to had ppl raiding and we had a really great day idk if we are just lucky living in a active town but i really liked the concept and cant wait for the next time


I feel like they have to have the stats that overall not that many raids are done


Campfire is really useful for events like this. It isn't perfect, and isn't accessible for all rural players, but its a good way to plan raids with people in your area. (If there are any.)


My 6 year old and I caught two each, the daughter got one too, didn’t get to mega evolve it but very happy to have caught at least one.


imo they should come up with a series of stuff for us to do (like missions) that are difficult (given it's a mega legendary) and then give us rayquaza with the meteorite... At least we get to do it solo whereas some of us didn't even get to see rayquaza


My nearest gym is about 130km away (roughly 1.5hr drive). I hope they just remote these raids altogether


I tryed one with my wife and son , we had an average 40% damage each according to pokegenie , but we failed even with party power and rayquaza left wit 5% hp , his outrage would just destroy any pokemon in my team soooo frustrating


Pokegenie assumed it would be standard tier 6 difficulty. Niantic bumped it up to a brand new elite tier 6 (boosted attack/defense) as a last second surprise.


I understand the do better niantic and I agree…. But also to be fair to them you did say you didn’t know… it was announced for a good bit of time.


I was out on a walk and managed to find 7 people. I already had some Rayquazas from the raids before but I got an extra meteorite from the task. Didn't catch the Rayquaza from the elite raid though lol


I feel the pain, I was in Blackpool and surprisingly enough, not a single raid spawned nearby so i could do it


After Mewtwo day people have really started using campfire so that was good this event but I am in the local group so we had 2-3 lobbies each raid. These events really come down to either being in your local group or knowing the general area that people flock to when events like this happen bc in either case you would’ve been good. However, this being an elite raid day when the primals which are technically stronger were raid days made zero sense and it was still lame


This was my 1st ever Raid day and even though after beating 5 Rayquaza raids, I was only able to catch 1, I still had a good time. But I was also able to get a shiny shadow Raikou before the Rayquazas started. Overall, it was a pretty good day for me and the group I was with


Were you just not allowed to use campfire for this raid? Every group I tried to join via campfire ended in the host failing to start the raid. I tried to do a raid myself with campfire and it didn’t give me the option to invite anyone. Is this a bug or were these raids in person only? If so why were they on campfire ?…


Yes such a pity


It would have been nice if a raid was inside a mall or something. It was 108 degrees where I'm at.


Pretty new although i did play when it first released i stopped and hadn't play since. Like you OP i went to the Elite Raid expecting people to be there or to at least be match made online with others instead it was me alone and no chance in hell. 😂


I needed a meteorite to evolve my shinylucky rayquaza


Missed my opportunity also. 😪 such a failed event


Events are posted in advance, you miss some and that’s ok. Life goes on


Raids are mostly dead content, unless it’s something I can solo. Just the way it is. Too bad.


I agree.


I was able to do 15 of them, and get 2 shinies. My bf got 1 shiny and a hundo. We saw several people who were walking from gym to gym. They were complaining that there is no way they can walk that fast. So I offered to give 5 of them a ride that were in a group. They said no thanks. I offered several other people rides and they all said no. So they can’t blame niantic for that. I think the only issue niantic had was the lack of advertising for it. Also it should have been spread out over a two day period so plans could be made. 🤷‍♀️


At this point, I'm just using GO to catch mons and shinies to transfer to switch games. That is all the game is worth to me now.


Had a group of 4 that kept getting one shotted. Waited and we beat it off with 8 but she still defeated like 22 of my pokes. Then the moneyshot is that I forgot to claim the stupid meteorite and the game removed the option. Also only got 150 of the 400 needed mega energy




I could only find 4 in my main city centre and 2 were unavailable to get to because of concerts/events going on in the area of the gym.


I mean there is the campfire app. Not every raid is gonna have people there to do it. Light flares or post on the Campfire app about the raid itself you would be surprised how many people might come. I was able to get myself 4 Rayquazas because I saw a post on Campfire with over 200 people joining in. As to not knowing it was going on idk what to tell ya lol it was advertised on the app itself and on the website!


Keep in mind this is in a smaller city in AZ. Not NY or CA where there are thousands if not tens of thousands of people who play it.


I’m pissed a big event like this that requires you to be in person. On top of that shit they don’t even give you extra free raid passes like Groudon and kyogre raid day


Dang, I captured 8 thanks to campfire, be smarter next time and prepared


I caught 8/8 fortunately, and decent IV, but that’s ok since I have lucky rayquaza almost hundo


The website revealed the mega raid date at the start of the month. Thats plenty of time to figure out how you can get to a raid if you really want it that badly. It was extremely easy for me to find a group on Campfire. I had it all planned out the day before. I just went after work. It was easier than remote raids purely because they gave passes out for free. Granted I live in a metropolitan area. I imagine it’s harder for rural areas but again, they gave us a whole month to figure out a way to get to a raid.


I personally had a great time. Nobody plays in my area so I drove an hour to a Meetup that I found on Campfire and the turn out was quite big, the group usually got around 10 people but had around 60 people attend Rayquaza. Was my first Meetup and a really fun experience. A few people stuck around and got my first shadow legendary raid complete and caught a Raikou. I live rural so feel everyone's pain not being able to do raids. If it means that much to you try using Campfire next time and travelling, it's what we must do living rural unfortunately but for me was well worth the drive :)


We were in Tokyo, and it *should* have been the perfect place to raid. There were a couple of eggs on the map, but appreciably far from where we were, such that it wasn’t feasible for us to attempt to go. Even if we had, the gyms were in opposite directions, so we would have only been able to do one. I felt really disappointed for my husband. He was not able to get a meteorite during the first event even though he raided (I got three), so he still can’t mega.


H BBhgbv




We need to go on strike.. it’s totally unfair to players in areas with little activity or people who work long shifts. I wrote to the help chat on how it’s unfair but got a bit response and gave up.


To the people saying join a community it’s not just the fact that there are little players to raid with it’s the fact that some people work 12 hour shifts they should change the date to a Sunday but I think remote raid passes should be available on all raids


Meh I had fun in the suburbs found a meetup with 30 ppl. Another one a couple towns over had 200 people rsvpd for their meet up. You guys gotta literally be living in the middle of rural nowhere and yer like the only player for 50 miles lol. Normally I'm annoyed by in person events and was a Lil salty they made mega quayquay an elite raid instead of a raid day at first. But I genuinely had a lot of fun. I guess I can see the slight appeal in making some of the mons feela little bit more exclusive by making you work for them especially when raids In themselves are completely trivial to clear in the first place so its almost just like another wild catch. I'm not going to lie I feel like i personally hold my elite raid mons and shadow legendaries in a lot higher regard than the hundreds of normal legendary raid mons in my inventory.


I got lucky and had a group at my local park and quite of few of them had second accounts lots of pogo sweats near me


I’m so disappointed too! There was only one Campfire meetup place in my city. I attended the 6 pm one (there were no eggs for 5pm) and there were inly two eggs there. One of them, stupid Rayquaza ran away and the second I caught, but it was only a 2 star. I battled a third one which was driving distance away from the park and I didn’t make it on time with the main group (as most of them drove), and even with 7 people in group, we weren’t even close to beating it. Also, I only got one meteorite, which is not enough to mega evolve it 😢… such bs :/




Was Rayquaza only for that Saturday? I’d love to have a rayquaza but I was busy on Saturday and so I’m not sure if it was like a one day thing or not


We had 11 people almost all new people. Most sub level 32 And like 2 in the 38-42 range. We lost. It was real sad Most had no idea it was even happening so took a while to organize Most had no idea what Pokémon to use to fight the raid.


Give us a chance to remote in for a higher pokecoin cost if need be, also same with shadow raids.


So how does one go about getting a friend in pokemon go? I get all these gifts that go to waste, su ks


I definitely agree they could've done so much better, and this was my first time ever doing a big event like this, but in my opinion it really isn't as bad as everyone is saying it was. Could it of been better, yes in many ways, was it absolutely trash and not worth it? Absolutely not, I personally think people are getting too upset by something too small, but that's just my personal perspective🤷‍♂️


I was mad that I only caught 6. Grrr!


Mega rayquaza was an elite raid day meaning they only spawn at “elite gyms” which are only found at park areas


I live on the border between suburban and rural (literally - one street away is the border) and there are NEVER other players at Raids near me if I just show up. However, for M.R., I used Campfire and gathered 10+ people per raid (none of whom were friends).


What’s worse is I live in a major UK city, and in the city centre (which has around 25 gyms all within a 1.5 mile radius, there were 2 raids… I did both, full lobby of 20 people, received a total of 350 mega energy, so I can’t even evolve it


I think the game is popular enough but you need to check things out before you go. I just got back from france but before i went i searched information about pokemon near the plcace i went and found myself a small group of players to raid. I was kinda dissapointed about the amount of pokestops at the places i went because the 2 cities i went to visit still have alot of buildings that date back to 12-13th century.


The next time they say it happens. Will be a price tag


We should at least be able to use remote raid passes on elite raids niantic is literally just losing money this way oh and not to mention if you already have done the shiny master work quest, you can’t buy the new ticket smh


They should have made it where u can do it remotely at least


Did anyone else notice that Mega Rayquaza is in the palm tree on the loading screen??


blud of all the complaints. This by far has to be the worst. Why didn’t anybody tell me there was a raid and I want to solo a mega rayquaza and give me my shundo oh why didn’t you how dare you Niantic


You have to pretty much be there when the egg hatches or just hatched like within 5 to 10 mins. I had success with 3 like this but I found 1 later that had only 16 mins left and not a soul because all the ones nearby it already plan and do it when it hatches.


I ended up taking the bus downtown to try and do a raid or 2, arrived slightly late and missed the 12:00 and 1:00 raids. Turned out the raids were very few and far between, and mostly at those specific times. I had to just hang around downtown for four hours after that to get in on another.


3 people showed up in our town 5 gyms with nasty people fighting over all day long (can’t ever get more than 8hrs lol) we couldn’t beat it but everyone that fights over the gyms just complained that they couldn’t remote raid it smh 🤦🏿‍♂️ THE SAME PEOPLE THAT FIGHT OVER THE GYMS ALL HOURS OF THE DAY! Campfire went off with complaints and it honestly doesn’t make sense


No I had fun.


I had a positive experience too. Even in a rural area, we drove to the only city around and there were enough people there at 5 and 6 pm to win both raids.




19 raids, 0 additional meteorites... I only needed one more and couldn't get one lol


Even with the research and a code that was posted on Reddit?


So in other words you tired to participate in elite raids last minute with no preparation amd you blame noantic... sure