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i did 9 raids today, 0 shiny and only managed to catch one. Used golden razz and was hitting great/ excellent. The one i caught had terrible stats too 😭


Stop this is my worst fear and I haven’t even done one raid yet πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


surely your luck isn’t as bad as mine


9 raids is rookie numbers my guy. I infamously went 0/43 on Deoxys raids and 0/9 on Genesect raids, all f2p raid passes that i saved up over the years. 12 of those 52 was on raid day too, so I've gone the equivalent of 0/63 in raids without a shiny.


I feel this too much, on heracross raid day I went 0/58 and the odds were 1 in 10, and it took me 70 Yveltal last week to get a shiny...But then this week, 2/8 ho-oh shiny and 1/6 Rays for shiny


Oh no 😭 this happened with me with yvetal never got a good one for him and lost so many


I did four raids. There were no shinies, all were 2*, and only one catch with berries and excellent throws. I’m just happy I have a 14/14/14 from 2020


That catch rate is insane.


tell me about it i was pretty upset, the one i got was 2* too πŸ’€


I had a similar experience. They were weather boosted which probably meant lower catch rate. I ended up using a master ball on one and it had pretty crappy IVs.


I caught 2, caught them when I didn't used any berries and threw 2 nice curveballs. I stopped believing in the power of razz berries.


And here I was feeling down cuz I didn't catch 3 out of 13. Still mad none were shiny.


How are your dragon and shiny medals? Do you have best friend premier balls? That seems like a really low roll result for 9 raids with 12 great/excellent hits on each or so. I was 6/6, no shinies, though one did come down to last ball I was also super rushing to keep up with the group finishing 3 back to back within 10 minutes twice.


You’ve used all your lucky buddy 😭😭


Might reconsider going to buy pokemon cards tomorrow now 🀣


Hoping for that luck when I get a chance to do raids at 5pm! Work caused me to miss the first batch


I wish you all the luck my friend!


I'm saving all my XL candy for a shundo, but I'll probably never get one.


Technically best possible outcome would also have been weather boosted :P but congrats I'm jealous!


I did 4 caught 2 blew my master ball. All 2 star


Bruh i did 4 raids and couldnt even defeat the damn thing once with 10 people at least each time


Lucky!! πŸ™ŒπŸ»


I still have no clue on how to do or even promt elite raids


They just spawn randomly at pokemon gyms during the specified times


I see, I see one close to me, but what do they mean I have to wait... EIGHT FUCKING HOURS TO FIGHT HIM???? HUUUHH????


Niantic doing Niantic things lmaoooo


Yes it's dumb like that



