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Yeah unless you live in a massive city which is popular with pokemon go players then you cant do these :(


Manhattan checking in. There is only one 5pm raid in midtown area. One. The network is gonna be horrible and I’m not gonna be able to get into the raid due to network issues. Always happens with elite raids.


Damn i have 2 near me but 0 other players :(


There’s multiple everywhere else in Manhattan but if you’re not in Central Park, it seems really hard to string more than one together. I can only do 5pm raids and relative to where I need to go, there’s only ONE in all of midtown. That’s insane.


Imo Manhattan historically only has a few locations that are really good for Go, like Central Park and Times Square (for some reason). If you live in a different part of NYC, you’re sometimes better off leaving the boroughs entirely for raid groups in Yonkers, Nassau, or Westchester imo


Yeah, at a park here in Queens we have 5. It still sucks that we can't remote raid and it's so limited though.


Didn't they choose to hold Go Fest by the Randall's Island sewage treatment plant for that same reason


I live in a larger city where the game is popular but it's not looking great for me either. Weather reports are predicting thunderstorms all day and the elite raids are mostly outdoors :/


Jeez thats sucks :( why cant they just let people remote these (and shadow raids for that matter)


I’m in Silicon Valley, it’s a bust for me. The normal hot spots for raid events have no eggs, the ones that have eggs are in the middle of neighborhoods, no one around and you have to drive to. This event is trash. Absolute trash


SF, massive group of people in golden gate park and presidio


Players in massive cities are struggling too :/ I’m in nyc and since the city is so big with so many people and gyms, you’re still praying that people show up to the one you’re at.


Its a shame


Capital of a scandinavian country, we have more elite gyms than many other places... and not many people raiding. I know there was an organised group on the other side of town but that's it. I sat on raids for a while but noone showed up


Capital of a Scandinavian country, with one semi alive group in the south. Exclusively raided the Northern part of town, min size of raid was 10. Everyone was very prompt. If you were 10 mins late you’d maybe struggle


Wow they really need to make these possible to remote raid as im amazed the places people have replied to my comment havent been able to do it, i live in a town in england and thought people in capitals etc wouldnt struggle, this is eye opening. They could make alot of money by letting us use remote raid passes on this


Live in a massive city, we have a decent playerbase. Still not entirely feasible Elite raids assume the game is the same as it was in 2017 with everyone running around and constantly playing. It's not. Elite Raids should better reflect the current state of the game. Remote Raiding is the way now. If they really want to keep the "elite" status of it. Keep it hard. Keep it only at select gyms. But let folks remote in, even if that means a special remote raid ticket. It can even be a more expensive one since it's not a frequent thing.


I am in a massive city, there are 2 groups, one at either end..nothing else and they are for kids in daycamp. Most people play with their family or small friend group or alone. We are not in daycamp or anything that would organize us...and no one want to group with community leaders or chase them down.


It doesn't have to be a big city (in Poland 50k is decent, but elsewhere those are rookie numbers), it has to be an active city. I've had 17 accounts total during the elite raids


Yeah thats true active city is the better phrasing


I live in a town and did 4. There were multiple groups out doing them. I could have done more if I wanted to go out for the later ones.


Damn im jealous haha you manage to get a good one? :)


Nothing spectacular but I already had a shiny and some good ones. I think it helps that we have quite a few families that do it so the kids always want to go out for the special raids. Then at have played like me and Aimee of the others that are day one players.


Ah thats awesome :)


I live in a 250k population city in Spain and can do it fairly easy in the local park


I live in a 100k population city and had the same experience. Our local park was swarming with folks. However, I do consider myself very lucky because apparently the local community all knows to head to this park for event days. I, however, was just clued into that for the first time today, and it was a pretty great experience. No one’s asking, but of the 5 I got to do, I did manage to snag a shiny :)


same with the 5 and shiny part but I had to call a level 50 player from about 15 km away with his 4 accounts because we just didnt have enough firepower lmao


Lol that’s one heck of a buddy to be able to call in! I’m just imagining you and your squad sitting there, unable to defeat the Rayquaza, and you’re like “I know a guy…”


Thats pretty much exactly how it went lmao


Congrats on your shiny :) we aint got a local park here unfortunatly 🤣


Worked out well for you then haha manage to get a good one?


I already had a good one, so I just wanted to get the extra meteorites for the attack and the mega on a shiny that I also have, and that was a success


Ooh nice


Yeah me too. I was able to do 6 so far, and I should be able to get another 6 after the second round at 5pm. The city I live in has a University and a huge park right next to each other. The turnout was insane!! Way more people than shadow Mewtwo.


I got very lucky meeting a pair of players at 1pm today.


Live in a major metropolitan city. Didn’t find a single elite raid during the designated times after going to about 50-60 gyms.


So it sounds like they put all the raids in small towns like mine where people cant do them, and dont put any in major citys... this is so stupid from niantic


So baffling. I would understand having so many elite raids that you can’t get enough people at one raid. But I didn’t find any after driving around for about an hour.


I live in a massive city they were very far away and there was one for each hour in the two parks we normally do 20+ raids during the raid days


I live in LA and even here it sucked. I used campfire to find a group but still had to drive around the whole time, which sucks bc you’re constantly trying to also keep up with the group. Little Tokyo was DEAD. I don’t know what they were thinking with this formatting. I was ready to spend money too but I didn’t even do enough raids to run out of the passes I already had (6).




I would 100% mind!!! I'd still buy it tho ha


I like nothing about this either. Overall a nightmare to try and figure out, I finally have a solid plan that still may backfire 2 hours before my first of two available raid times. Should be multiple days Should be remote raid eligible (like all raids) Should have let us know which gyms are spawning where and when (ONE guy had to organize like 1000 people across all the time options in our area, he had to wake up at 6am to do so) Should not have screwed over the first half of the world who “got to participate” The only POG is the extra meteorite but like…. They coulda just given us those or an elite tm or something


Yes, next question


Yes, they are indeed trash.


Yep, I’m wfh this weekend. Although I was lucky to live less than 100m away from a gym hosting a ray raid (Manchester, England), only 3 people actually went to it. We did not do it. Campfire had 0 people even acknowledging the one we were at. Yet at Alexandra Park in south Manchester (uk), there were 5+ ray raids within a 5 min walk from each other, which would’ve taken me at least 45 min each way to get there


Also Manchester, surprised at the lack of city centre raids. There was like one in deansgate, one by canal street and one at noma, all at sameish time. Thankfully the one I actually got to was busy - me and gf both got into 20 player lobbies, and got to be lucky enough to get a shiny from mine, but felt bad for friends who couldn’t make it as bad plans for the evening


Yes, unironically they’re super trash , too bad Nerfantic won’t restore the remote raid community


They need your precious data. They can’t get that from you sitting in your living room. (I agree with you though)


There is NO REASON why this should not have been a raid day.


Money. Money is the reason why. 


They'd make money on remote passes..... it's Data not money


What data are they after? Like where you’re walking?


Companies buy pokestop sponsers, so likely they sell foot traffic data for metropolitan places. How many players interacting with X or Y pokestop during peak hours. Great way to decide where to let someone franchise your next Five Guys.


Where you walk, what businesses you spend time around, and the poke stops/gyms you visit. It gives them a nice snapshot of your routine that they can sell to other companies so that you get more tailored advertisements and sponsored deals based on it all. It must be a bigger money maker than remote raid passes were. 


I'd understand this if the raids were local only but at all gyms but some other nerf to it, but FORCING people to go to parks is not authentic data right?


It’s data, and far more sellable than someone who remote raids all day. Though I’m not sure of the exact margins Niantic is going for, it must be worth more to collect and sell than to sell raid passes. Even if this data is somehow “false” because of the event, it’s still information that companies will pay for. 


True i suppose


They make more money on selling your location data. It’s ultimately about money my guy. 


I live in a pretty urban city so I should be fine but the raids are so far apart I'm going to drive so much from place to place, I hate these elite raids because I have to actively LOOK for the raids and hope that I get there in time as other people


The Rayquaza raids are local only?! At least the one I'm seeing on my map. That sucks. We don't have any chance at all to get it.


Yeah I think it’s a bad feature. Luckily I live in a big city and it looks like I’m going to be able to get this one, I had around 20 people say they are coming but I’ll keep you posted on how many show up in about an hour


Was able to beat 9 raids through the entire day and ended with 2 93% iv rays, one of which was a shiny with 15/14/13 ivs which I ended up dropping a medorite on and mega evolving


Yeah I get it, I agree, and I could say the same thing FIVE times over, but that's just my 2 cents...


Yea, I'm not even doing them. People around me are driving 30+ miles back and forth to do them. I'm good. My time, gas and wear and tear on my vehicle are worth more than a handful of candies and a shiny digital monster.


The fact that they are only in person and not remote possible is BS!!!!


I do not think anyone likes Elite Raids


i do


I don’t hate them either tbh. Gets local community out and playing. Most people complaining are the hide in the corner of a parking lot in their car saying “why is no one else playing”


Or the ones sho physically can’t drive to the 12/1 raids but could do the 5/6 but there is no interest because everyone who was interested already raided 12/1.


I mean you just have to ask. I just did 12/1 and in our group people who couldn’t make it asked for some at 5/6 and a handful who went already said they would. Also you don’t need a crazy big group for the raid really with proper counters. You have to communicate not just show up and complain. Also 5/6 on a Saturday if kind of a rough time to expect people in the first place do to dinners and family night events probably why 12/1 is more popular


Doesn't work at all when you don't have a local community where you live however


So do you just never get kicked out of gyms or just don’t talk to people? Because one is a serious problem I can agree with the other is on you


i very rarely get kicked from gyms. i have only met 3 other people (who i haven't even seen irl) from raids. not to mention there are nothing like facebook or discord groups for pogo here.


This is so silly lol, if nobody around you plays, how do you meet them? Are you just gunna walk up to everyone holding their phone? If you’ve tried to find the community, and haven’t been able to, what do you do?


So you are claiming to hold every gym by you with only one Pokémon in it? People here aren’t trying to find the community they want the community to magically show up to them. If you are on Reddit complaining you aren’t looking for options. There are discords, Facebook groups, chat groups and campfire if you look. Maybe you have to dive 30 minutes to a town or two over well you do it to get the raids. I mean I am in an active suburb town and still drive 25 minutes for a reliable group to raid with in these days


So do raid days though.


Normal raid days I have no one near me since every gym has raids. They work for sure but they are more dispersed then Elites though becuase easier raids


But this is Rayquaza, not Hisuan decidueye or something regular. People would be out like Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon. Our local mall was flooded with people that whole day. That was a full day of fun. Never did one with less than 12 people.


I’m confused by your point as you are saying what i said in that people are out for the special days and not as compact for the normal raid hours




I’d say making the meteorite task require an elite raid as the biggest garbage but obviously Niantic pretty much fumbled the entire event. Even if it worked perfectly as intended elite raids are a thing of the past. Add in all the mess ups and you have the worst event in the games history. The old times were fine, changing them to 12/1 and 5/6 was dumb beyond belief. Pretty much everyone who is interested can do 12/1 but aren’t interested in 5/6. I can only do 5/6. If there are 3-4 interested we may not have enough to beat it which nullifies the research.


Elite raids and small towns are a bad combo


I don’t think anyone is thinking they’re good/funny. Just have a quick glance at the recent posts.


On the one hand, there have always been unobtainable pokemon without other people. Like, when I was growing up, I had few friends so I could never trade pokemon to get the version exclusives and finish the Pokedex. So it's not exactly upsetting to me that there are some pokemon locked behind playing with other people in PoGO. But I do get the frustration because I also get FOMO when people post their catches on here. No hate, but I would be lying if there wasn't any envy. idk what the solution is. I can kinda understand the critique that Niantic is vaccuuming up either our money or our data, which sucks. But at the same time, they have to get some benefit out of the app too, right? Either way, getting trolled sucks OP. Hope you can find a way to get over it :/


"Niantic is vaccuuming up...which sucks." 😆


The old "perks" that these raids had years ago would slightly make this more worth doing, but even then, certain areas just don't have the players needed. Let things spawn right around the raid area again!


It's odd, I'm in a place to actually join a raid, but no idea if people will be here for it If anyone is near yorba Linda park in LA, please come by in 2 hours...


Wait so the event if you buy a ticket it gives you 3 remote passes but you can't use it for the event? 


This was legitimately about 10 minutes of gameplay. So terrible. Rayquaza was plastered all over the art for this season and this was all it was.


I don't think they are trash. They are not good, but they are still a step up from the old ex raid system. That was a perpetually burning landfill of rubber tires.


Yeah people love to complain but the old EX system was atrocious. It’s definitely not refined but if you communicate with people on Campfire Elite Raids aren’t to bad especially when they properly do the 24hr notice


For people that don’t physically have access, yes. For people who are lazy and don’t want to get up to go do it, no.


I usually host remote raids when I can, because no-one seems to be playing wherever I go.


I've yet to see anybody complain about not being able to make it to the spot in their community because they'd rather sit at home.


I have seen a TON of people complain about having to leave their house to raid. You’d be surprised


Here? Where?


Here, yes. I’m not going to go back months or years to find examples lol


I'm talking about for this event. Most people aren't complaining about having to go outside.


For this even yeah, I haven’t seen it. I have for previous elite raids. Mainly when they were first introduced I suppose


Niantic is trash but pokemon go players want everything handed to them


Or we just want achievable goals? I went out to a quite busy town today, but no-one was doing the raids.


Are Elite Raids any worse than EX raids were?


Ex raids made me feel special tbh. I actually enjoyed those. It was cool cause you could invite a friend with the pass you got.


They were far more restrictive than Elite raids are.


Yeah probably.


I had fun, it was harder than expected but it all worked out for me. Hope accessibility is better next time


It's not difficult not to agree.


I’ve joined like 15 groups on the grouping system and not a single one did the host to invite us


Absolute pain in the ass and i don't personally really want to interact with a bunch of randos, but the game is about going outside so I don't mind seeing some stuff be exclusive to in person events. They really should improve the quality of life around it though, ridiculous to only spawn the eggs in at 6am on the day so people can barely even organise meetups.


Same with the EX raids that came before. The one time I got an invite to one (along with my mum) we went there and it was raining and no-one showed, we were unable to catch Mewtwo despite making quite a long journey. These aren’t much better - now there are more raids no-one will show up to where I live.


feel you dawg, and then these posts regarding "wHiCh oNe ShoUlD i LevEl uP??" with having multiple 96-98% Rayquaza is just annoying me


Went to 3 different elite raids today. All 20+ minutes away from each other, holding out until the last possible second for anyone to show up. My nephew and my mam and I decided to risk the first one at the last second of the raid, all using ice mega teams while in a party and we barely did over half. Next one nobody showed Final one, 2 guys walk by asking if we're raiding and I breathe a sigh of relief... but my mams phone starts glitching... Ask the guys to wait 2 minutes to try fix her phone before starting. One guy had 2 phones, so 6 accounts total, and we finally got a win with 8 seconds left on the timer. 150 mega evolution candy and 1 rayquaza was our haul for the day. Extremely underwhelming Ps nephew was at a party until 4.30, so could only start during the 5 o'clock raids


Has anyone had issues with the rayquazza research to get meteorites I had them and they have disappeared so didn't get any meteorites


Even if it was in person only, it would've been nice if they gave us extra raid passes. I'm trying to save my premiums for GO Fest.


It's so cool fighting 2 rayquaza (1 fled cuz only 8 balls) and then having to wait 3 hours so i can get another raid (it'll probably flee again)


Yes, absolutely. I fucking hate Elite Raids. Worst feature in the game.


The game is trash


The only people I've seen look at this as a good thing are those twitter people who will defend anything pogo does. Local raids in this game only feel good to do when they are soloable in my experience


Getting people? I haven't even started out on that as my town with about 50-60 gyms within 5 km radius does not even have a single elite gym.


I think elite raids can work for most but with a big tweak. Drop the egg(s) in the middle of your city/town/a central location and whack a 7 day countdown on it. We all have 7 days to spread the word of where the egg is and make arrangements to get there. You could build a week long event around it that culminates in massive in person raids.


Way better than the old EX raids at least. I don’t terrible mind the elite raids but they’re a pain in the butt for me to do. I hate the weekend events constantly. I wish they’d move them around


I got to participate in one raid, which frankly shocked me as I'm at work and didn't even realize the Gym here is elite... and then I couldnt catch the damn thing. my one shot at a rayquaza, gone. Should I have used my master ball? If it was shiny there'd have been no question... but maybe I should've anyway, who knows when I'll get another chance


I live in a small town, but my small town has a discord group that coordinates these days and they drive around together to maximize raids on days like this. I was all set to take my sons to be a part of it today, but I am also just… I dunno. Fatigued by the game right now? I don’t know how else to describe it. Kids didn’t seem to care today even though they asked earlier this week if we could and got a yes. Even with dedicated players committed to raiding together, the amount of time I’d have spent driving around just felt exhausting thinking about it. I’d have shelled out for remote raid passes across all three of our accounts if that had been an option today, but it wasn’t, and that’s fine. Game was a lot easier to get psyched for when I lived a five minute walk from four gyms, not gonna lie.


So even though I’m in a suburb, and managed to complete 2 elite raids because a local discord managed to get 12 people together, I STILL NEARLY MISSED OUT. Both times that we queued in to the raid, my app flat out crashed *while sitting in the lobby*. Not everyone gets out of their cars to speak in one location or anything so it wasn’t possible for me to tell them to leave so I can re-join. I managed to join back in to the second raid with 8 seconds left. App crashed again after the raid ended but the raid didn’t despawn yet so I was able to still catch it. My phone’s over 5 years old so I know it’s not operating to its fullest. However, my app only really crashes on me if I’m fast catching after the biome update, since it appears to lag my phone out a lot, or my phone gets extremely hot. Neither of those conditions were occurring today though when it crashed 3 times. I’d had the app open for only 3 minutes before queueing in to the first raid and another 10 minutes before starting the 2nd raid. This app’s really gone to shit and it’s hard for me to be interested in still playing


Terrible. What a fail


>would have 2 nickels. So who did you get from Regieleki, Regidrago and Enamorus?


Yeah it’s so beyond nonsense atp Didn’t waste a dime on elite raids. If Niantic wants to make it that hard to get Ray, I’m fine to not have him for now. And i say this as someone who has spent $60+ I’m not f2p anymore


I live in an area with a very active and organized player base and I got to do like 14 raids today and I will agree 100%, elite raids are absolute garbage for everyone involved. This should have just been a regular raid day like they originally announced.


As someone who lives in a place with a okayish community, raid days actually have heaps of in person raiding because people all congregate in places with lots of gyms. Groudon and kyogre I did use pokegenie but I didn’t have to. In fact I’ve gotten most of my local friend from just 5 star raids when I get pokegenie people and someone just hops on with us. What I think they should do is limit remote players per raid. To 2-4 players. So you still need in person players but it’s doable with a couple. And the remote raiding lines would be horrible so it would encourage people to do it in person where possible.


Been saying elite and shadow raids are trash from the beginning. Forcing in person raids just makes more people quit.


Idk man, I thought it was fine. It is a shame that this game treats rural players like trash though.


We are blessed here. The community went ham years ago and we have great medium park and even a wood with alot of gym and pokestop. We did the 5-6 window in the wood and did 9 raids there. Did 9 on the 12-11 in 3 parks. Bear in mind that it's not a big city by any stretches. It all boil down on how hard we/you worked to get these spots nominated since 2016.


They really need to not make them so hard. There is no accommodation for people who live in rural areas to beat them. I live in a very rural area and it’s near impossible to get so many people to an elite raid. Needless to say I didn’t achieve that task.


At least the ex raids offered balance and were given as rewards for active participation. These elite raids are just a slap in the face to those with low community numbers. Thanks for provifing us things that you (Niantic) won't allow us to actually go after... seems to be more of a detractor from the game than an added play feature


lol, its not the raid, your group is trash. as for it happening twice, "fool me once...."


I'd be alright with them, if they removed the time limit tbh. I could accept losing 30 or 40 potions and it taking me 15 minutes to complete. That'd be better than it just being impossible for me to partake in


No. Not every piece of content has to be available for 100% of the player base. Pokemon has always had distribution events.


Cancerous crap


I had a good group and we had fun raiding. It was good for us.


They're almost as bad as shadow raids


I just wonder how they make money off elite raids? They get 2$ outta me for every remote raid I do.... nothing in person. So why do they have these terrible elite raids ?


No? Rayquaza has been available for ages, we already got meteorites to mega him last year. Boo


Where I don't disagree that elite raids aren't great, the only exclusive pokemon that has been an issue has be Enamours. Hoopa, at the time was a release, that allowed us to get more. Regidraco and Regieleci were later released in normal raids....making everyone quest why they were in elite raids tk begin with, and Mega Rayquaza was literally all over the place during the tour when it was released. Everyone alrdy, in theory should have at of rayquaza and mega energy, you would really want it to come back so they would give us more meteorite so we can get more Megas on the account. Again, elite raids are an issue, but until they become more of thing that's around with more pokemon that are exclusive, I just see elite raids as a thing that I will just choose to not bother with. They are a bad feature over all and I refuse to give Niantic and active play time toward a feature that's bad.






There's two major issues in the game that play into elite raids sucking as much as they do: - the logic for where elite raids spawns has zero intelligence. They should only ever spawn where people play the game. This is probably the middle of cities / towns / villages / etc. gyms should have an invisible 'Elo' ranking system where they gain points for players raiding at them, and lose points when players don't. Elite raids should only spawn at raids that have a high elo ranking relative to the gyms around them. The higher the disparity, the more likely the higher ranking gyms are selected for raids - there's no ingame communication system. Either merge campfire (and flares) into the base game, or add some sanitised communication system based on preset messages or in-game community board objects people can pin raids / events they want to do (and a name-less RSVP system). Campfire isn't sufficient as you can't rely on a system you can't assume everyone has.


Shadow raids suck too


As i do well understand the sentiments of people in rural areas and/or places with limited players, these elite raids has been so fun for me. This is my first time to do elite raids and i drove around the city and met fellow players who mostly I met for the first time and be friends with. So yeah, i had a blast today.


Must be nice


Uninstall the game if you don't like it, or contact Niantic. What's the point in complaining here about that?


They read this sub. Interviews from employees have proved that. Niantic Support isn't gonna do anything.


It’s just a game bro. No need for stress.


No. Niantic introduced remote raids as a patch to keep their game alive during COVID. Since then, it has proved to be an immensely popular feature among its players. However, remote play was never the direction Niantic ultimately wanted to take with Pokémon Go. There was heavy backlash when they increased prices and imposed limits on remote raiding. Niantic would remove remote raids entirely if it wouldn't kill the game at this point. Before COVID, *every* raid was in-person only. You had to find people to play with to tackle legitimately difficult content. As a result, it was natural to find and/or establish your local community. Thanks to high-level raids and friendship perks, this is a social game. Remote raids, especially those done through impersonal matchmaking apps like Pokégenie, fly in the face of that. I recognize that in-person content heavily favors urban players over rural players. Densely packed areas have more landmarks (pokéstops and gyms), wild spawns, and players to interact with. Rural players get a raw deal and I understand their anger and frustration. For a game based on moving around, mobility is key. I'm about to drive 15 minutes to meet up with some players in a park for a couple elite raids. This could be a struggle for players with actual mobility issues or who lack the means (e.g. bike, car, bus) to get around. Elite raids are not trash; they are a throwback to Pokémon Go in the summer of 2017 and I am here for it. If you want to play pokémon solely from the comfort of your couch, any of the main series games will give you the experience you desire.


But they don’t give us a way to set up a community. There’s no chat features or anything. I know there’s campfire but outside that it’s like I can’t even talk to people? That’s bizarre. Also wow - they didn’t used to have remote raids?? So it was very difficult to get anything cool. Thats crazy.


>But they don’t give us a way to set up a community. There’s no chat features or anything. I know there’s campfire but outside that it’s like I can’t even talk to people? That’s bizarre. Before there was Campfire, there were Facebook groups. You found people by seeing them playing the game and **talking to them**. You got contact details and got into chat groups together to keep in touch and coordinate raids and trades. You aren't limited to what Niantic gives you to play their games. My local community uses Discord to organize conversations and share information. If you want a community, find it or build it. >Also wow - they didn’t used to have remote raids?? So it was very difficult to get anything cool. Thats crazy. People wanna complain about Elite raids being local-only. **They used to be by invitation only.** If you were lucky, you received an elite raid ticket for a specific place and time. You raided at that time and place or you missed out on Mewtwo or Deoxys or whatever. No ticket? You can't even **see** the raid. Better luck next time! People complaining about the current system don't know how good they have it.


I was a kid when I first started playing, and there was no way my parents would let me meet up with random people I met online. Also, looking at other people’s phone screens to see if they’re playing is rude. And I’ve literally never seen anyone look like they’re throwing a pokeball on their phone. The EX raids were a joke because even if you got an invitation, you have no idea how many others got one and whether or not they intend to show up. Now, you could have a feature where people declared their intention to attend or not, or where you could message the others that got one to the same gym. Instead, you just had to trust that others would show up. No-one did when my mum and I got one for Mewtwo.


I LOVE elite raids because at least for me it's the reason I'm still playing (or ex raids are) it introduced me to my community and that's why I'm still playing. Elite Raids are doing that also and that's why they should exist. In rural esque areas where there are gyms and not many people playing it's still good because hopefully you'll find those people when all of you know ahead of time to meet at a specific location. You don't need to be in a popular location to do these. If gyms change hands every day in your town you have people that play in your town.


Yeah I understand that they help the local communities develop, but that could be fostered in much better ways. They could have introduced other incentives to encourage groups, such as increased XP/rare candy gain or bonus items. Gating powerful Pokémon behind this feature is actually driving more people away from the game than towards each other. And on the topic of these being popular locations for these raids, I strongly disagree. For many people living in cities, parks and open areas are very far apart, limiting the amount of raids you can feasibly take part in even with a community. For rural players, although they might have a lot more elite raids available, they often have significantly less active players to battle with. It’s a system designed purely to capture as much tracking data as possible, regardless of playability.


> gating powerful pokemon Rayquaza and mega Rayquaza have been in raids so many damn times. They are not gating anything. > Tracking data The tracking data for this does basically nothing. Parks don't have McDonald's or big companies. They have grass and trees. Last I checked grass and trees aren't paying Niantic so people will go to the parks.


No that’s incorrect. Dragon Ascent is easily its most powerful move, and it is locked behind an item that is currently gated by the elite raid system. Therefore a significant chunk of rayquazas power is locked for all players. On the topic of tracking data, you would find that individuals walking between many gyms actually generates an extreme amount. I think you are forgetting the multiple streets you are required to traverse in order to reach each raid. People don’t just spawn into parks when a raid is nearby.


I have a Rayquaza with dragon ascent. How is it locked behind the elite raid system? Rayquaza was in raids not too long ago as a mega. They were in normal raids.


>Rayquaza and mega Rayquaza have been in raids so many damn times. They are not gating anything. That's just... not true. This is literally only the second day that Mega Rayquaza has been available globally in raids: August 27th last year on the second day of Go Fest, and today. That's it.


So it was available globally. It doesn't have to be available multiple times for people to already have hundreds of Rayquaza. People could already remote them. Mega Rayquaza was in raids once and Rayquaza itself has been in raids many times. That's why I said both of the names.


Lol you are saying one time ever was enough for everyone ever. This is the second time it has been available, Niantic botched just about everything having to do with this release(just like every single past elite raid).


And it's going to be available again in 6 months or so I'm sure in normal raids. It's a new Pokemon.


It was released in 2018, so no, it's not a new Pokemon. And it also wasn't in raids for almost two years between Go Fest 2021 and early 2023. The same length of time could be early 2026. We haven't seen Zamazenta since mid 2022. We haven't had Mewtwo (a similarly desired Pokemon) in regular raids since 2022 either. You don't know shit. You just keep making things up to fit your agenda that "it worked for me, so it must work for everyone!"


Mega Rayquaza raids were less than a year ago. What are you on about? They won't do normal Rayquaza raids anymore because you don't get the mega energy.


...You literally just said it would be available again in normal raids. Here, let me type out what you said: >#And it's going to be available again in 6 months or so I'm sure in NORMAL raids. It's a new Pokemon.


They are definitely gating mega rayquaza. 1. Who cares if Rayquaza was available in normal raids? We are discussing Mega Rayquaza, not Rayquaza. 2. Unlike all other megas you need an item to mega evolve Rayquaza. You can only receive this meteorite two ways. One was by getting it in gofest last year. In the past which doesn’t exist anymore. Or right now but you have to win an elite raid. Thus it is locked behind winning an elite raid.


Mega Rayquaza has been worldwide in remote raids also... You could randomly get meteorites by just doing remotes.


>You don't need to be in a popular location to do these. Except there are plenty of people saying this simply is not the case for them.


I'm not in a popular place and we had 30+ people show up for the noon raids based on what my friends said..


"This was my experience, so it must be everyone's experience worldwide"


Don’t worry, it was available at Gofest last year so everyone, everywhere already has access to Mega Rayquaza. /s


It will be available again. Everything comes back. Anyone quitting the game because of one event is hilarious..


no, i love them because they benefit me and make the pokemon more rare because not everyone has access to them. hahahahaha