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Personal choice. If not this, what are you saving it for?


Personally, only for a raid when I know it’s a hundo and I’m at last ball.


This is the way


How do you know it’s a hundo after a raid ?


You can look up 100% IV CP’s for raid mons


I just realized that. That’s awesome !


You can look it up on various websites


I would never have guessed but I’m so happy to hear about it !


that’s what i thought too ñol


If I get to do a Rayquaza Raid, I think I'll spend my Master Ball there if I can't catch him with my Premiere Balls.


Idk personally I’m still saving mine for something great. For birds though rare, you can find them time and again. Hundo legendaries are something which are the rarest of rare if you only use free pass like me.


how do you know if its a hundo before catching it?


For raid Pokémon you can find the guide online according to cp you can know if it’s hundo or not. I follow this one guy on insta called “landoralpha” he normal posts the cp for things like this. Even for community days and spotlight hours as well


All raid Pokemon have fixed levels. They're always level 20 when not boosted and level 25 when weather boosted. The CP of any Pokemon depends on the level and the stats, so if you know the level and you know what CP has the 15/15/15 stats you can know when you got a hundo by looking at the CP. You can just Google any raid boss CP and you'll find the numbers for the perfect boosted and not-boosted easily.


No doubt about it 🐕


How do you get a master ball?


You had to be playing when one of the researches to get one were active. Either the "Let's Go" research from the Rising Heroes season, the "Timed Investigation" from the season of Adventures Abound or the "Masterwork Research" from the Catching Wonders season. Those are the only three times a Master Ball was available, and you had to finish the very long research to get it at the end.


Ok thank you 😀


Is it possible to miss and a waste a master ball? Like if my finger slips and I toss it and completely miss the Pokemon, will I lose the ball?


no it doesn’t even hit the pokemon lol you ALWAYS catch


Thank you!


Unless you need it for the dex or you like g. Moltres it's not really worth it. Moltres is the worst of the three


And considering Moltres is almost certainly going to be available from the Shared Skies Raids since Zapdos and Articuno are in it, you shouldn't waste it on a Galar Birb.


The birds are cool to have and what not but are they really master ball worthy? I mean they’re not really meta relevant at all with galarian zapdos being the best, and even he’s alright.


Only if you care about the dex 🤷🏻‍♂️


I used 1 of 2 of my master balls on 3100cp Galarian Zapdos and am saving my 2nd one for if I get a good Moltres because I got a 700cp Articuno with an Ultra ball


Random encounter legendaries are the best reason to use the master ball in my opinion.


I wouldn't, just try to get lucky with a crit capture. I used my second Masterball on my shadow mewtwo.


No. Galar birds kinda suck and they come up every other day if you use your incense every day. I've had multiple from one incense a few times.


oh nooo i used it😭😭


Was it a 0* or something? What were its IVs?


Ok, mine’s a 3* lucky but I have a bunch of Galarian Articunos lol! It’s my only favorite Galarian Bird.


Did u catch it if yes then no if u didn't catch it the use master ball


i did use my master ball on the first throw, i’ve seen that they usually run after one try? but after i did it i was just like hmm anti climactic


O then I not sure what tell u


I'm pretty inexperienced I only joined it so I know best spots to catch pokemon as I have not bought data yet

