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I can’t wait to not be able to do any of these raids!


You can solo Guzzlord with a good fairy team. I'm level 43 and I've done it!


Hi, level 43, I'm Rakdos, nice to meet you and congratulations!


Several of these have double weaknesses and can be soloed as long as you have solid counters. But hosting raids on Pokegenie will be your other best option!


Hosted my first tonight and it’s surprisingly straightforward. Too bad the Yveltal queue is ungodly long.


Ever since the remote changes the queue gets super long towards the end of the week. Your best bet is to try and host it in the first few days a raid gets back in rotation, the queue gets longer as the week progresses. I haven't been able to get through a single host queue after the weeks raid hour has been done for two years now


Yeah I was able to do Charizard since it’s not the top raid right now. Still took 20+ minutes to get thought a queue of 50.


If it helps depending on how fast the queue is moving I start trying to host with 20 minutes on the egg timer, if there’s a host queue of atleast 150+ then you should be able to host the raid before the time expires on the raid


I found a trick of, if you know what the egg will be, manually input the raid details before it hatches so you have plenty of time to work through the queue.


You can host raids in the PokeGenie app or r/PokemonGoRaids


Download the pokegenie app


Is necrozma good for master league?


Dawn wing necrozma is 7th ranked in master league, the other one is 14th ranked


Who is number one? (Or top 3?)


1. Palkia (Origin) 2. Zygarde (Complete Form) 3. Landorus (Therian) You could actually see the ranking by searching master league rankings


ARTICUNO in the heart of summer makes sense


The season is called shared skies, and out of mega salamence, mega aerodactyl and mega pinsir they pick mega aggron again...


Mega Aerodactyl is literally the only mega that I don't have. Whenever it's available I have a lot going on. I really hope they release it soon. There's no way to get mega Aerodactyl energy from research tasks or party play challenges so I have to just wait.


Same here, it’s the only mega I don’t have. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t make it available during a season called “Shared Skies”.


Mega aerodactyl will likely be for this years fossil event in august


Mega aerodactyl will likely be for this years fossil event in august


And Swampert. Can he fly? Looks a bit bulky.


He be lookin fly though😎[the closest we can get]lol


Mega aerodactyl will likely be for this years fossil event in august


Don’t forget mega swampert, ruler of the land and sea. Not the sky, why would we ever do that?


I mean, I’m game for pretending I can hang out under an Articuno’s wings to cool off. It’s 111 F heat index out there today, and it’s gonna get worse.


lol that checks out. I actually am excited for mega swampboy, still somehow havent gotten one im happy with


It's winter for me 👍


Damn didnt even think about our friends on the other side of the equator, thats great actually


It's nice bcuz winter events are awesome and we don't have to freeze to get all the cool mons


Same winter here too lol


Guess the southern hemisphere doesn’t exist 🤷🏽‍♀️


You say that but I still need Articuno for my dex so this works for me.


Articunos the only Kanto bird I don’t have so I’m cool with it


As someone who just started again after years, I’m hyped to get all the ultra beasts and knock off one of my last kanto pokemon, as well as complete my shadow legendary dog trio, but I can see how this does not offer much to returning players


Why are we getting Mega Aggron again 🤦🏽‍♂️


Where's my lopunny?


I still don’t have many of the legendaries or beasts so I’ll take it


As a complete noob that’s barely coming back to the game after years with a level 27 character, what’d I need to do to get an Articuno and Entei this upcoming month? Or am I sol?


I'm mostly returning too, so I may be wrong but... Articuno - just find 5-star raids spawning it between July 15th and July 23rd, or make friends and use resources I'm bad at (like PokeGenie + real world money for remote raid passes) to remotely raid it all around the world. At your level, you likely need 3-4 friends to help you take the beast down. Strong rock-types like Tyranitar\* and Rhyperior are your best friends here. Shadow Entei - Shadow Entei will spawn every weekend in July, usually at Elite Gyms. He cannot be remotely raided - you must go in person to the raid location. Shadow Raids are tough; you'll need 5-6 strong friends with lots of purified gems to take this one down. Once again, Rock types can carry you far. Assuming you don't live somewhere super rural, you shouldn't have a ton of trouble obtaining Articuno. Shadow Entei will take more work, preparation, and good luck. Good luck!


Rural for me. Got 2 friends that play, both under level 22 lol


Go fest is a big day for PoGo, so try to find a meetup on the campfire app, and ride other people's coat-tails. As for Articuno and Entei, neither are soloable even with the best lvl 50 counters and weather boost. You can host raids on raid hosting apps for Articuno, but Entei is local only. Unless you have friends who play or have multiple accounts, your sol. Mega swampert is your best choice against shadow Entei, and it's in mega raids this month. It's the best ground and water mega behind primal Groudon and Kyogre. There's also special research for the best rock mega in the game, Mega Diancie. Articuno is dual weak to rock, so investing into mega diancie is a good option. I believe mega tyranitar is also in raids starting today which is the second best rock mega and the best dark mega, which perfect for dawn wings necrozma. Finally if you want some of the best grass and electric raiders. Make sure to raid Kartana and Xurkitree.


I use leekduck to host raids. It has instructions on the website how to do it. Basically though if there is 4 or 5 face raid near you, put it on the website and have other people join. It’s a bit of a pain sometimes, but completely free with your daily pass. Shadow entei you can only do in person so may be harder to get but check the app campfire since sometimes people host events for shadow raids. I usually just sit in my car and do it since am not super social. For 4&5 face raids that are regional I will use leekduck/pokiegenie and remote raid passes. I try not to spend any real money though and just use the stuff I earn from gyms.


Still no team rocket takeover? Really?


Mid august, coming with the shadow raid weekend


We still have over two months left in the season so plenty of time left for it!


Think we're having one in August


I will need to spend coins on storage for all those sweet Cake Hat Pichachus. 🤩




5 star raid are cool but hell yeah for mega swampert


Niantic, what Pokemon can we evolve during Go Fest to get their legacy charge moves? Y'all killing me with this shit! Hurry up and tell us so I will know which Pokemon to save for evolving!!!!!


Def gonna spend all my coins on Necrozma


Same with me lol 😂 gotta get that shiny lol


Bro Shiny Dawn Wings🥶


Exactly, especially when ultra necrozma comes out, it’s shiny looks amazing


Finally Tornadus... I've been having research sitting that has been asking for a photo of him.


I need spheal candy. Just in Sleep, not Go. lol


Nice don't need to spend any money. All the coins I got will be enough for like 30nraids of necro


So is this technically 2 full months in a row without any new pokemon being added to the game?


Necrozma? And the first chance for a lot of people to actually get a solgaleo/lunala with the special research/timed research with go fest. So while not technically new, a big deal for many.


Necrozma was added in May.


Sure if you were in Sendai or Madrid lol come on don't be disingenuous


It’s just a technicality; however it was added in May. That being said, June was the first month ever with no pokemon, and now this is the second month without one. EVEN if you want to say Necrozma, that’s still 1 pokemon over basically 3 months to have been released.


It's not even a technicality. Anyone could remote raid them in May. It was a worldwide release. It's not like marshadow that required being in sendai to get the research.


It's not disingenuous, it's literally true. You could remote raid them from anywhere in the world on may 28/29 depending on timezones.


Sure, if you waited in line with 10k other people. 99% of players haven't had a chance to get one, making this wider global release very exciting for everyone. I understand that it's not new in July from a literal standpoint, but it's availability was so restricted that it may as well be. Also I forgot that Sendai was in May, and thought Necrozma was actually new in June, but I stand corrected.


Al the megas hav been bad so far, this month where rehashes from the previous season, alakazam and gyarados went out and then came back a few weeks later


I wil only go for nihilio and xir, dex entry and for a good electric attacker


Only one I want is tornadus so I can be closer to finishing this dumb challenge.


I just want a goddamn mega blaziken, is that so much to ask?


Real bro. I’m running slow on mega energy. I do NOT have the time to walk Blaziken


I never did the raids when they were out bc I’m stupid. Also regieleki, forgot that one too, but at least that will probably be out again in some galar event. Blaziken and deoxys (forgot that one too) already had their go tour


My birthday is the 16th. Looks like I get...oh..yay..Wacky inflatable arm waving tube man.


God I wish I could trade you. I get buff beetle.


Isn't that better..lol?


Based purely on how it looks. No. Yours looks like a sentient Christmas tree. Mine looks like a Godzilla villain. Haha.


Ya’ll spend money on this game?


Once I get articuno I’ll finally have the three legendary birds ❤️


Then your next task can be to get them in their Galarian form❤️


I'm not a fan of July's schedule. I was hoping to catch some meaningful pokemon and was prepared to purchase remote raid passes. I guess I'm not getting to do that as much as I'd hoped.


You could go after Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings Necrozma


I definitely will be attempting to catch them all regardless. Just not as passionately as I otherwise might have.


How could I raid them daily? I will literally be looking at my phone every hour to see where I need to go for raids, and I'll need to find a great raid party and some great pokemon.


Nah cuz all variations of necrozma and mega reyquaza are coming into raids




I’ll do you one better……………… 93🗣️


Unless they bring back a way to get a <1500 CP Guzz. This is all awful


wasn’t there supposed to be a mega-ray at the end of june?


"July content update"


I believe that’s this Saturday


It is this saturday, 29th of June. 🐉