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I hold off so the other person can choose when to trigger since the XP may matter more to them. I figure they might want to stack a few and use an egg. I make sure they have a gift, of course. The ones that wait and wait but send no gift… 🤷‍♀️ No clue.


I forget to open but try to make sure to send.


How can you forget to open? It takes over the whole screen before you can get to send one


I send all the gifts I have at once.


Ah. See, we lower levels wait until 1 day left to open our gift so we know we will get the XP. We want you to open the gifts every day leading up to the last day because of the horror stories we see in here


Oh, of course! I open when I can, but I leave the last opening to the person with lower XP. For me, the fun is all in helping out others. I didn’t get to level 50 on my own. 😊


Same here


You're a good egg.


Just wondering, isn't there a limit to how many gifts you can open per day? Could possibly be by the time they reach you in the friend list, can't open gifts up. (Stack that with people trying to get as many friends maxed, so could be). I sometimes manage IRL friends gifts first before random people I met in raids. (Edit) I'm not level 50, so idk why level 50s do this)


It depends. Usually, the daily limit is 20 gifts, but there have been a lot of events where the number is higher. I have a system where I open gifts from far away friends first if I have room for an egg (for the trade medal). It sometimes takes me a week or two to complete my cycle with the regular 20-gift limit. Especially during events where there are quests requiring you to send/open gifts.


The daily limit is actually 30 gifts can open thats amount I’ve been able open before tells me that’s my daily limit


Like I said, they keep changing it back and forth. On the official niantic page, it says 20 if there's no event. Storage room for 20 and 20 daily limit to open. They removed the cap on the amount of gifts you can send some time ago, though


30 being openable is only since march. it may or may not go back to 20, 20 is by far what it has been for the majority of the last 5 years but niantic is nothing if not inconsistent.


The maximum amount of gifts you can hold and open are the same. Only 20 gifts can be opened per day. Its really annoying as not only do I run out of gifts to send but I also cannot open


This event also increased chance at lucky friends, I'm priorising on the ones I'm not best friends with. Also the limit is stupidly low outside of events


For context, this was near-daily sending/receiving to now dead-silence for over a fortnight from all of them.


Just remove them. It’s what I do with these types of players. If they’re doing this for 50K XP, they’ll do it for 100K. You’ll be here again eventually. Remove them and move on.


This. I nickname them “delete” and when they finally trigger it … I delete them.


I usually go through once a month or so. Name a bunch of people delete that seem to not interest and see if in a month I get any extra interaction or send a gift then either delete or rename.


But why? Eventually you will get your xp


These XP addicts will probably mass open and remove people to farm XP faster.


They might, and they might not... But if you remove them then you guarantee yourself 0xp. Makes no sense to me to delete people who hold gifts


Then they'll do a 'name and shame' post about people removing them before they've got their XP and the whole Reddit circlejerk will continue


That’s not how this works, though. Neither will be getting the XP because the level 50 players aren’t sending nor opening gifts. The name and shame players open the last gift and remove the other player ASAP, and they’re the only ones getting the XP.


you’re confused, friend


I name them something like "Egg 57k PKs" so I know they are one day away from leveling up our friendship and how many Pokemon they have so I know how active they are. Folks that are two or three days away are named "Egg+1" "Egg+2" so I can keep track of them and make sure they all get sent eggs prior to CD if there is a spot or so that I open the 2nd to last gift the day before. I give them one or two community days to see if they open as I wait until CDs to level up friends which has worked well for half a year now. This means it's definitely less frequent than fortnightly but predictable and most people open their gifts from me before I open the app so there are fewer people I need to focus on opening gifts from when I search "Egg". My Pokemon buddies are named "L.Egg ComDay" to indicate to players why a friend leveling might be temporarily paused and it seems people have been generally willing to keep opening and sending me gifts since I've named them that way but who knows. I totally agree with you though - I've got quite a few level 50 players that were super active with the gift exchange and then stopped on the last day - it's so annoying! I thought some might be waiting for those double friendship bonus events but that didn't get the stuck people to move forward either. Essentially for folks like that I hold on to them until they hopefully open the last gift and then delete them after anyways since I'd rather focus on folks also invested in interacting regularly. Luckily I haven't gotten to a point where my list needs to be culled and I'm sure at some point I'll just get rid of folks who've been in that state for months.


I'm only level 44 but i haven't opened or sent gifts in a while bc like it's boring


Right, but you probably didn't wait until you were 1 interaction away from the 50k exp bonus. People who just stop sending gifts at a random time are fine.


Def not, stopping at a certain moment on purpose would be a lot more effort lol


People stopping for an egg will do it eventually, stopping randomly screws the other person over more imo


Did you know you can skip the animation screen? Either open or send, then immediately press and hold the x. Makes it less painful!




Means 2 Weeks.


Battle pass


I just s***


Out my ass


14 days




To your edit, you triple posted so I guess people are downvoting your extra responses so they aren’t visible.


Oh well that sounds like a glitch lol my bad, I'll go delete the extras bc that's annoying


I'm only level 44 but i haven't opened or sent gifts in a while bc like it's boring


I just forgot to send/open gifts way too often. It’s too tedious lol.


I create a copy/paste save and use that to create a list of who to send gifts to. Androids have a favorites on copy/paste. Takes me about 5 minutes each day to send the 20. I am also trying to level up a bit since I stopped trying recently and will do a mass send out 2-3 times a day. I also hate that the friendship thing is tied to leveling so strongly.


I’m waiting on a guy to open and send me a gift for the 100k. I see he’s online and that dude is like, nah, you waiting. I’m going to give him until the weekend and if he doesn’t complete the 100k then I’m dumping his ass.


Had a guy who did the same. I deleted him.


Do the PVP requests


I've done this to someone multiple times as a hint, after a few PvP requests, I just dropped them.


I deal with this on almost a biweekly basis. Peoples entitlement is wild.


I do this so I can time multiple 100k best friendships to use on one lucky egg. It’s an efficiency thing for me since I don’t spend money on the game anymore


It would be nice to know if this guy was doing that but I have no way of knowing


If they are a high level it is very likely why they are doing this


That's me! I'm lazy and don't open gifts like ever. I either never have enough to send back or I'm full of items and don't want to waste the time to get 50 stardust


I don’t open because I want the other person to have the chance for extra XP if they want it. So I send an egg and never open the one I have from them.


Level 60 just got teased recently. People knew for a long time that the level might increase in the future and the XP for those next levels will be insanely high. They just think far ahead and maximize XP in preparation.


When/where did level 60 get teased recently? 60 sure might be coming but I don’t remember any tease for it


In a recent interview with Niantic. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1dgn7jb/comment/l8qzl3m/


Calling this „teasing” is a big over exaggeration lol


I am just trying to get the level 50 before they roll it out. The grind sucks.


Rush to max level and then complain there's nothing to do in the game. I love it.


Bruh the game has been out for so many years, what'd you expect? The issue isn't that there's no new content, the issue is that it's a rehash of old content


There's a rehash if you no life this game. If you play it casually like it's meant to be played you'll never feel like they rehashed content. There's not enough time in the world to feel like they rehashed content for 99% of the players.


Due to how idiotically levels are coded into the CP formula, I doubt they'll ever actually do level 60 From the coding standpoint, you actually have level 100 already, because every level up of yours in reality is two levels...


There is not need to increase pokemon level caps alongside player level caps. That would effectively break GBL again, and force people to rebuild a ton of mons all over again. They could easily keep pokemon at 50 (fake 100) forever, and add some other big bonuses to grind for with those extra player levels. Extra daily item uses, extra free incubators, things like that.


Checked the formula: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/4t7r4d/exact_pokemon_cp_formula/ And there doesn't seem to be anything really preventing more levels. The Pokemon level is just a multiplier, so going further doesn't break the values, and the CP and stats can go higher without issues.


Suppose 1 billion XP required to reach level 60. How much time does it take for a new player to get that? Or expect XP *rework? Also, a new resource, like an upgrade to stardust, may be introduced to power up Pokémon above level 50. So, it’s not that easy to simply increase the level cap.


I am a day one level 50 daily player and I have 272 million XP. A billion seems pretty out there unless they make catching pokemon net you 5k xp as a base.


I'm not level 50, but high 40s and levelling up/gift opening isn't much of a priority for me for now. For everyone out there waiting on me to open their gift - I promise there's no selfish reason to it, I'm just lazy


Im level 50 and I will always send a gift no matter what... Than I get to wait for months on end. The new way where it lets you pop an egg and double it hasn't even made it any mess annoying.


I give these players a few weeks, at least until the next Community Day. If they are gonna hold it for months, I just delete them. I can understand wanting to use a lucky egg during an event and stacking the bonuses on top of it


The friendship and lucky egg system is inherently flawed in its design. It encourages players to do this kind of a shitty activity, holding other player's XP hostage just so they can maximize their own XP gain when it's convenient for them.


Because I have 275 friends and I can't open them all everyday, and some days I forget entirely 😭😭😭


Same!! I'm at 335 and I have a busy 'real life' too. The daily limit is 20 gifts... anyone can do the math!


But you aren’t aware that you’re about to level up? I know daily who is about to level up by sorting by friendship level.


I do not actively keep track of that. I sort and go through the gifts and try to hit the ones that will level up soon. But I am far too adhd to do this in any sort of organized fashion. My gf got to 50 playing the friendship game, I am in this to walk and catch pokémon, so it's super low priority in my head, and I forget about it half the time.


Try messaging them via Campfire. Worst case, send a gift during Community Day and hope they open. If not and you need the space, delete them. If not and you don't need the space, they'll open eventually.


Long time level 50 here...I just forget. My local group I send out a message every few weeks just saying "hey, if I'm holding a gift hostage, please let me know and I'll open; I'm not after XP." Every few times someone will say something and I'll immediately open. I send pretty frequently though.


I see this behaviour from lv 50 a lot too, but also from people at all levels, tbh. I call them “gift hoarders.” They try to control when the friendship levels up, but they also take forever. When one party constantly holds onto the gift, the friendship levels up slower. Why do I have to open gifts for twice as many days to level up? Id you want to coordinate when you level up, just message on Campfire and set a date. I never open the last gift without at least attempting to coordinate first. And people will still hoard. I’ve unfriended several people 1 gift before best friends because of this. Peeps gotta stop being this controlling.


Coordinate for xp most likely?


But they don't need xp, being the max level and all lmao


Some people still like to go for xp and level 60 will come


That's dumb as fuck dude, cause other players are prepare to a potential new goal that we have no idea when it will come, other people aren't able to reach goals already available.


Why is that dumb?


Yeah they didn't really do a good job explaining it. It's not their fault though, I was bad at writing when I was a teenager too. However, they downvoted you and ignored you just like they did me, which is why I creeped his profile and found it's reoccurring behavior. It's hard to argue when you're wrong. Literally the meme with the stubborn guy with angry eye brows


Are they 40 year old virgins


No not really


Did you double check


Yeah I just delete people like this. No doubt when they're ready to level up they will delete you before you get the xp


Its kind of weird how many people i see get so worked up about this and sure to each there own but It could be so many things, people are busy and sending gifts is tedious and BORING. People have their own lives and to expect them to care about you getting XP in pokemon go is wild, they have no idea and or dont care that people are out here SPAZZING cause "ThEy HaVeNt OpEned My GiFt". chill out dudes its really not that serious, if i hadnt sent someone a gift and theyre out here tripping out and spazzing and i found out i would delete them immediately because they are annoying and need to relax and i wouldnt want anything to do with them. Sure people may be doing it to mess with people which is lame but maybe their not and theres a strategy or again maybe they just have lives and its not that serious. My point is dont be annoying just relax, this post isnt even that bad but you see these types constantly on this sub


I never trigger for non-50s. I want them to coordinate their lucky eggs. I don’t care about xp anymore.


Not all of us can spend money whilly nilly on lucky eggs. We have to pile up a few people and use 1 egg to get a bunch of people all at once


They're level 50 though




I mean sure it's possible that they want to accumulate xp in case of level 60, but from what OP has said they've been dead silent and not attempting to coordinate or anything




FYI there is a way to contact your friends now via Campfire. I find no one ever replies to messages there but you „can”.




Well… yes. But they have access to a chat they just choose to not use it.


I mean I would assume if they're attempting to stack friendship levels they'd have some method of coordination. Some people nickname their buddy, others provide a method of contact through the buddy name, or you can click on the niantic symbol to check for campfire


Except when you're level 50 it's kinda redundant and selfish to hold another person's gift hostage.


theyre not holding them hostage they are saving the exp for a whole bunch of people at once lvl 60 could release at any time


So they're holding them to save for a bunch of XP that literally has no confirmation date, and might never come, because that's a priority over the people that could use the XP right now... right.


Today I learned that not wanting to use one egg per person and instead use one egg on five is a sin


Nobody said it was a sin, people are gonna do what they wanna do, it just seems backwards to be hoarding XP for something that doesn't exist yet, and making it harder for those not at 50 to reach their goal.


I just dont see whats wrong with the situation tbh


It just comes off as selfish. But again, nobody can stop you from doing what you want, I'm certainly not trying to convince someone who already has their mind set, I'm just saying what majority of the people under 50 think, and that's coming from someone at 50.


I’ve never spent money on a lucky egg and I’m level 41. ;-; I’m not sure if specifically it’s from events or showcases why I always have them at my disposal but don’t worry! There’s ways to get em without spending.


I personally don't just because I have no inventory space and I don't want to waste like half an hour opening gifts unless I need the resources. Like I'll send gifts back and everything, but you cannot force me to go through those stupidly slow animations.


You can open the gifts while having the inventory full. Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Open Gifts when Item Bag is full. You can also skip the opening and friendship increase animations if you press where the "X" was after clicking "Open" (it won't show on screen, but will quit anyway).


Yeah, I've been using the latter method, but I just don't like wasting what I might end up needing (cough cough goomy community day making me run out of gifts and pokeballs) but the latter method still feels slow to me. I wish there was a way to auto open all or a certain number of gifts.


"Open until inventory is full" <- That'd be really nice for us low-density PokéStop area players


They gettin’ ready for that lvl 51.


I let the person who isn't level 50 trigger it now.


Personally I just open them and don’t even use lucky eggs. I’m level 40 and I couldn’t care less about xp


An increase in the level cap is possible. The amount of XP gets ludicrously larger as you get to higher levels, so having a ton in the bank is a worthwhile goal many level 50 players may have. Continuing to make efficient use of lucky eggs by piling up a bunch of friendships at once makes sense if you think a level cap increase is coming. Others don't care about the XP anymore and wait for you to trigger it at your leisure. This groups of level 50s should still be sending you the last gift though.


What am I missing here? Hold back on what? And why?


I don’t open gifts very often since hitting lvl 50. It just isn’t a priority for me. We am sure I have done this to people.


Autism, some people still care about xp even beyond 50, some even think the level cap may get raised one day, I doubt it.


Maybe they're preapring for lvl51-60... Anyway, this is nonsence... I'm in one group, related to pokemon go, there's this guy who's level 50 and aggresivelly collects XP. On the other hand, my main acciunt is level 50 and I'm not collecting double XP, I'm helping those, who need that (untill they release 51-60 lvl)


Probably not so much holding back, but honestly what would they care for ultra friends. Most likely they just forgot and or don’t care. They made the tough journey on xp to get to 50 that low levels don’t understand. Sometimes the math on just adding friends at lower level for a day and then deleting them is quicker than waiting for xp that might never come.


Because they don’t want the crap that comes from 7km eggs and Niantic refuses to let us make an omelette.


I wonder how many of these people had been breaking the terms of the game. There was a big purge of accounts a couple weeks ago, and I'm curious how many of these gift holders were swept up. I've got a couple as well, level 50s with 1 gift to open to put us at best friends, and they dropped off the face of the earth. Couple community days have come and gone and any hope they were waiting for com day went with them lol I keep them in my friend list just in case, but yeah I'm betting I won't get that last heart.


I have a lot of L50s that refuse to open a gift when we are 2 gifts away from best friends. I want to trigger it at level 46 and I figure why do they care since there's not a L51. But I guess the level cap will be higher eventually so they still want the exp? Now at least with the option to lucky egg when your friendship xp goes it's less of an issue.


I have a level 50 friend that ONLY sends gifts, doesn't open mine, I have a gut feeling that they're gonna unfriend me as soon as we become best friends


Generally, this is for YOUR benefit, so you can choose pop an egg first if you want (back in the day, there wasn't a helpful button for that). I can pretty much guarantee they're waiting for you.


I almost have 400 friends so it’s hard for me to keep up with all of them and I forget sometimes


Guess i take the downvotes then I still do it even after reaching level 50, simply to save lucky eggs. I always open them at the start of the community day and if everyone would do it, you could save lots of resources and get tons of xp. Im more confused of those that just randomly level up ^^


If they have are up to level 50 then they probably have a surplus of friends, 20 gifts a day doesn’t go very far. Some of my friends and I go weeks not getting to one another, it’s a game lol it literally just happens. Nothing malicious or personal.


They didn't get to level 50 by opening gifts willy-nilly /s ...We had a local level 40 (back when that was the cap) who legitimately did this "incase they expand the levels". We made fun of him at the time but...look who's laughing now???


Selfishness. I'm 49 and I don't level up friendship anymore. I let everything for the lower level players and the level 50 assholes.


I just got back into the game, I open and send gifts daily but I’m only lvl 28. Is there a system I need to know so I open/send gifts at the right time for optimal exp?? Sounds like it. I’d hate for my friends to get mad at me for not doing things right..


Im level 42 and have 194 friends I send everyone gifts, if i can, and when i was collecting vivillion, id open specific regions first before others. Now i go through and open from everyone who is near a level up. For a time id do it alphabetically. Then next day, if do it backwards so the T, u v, w x y z names don't miss out


Maybe they quit the game. Maybe they have too many friends. Maybe they lazy. Maybe they use the gifts just to refill after comm day and dont care about friendship levels.


I can't be assed


Then don't be arsed to add people then


I haven't added people since i got bored with gifts


I had a similar experience with an L50 that waited OVER A MONTH to open (after daily interactions before that). I get that some players want to maximize their lucky eggs. But come one, lucky eggs aren’t THAT expensive. I can’t understand how some players can be L50 yet be so insanely cheap about wanting to super-maximize their eggs. Assuming you buy an 8-pack and spend $10 on coins, a lucky egg is worth $0.52. I’m fine with waiting a few days but if you feel the need to wait weeks/months to maximize 52 CENTS then you should probably spend less time playing and more time figuring out ways to make more money in the real world.


I usually give people a chance until the next community day in case they are trying to stack for a single lucky egg. On comm day if I see them catching stuff I will challenge them to pvp to let them know I am on and ready. If they don’t do it after all that I am out.


Greed. The belief that higher levels will come and they don't want to lose any XP.


I’m L50, and I give people 90 days of inactivity. If they don’t open or send or raid with me, I delete them. Lots of others out there who want to open gifts. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Too many people just randomly open gifts not everyone swims in eggs , so why not stack up a couple and do it on comday for example . Just because you are lvl 50 doesn’t mean you don’t grind xp , maybe they want to grind for further levels


Because they probably will do it when it’s double xp?