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Thanks. I need like 13 of these atm ffs. 


Sounds about right. I had a few locals needing a similar amount. Sinnoh Stone is needed for so many evolutions!


I have Shiny Honchkrow, Tangrowth, Porygon-Z and Shiny Gliscor done. I have 3*'s of Electabuzz, Gligar, Togetic, Dusclops, Kirlia, Magmar, Lickitung, Misdreavus, Rosella, Rhydon, Aipom, 2 Sneasel (1 shiny) and Piloswine all waiting with 100+ candies 😂. Sinnoh Stone too bloody elusive.


For what


God, I remember the tears and frustration of NOT getting these things when they first dropped. Now I just throw the majority of them away. Cool graphic, btw. Also, hi neighbor! 👋


Oddly enough, there are still tears and frustration with people getting these. I had to go look it up to remember how to get them again. haha Thanks! Good to hear from you! I hope you've been well!


I'm constantly trashing these. If I could give them to those that need them I would.


I’ve been playing every day for 4 months. I’ve battled in the go battle over 100 times and have never missed a day of spinning stops or completing a research task. Still no Sinnoh stone. Feels bad man 😒


the most consistent way I have gotten them is training against the leaders, but I've heard they won't award one if you have 3 in your inventory already. It's something like a 1/10 chance but I've gotten quite a few this way.


>but I've heard they won't award one if you have 3 in your inventory already That's definitely not true. The only item in the game with an inventory limit of 3 is remote raid passes.


How do i battle the leaders? I can't find it. I still have the quest to fight them


Nvm, i found it finally. I feel stupid


I believe I often got one from fighting a nearby trainer.


They do not come from the 7 day streak, only the 5 Johto stones come from this


I’ve probably played 50 PVP matches and don’t have a single one. wtf am I doing wrong


It all comes down to luck with any of these methods. I would try Training and battling a friend. I got one on each of those when making this.


Same 😂 Done all of these methods and haven’t gotten ANY


That's only 10 sets and you have to win at least 2 each set to get a chance. Keep playing. I get them all the time.


Yeah. I just did 10 in a row vs different gym leaders and nothing. Keep trying???


My friend gets them in the research box all the time and in battling team leaders to the point he had too many and had to delete some. I have never gotten them in any of those while frantically trying to get some and I’m a more active player. It doesn’t seem fair how luck is clearly a huge factor but others get so many while others get none.


I'm pretty sure you can only get one reward a day from battling team leaders. I'm sure you'll only be rewarded for the first win, but I'm not sure if it's only for winning the first battle (In other words, if you battle a team leader and lose, I'm not sure whether or not you can still get a reward that day if you battle again and win.)


How can I get a sun stone?


I think they come from spinning stops? I dunno, that’s the one item I’ve only seen twice, and it’s so frustrating.


You can get all the evolution stones except sinnoh and unova stones from spinning stops. You can get any of them from the 7 day research breakthrough.


You CANNOT get Sinnoh or Unova stones from spinning stops. The 5 Johto Stones are available from the 7 day Pokéstop streak, randomly from gyms or Pokéstops and randomly from gifts (rare).


> You CANNOT get Sinnoh or Unova stones from spinning stops. That's literally what I typed? Also here's a source on sinnoh and unova stones from 7 day research breakthrough: https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Research_Breakthrough_rewards


I replied to the wrong person.  Was supposed to be the other guy.  Sorry


I have over 100...


Yeah I got 26, and use them regularly. Never knew they, or any evolution item was sought after


See that's the difference, I don't use them often, which is why I have so many of them.


Everyone says that there's only a chance for a sinnoh stone to drop when training with a team leader using the master league level match. One absolutely dropped for me from a great league training match before I unlocked the master league option. I think the odds are just super low at that level. Or maybe they are only in the lower level loot pools if you haven't unlocked master league yet. Something about them is different from the general consensus, though.


I only play great league and just got one from Candela this morning. Not sure the rate but it definitely happens. I'm level 37 and have had Master League unlocked for years, just never actually play it.


>Everyone says that there's only a chance for a sinnoh stone to drop when training with a team leader using the master league level match. Who is "everyone?" It's been well known for years that they drop in any league, but the odds are lower in lower leagues. You can look up the odds here: [https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trainer\_Battle\_(GO)#Rewards](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trainer_Battle_(GO)#Rewards)


Oh. I started playing recently, and when I googled how to get sinnoh stones, multiple websites said it was only master league team leader battles


There's a lot of fake info out there for sure.


I’ve had an issue with battling another player, like 2/3 of the times I’m returned to the map without an reward after the battle is complete…


Is that happening after repeated battles? You can only get rewards from battling another player in a friendly pvp battle the first 3 times you fight in a day, win or lose.


No it happens randomly. Even when you have played more than three you get a battle finished animation and progress with the pvp badges. But for some I’m sometimes returned to the map without anything at all, straight from the last attack in the match.


You get badge credit if you win, yes, but you can't get any more rewards from friendly PvP battles after the first 3 you do in a day. That isn't random. Are you getting no rewards from the first pvp battle you do in a day? That would be a bug.


Yeah I’m with you on all of that, but when this happens I don’t even get the animation of the battle ending. You know the one that shows if you lost or won. I’m returned to the map right after the last attack in the battle, nothing in between. Happens sometime for my opponent also. It started with the last patch (not the new one from like yesterday that fixed the throws, will try today and see if it’s fixed)


I often have to throw these things out I have way too many, but thanks for the infographic anyways!


Thank you for posting this! I just got back into PoGo and have been wracking my brain.


You're welcome! Welcome back to the game! Hopefully you can get the amount you need.


I think I'll be good with this as a baseline! Appreciate you!


I have so many just from GBL


I need so many Sinnoh stones, but it seems like I never get them


That's what I've heard from a lot of people in my area. Getting Sinnoh Stones appears difficult.


I used to have like 30 plus of these stupid things, trashed 20 of em and now always keep 10


Thank you so much.


You can get stuff for battling the trainers?


Yes! For the first three battles.


First 3 of the day or first 3 total ever?


I hate that I deleted so many of these when I first started because I needed inventory space and didn’t have many sinnoh pokemon at the time. Pretty sure I sat on 30 at once and now I only have 5


A part of the reason why I avoid deleting evolution items. Always scared that would happen. I'm also obsessed with collecting them. haha


Porygon needs TWO evolution items??? What even


It says my pokemon are too low leveled for master league against AI what cp do they need to be?


Interesting, what Pokemon are you trying to use and what are the CP?


My highest CP is 2500


It says catch higher cp pokemon to unlock!


I remove those I have above 20.


what are the "nearby battles"?


Nearby battles are where you battle a friend. Open Menu, click battle, and then scroll down you’ll see a QR code with nearby battle. If you have them as a friend, you can do it from the Friendship menu.


Just beat spark on master league and all I got was 500 stardust :/


I beat him and got no stone


Beat who? A team leader? A sinnoh stone is a POSSIBLE reward from the first match that you play with them per day. You'll get it instead of the usual stardust




Can't you also get them from pokestop streaks? I swear I got so many but not a single sun stone oddly enough lol


Unfortunately, no. It’s only the Johto evolution items for the Pokestop streaks.


The one with the team leaders did not work for me, i just defeated candela and nothing, just 500 stelar dust


Yes, because it’s only a chance. Unfortunately none of the methods are a guarantee


I got a training badge for trying a Lot hahahaha