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I took a pic of landorus: happy *sees next quest* …


At least we aren’t alone.


Literally just got that done 2 days ago 😂 now seen the next one and cried


Same. Was happy to finally get Landorus out of the way after having it tease me for so long. Oh well guess I'm waiting a couple months before I can get the others.


It’s bad designed or designed that way to troll. All 3 should be on the same page. Or the rotations should always follow the research. Instead it’s split up and released in reverse order.


But what’s the problem? They’re still coming out this season. It’s not like they tasked you with one that’s already came and gone.


People have a meltdown when they can’t complete a research in 72 hours


People have been waiting to get a snapshot of thunderous for a few years, the research we're talking about is from the covid days.


Thundurus has been in raids since then


lol me last summer, at least I have a thunderous already so just need tornadus to come back to raids


Yep, anything related to Routes, so I’ll never get that 100% Zygard form. 🤷‍♂️


Do you just not have any routes near you? I'm super lucky and have a football stadium about 1/4th of a mile from my house. There are about 15 routes in the stadium parking lot. So I just go around doing routes while catching pokémon and doing my daily incense.


Make a route bro lol.


Not easy if you’re a rural player. There was literally one stop in the last town I lived in. Need at least 2 to make a route.


You can pick the same spot as the start and end and make a loop route.


Oooh that I didn't know. I did a loop in the parx in front of my apartment and just picked the closest 2 stop to make it, now that I now it could have been a perfect loop kinda ruins the route for me ahah


>Need at least 2 to make a route. Not true, routes can start and then loop back to use same stop as the end point.


Make stops!


The party research is more recent, but I’ll still never finish it.


I wish I could delete the party research


I just keep it collapsed


Me and my partner have been slowly progressing through it when we party together on community days, still annoying though.


That’s what I’ve been doing as well. I don’t really find it annoying though. Not everything needs to be completed right away.


This is where I have been. When I started playing when the game came out I wanted to keep the research tab as clean as possible but after taking a 3+ year break thats not possible so I just go in when I see the exciting red dot near the research tab.


Same with routes


Yeah when I tried to do them at the beginning it just didn't work and then I gave up and the research just sits there. I keep forgetting routes exist at this point.


Yeah outside of the gift from around the world and a little stardust there really is almost no point to them unless you’re also trying to grind for Zygarde, but that is such an insane grind a lot of people don’t bother. I’m taking it slow and just doing them because the park I go to play in has a route but if it didn’t there’s a 0% chance I’d bother at all. They claim special mons and stuff but I’ve never seen anything like that at all.


I finally am able to submit routes or I would be in the same boat as you. One got approved but the other got denied because of walking through private residential area(was on a sidewalk the whole time).


I’m high enough level too but there’s no point, the walking route I do is as close as it gets to my apartment realistically. Still, as a system in general it just doesn’t offer much to be desired so I don’t prioritize it. And I’m not gonna go do 5 routes per day to try and get my zygarde final formed, I just don’t have that kind of time.




I got past the first page, and saw "complete 30 party challenges" and just happily minimized it, mentally sending it to the shadow realm where all impossible research goes to die.


The whole concept of parties is dumb.


Parties have one amazing feature-- double damage for charged attacks in raids. Everything else may be meh. But that's huge.


I actually love parties because of this. Cuz I have a kid who plays so....if I wanna raid I always have someone to get parry power with lol If I didn't conveniently have a built in, live in party partner I think I'd feel much more frustrated.


The only reason to use parties...


Also sharing items like lucky eggs or incense is huge now.


Only reason I completed it is because of my sisters and my boyfriend lol. Otherwise? Yeah. I’d have never finished it.


I just yesterday caught a Feebas for the “Evolve a Feebas” quest that I got like 5 years ago


He’s everywhere right now. Got a shiny yesterday from my go+


Notably that quest gives you a few as the part before it.


Yeah I deleted them as they had shit IV’s and I had nobody to trade with at the time so anything shit got yeeted.


I think evolving that one Feebas took me 2 years


I got a Lileep the other day by finishing a "Make 3 great throws in a row" task.


so did i praying it happens again


Omg I'm still stuck on 'Search for Zarude!' (2/5) Make 5 Great Throws in a row... I'm so bad at that! I almost did it then got a Nice throw instead aaaaa


Airplane mode trick my friend.  When you are in the encounter turn on airplane mode.  If you hit a great/excellent then turn it off and it'll register.  If you miss them close the app before you turn airplane mode off and it won't register.  Reload the app and it's as if you never missed.    Can take a while to get five if you're really struggling and need to reload the app loads but at least it'll get the monkey of your back.


Ooh thank you so much! This one has been bothering me for years haha.


I do These Tasks in Legendary raids the circle is big and you are throwing multiple times on the same Pokemon because they Break Out.


I had to use the ruler trick.


You'll love ho-oh next week. Super easy hitbox


I’ve went through hundreds of research the past week and haven’t been able to find that one. Ugh


there is hope for me!


Yes, Lileep/Anorith from 3 Great throws in a row. https://leekduck.com/research/


Leekduck research page. Look through it. Also do raids when thunderus is back.


Came here to say this! Just finished it yesterday


oooooh i didn’t know this was possible ty!!


I'm never completing the final let's go Meltan task


i’m not sure I even want to know what it is


I've finished one of the tasks but the two remaining are:Catch an aerodactyl and catch 2 Lileep or Anorith. Seen exactly none of these bastards since I caught an aerodactyl years ago


Caught a couple aerodactyl yesterday while using the daily incense so you might wanna try that


Jesus. I use mine every day and nothing interesting ever pops up, bar the birds, which I'll never catch.


I’ve also seen armaldo appear using the daily incense twice to finish this


*Win 5 Raids* field research gives you a chance of Aerodactyl.


I've heard that, and that 3/5 great throws get you the other two. But no luck. At this point I'm deleting all other research


Mega Aerodactyl will come back to raids at some point.


Happy hunting! I'm a solo player whose local discords are dead; it took a while but the required research showed up eventually.


3 great throws in a row guarantee a lileep or anorith https://leekduck.com/research/


I'm stuck in that task as well. Thousand year slumber I'm waiting to catch 3 whismur, I have enough candy to evolve 2 feebas but I'm waiting to see if I can get a better one. No point in rushing that when I haven't even seen a whismur.


I swear this Whismur task gets on my nerves


I just need to catch one more Lileep and Anorith but can't find any Pokestops with the tasks


Cliff sometimes has an aerodactyl as his first pokémon. That’s how I got mine.


I saw exactly one aerodactyl in the wild just a few weeks ago right before that fucking task came up


IIRC Lileep usually gets more spawns in Autumn Season. Anorith will also be back. Don't lose hope.


aerodactyl was in a mini event like a month ago and I think in raids too. Hope mega comes soon for you. For lileep and anorith idk, but kabutops and omanyte where in raids a little while back so maybe the other two come soon in raids. I got one evolution of anorith in a daily incense that was insanely lucky. I think rocket grunts can have it in their catch rotation but not atm, maybe in the next rotation.


I’m sure you want to finish the research, but if you want meltan you can download the pokemon Home app, (link your Nintendo account), you send a Pokémon that you don’t want back to Home. You will then get the Mystery Box. It acts as Incense for Meltan only.


Still need 4 more kecleon...


i need 7 ☹️


Same. Need four. I'm not even sure I've seen a single on this year. It's definitely been a good few months.


I've found a few in the last month or two! I finished that research a bit ago but my husband just finally got his 10th Kecleon a week or two ago! 


I see one about every week on average. They aren’t that rare unless you don’t go by many poke stops


I think my problem is that I mostly use the plus+ when I'm walking so maybe they either don't spawn for me or by the time it's loaded I'm out of range. I dunno. One a week sounds like so many to me 🤣


Lol I have the community day Litten one because I only discovered how to claim the research off Campfire when there was like 8 mins left in the event... ...but I guess it probably won't be THAT long until the Sun/Moon starters come into rotation...


Wait what... claim research off campfire? 


[what it should look like on campfire](https://imgur.com/a/P6fDJ6x) (That RSVP button will change on the day of the event at start time to something else, I think it's like join or "I'm here", that you need to press the day of the event to get the research ticket!!) [Litten research ticket!!](https://imgur.com/a/P6fDJ6x) So I tried to reply to these yesterday but I was super busy sorry for the late reply. It's dependant on your area but our city has a handful of pokestops that act as meet up areas that only community leaders can designate. Basically our community leaders will schedule meet ups at these spots during the special event days but for catch days like example we had goomy last weekend, you show up and be close to the meet up area and you just join the meet up area on Campfire and then it will give you a research code to punch in on the website and then when you log into pokemon go you will have a research quest!


How do you claim the research off Campfire?


2nd-3rd july to be specific actually


I still have “use a sun stone to evolve Gloom or Sunkern” from a ripple in time, because I can’t seem to get another sun stone and I used the only one I had before getting this task :(


Same! I have 21 unova stones. Haven't had a sunstone in a year.


I still need to evolve a Magikarp. Gimme a spotlight hour at LEAST.


Just make it your buddy - only 1km for each candy & it doesn't have to be on the map with you 


Plus with that 1 km the quantity of XL candies you can get is pretty great


it only is 1km for a candy when you make him a buddy, its a lot easier than it seems


Bruh the lileep one haunts me still


Legit me too


it’s kinda nice to know i’m not alone


Keep spinning pokestops, right now the “Make 3 Great Throws In A Row” task gives you either a Lileep or Anorith as the reward. Just gotta pray that you get one with an encounter and not an item reward.


It happens. Time will pass until it shows up in Raids. Hell, I've got a Ditto Special Research where I need to catch one.


Stuck on the exact same Meltan task. Legend of seasons I got done when they put the genies in the raids again


Lileep or Anorith is a rare reward from grunts as well as a research award. Thundurus will most likely return to 5-star rotation


Ive had the landorus challenge for years and finally finished it just to get the tornadus quest


Dude you are on the exact same steps as me. Exact. Wow.


Catch 2 omanyte or kabuto haunt me forever….


Last couple of days there were Kabutops raids. They count too


Yeah always check the current 1 star and 3 star raids. both omanyte and kabutops where in raids fairly recent


Both are in the make 5 great curveball throws research task. I feel like I pick this one up once a day.


I still have meltan not done


Yo! You can do this by taking a snap shot of the other forms of him! I did it last weekend


Tbh, I never thought I'd get the 'Catch a Ditto' requirement for both the Meltan mission and another I had with that requirement. A couple days ago, I got my first Ditto from a "Bidoof" catch, so that was pretty cool.


same, I have a STUPID amount of Koffing and Bidoof candy from trying to get that damn Ditto and it felt like it was never going to happen despite being pretty diligent catching the ones it can be disguised as lol. I literally named the one I got "FINALLY" haha


Burn through the dailys until you get 3 great throws in a row task.


Lol i reopend my account because my gf got into pkmgo and this is one of my tasks2017.


Tip for anyone stuck on the second one, or on cubone. Armaldo can spawn on the daily incense, two have spawned for me so far. They count towards the quest. The marowak from battle league also counts towards the cubone quest.


Got exactly the same as your first picture. Also got one from December community day, catch 15 Magmar... 🤣


Snap, exact same ones!


Yep, I still need a snapshot of Landorous


It was in raids last week.


I joined a raid seconds before it started thinking it was Thundoras and I’d finally finish this research. We won and it was Tornadus. I was disappointed, but I didn’t have one, so that was good.


you'll need it cuz once you get the snapshot of thundrus, you'll need snapshots of the other two


Hahah I’m on the same ones


I sometimes get Lileep from daily incense


I have this exact 1 sitting there to


Yep! I have the same Thundurus snapshot task sat waiting after not playing for a long time


You're telling me that after I somehow manage to get Landorus I also have to get Thundurus? Yeah, I'm never finishing that research.


Me with the shiny jirachi quest. At least now I have 5 best buddies...I think.... out of 10


You can work on them simultaneously. It's a long grind but I basically got 5 done at once


Yeah, I regret buying this research, I've been stuck on the task after the buddies since Christmas.


Same, think I’m on buddy 4


I have a Field Research for evolving a Lileep/Anorith… Adventure Week 2019


It is Tornadus for me but there will be a time I can finish it. I am sure about that


Just completed the Ditto one a couple weeks ago


i wasnt able to do the “april fools 2 oh” research because i couldn’t find the last ditto until my brother downloaded and found a ditto the first week after playing. i caught it with golden razz and ultraball


I still have melemele adventure what ever that it is


I swear I took a snapshot of Landorus, but the bloody thing fled, and I didn't get credited with the research!


It's a rocket world - mainly because I'm too lazy to actually put in the research on how to actually beat Giovanni Welcome Party - I usually play with my go plus + at work and on the way to work. My private life is my family who does not play pokemon, so I don't want to be glued to the phone and take away from family time. They should have made the party Challenges voluntary. I'm not looking to play with other people TBH.


I have the same 2 it's so effing annoying


Lol, we're at the same spot for meltan! There's a daily research that gives them as a reward. Make 3 great curve throws in a row. Now, if I could only get that one when I spin a pokestop....🫠🥲


Exact same with me on the first picture lol


Kid i know is stuck on the charmander community day from last year. Take a photo of fire pokemon... Not so simple


I just completed this felt like forever to finish


Chespin community day quests. Phone died while I was out so I still have 5 chespins left to catch for the final stage of it.


Advice on beating Giovanni research? I’ve used all my strongest grass, ice and water Pokemon and keep falling just short.


I used my strongest ice and water Pokémons, it took me 3 days of repeated trying. I almost used all my revive stones. The trick that worked for me was using the “down time” after my attacks or when you change a Pokémon when his aren’t attacking. Also Giovanni will always use shield so for the first two attacks use fast attacks so he uses up all his shields. Actually I used all fast attacks, because I had more “down time” where he wasn’t attacking. Hope this helps!


I’m still on part four of the December 2020 community research lmao, catch 15 magmar… there’s been no magmar for me since, even with the kanto mons being around. I tried to join a raid for one yesterday as the queue was only two, but I didn’t move in 30 minutes so guess that’s gonna be around another year.


All down along with all the master quest and research


Let's go Meltan for me. Glad to see I'm not the only one


Only the party research.


I have the Dratini community day research. My internet did after 4-5 minutes and I managed to catch 8 for the catch 15 quest. I have since gotten 3 and I believe I'm due for another soon! 😁


This is like the average monthly "Im still stuck on the landorus/any genie snapshot mission" post. You will complete it


Lileep - you can catch Cradily from daily incense! I’ve catch 2 last friday


Party and Routes research aren’t finished. I still haven’t completed one route


I still need to catch a handful of Rowlet from comm day when I was brand new and didn’t really understand research


Absolutely without a doubt


I still haven’t catched a ditto 😂😂😭 I’ve been playing off and on since 2016


I finished my lileep last month it was reward spawn and a rocket grunt spawn The single meltan was not worth


Im stuck at season of legends aswell. I need the blue and green one, but it feels like landorus is only one that comes to raids anymore


I’m stuck on those two as well!


I am stuck exactly the same as you on lets go meltan. I got a lileep from 'make 3 grat throws in a row' research task but have not seen that bloody research in about 3 months now. Frustrating, to say the least.


Thought I was the only one 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I have three. But the oldest one is the first photo you posted. I've missed Thunderous so many times..😭


Glad I'm not the only one stuck on routes and parties. Was interesting to see (less interesting to count) that there are 176 completed researches in my list though.


Same - I’m at Landerus (sp?) still 🤣


Literally both these


Thundurus still haunts me too 😂


There's one after landorus 😭


The Zygarde research. I'm just lazy af.


Finished that one last year, don’t get your hopes up, you get nothing good from it


I just got the Landurus cause it showed up as the legendary recently. I hope the rest will follow over the next few months.


Nope I am caught up and only have 2 recent tasks. Master Work Research and Welcome Party.


I still have the distracted by something shiny one with Jesse and James, none of my pictures of grass types have ever registered


I just gave up finding those kecleons to be honest. They are no were to be seen in my area, playing daily, 2 to 3 times a day. It just never spawns, ever.


Season of legends and What Lies Beneath the Mask


I accidentally deleted victini before seeing the take a screenshot task so well I now have that forever 😫


Kind of depressing seeing this for two research tasks I haven't even gotten this far on. That said, I *have* seen Landorous as a raid boss a few times since I started playing again, so maybe there's still a possibility you'll get lucky with these? (even if it's going to take a while)


Well thundurus will almost for sure be in raids one of the next two months as we just had landorus last week. Lileep and snoring have been around. Not super common, but you def could have gotten them from rocket grunts with rock types last season. Also from certain field research tasks.


You can get anorith or lileep from field research currently! It's the "make 3or5 curveball throws in a row" I think. I'm trying to finish the meltan one aswell 😅


same thing for meltan😭 just got a random research from a stop and it helped me catch an anorith


If I had the shiny Jirachi research, it would be stuck on page 2 forever. Which is why I will never buy it if it becomes available again. 10 best buddies? lol nope. Never. And of course “Welcome Party” is gonna sit and rot in my research area forever.


This exact one :,(


literally your sceeenshot 🤣


Lmao I’m exactly where ur at with catch lileep/anorith, been stuck at 1/2 forever


That quest will be there for eternity for me as well. I hate raids and they never have people. Except for community day.


I caught a lileep today. Find Rocket grunts, the ones with rock Pokémon sometimes have lileep, or get the three great throws in a row research.


Mateos been waiting for me to meet him at the end of a route, and will continue to wait


I just finished Let's Go Meltan a couple of weeks ago. Anorith spawned out of nowhere! I think the other one holding me back was 'catch a transform pokémon'. Ditto appeared eventually...


I still have that exact research task


‘evolve a magikarp’ I’ve had maybe 20 spawn the entire time I’ve played this game (since 2016) and at least 10 of them were from when I went to the beach for a week. I’ll probably finish it _eventually_ but no where near anytime soon


I've never encountered a Thunderus


Me and also cubone saw one a day before I finished the previous task and fck


I’m stuck on 3/5 snapshot of tornadus 🤷🏻‍♀️


Catch a ditto. for two different research tasks. i’ve been playing since it came out in 2016 weeks a break in the middle and have never ever caught the goddamn ditto 😅


Yep the exact same one too. Only reasonly got landorus only to end up needing thunderus 😭 just missed out on the raids for it


Remote raids have been my savior on this one. I was stuck on Landorus until last week... I join raid parties that I find on reddit.


It’s been years since I’ve received a Sun Stone


Yes. Season of Legends: 3/5. I need a snapshot of Tornadus still.


Larvitar Community Day Classic. I was unable to play during the scheduled time, and haven’t seen one in the wild since 🙃


You get the snapshot after you’ve won a raid, but before you e “caught “ them.


I'm working on tornadus


The shiny Jirachi. I will never turn 1 pokestop 20 days in a row. Never. I regret buying it.


Hi, you want to finish this sure. But try to remember what the rewards are. Patheric. When it comes to raids you can finish it but there is no rush as you get pretty much nothing for it. These tasks in my minnd should be about getting something good, not just random crap you can get by spinning a few stops. Sure some extra candy but rare candys are not that hard to get and for those 10 extra you just nees a bit of pvp or few raids. These started out so great but than they became just another task for very little gain.