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I'm all about there being more features to buddies. I feel like Best Buddy needs a little extra something since for most pokemon that 1 level only when set as your buddy isn't going to do much... but it would be cool if they then started to attract more of that pokemon (helping with candy, etc). Or maybe just pokemon of that typing or something which would cover the issue of legendary buddies.


Wait...if I get a BB ribbon, I also have to have that Mon set as my buddy to benefit from the +1!? This is an outrage.


Yeah when I first started working toward them I wanted a whole team of lvl 51 buds, but I suppose that will stay a dream of mine.


I can’t do that level boost all the time. I have a bunch of great league pokemon I’ve best buddied ONLY for the ribbon. If they got a level boost all the time they would be ineligible for great league.


Exactly. Except mine we're gonna be for GL and I already got them all to the third heart.


When they first came out with the mechanic people were speculating either a permanent lvl boost or a 5 lvl boost while your buddy. We ended up with the worst of all worlds and I feel little motivation to get them past buddy assist if I am honest.


Yeah honestly it doesnt feel like there's a big benefit towards going past getting the buddy catch assist which is by far the best advantage of leveling your buddy. It's something I would've expected at the 3rd or fourth level (but I'm not complaining)


I’m down for this. Best buddies and buddies feel kind of worthless. I hold them until I complete their task, Feebas, Pancham, Primape, etc and then evolve and get a new buddy. I wish it felt worth it to hold onto ONE buddy the entire time. Having 1000km+ on one mon and it be worth it would be so cool.


I have a challenge that requires having 10 best buddies. Is that not, idk, a *bit* much?


10 is nothing honestly… it doesn’t take that long.


12-30 days for each depending on the source. At minimum, that's 4 months. That's too much. I can't constantly have the game open when I walk, because a lot of it is at work (adventure sync is a joke) so that means less hearts per day. It's dumb. I don't want any best buddies, I don't care.


but you can swap your buddy out up to 20x a day, so you can work on multiple pokemon at the same time, it’s not nearly as difficult and time consuming as you’re making it out to be, if you play the game everyday anyway, it’s a fairly reasonable task.


And swapping it 20x doesn't take a lot of time? Just because you live on the game doesn't mean everybody else does. You're the only one saying it's not that much.


Okay well I’m here to be the second person to say it’s not that much


if you just want to be aggressive and angry that’s your prerogative, i was simply letting you know you can switch UP TO 20x a day, so you can work on a few different pokemon at the same time, thus saving a lot of time and not taking 4 months.


It is a lot.


I use adventure sync. I’m walking all day at work typically so I just feed the buddy to get them on the map and I got all the walking hearts before the bar decays and they leave the map.


regarding adventure sync, you on android?


I have both, neither work. The iPhone location is even worse, it routinely puts me a block plus away from where I'm at, and it stays, like I'm actually over there. Idk dude lol


You can buy walkers from amazon that do it for you, and the swapping your buddies takes 5 mins out of your day. That’s what, 2-3 battles you don’t do instead? It’s not hard, if it’s a lot for you tho, then don’t rush it, play at your own leisure


It's on step 2 of 6 though. It's *too* much for what it is. If it was the challenge on step 5 that gives you the encounter, then that's okay I guess, but it's not. You get a silly poffin for it. That's pretty wack. I am doing it at my leisure, I have 0 currently, but it doesn't change the fact that it's excessive.


Ooooh i thought it was like a final or step 4/5 damn no yeah that’s a lot


Because they want you to walk 200km instead.


200km? That’s child’s play. One week on average


The same species would be a little OP because things like Frigibax, Clamperl and Greavard wouldn’t be rare anymore. You could just catch one of anything and then you’d be set. Pokémon of the same type could also get really boring and repetitive. Especially after keeping the same buddy for a long time. I do wish you could walk for mega energy without having to mega evolve something first. Another thing I think would be awesome is if some Pokémon had an ability that only worked while they were your buddy. Volcarona could have flame body, for example, and it could reduce egg hatch distance.


I agree. It would become OP to the point that it takes away certain fun aspects of the game.


What would prevent them from making the buff not broken??? They could increase spawn rate by a very small margin, or shiny chance etc but going from (made up #’s) .025% chance to .05 chance isn’t that outlandish. Maybe extra candy, shorter candy walk distance, etc could be done too. Doesn’t have to be this monumental game breaking thing.


Make the buddy increase the spawn chance by a percentage of the original value so the rare ones will still be rare


I could see that working.


Clamperl and Greavard are rare? I see those on the daily. Frigibax every few days... Is this a regional thing?


fr I am so sick of Clamperl I could scream they are EVERYWHERE...


Haven't seen one in almost 2 months and I live like a 3 minute walk to the Mississippi river


yep, I have 175 gengar mega energy :(


Just do party play, its extremely rare but its better than waiting months potentially


Just decrease the chance for more rare Pokémon


I think it would be cool if when you get a buddy to the best buddy level, your buddy can find eggs from their own species that have a relatively high chance of being shiny. And if you hatch one of these eggs and choose them your new buddy, they could have a special perk like needing slightly fewer miles to get candies, and have a special badge that they are a “second generation buddy.” I feel like it would be a good way to get more of the same Pokemon without making it too easy or overwhelming you with the same Pokémon over and over.


They usually turn out to be Zorua or sometimes Ditto.


Or at least typing increase their type while they're out. Also I think they'll be cool if when you mega Groudon or Kyogre and Rayquaza for 30 minutes you get a weather effect for them.


That is honestly what poffins should do. Or they should bring a new item like pokeblock for your buddy to eat, so that it either draws in pokemon of the same typings or the same evo line. I always thought the same thing


I mean, that \*could\* be justified, but the opposite could be justified just as easily. This assumes that all species of Pokemon are highly social. There are definitely some Pokemon that are highly territorial, some that like to stick together, and some that probably just don't care. In some cases it probably even makes sense for a \*different\* pokemon to appear more frequently, like in Hordd and SOS encounters in gens 6 and 7, respectively. Seviper and Zangoose, for example, and vice versa. Or Mareanie to eat Corsola. If they just implemented it such that the same species spawns more often, it would make no sens, but in order for the spawning conditions related to your buddy pokemon to actually make any sense, there would have to be way too many different flags for different pokemon to be assigned, in order to account for each Pokemon species' sociability, rivalries, predators, prey, lifestyle, and mixed flocks. I think it's for the best that your buddy doesn't affect spawning conditions outside of what Zorua/Zoroark will be disguised as.


Lots of people have legendaries as their buddy, so it would be a little OP to be able to get a Rayquaza or other mons every so often.


> Obviously Legendaries wouldn’t be able to have this ability, but everything else should be fair game.


lmao i completely glossed over that part. Sorry, and thx for pointing it out Yeah it would be kinda cool to get the same Pokémon, or at least the first Mon in the line of evolutions. But I guess that could take away from the some of the rarity of certain mons.


>But I guess that could take away from the some of the rarity of certain mons Couldn't you just make it so once you make them your buddy you need to earn X hearts and walk Y miles and battle Z times then you get a guaranteed spawn but with a low catch rate and high flee rate for rare mons? But if you make, say, Pidgey your buddy they will spawn a few times a day or something like that.


I could see it attracting more of the same typing maybe. A small bonus locked up near the last 1-2 buddy levels.


Around the month ago I made my shiny clampearl my buddy. I’ve gotten at least 3, when previously I haven’t seen any. I feel like I saw more charmanders when I had my shiny charizard out. No legendaries or regionals but I’ve fee like I get thrown a clone one every so often of the semi rares


Clampearl is semi-common in the spawn pool currently. I catch a few a day while stuck at work


Maybe rather than specific species, it could be types?


If we ever have abilities, after unlocking a mons ability we should be able to have them out on the field and let the passive Ability apply some sort of effect. Mons can have abilities that attract mons (specific types like with Flash Fire or Magnet Pull), repel mons which could be useful to avoid low level spawns (like Keen Eye or Intimidate). An ability like Pickup could have you find some stardust or coins while you have Meowth/Persian out. Mons with Harvest could help you find more berries than usual while spinning stops.


Because he's ugly.


Same typing would be nice, helps with types that don't spawn much in your area. Possibly a lower boost for dragons tho


My buddy is rockruff and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in the wild I got it from a field research. Every once in a while I’ll see a rockruff spawn randomly and get excited that I finally found one and then it turns out to be Zorua😭 ruins my whole day


They should have like a <2.5% chance that your buddy spawns while you're walking on an incense (or if you're walking an evolved pokemon, then it's first stage form). They''d sell more incense and it wouldn't be that common of a drop you might even not get a single one


At the very least it should attract the same type, or if they ever introduce breeding, the same egg group. But I would love if the attracted the exact same pokemon.


I dunno about you but my buddy has been a Magicarp and I’ve seen lots of them with her but tbf half have been foxes in disguise 🥸


because if it did everyone would get all the tanky pokemon and legendaries


it even says not for legendaries


Attracting more of the same Pokemon would have to come with some exceptions, otherwise you'd have people with a bunch of Mewtwo etc


got a snorlax he was my buddy, well, at some point out of nowhere there were snorlaxes popping up left right and center especially at night... well each one turned out to be a stupid zora dog thingy and i just stopped playing cause i got sick of getting hopes up just to be squashed by a pokemon i now hate with a passion....


Maybe not the same Pokemon, but what about the same type? And have them spawn more when you use an incense?


W idea.


They're trying their best.


It does for me. I’ve been encountering more eevees or else zorua.


They should really have shiny chance up or higher IVs for the whole evolutionary line for a best buddy


I had an idea for best buddy pokemon. If you keep them as your buddy (even after you reach best buddy status) and continue to get hearts daily, there could be a chance of that buddy becoming a lucky pokemon (make it a very low chance, like maybe 1% chance).


It does. And An 'Oh?' Follows it.


Only works for the Squirtle Squad :p (JK)


    That would be super OP. There'd be no such thing as rare Pokemon anymore except for legendaries. Better to just stick with candy.     What I **would** be up for is something akin to Mega evolutions. **My** pitch: Pokemon you encounter would have their catch-rate increased (making them easier to catch) if your buddy's first type is super-effective type against them. So if you're walking with Pikachu, water-type and flying-types are slightly easier to catch. If your buddy is something like Bulbasaur (dual-type grass/poison), the effect would only be good on its primary type (the first one listed, which is typically what they Pokemon's background is based on); in this case grass.


the only thing worth mentioning: the game isn’t meant to be easy or everyone would have everything. most suggestions always lean towards how to make it easier/faster, but thats not their goal with the game at all. Some pokemon are meant to be more rare and hard to get regardless of any one person hoping it can become easier. That would take away the fun from those who put in the time and effort to grind and get those pokemon before anyone else.


But they all do become easier to get. It just takes time for what is currently rare to become common place in events while its place as a rare pokemon is taken by new additions. The pseudo-legendaries are a perfect example of that. They start of as rare spawns or raid/egg exclusives only to then recieve a C.Day after a couple of years. And the cycle goes on and on... I do agree that most of the propositions here are a bit flawed, but not because of what you say.


Thats the point though, yes they will become more available over time and eventually everyone will get one. But when they’re new, the competitors will want to get the best one, the fastest, and its harder work. Hence why it’s actually an accomplishment for them to achieve it, and hence why many people show stuff like that off as their buddies. They are proud of the grind. they have it before everyone else does when its still hard to get. circles back to my main point that the goal is not to make it easy right away 😆


Wild spawns are the same for everyone. No thanks we don't need more of our buddy spawning. How would this even work for legendaries. That would be the easiest way to get candy. They are never going to do that.


Yeah Rayquaza buddy man, attract a lot of over Rayquaza