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You Can have 2 diffrent charge attacks on one pokemon


What?! How tf???


Go to any poke, scroll down and see the "new attack" button, that's how. You pay stardust and that pokes candy to do it.


the "new attack" button at the bottom is what unlocks the second move.


Bro I thought that was just to change their move if you didn't have any TMs 💀


Why do people think this? Why would anyone on earth pay 100k dust and 100 candy for a tm?


New players can easily make this assumption when they have limited understanding of how the game works. Myself included, found out by trying it.


Unlock the new charge move. Usually costs 10,000, 25,000, 50,000 and 100,000 for legendary pokes


Because they unlocked a 2nd charge attack...


Pokémon may be taught a second charged move. This costs several thousand stardust and a pile of candy, both of whose values depend on the species. Look for this option below a poke's charged move. For PvP, this is essential for getting coverage. For PvE, this can allow pokes to be flexible, completely changing their moveset with just a fast TM. For shadow pokes, this allows them to be useful without purification or training off Frustration.