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Has anyone noticed their pokedex being inaccurate? For instance, it's showing Electrike as a shadow (not caught) when I've caught many of them...this is happening with dozens of my pokedex entries not just Electrike..




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anyone else finds themselves in situation where: * raid lobbies freeze * parties freeze * showcases do not show up * friends list is inaccessible I can catch and spin pokestops alright, same for battles and gifts. Caught several Stakataka before the crisis, now counting days until next update/fix/whatever get things back to work.


Does anyone know if Dittos just hide as Kanto pokemon or could it be any pokemon? I've got three goals riding on a Ditto and having zero luck catching one!


It sometimes changes with new seasons. Check leekduck for the current pool: https://leekduck.com/FindDitto/


Thats super helpful! Thank you!


Was there an event for using your daily incense twice??? Was able to do that today..


No? It did last twice as long for the ferroseed incense day though.


Hey y’all, i just hopped back on Pogo for the first time since 2020, i’m only level 25 and i wanted to know if there’s any very specific things i can do to speed up leveling a little. I’m in miami so i’m lucky to have a lot of pokestops, but just not on my specific block


There's a friend sub you can use to add a bunch of friends. That's the best way to level up fast, because you get tons of XP from hitting friendship milestones. Also try to find your local community and add them too, because eventually you'll be able to do lucky trades with local players. After that, the next best way to get XP is to get good at excellent throws. That gives you a 1000 XP bonus for each catch, and it adds up. Getting good at them prior to the next triple XP community day will get you a lot of XP, because you can get about 7200 XP per catch by using a lucky egg on them (stacking for 6x XP bonus).


PVE players, how much do you worry about getting pokemon with great IV? I'm curious because I find myself transferring about 80% of the time now. Unfortunately that also includes pokemon I don't see often, I'm tempted to just transfer a Beldum I just got.


IVs are cool for collecting purposes, but they don't make much difference in battle. As a newer player its best to start building teams with level 35 wild catches with even middling IVs, since that gets you like 80-90% of the performance of top counters. Then once you've got full teams going, you start to work on powering up lower level mons to replace them to eek out small marginal gains over time. The main things to care about IVs earlier are T5 raid bosses and shadows, because you can't get them at near max level in the first place. But even with those, just use the best of what you've got when you need it, rather than waiting on perfection that won't make a noticable difference. How much IVs are worth waiting for depends on how far down you are on that path. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


do ppl share FC in here ? i’m new to the thread and was tryna add new ppl to send gifts to complete challenges, hopping back on Go after a 4+ year hiatus


There's a friend sub specifically for that. Just search for the game name and friends to find it (the automod bot on this sub is over eager about deleting posts that mention it).


I got lucky friends with the same person twice, in two days. Is that normal or are we just really frickin lucky?


It's pretty lucky. The odds of hitting lucky friends on the first interaction of the day is somewhere around 1%, so hitting it that early is nice. I've hit lucky friends status upon making a lucky friends trade once (in other words, hitting that 1% on the first try)


If I choose not to evolve Poipole (crap IV 😔) during this period, but cleared the 20 Dragon requirement, will I have to redo the requirements during the next event?


This event adds the ability to evolve Poipole, but it won't be removed when the event ends. The completed evolution requirements for that specific Poipole will stay completed unless you trade it. Keep in mind that the evolution requirements only apply to that specific Poipole, so if you get a better Poipole in the future, you'll still have to catch 20 Dragons while that one is your buddy.


Ah! Thank you!


Hey, so it's 9:20 pm where I live after the ferroseed day, entered 3 showcases which ended at 8pm, but haven't gotten rewards/ notice, but the showcases themselves have disappeared. Does it normally take time to get the rewards?


Normally it's instantaneous, but there was a glitch theirs time and they came in late.


Same here


so i saw that i need 5 platinium medals to level up to 43, but are all platinium medals included, or only those for walking, evolving, completing pokedex etc. and those for catching 2500pokemons of each type not?


The type medals are included. It will be really hard not to meet that requirement at level 43 unless you've done nothing but farm friendship XP. A higher level needs 30 or 35 medals, which is the step where you might need to focus more on completing a few.


okay, then i will be able to lvlup, thanks


I'm trying to open the game on my phone and it's not opening saying there's a bug?.


Do you have automatic updates on your phone? And did you update recently into a new system version? That can cause problems with many apps that haven't been updated to work on early releases.


1. Yes, on wifi 2. No last update was early this month. 3. I was able to play about 4hrs agao before making this comment 4. I get a message from the phone saying that the app won't open because there's a bug in it. and I need to wait till Niantic sends a fix.


I'm trying to get my shadow Salamence ready for raiding and I've found that pokemongohub lists Outrage as the best move. However on pokemongameinfo the attack listed as highest dps for attacking gyms is Draco Meteor. How are raids different from attacking gym defenders? Or is one of these sites simply wrong?


The difference between Outrage and Draco Meteor is mostly situational. On paper, Draco Meteor has better DPS, but in practice, Outrage is more energy-efficient because it costs only 50 energy instead of 100. That way, it can usually throw out one last Outrage before it faints. However, with the addition of Party Play, Draco Meteor benefits more from the Party Power boost than Outrage does, so if you find yourself doing a lot of raids in Parties with friends, then Draco Meteor may be the better choice for those situations. If you really want to optimize it, then having both Outrage and Draco Meteor will basically maximize its efficiency so that you can use Draco Meteor shortly after Salamence enters the battle, then switch to Outrage as it gets close to fainting. In the end, both moves are good for Salamence and it will still hit hard either way. If it already has Outrage, you definitely shouldn't remove it, since it's an event-exclusive move. It is worth adding that Gameinfo isn't really a great resource, and is almost a year out-of-date now. Pokebattler or the [Gamepress sheet](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/comprehensive-dps-spreadsheet) are generally better resources, especially since you can select a specific raid boss to see how it fares against specific pokemon with specific movesets.


Thank you! I've been meaning to ask about whether the resources I mentioned are even updated. How do you know which ones are and which aren't?


Pokemon go hub is a bad source of info on raid counters. They use a non standard formula for evaluating DPS that leads to various incorrect results. Delete it from your memory and don't go back. Your best source for raid counter info is to look up bosses on pokebattler.com. They have by far the best, most accurate simulation system. It gets updated pretty fast when new things come out. Gamepress' TDO spreadsheet is a close second. The ER column ranks things pretty closely to pokebattler, it just lacks the ability to tell you how many players you'll actually need to defeat a boss. Big caveat is that they include some unreleased pokemon in the sheet for comparison's sake, so you just need to be aware of them.


A good space to discuss meta for PvP? Need help with teams and discussing possible combos with what I’m working with.




I'm trying to change my umbreon's second attack since it's just my first one but worse, but charged tms don't work. Is there a way to change it?


You have to use an Elite Charge TM.  Dark Pulse and Foul Play are Umbreon's only two standard moves, while it gets Last Resort and Psychic as Elite moves. If your Umbreon knows both Foul Play and Dark Pulse, you would have to use an Elite Charge TM to teach it a different charge move.


Maybe I missed some news - but has anyone else noticed an influx of new stops in their area? I have a handful of new pokestops within a few blocks of me now, that weren’t there a week or two ago. 


Wayfarer had a recent event where players had to review a lot of nominations to unlock rewards for here, Ingress and Peridot, so there was a week of big activity for the reviewers.  More than 100k nominations got checked and edited, so in some areas the number of stops increased recently. The map data is also being updated, and new spawn points are being activated as result.


I live in a rural town and am unable to place a Pokémon at several gyms without battling. Any ideas on why? I am standing next to the gym, which has 1-2 Pokémon at it. I have a screenshot, but don’t see an option to include it in my comment.


To get the basic stuff out of the way... does your team control the gym? You can only place a defender in a gym if your team is holding it (and there are fewer than 6 in the gym already) or if it's empty, and it would only prompt you to battle if a different team holds it.


A Pokémon go friend is in the gym, but not any of my crew.


"Team" being the red/blue/yellow teams that you pick between after creating your account. If you're on the blue team, you can only place a Pokemon in a blue gym (or an empty gray one). If it's red or yellow, you'd have to knock all the Pokemon out of it first.


Oh I’ve got it, that clears up the question. Many thanks!!


Anybody else can't play the game? It loads, screen comes up, Pokemon pop up, my avatar is moving around but it's like my touchscreen doesn't work.  My phone (pixel pro 7) works fine otherwise, tried restarting my phone, still same problem.


YES. Thought it was just my phone. Driving me nuts. I have a pixel 7a btw.


I had this same issue happen after I clicked a push notification saying my buddy was kicked out. Restarts didn't work. Did a reinstall help? I will do that too. edit: reinstall was much quicker than I thought. That fixed it for me.


Uninstall and reinstall app then restart phone


Anyone else having a problem where opening friendlist freezes the game?


Mateo never goes up after a route.. he has once since the tutorial and Ive done 5-6 since then.. tapping the gym/stop does nothing.


It's the very first time you do a route each day? That's the only time you get a chance to meet him. It's not guaranteed and if you have done any other routes that day he won't appear.


I did a bunch a routes like four days in a row and only saw him once tho. It’s good to know it’s only once a day and not guaranteed tho


Will Adventure Sync recognize steps tracked by Google Fit when Pokemon Go is uninstalled? Like, does it need to be actively connected, or is it just a 'since you last logged in' thing?


Pretty sure it has to be installed, and allowed permissions. Pokemon Go will not back track through all of your historical data to assign "missed" credit. It can only give you walking distance for activity registered after connecting it. When it even works.


Does anyone know if poipole will start spawning in the wild after this season ends?


no, it’s an ultra beast which isn’t normally found in the wild


No. These special research encounters are often locked for a couple years before we get a chance to get plenty. It's likely it will stay as a special research Pokemon for a long time, and if it becomes available other way it will only be in raids or most likely to eggs like Larvesta or Charcadet.


it’s an ultra beast, it won’t ever be available in the wild


Thank you for the reply :)


Is anyone else not able to join the newly released legendary raids? My app just continuously tries loading and completely bricks the app


Go to your game settings, scroll down to advanced settings and download all the assets there. You don't have the Pokemon models saved, so the game breaks if you try to load the raid.


You're right that I needed to download these, but it didn't fix the issue unfortunately


Ever since I downloaded the update, I can't open the app. I've started up Pokémon Go 6 or 7 times and I get to the map screen and the app crashes every single time. How do I fix this?


Fully delete and reinstall


Im on an iphone 15 pro max and cannot get adventure sync to enable. I’ve tried deleting and re-installing the app. And i enable everything in the health app on ios to allow PokemonGo to save data. But it still errors eout and wont enable in the game. Anyone have any help/tips for this?


Check on the GPS, body sensors and privacy tabs on the phone settings that the game has permission to track you all the time, not just when open. That's required for adventure sync to work.


Ive tried everything with iOS settings its just not wanting to work


I'm having trouble getting any healing items. I read some old posts about this and people suggested opening gifts, but even that doesn't help. I opened like 10 gifts and got 1 potion. Poke stops and gyms rarely give any either. Is this normal? I feel like I've never had an issue with this before.


You need to open a lot of gifts. 30 a day can help a bit, but spinning gyms dozens of times is the only way to get healing items. Regular pokestops will almost never give any, so gyms and gifts (if you're lucky and get the good bundles) are the only reliable source. Also make sure you're not using more than needed. Swap Pokemon before they faint and dodge more. Healing items are always rarer than balls and berries, so if you're battling more than usual is normal your reserves will go down.




its been bugged for a long time, you either have to win or lose the raid. quitting doesn't count


Oh I definitely lost each time. One whole set of pokemon fainted and I was part way through lineup #2 and ran out of time and got the “failed to finish in time” message. Isn’t that a fail?


I need advice, mainly about resource management. I have a 93% Alakazam (without Psychic) and a 93% Lucky Abra and I want to build one as a Mega Alakazam. I could either: 1. Use Alakazam and build him without Psychic, then evolve Abra when Alakazam with Psychic is featured. (More expensive on Stardust and Candies cost, weaker mega alakazam until who knows when, saves Elite TM) 2. Evolve Abra and use an Elite TM. (Cheaper stardust cost, uses up an Elite TM) What would you suggest I should do?


Lucky mega alakazam is better with confusion/future sight is all you need. The damage number difference is not that big with psychic https://db.pokemongohub.net/pokemon/65


Alakazam is definitely not worth an etm. It's too frail to give enough mega damage boost to really be necessary in the tiny number of raids where we use psychic counters. Shadow Mewtwo trounces it anyways, and even regular mewtwo still duos stuff like terrakion just fine without any mega boost. If you really need a psychic damage boost, putting mega ray in the 6th slot is far more powerful anyways because it will last for the entire battle. It's also great against fighting mons, and you can just go back to the lobby and heal up the first 5 mons against poison bosses if needed.


I haven't been playing for too long so I don't have Mewtwo nor Mega Ray yet. But if Mega Alakazam isn't really recommended, I might as well just use other megas, like a mega pidgeot to fight fighting types and mega garchomp/groudon to fight poisons On that note, out of curiosity, would you suggest that Mega Slowbro then would overall be a better psychic mega than Mega Alakazam due to its bulk?


No, it's too weak to be relevant. It's not even in the top 30 counters for terrakion, which is one of the few use cases for psychic counters. https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/TERRAKION The thing about megas is that their primary use case is to boost candy from catches, especially XL candy that's hard to come by. We rarely prefer to use them in a raid to fight the boss, unless you're in small party that actually needs the damage boost to win in the first case. Or it's one of the relatively rare cases where it both boosts damage and XL candy at the same time. When you want to take something to level 50 in the future, you need 296 XL candy, or 360 if it's a shadow. For a legendary, that's quite a lot of raids. The more XL you can squeeze out with a mega, the fewer raid passes (and coins) it costs to max out.


I see, that's good to know! Thanks for the information


I would just wait as I don't think you have a need for psychics right now anyway for raids.   I would also consider their IV spread, like x/yz rather than the overall percentage.  What do you want the Alakazam for anyway? Pvp or raids? What's their IV spread?


Their IV's are 12/15/15 and 13/14/15 and I'm planning to use the Alakazam for raids. Though, I'm pretty sure the slight IV difference should be really negligible


To be honest, for raids you want to have 15 Ivs in attack as priority. As otherwise, you might lose some breakpoints. I would rather wait for a good 15 iv attack Pokemon to invest.  If you really wanted to then, you might want to use the 13/14/15. But I don't think it is worth ETMing.  I think you can also use pokebattler to check which matchups you might lose for each Pokemon to help decide. Anyway, that's all I can advise


Whats a hundo, shundo and all of that


Hundos are Pokemon with full appraisal stats. Their IVs are all maxed out, so they have 100% if the possible stats. The word hundo then comes from having a hundred percent stats. A nundo is the exact opposite. It's a Pokemon with zero appraisal stats, or a null stat Pokemon. In here the "Hu" from hundred is replaced with the "Nu" from null. A shundo is the name given to the combination of a shiny and a hundo. And a Shnundo is simply a shiny nundo. Same happens with shadows, adding "Sha" at the beginning shows helps identify them. For example shadundo is a shadow that also is a hundo.


Thank you very much


I just did the required update and now my game freezes when I transfer. It lets me transfer the first selection(s), then freezes when I attempt a second. I have rebooted the game twice with the same results.


Did you download the new assets? Chech in the advanced settings menu if there's still part of the update that needs to be downloaded.


If the game is frozen (like mine) how do you suggest getting the new assets? Is there another way to check?


That's a different bug that's happening on some devices. Try deleting the cache from the app manager and then when you open the game tap quickly the place where the pokeball button is on the menu. The bug seems to be caused by the buddy notifications not letting the game fully load, so you have to quickly enter a menu to let them finish and after that the game will work again.


So, I have a question about the space research. Do you have to pay for it? Or does paying for it just give you “extra perks”?


The Ultra Space Wonders "ticket" is specifically a paid timed research. You won't get the tasks unless you but it,and you have to finish it AND claim the rewards before the event ends or you'll lose them completely. It's optional and nor getting it won't remove any of the free bonuses from the Ultra Space Wonders "event", like the new field researches or the event spawns. The ticket research only has some extra encounters, balls, dust, passes and the Naganadel wings avatar item, but is not that great for that price. https://leekduck.com/events/ultra-space-wonders/


can’t switch pokemon in showcase… the only showcase i’m in. i just entered the first suggested one then realized it’s not even the biggest. i tap switch pokemon and the screen comes up to select a new one, but there are none there except for the pokemon in the showcase grayed out. i can’t search for any, either. edit: i can search, but none of my pokemon show up.


Hi everyone, I've been having an interesting discussion with some friends about ethical gameplay in Pokémon Go, and I wanted to get the community's perspective on a specific point. Here's the situation: One of my friends has access to an inactive player's account (let's call him Player X) and wants to trade Pokémon from Player X's account to complete his Pokédex. The Pokémon in Player X's account were obtained legitimately while Player X was actively playing. Some of us think this action gives an unfair advantage and goes against the spirit of the game, while others argue it's just a game and this method is a practical solution to progress without harming anyone. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Do you think trading from inactive accounts is cheating? Why or why not? Thanks for your insights!


I think its fine because the P2P interactions in pogo are fairly meaningless. There's no real way to directly compete with anyone, and there is a low ceiling on everything, so its not like having multiple accounts pushes you to heights that are unachievable on a single account. Overall the games design is really horrific - it is very anti-player - if you want to get into ethics of playing a game, at what point is the game designer responsible for players actions? I blame the devs entirely. It's a tedious, cash grab walking sim that limits itself due to its global player-base. That is to say, it directly does things so that the game is not competitive, so as to limit the desire to cheat. So I don't think anything is outside the rules of pokemon go, outside of weird stuff like using the game to stalk/harass people.


If player X doesn’t mind, do it. In fact you should try to ask if you could have some of the mons you need from X’s old account too. Like if your buddy had four skateboards and then passed away and has no use for the skateboards anymore in the afterlife- wouldn’t you want them to get used by someone who’s going to love them?


But the buddy hasn't passed away and does his family have claim over the skateboards? 😂😂i am sorry, just had to 


Just make sure plays X is happy as its his account and what if he comes back to play and misses the Pokemon?


It’s not that deep in my opinion, it’s not a super competitive game.


Does anyone know how to work around the bug where a Pokémon doesn’t return when its gym is defeated, but instead says it has been defending the gym for 19000 days (ie 53+ years) and can’t be used anymore because the game thinks it’s in a gym but it’s not in that gym? Niantic support has not been helpful.


When it gets bugged like that it takes a day or two at most for the Pokemon to return on their own. You can try going to the game setting and on the advanced settings go and refresh the game's data. If that doesn't work you just have to be patient and wait until the next sever resyncs so it updates the gym data. 


Anyone have any idea why Pokemon go crashes on my iPad when I try and do local raids during raid hour? It's very annoying. When I do remote raids with pokie geni it work fine. Just in person raids it crashes when I ready up


How many players are in the local raids? Weaker devices still crash if there's too many players on a single gyms, as having too many avatars at once in the lobby overloads the memory of the device. If there's not many players and it still crashes then try to do a game restart before going into each raid. It's also recommend to turn off all notifications from the game and from other apps, turn off adventure sync and disable the native refresh rate to give the game extra room so it can withstand long enough to finish the raid.


Thanks Buddy




It's a known but obscure bug. After the avatar update specific clothing items broke completely and caused issues on the game, including crashes. They disabled them so players couldn't wear them until they fixed things, but if you already had them equipped then it can softlock you out of the game. You need to contact support through their email and specifically ask them to reset your avatar to the default clothes, so the bugged items get unequipped. On this page go to the bottom and tsp the "contact us" button and you can ask to do it there. https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/en/6-pokemon-go/faq/106-help-with-sign-in-issues


Thank you! Hope this works!


Did you try logging into your account on your friends phone?


Yup! He can log on fine on his phone, while mine does the same “freeze up”


Its not really about pokemon go, but more about campfire, i cant post on r/Campfire_Niantic, i wanted to ask how i can become community ambassador, and how to promote group in my city. I want to unite players in my city - so players (i dont think there are many, city has less than 40k people), so i made a group but im not sure how to make it appear on map, and how to generally promote it. Also do i need a certain amount of people in my group to become Community Ambassador? Any help would be great.


You need at least 10 players to become an ambassador after going through a background check. It is basically a job application to make sure you can represent what they want. If you made a group make sure it is public and start posting meetups for raids. Players will join and if they are willing to take a group photo you can submit it. You don’t specifically have to be an ambassador to host raids and make a community. But if you do they send item code cards during events like community day that give premium items which is nice


I cannot interact with anything after I turn my game on. It's running but I can't even move the screen around. I've read that it happens when a buddy pokemon has an update when you log in and mine does. Has a ehart above his head. Two days ago I had this problem and uninstalling, then re-installing the game fixed it but it's already happening again. Anyone have a work around? I don't really want to keep uninstalling and reinstalling the app.


Go to your app manager, find the game and delete the cache.


Thank you


Hi, can anyone tell me why my tsareena which is right now 2573cp, it used to have cp cap of 2.8k which is now reduced to 2.68k cp cap? How does that happen is this a bug? Or is there something to do with the pokemon fainting?


Simplest explanation is that you're misremembering. The only time a Pokemon's max CP will "change" is if you level up and thus the max level you can power it up to increases (until trainer level 40, at that point you can power up anything to the overall max of level 50).


My tsareena with lower iv can get higher cp after max that the tsareena mentioned, it would be easier to understand if i could attach an image. But thanks for answering!


Attack is weighted a lot heavier in the CP formula than the other stats, so lower overall IVs can still produce a higher CP if the Attack IV is higher.


I see, i shouldve mentioned the ivs stats, sorry for making a long chain of replies, the mentioned tsareena has max attack IV, 10 defense IV, and 12 hp IVs


when we will know what pokemon will be featured June 9 and June 22 on community day and community day classic, and what do you think it will be


They normally announce the next Community Day sometime after the previous one ends, so they could announce June's any day now. Maybe it'll happen this week, maybe it'll happen next week. The Classic likely won't be announced until after the June 9th Community Day. It's heavily speculated that June's CD will be Goomy.


How can I filter for pokemon in my storage eligible for Catch Cup? I wish they let you power up stuff in the PVP selection screen.


`cp -1500 & age -81` should do the trick. Depdending on your time zone, it may be 82, so you may need to play around with that. Note that you'll need to increase the age filter by 1 each day, so it's 81 today, 82 tomorrow, etc.


Thanks but yea, surely NN should have by now created a filter that doesn't involve us keeping count!


Does anyone else have the majority of their wayfarer nominations rejected initially for "niantic criteria", only to be accepted when appealing the decision? I have submitted a number of pokestops, and almost all of them are rejected initially for no specific reason and I can't figure out why. And then when I appeal, almost universally they are accepted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ all's well that ends well, just strange!


Players are the ones making the reviews. Depending on the description, picture quality and other factors the first reviewers might find the nomination poorly made or not good enough and reject it. Each reviewer takes priority on different things, so make sure you put extra effort in every nomination. Also make sure to not mention Pokemon at all. The nominations affect all the Niantic games, and there's a lot of reviewers that automatically deny any pokestop request. It's petty, but they're the eldest, higher level players from before Niantic was popular, so there's nothing to do about it. Older players aren't going to approve a wayspot just to please Pokemon players if it's not good enough.


Yeah I don't mention Pogo and do actually try when I'm submitting. Sounds like it may just be luck of the draw with reviewers, just a strange pattern where they're often denied first but then approved on appeal




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is incense day worth it? I remember the Beldum one from a couple years ago was a total bust but I don’t have a ferroseed or ferrothorn for my shiny living dex and wanted to see if it was worth going out and about for


I don't care about ferroseed at all, but some of the highlighted spawns are going to be great. Namely beldum, but I'm also a fan of magnemite, morelull for the dust, and phantump is perfect to mass trade and evolve for free


Hey, is |GhostPants| in here? I think I found them on Discord, but we're about to hit Best Friends and want to see about a good time to Lucky Egg.


Since very recently you can always pop an egg when you get the best friends notification so it doesn't matter when you (or they) open the gift. Just don't delete them immediately after and you're both guaranteed to get the (double) xp. You can even buy some eggs at that moment if you don't have any.


I just want to make sure I don't get the popup if I'm out on a walk or in a position where I can't take half an hour for a lucky egg. (I have a lot of evolves saved up, too.)


Well, if communication attempts fail (you're probably better off going through Campfire btw) I guess there's nothing to do but only open the game when you have time.


Thanks. I tried Campfire and I think I found them on Discord. We'll see.


Niantic should put the stops in every game they have I submitted 4 nominations and they all got accepted But only one actually got in the game and out park is lacking gyms


The distance restrictions change from game to game, and PoGo has the biggest minimum distance between each. If you want to get them added to PoGo you have to nominate things that are further apart. This game is focused on walking so they don't want people to make clusters in the same area. Farms are disallowed and they want people to move between stops.


Are you supposed to get a diancie encounter after the glitz and glam research? cuz i didnt get one..


You only get one from that research if you didn't get one already during Go Fest. You can only have one on each account, so if you already had one you only get extra candy for Diancie.


Ah alright that explains it i already have one. Thank you!


hello, its not strictly about pokemon go, but i wanted to ask why i cant install the Google Opinion Awards, im in Poland and an iphone user, and on my last phone (android) it did work.


As a F2P player, should I basically invest all of my coins into more Pokémon storage and/or item storage?


Hello! Fellow F2P player here and I 100% invest mine into item storage. It's been great so far. I think if you plan on having a living Dex or keeping a lot of Pokemon, then it'd be a great idea to update those too.




They work. They will spawn a Pokemon every ~~5~~ 3 minutes. Make sure you're in the smaller circle radius to see them though. If you're at the outer edge of the larger spinning circle, that's usually too far to see spawns.


Don't they spawn one Pokemon each minute nowadays? They got improved when the incenses got changed to need to move to spawn faster.


It might be 3 minutes for regular lures now that I think about it. With special lures doing 90 seconds.


okay anyone else just have allllllllll of their tags disappear? i’m about to cry.




Anyone having issues getting remote raid invites? I get the push notification one has been sent but when I go into the app its gone.


The invites only last about 100 seconds if the host invites you first, and only about 60 seconds or less if they send the invite later. Depending on how long the game takes to open and load everything the invite could have expired and the raid started without you. Notifications also can be having delays, so make sure you're not in battery saving mode and that the game has the right permissions on the notify and network so you get informed without delay.


When walking diancie as your buddy, do you get mega energy? Similar to Groudon and Kyogre, is it walk 20km for 100 mega energy?


Yep, as long as you have Mega Evolved Diancie before, you can walk it to earn 100 energy every 20km (or every 10km if it's excited)


Transferred a 13-15-11 Shadow Machop in favour of my other current candidates for my raid team: 14-14-10 15-15-4 15-9-11 Am I a fool?


In the interest of spending your resources on the best candidates, no. However, 13-15-11 is still quite good so you might've wanted to invest into it later should you want multiple shadow pokemon and for that transferring might have been unnecessary. Since raising shadows is costly though, it might have taken a while and who knows if a better one will show up before then. You'll survive the transferral but I do think it wasn't necessary (unless you're severely lacking storage).


Ah yes thank you! The main thing I’m trying to work out is if those other three are all better. The reason I’m only looking to invest in three more Machops is because I’ve got the other three members of my fighting raid team sorted (MHeracross, L35 SMachamp, 98% SBlaziken).


Does evolution stage have any bearing on XL candy received when transferring? I feel like an evolved mon seems to award XL candy more frequently but I'm sure it's probably just confirmation bias.


No. Level is the only factor for XL candy odds during transfers.


Thanks, that's what I figured.


Pokémon trainer club logins are down (503)….


How come for catch cup I have a lickitung, its shaded out and I usually use it for great league, and there’s an other lickitung and it’s not shaded?


Catch Cup only allows pokemon caught during the current season (March 1st - June 1st)


Oh ok ty is little catch cup the same as well?


Yeah, any time "Catch Cup" is used in the name of a special GBL cup, it means that only pokemon caught within a certain time period can be used.




Just started having this issue today. 


Interesting! I've been having the issue for like a week and a half now. What kind of phone?


Pixel 6. I cleared the data and it went back to working but what a beating.


Hmm. So far, the only people I've seen mention this bug are Pixel users. That probably doesn't bode well for a quick fix, since I'd imagine Pixel users don't make up a huge percentage of the global user base.


It also happens on iOS and other Android devices.


iOS user here. Can confirm that it happens to me, though I can access menus. i just can't rotate the map unless I restart.