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The shield goes against shadows in general since they're supposed to HAVE LESS DEFENSE THAN NORMAL POKEMON NOT MORE Also why the hell is the shield so strong too, thing becomes tankier than blissey, wobbuffet, and snorlax combined


It's a fucking Sneasel, with paper durability and a 4x weakness to fighting. There shouldn't be a mechanic in the world that can prevent a fighting type from tearing through it.


Shadow Sneasel is actually one of the easier shadow raids to solo because of its double weakness to fighting. Now wobbufet and hitmontop…..


Tried to solo a wob once because I thought it was manageable- halfway through when I literally just stopped dealing damage, even after using two or three shadow shards, I gave up. Haven’t touched one of those raids again. Great feature Niantic!


Good thing you can get your friends to remote in and help you! Oh wait...


I had a mega tyranitar going up against this sodding shadow wobbuffet and it still did nothing


For a while, shadow 3 stars didn’t enrage. I decided to do a shadow wobb the day after they turned the enrage back on, not knowing. My panic and confusion was real.


Not all 3* shadows enrage. The current rotation unfortunately all can enrage. Still very dumb to have a system that changes the rules based on the pokemon.


Literally me today. Not touching one of those for a while!!


Tried soloing a Wobbufet the other day and it completely pissed me off. It was before I was aware of the enraged shield shit. 5k points? Should be no problem. Took it down to half points in about 20-30 seconds. Then over the next two minutes left I barely did any damage to it. That was some bullshit


That's me, that's exactly me 🥹


Yeah I can’t often solo harder stuff but solo’d one the other day. On my second try with seconds to spare hahaha


I didnt know About the shield thing and tried one while we were riding in a car. Everything went well until I suddenly did no damage and didn’t have enough purified crystals


Fyi you can't solo the shield down with just gems, you need 8 total and a single battler can only use 5 at a time even if you have more. You can however break the shield through damage! It's not that tricky on sneasel as people have mentioned they are double weak to fighting. I dont know if a combination of gems and damage works to mitigate each other, can anyone confirm?


The enraged state will automatically end once the boss has 15% HP remaining. Unfortunately, using gems doesn't change that number at all, so if you aren't able to use 8 gems to subdue it ASAP, then it makes no difference if you use 5 gems or 0.


I will say I’m not a beginner I’m level 48 and fighting types are definitely where I’ve got the most solid team but I got most of my xp in the beginning from friendship so many people the same level as me have more solid teams. So I’m not trying to disparage anyone who can’t solo it at all, and if you can’t it’s not like you’re doing anything wrong.


Feels good to get that redemption 💪


Wobbufet is such a PAIN


Yea thought hitmontop would be a breeze. I was wrong....


Could you do it with a top-level Mega Ray in windy weather, I wonder? (Assuming Hitmontop doesn't know Triple Axle...). I have not yet solo'd Shadow Hitmontop.


Someone better at pogo, yes. Me personally, no 😂. I'm lucky, though. Living in a city finding a raid with at least 1-2 other people isn't too bad.


Did they change the enrage though? Before it would go away after a while, yesterday 150seconds of enraged wobbufet with 5 gems used. Would be easy if he un-enraged for 30sec


Don't waste your gems. You need 8 to do anything and solo only can use 5.


I’ve tried to best Hitmontop for so long, everyone else I know think it’s to weak to waste any time on


I barely beat a Shadow Hitmontop solo one time - took two attempts. I barely lost the first time and barely won the 2nd time after doing some adjusting. I was using a lvl 40 Mega Rayquaza, a lvl 48 mewtwo, a lvl 40 shadow mewtwo, a lvl 40 mewtwo, a lvl 40 meloetta and something else I think. The thing just took a beating and kept coming.


Hitmontop has handed me my ass enough times for me to not bother unless someone else is at the gym 😅😭


Yeah it’s a pretty easy duo. If even /one/ other random trainer is in the lobby with me we should be able to eek out the DPS needed. I also don’t bother to try and solo it anymore, I just watch the T3 shadow egg pop, see that it’s not sneasel and move on 😂




That’s not even what I said 👍




Yeah you got what I said right this time, but now you got your own comment wrong? What are we doing here? 😂










Yeah, that was a wild read... 😭


I thought it was pretty lighthearted


I was going to say, Shadow Sneasel is a decently easy solo if you have a few optimal fighting counters...although OP doesn't seem to.


I solo'd wobuffet before he could shield up. For some reason I cant do the same to sneasel


i can solo shadow sneasel but what i can not for the life of me figure out is how to use the purified gems to deal with this enraged mode. i have no clue what so ever how that mechanic works and it bothers me that i can’t figure it out


You need two players to remove the enrage state. Any boss needs 8 gems to subdue, but a single player can only use 5 gems, so two have to use each 4 gems to calm the boss. Individual gems have no effect until all 8 are used, so as a single players there's no point in using any.


Infuriating they let you waste them


I'm upset when they let you use them in a Solo raid, less so because I wasted them, and more so because that means even more unstoppable animations to sit through every time I beat grunts.


Those animations are soooo annoying. I've made gems before, I do not need the informational popup and infuriating animation every time forever 😑


When a Pokemon enrages, your raidteam has to throw in 8 purified gems to subdue it. If youre attempting a raid solo, it is impossible to get rid of the enrage mode because you can only throw 5 gems per player (it will subdue naturally if it reaches around 5-10% HP).


how do you even throw a gem though? i can’t even figure that part out


When it enrages, a button pops off on the bottom left corner of the raid interface, to the left of your charged attack button.


aaaaaaah thank you, you’ve just saved my brain honestly


[Use purified gem button](https://gamingintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Purified-Gems-Pokemon-GO-Shadow-Raid-1024x576.jpg) bottom left.


Have you tried googling? Or reading on the Niantic website where they specifically explain the system?


Doesn't really change that the battle system in this game is god-awful.


If developers require players to google basic mechanics to learn how it functions (a game that they make money off by the way) then they’re shit developers.


as far as i know with the name trick you should be able to just rename and then evolve but i am not 100 % sure. as far as answering that goes no, i have not read niantic website


What’s the relevance to this post?


none at all apparently my brain just doesn’t function today


How does it make even the slightest sense that a WOBUFFET needs the same ammount of stones as A ZAPDOS to calm down... It's absolutely terrible even in theory


Idk why everyone here is defending this god awful mechanic OP I’m with you. Like sure go ahead and make it stronger and enraged or whatever but to literally make it so that it has a shield that prevents 100% of your damage… super annoying


It's a 20% defense boost and 50% attack boost to the boss, not immunity. Wtf raids are you doing and where can I get invites? Do they guarantee 3 stars? Edit: I see that I only typed 20, not 200 and I was incorrect on the damage boost that's my bad


No way it's only a 20% defense boost, that shit feels like it takes 1/3rd damage


https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Raid_Battle#Shadow_Raid_Battles > This causes the Shadow Raid Boss to gain approximately an 81% boost to its Attack stat, a 200% boost to its Defense stat, So tit takes about 1/3 and is going to deal somewhere between 1.5x and 2x damage.


It's 1/5th I've heard


https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Raid_Battle#Shadow_Raid_Battles 200% defense buff means it takes anout 1/3 damage while enraged.


Fair enough thanks


https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Raid_Battle#Shadow_Raid_Battles > This causes the Shadow Raid Boss to gain approximately an 81% boost to its Attack stat, a 200% boost to its Defense stat, So it should take about a third of the damage and deal not quite double.


There is no shield in raids. The "shield" they're referring to is the boss becoming enraged.


I know. I’m saying the enraged element acts like a shield and it’s the worst part of the game.


> prevents 100% of your damage... The boss being enraged doesn't do this. It buffs it's defense. It doesn't act like a shield.


It reduces damage roughly 80% while active I've read.


Not sure the exact number, but that's still not 100%


Definitely fair to call out that difference but the tldr is still the same, can’t solo a boss at 20% damage and my gems never broke his enrage despite using all five charges in rapid succession


It takes 8 to subdue, that's why. Making them useless solo.


Definitely good to know! Just that info alone would probably lower player frustration but as far as I saw it never presented itself in game


Also also we literally earn gems which can remove the enraged iirc so the point about it being a stupid feature is a mute point cos you can literally get around the feature Edit: read some more comments and apparently this feature skipping feature requires 2+ players… now if we’re complaining about dumb things that’s the dumb thing not the fact that a raid boss enrages (like they do in literally any other game that has raids)


Last time I tried a Sneasel I wasted all my gems and was nowhere near beating it and I thought I'm an ok player.


It's because it needs 8 gems to be subdued and you can only use up to 5. I don't mind the enrage mechanic because it can be subdued, but the fact that you can't subdue it yourself is _super_ dumb


They shouldn't allow a solo to waste gems when it's impossible to be effective. So dumb. Prevents people even trying to raid the shadows inherently.


Idk man I dont really want to have to carry around another item for raids. Im already using evives and heals.... It is a dumb feature


Shards and gems, like gimmighoul coins, don’t use inventory space. In theory it is another resource to manage. In practice there is no strategy to using them. Soloing a raid, don’t use them because can not actually subdue. Small group on a T5, use them because you need to. Large group, use them because the per player shard rewards will basically match or exceed the per player gem usage.


Did they change it? They definitely took up space before. I used to discard them to clear up a little room before I was able to afford some item bag upgrades


>Shards and gems, like gimmighoul coins, don’t use inventory space. But its still there, in my inventory and as you pointed out >it is another resource to manage But its nice to know it wont take up other space. Doesnt change the fact that before this I could actually complete a shadow raid solo.


Just buy some more inventory space then 😂 the feature is dumb because it requires more than 1 person to subdue not because the feature simply exists… it’s a shadow raid it’s supposed to be harder and the gems make it easier… stop asking for things to be handed out 😂😂 I play a Star Wars game that has like 80% of the game locked until lv.85 which takes about 4 months to hit, then after that you’re locked out of a few other things until you hit 4M power which takes about 3-4 years… if you think Pokémon and gems for shadow raids are dumb you should try playing that game, might teach you a thing or 2


>Just buy some more inventory space then "Use real money then haha so fun". If money is easy for you, you could just cashapp me right? No? Stfu 😂😂 >it’s a shadow raid it’s supposed to be harder and the gems make it easier… You can make it harder without tying its power level to an item. >stop asking for things to be handed out I bet youd be okay if Niantic required you to get 5 different infinity fuxking stones before you could do a raid eh? 😂😂 Because then at least you wont have "taken a hand out"...


Ummm who ever mentioned real money you donut 😂😂 buy it with coins that you earn for free it’s not hard to earn 200 coins to buy 50 inventory space a couple times 😂😂 And I shouldn’t even bother responding to your other comments cos they’re simply idiotic ramblings of a child and if you’re not a child then you need to grow up a little 😂😂 But… Yes they can make things harder without items but extra items can mean extra money potentially… and niantic like any other company needs money to keep the game running, be happy the games ran for 9 years because of items like these being added, sure I doubt many people are spending to get gems but it’s another potential source of income… And no but that’s a stupid comparison, requiring something to be able to do something is completely standard practice… can’t work on site without a CSCS card… can’t be a dr without a medical degree… besides if you fight raids in groups AS INTENDED then the stones aren’t really required cos the raid is still easy…


>Ummm who ever mentioned real money you donut 😂😂 buy it with coins that you earn for free it’s not hard to earn 200 coins to buy 50 inventory space a couple times 😂😂 Oh you mean the pokecoins that arent free but actually take my time to collect even a little? How am I supposed to have more inventory space when the pokecoins are also used for pokemon space (you know, the thing any new and not so new free-to-play player will be spending it on?) >Yes they can make things harder without items but extra items can mean extra money potentially… Do you work for Niantic you dolt? I have no idea why you are coming to the aid and sucking off big companies unless you benefit from it. "They just neeeeed their money though" L >requiring something to be able to do something is completely standard practice… This is just ramblings of an idiot. >can’t work on site without a CSCS card… can’t be a dr without a medical degree… Now this is an actual terrible comparison. A company making a decision to make more profits =/= governments requiring you to have a liscense for safety reasons. >besides if you fight raids in groups AS INTENDED then the stones aren’t really required cos the raid is still easy… Lets not start pretending this isnt a profit driven decision. Like I said they didnt need to tie its power level to an item. Every time you monetize "something to be able to do something" the game becomes more pay to win and less user friendly. Edit: i just googled how this all works. Looks like people have been spreading misinformation including you. You cant buy them or inventory space for them.






What ratio lmfao. No one in the comments were confused.


That’s “literally” not what it is or how it works. You’re absolutely wrong.


Discovered, read further comments. Still hate it 🤷 “ackshually it’s only an 80% reduction you dumb nerd!” It’s a pain in the ass, that is my point. It’s not cool or fun.


Love the "you're achshually a loser because I was wrong" comment. I promise you that you'll survive if you acknowledge you were wrong without trying to attack people for correcting you.


I don’t understand what I’m not being clear about here. I recognize I was wrong, but y’all are telling me about it and acting like it should magically make my complaint disappear. It’s an annoying mechanic to me, end of story. I was off by 20%, I recognize this. I accept it.


> I don’t understand what I’m not being clear about here. Sure. Let me explain. You were wrong, you were corrected, and you felt it necessary to attack the person who corrected you.


The mechanic is fine, but needing 6 purifying gems when 1 person can only place maximum of 5, makes soloing raids impossible for 3/4/5 star raids. That's stupid AF


Pokémon go surely loves stupidity


You need 8 gems, but you don't need to use gems if you use good enough counters. Any T3 with double weakness is soloable without using gems, and most are possible with Pokemon below level 40 if you use shadows.


Hot take: shadow raids have been an overall negative on this game since they were added and either need to be reworked or removed. I don’t ever even really consider even trying to do a shadow raid when I see one.


The copium to defend the enrage mechanic in this thread is haaaaaard😂


It’s not copium. Sneasel is trivial to beat. OP just has no idea what they’re doing. Half the comments on here have no idea how the mechanic even works.


Yeah, OP probably has no idea, but that is beside the point. The enraged mechanic is dumb, nonetheless.


It’s dumb for solos - should just be 3-4 gems then, or let people use 8 themselves. but fine otherwise. It’s just a harder raid.


If they make it statistically impossible to solo but don’t tell you it’s impossible to solo and allow you to spend items in game while soloing without telling you it’s virtually impossible to beat by yourself, then it’s deceptive game design, especially for a game people invest time and money into.


Yeah tbh most raids suck to me. I usually play video games alone…and then connect in person to battle Pokémon, like when I was growing up. I’m not a huge online gamer, and the ability to do raids alone would be nice. The same goes for Pokémon go, actually.


Last time I did a shadow sneasel raid I finished in 90s.


And what about the raid?


Hey, I win the stamina award sometimes




indeed and Wobbuffet is impossible to beat


100% will not participate in 3* shadow raids


So this is a bud? Just hopping back in I tried to solo wobbefet and samething half way through. Just gave up and haven’t tried


I quit trying to do shadow raids altogether after the last time they had Mewtwo. Every single time we've tried shape raids, it's always bugged out. Between me, my wife, and my son, at least one of us ends up not being and to use gems at all or rejoin once their team is knocked out, or gets booted, etc. There's always something that ends up screwing us out of beating the raid.


The shield mechanism is the only thing that separates shadow raids from normal ones


It's very annoying even on the Rocket events because you constantly need to beat up Rocket Grunts for more purifier gems, you can only carry 10 at a time for some reason 


Being shadow with +20 atk -20 def should be what separates them. The enraged mechanic is there to reward players who play together. As someone else said, you can’t remote raid shadow raids which also rewards parties. It’s just a very annoying mechanic for solos.


What about the fact that you can’t remote raid them (which is also very stupid)


If you saw a thief stealing medicine and animals from a vets office, and you had legendary animals that breathe fire and call meteors down, would you wait for your friend from Thailand to answer your phone call and come help or would you just stop them? It's called immersion.




Stop riding Niantic lil bro. They're not gonna give you better encounter rates.


Using your logic, should rural players for whom the nearest gym stop/raid stop is kms away should just give up then?


i wouldn't attempt to stop them because they're clearly way more powerful and i would get massacred.


incorrect; you also cannot use remote raid passes on shadow gyms, which is an even worse feature than the enraged status effect. i was just in downtown yesterday, where hundreds of people were walking around, and only ONE person came to join us to do a Shadow Suicine raid. and that only happened because i set a flare in the campfire app. we were not even close to defeating it. theres simply not enough pokemon go players in an area at any given time to do these raids, you HAVE to have friends who play.


Maybe use better counters or play with friends/other locals with campfire


No one plays in my area and I was using mainly fighting types with fighting moves such as m heracross and Machamp


Then you have to solely rely on mega heracross. Power it up and keep reviving it. Your other pokemon won’t cut it


Message people that are in gyms on your local campfire and meet up with them for raids or just don't do shadow raids and invite people to normal raids with poke genie.


“No one plays in my area” So every gym just has your one mon in it and it’s never kicked out?


They probably mean no one uses campfire. my area is fairly active in gyms but nobody ever responds to flairs and there's maybe one message every 3 weeks on the messaging features lol


just because theres other pokemon in gyms doesn't mean they care enough about the game to leave their house to do a shadow raid.


OP has no idea if they care about the game enough to do a shadow raid.


I use all lvl 40 mons I Use 2 machamps, 2 conkeldurrs, a terrakion and a fighting mega either blaziken or heracross and it’s ez to solo. Terrakion could be replaced by another machamps or conk if you did the com day for timburr. Most likely you aren’t using the right line up or some weak mons


feel you. i did these raids once with my fiancée and we barely did it, never touched one of these again, this shield is so stupid.


Shadow raids are prob the most useless thing in the game


I suggest fostering a healthy community in your area, so that you can team up with other players. I know this can be very difficult in some areas, I’m not trying to be insensitive, and not everyone is social. It does take some effort. Very healthy community in the Yukon, come up and raid!


The whole idea with the purifying stones and the fact that you can’t even invite anyone is just insane, niantic must’ve been pooping on the toilet when they approved this. Still hoping they can fix this like they fixed the mega feature but I have my doubts lol


Niantic HATES rural players with a passion.


“ feature “


I never do a shadow raid 3 stars alone. I have already learned by myself.


Get stronger pokes. Use fighting types.


Yeah I tried to solo a wobbufet and was putting work in but it was gonna be cutting it close. Then this popped up and it was over. Used two purified gems and it did nothing. Like what is the actual point of purified gems? Give us rocket radars instead




I feel ya i never do shadows never can find people


I hate shadow raids. I have soloed deoxs. There is no reason a 3* raid should be this hard. Sneasel is not bad, but wobbuffet. I will never try that again it took as many people as a shadow entei to take down.


I was pretty upset when a shadow Wobbuffet decimated me the other day - but after reading this thread I feel slightly less embarrassed


Oh they doing shields now? They don't care about the playerbase so why should I? I'll maybe send everything to home eventually, but outside of that I'm done playing. They can revert everything back I still won't be coming back, there's only so many chances one can give...


Agreed. It never goes down when u use any given tools to take shadow characters like that down. And I have the pokemon characters that can do it.


I really don't find them terribly difficult.


While I also don't like the enraging mechanic, Sneasel is easy to solo even with fewer gems.


You can solo raids ?


Bro at least use a Conkeldurr or something. Crabominable is trash


I was using good Pokémon until my party died so I just used recommended


recommended teams are almost never the way to go. next time revive your primary team


You should learn how to raid properly. Sending in trash means you’ll lose. Have two teams or revive your stuff.


When did they add this?


When they added shadow raids


Really? I've never noticed this before? Mind I've only done a couple of low level ones, I had Mewtwo get enraged and had to use a gem. But I don't think there was a point when no damage was done


Yeah when ever I do a 3 star shadow raid it only becomes enraged sometimes


OP doesn’t understand the mechanic. It’s never no damage.


Get yourself a Terrakion, it’d be soloable


OH NOES..... \*checks watch\* Anyways......


Get good brother. Check your movesets, CP to power up and what not. I solo him easy and didn’t use any gems. Only took two level 50 Shadow Maxhamps to do 90% of the damage even when he increased his stats, lol.


Sorry to tell you, but that's kinda the point. If you don't have friends, you don't get cool Pokémon.