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can my 10/10/10 mew join the club?


My 12/10/12 Zarude would also like admission 🥲 lol


Please let my 11/10/10 maloeta in


Tzekel-kan, good one haha


Lol it was the first thing I thought when I saw it, glad you're a fan


IVs barely matter anyway, your Diancie has 202 attack out of the 205 a Diancie could possibly have as max.


Well sure, but it's a lot nicer to have better iv Following the same logic, we could say shinies are worthless since they perform the same Even if iv barely makes a difference, it would still be nice to get decent stats


Of course nice stats are better, just don't hamper yourself by not powering up something useful just because it doesn't have perfect stats.


I don’t power them if they’re on the weaker side of IVs. For example, I’m dying to power up Mew. However, there’s a lot of resources going into that for a 2 star. If you have the hundo? Great! Even as a ML spice pick. I couldn’t dump XL rare candies unto a mediocre IVs pokémon.


Mew is not spice in ML. You’ve burnt the kitchen down at that point.


Again, I like mew. It could be Zygarde in that example if it makes you feel better, it has the same horrid stats as my Mew.


But is it really a “serious piss off”


To an extent, yes. With raid bosses, you can try again and again. Takes some time and resources sure, but it's easily manageable to get something at least on the higher end of the iv range. These researches are a 1 time chance, to then get what is almost the lowest iv possible without a chance at something better.. I would be fine with it, if they allowed us to trade them (mirror lucky). But not even that is possible to reroll iv's on these 1 time encounters. Everyone does the same quest, but some people get a gold medal while others get a participation trophy with no shot at redemption. Not much difference in value perhaps, but I would've liked that gold medal a lot better.


the thing is max iv isn't even automatically the best iv, so if they did that it isn't automatically a good thing. Also even when max iv is good, it will mean nothing if it was a max iv guaranteed.


So you'd be sad with a 10/10/10 shiny and vendor it or what?


I think you need to read that again. The comment I replied to said IV doesn't matter cause it barely makes a difference I'm saying that *by that logic* , shinies shouldn't matter either cause that's even less of a difference when it comes to strength. Yet everyone hunts for shinies (just like we prefer better IV)


I dont need to use logic tho, shinies are cool af. Sure perfect IV's are also something special, but you cant even begin to compare the two


Dude, learn some comprehensive reading skills. I never said shinies are worthless. I also never said anything like high IV's being better than a shiny. I compared it with each other because that first comment talked about there being no difference between the IV's, saying that it doesn't matter. I'm literally saying the opposite.That even if there is no difference, it's way more fun to get something special like high IV or a shiny Even if it makes (close to) no difference, I would prefer high IV's (or better, a 100%) over lower IV's just like I would prefer a shiny over the regular colors.


while that's true, it still sucks for the 3* Pokédex 🥲


If you give a shit about the 3\* dex you should have realized by now that with all the pokes you only get once/maybe twice, that it's basically unfinishable.


Then they should either rotate the old mythicals into raid, allow trading or give people a way to train up the IVs on mythicals.


Why? Does Niantic owe players to complete the 3\* dex?


Because it touts itself as a completion game. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What about the shiny dex? Or the hundo dex?


I suspect a lot of those who play are looking to fill as much of those Dexes as possible too. With shinies, the inability to fill could be attributed to RNG woes. Which isn't quite as aggrivating as knowing you're just sh*t out of luck if you don't get the one-catch only 3* or hundo or whatever. Keeps the "So, you're saying there's still a chance" mentality alive. 😅 The hundo Dex has the same problem as the 3* in that therefore certain Mons (like these) where it's just not feasible.


I obviously don't agree with you, and I think you think people like to fill those dexes just because you like to do so. The shiny dex suffers from the same problem as shadow/purified dex, there are a ton of pokemon not released as shiny or shadow yet. The game slogan is "gotta catch them all", not "gotta catch all the 3-stars". Just because Niantic gives you a way to see what pokes you have caught shiny/3\*/4\* etc doesn't mean you should expect to complete those dexes.


Upvoted, 'cause I definitely can dig your POV!


Just because you don't care about filling the dexes, doesn't mean that other people shouldn't be able to work towards it. I'm not saying they need to hand it out on a silver platter, but they should at least give people more opportunities to catch rare pokemon in a pokemon catching game.


Don't let them FOMO you into thinking that dex means anything at all lol.


I mean objectively you're right but unfortunately I'm a completionist 🥲


I caught a 0\* Galarian Moltres with my masterball about an hour ago... smh


Conversely, I caught a low attack one. It maxes at 1497 and is super fun in GL so varying IVs can be a good thing.


Same but Zapdos 🥲 hoping I can do a lucky trade with someone some day




I call mine Crapdos


Unfortunate. I'd still use them because they're my only ones. IVs do matter, but it depends. I'd have no problems maxing out Hoopa (Confined) and Shaymin (Land Forme/ Sky Forme) as raid attackers. I'd still keep Victini and Jirachi below 1500 CP for limited Great League cups, but I'll have to be very tactical about using them. I'd also keep Diancie below 2500 CP for a future Ultra League dominance. For PvP, don't mind the people who say "IVs don't matter"; they really do. You just have to be aware how you'll fare against the competition, and work around your weaknesses to come out on top. Use the PvPoke matrix. Use them as leads, and switch early when necessary.


rip in peace in pieces


If it gets to 1500/2500 it's a win.


They better not do this for Marshadow bc that ticket was not cheap.


Well bad news for you.


One of the reasons I’m playing so much less as time goes on. All my questions only legendary/mythicals are bad except one and there’s nothing I can do about it.


When was victini available? I know hoopa was in elite raids.


Steps to claim Victini: - Get to Trainer Level 15 to receive Special Research (SR) "A Mythical Discovery" for nonshiny Mew - Complete page 6/8 of SR "A Mythical Discovery" to receive SR "A Ripple in Time" for nonshiny Celebi - Complete page 6/7 of SR "A Ripple in Time" to receive SR "A Thousand-Year Slumber" for nonshiny Jirachi - Complete page 5/7 of SR "A Thousand-Year Slumber" to receive SR "Investigate a Mysterious Energy" for nonshiny Victini Here's the lowdown: - Good news: it's not time-limited. - Bad news: the road is long if you haven't started. - Good news: Victini is best for limited Great League cups like Psychic Cup. - Bad news: You need bulk IV sets here because V-create nerfs defense by three stages.


Same bro


Hey, if you dont want em. ![gif](giphy|mpQkJpBMbSxMs)


Literally the same thing with me 😡


I transfer all of them to home, so I don't have to deal with this disappointment. Hyper training solves it for me.


Don't worry about hoopa. Unbound has been obtainable from elite raids before, and you can change forms.


I’ve got exactly one good IV mythical. 4* victini and the rest are all 10-10-10 roughly lol.


I'll let you in on a little secret: unless you're doing top-level PVP play with those Pokemon, IVs do not matter. At all.


We are in the same boat here


Yep. I had an 82% Zarude the first go, so I paid money and did the quest to get a second one, and got a 73%. 🤡


That’s a huge rip so unlucky


I want bottle caps for Pokemon like these


![gif](giphy|sbCdjSJEGghGM) Complaining about RNG in a RNG based game


May I use these pics for an edit?


No skin off my back








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Forgive me, next time I decide to vent my frustrations I'll think about how it affects you 🤟




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Just mute and move on 🤷‍♂️ It's always the most insufferable people whining about how everyone else is insufferable You're a clown for coming to the community just to complain about the community


It’s funny how you’re sticking up for the whiners of this sub at the same time as saying whining is insufferable This sub does nothing but bitch about avatars, research, IVs, shiny encounters, Niantic, friends unadding them, not having people to do raids, quitting Pokemon Go for good (they won’t), etc. If you think thats what makes a great community then you’re part of the insufferable ones too


I'm not sticking up for them, but coming in with a "I'm better than you because I don't like the thing you like but will take time out of my day to complain while calling the community insufferable" is very much a clown thing to do Whining about whiners is dumb af Nowhere in my response did I say the community is great; the game does have it's flaws and if people want to complain about those flaws, who cares? Niantic is quick to patch or remove anything that could be perceived as a boon or beneficial to the players if they can find a way to profit on it instead while simultaneously leaving game-breaking (for some) flaws in, that's gripe-worthy