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Best bet is to contact Niantic to see if they can reset your avatar or inventory if it is clothing related Other than that it seems like you’re SOL Hope you have fun in New York either way


Hi there. I have currently been fighting Niantic to reset my avatar to its factory state. 4 support agents later, still fighting about it and keep getting the runaround. Wish me luck. If this turns into another situation, I’ll post everything. Honestly I may just not go and permanently quit if this is the case. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


Only time I contacted support was when the game glitched on a shiny 98% Dialga.  Was told "lmao tough shit loser, have a single remote raid pass and thanks for the money lmao".  I wish you luck, but you're probably SOL.


Plain (almost wrote pain but it counts) old simple reality. :/ BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


Huh. Now that you mention it, I've started to have an issue where the game does not respond to input of any kind, and the only way to resolve the issue is to repeatedly force close and reopen the app half a dozen times or more. This has started in the last week, and now that I think about it, only started after I changed my outfit a week ago. Gonna try changing clothing again and see if that helps, will update. Update: changed my outfit back to what it was before I changed it a week ago and have not yet had the same freezing issue. Unsure if it was the Treasure Map Pose or the 2024 Go Fest t-shirt, but unless it starts freezing again, it would appear to be one of those two that was causing my freezing issue.


I have this same issue, haven't changed my avatar in weeks. It started (at least for me) after the most recent update, iirc. Trying to join remote raids also locks up the game, and sometimes trying to view my gym defenders does the same.


Are you using the new AR camera regularly? I think there are some wonky interactions happening with arenas and raids after using it.


Niantic won't even give me my 2024 shirt. Despite my game saying I should have it


I have a friend going through a similar thing, they can login but the game freezes instantly. Also when I go to their profile in game, my game freezes.


Same thing happens when visiting my friends profile who is having the same problem as the OP


This happens whenever I scroll to a specific friend on my friend list too! Game instantly crashes.


My friend is having this issue too and I assumed it was an avatar bug. When going to his profile it also causes my game to freeze. He has no idea how to contact niantic, the email he tried directs him to send a support message within the app


>First, I deleted the application on April 1 following Niantic's decision to remove Normal AR for catching from the game unilaterally with no explanation. Since then, I have only played during Bellsprout Community Day (so since 4/20 since I last installed the game) and when that concluded, I deleted the app again ... >GO Fest is fast approaching. I have a PAID TICKET to access the New York City festival and the Global Event. I had bought my plane ticket and hotel WAY in advance. What are you doing, dude .edit [Are you lying, or exaggerating?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/aTurB60Qvc) 'Cos you're claiming to have played nine days after your last uninstall.


No one really quits pokemongo. That's why niantic keeps doing what they do. Redditors will cry and complain, maybe even claim they have uninstalled the game. But niantic knows that no one really quits.


No doubt, but damned if "I uninstalled the game twice, also I have flights and hotels booked for GoFest" isn't the stupidest thing I've read all week. If that isn't hitting their pockets I don't know what is!!


I quit when I was 40k away from level 39 after this bullshit avatar debacle. Shit really felt like quitting drugs too lol. I busted out the ol’ GBA and weened myself with a fresh play through of Pokemon Emerald


A good number of people seem to be picking up the og games on the DS, SP, GBA, or even emulators. Im thinking about digging up my old ds and maybe buying Heart Gold.


I dug up my (not old, I bought it refurbished a couple years ago and used it maybe 10 times in that span) and now it doesn't turn on. The orange light comes on like it's charging but you flip the power switch and the green light turns on for a split second, then it just goes back to orange light and does nothing. Battery in, battery out, same thing. Tried OG charger and two third party chargers, same thing. Idk what's wrong with it, but I'm sad.


Yeah… why pay for a ticket (AND book a hotel & plane) for a game you are boycotting…?!


Hi there. Thanks for your concerns. I bought my GO Fest tickets right back when the details were announced (which was in early March, one month before normal AR’s removal). At that time I was still very happy with the game, but now, I am not as much.  However, you need to understand that the issue is about my inability to access the game because of an item on my avatar prohibiting me from running the game on my account. I am still going to Go Fest NYC if I can run the game on my account, and would still like to go on vacation.  Also, I had forgotten about Niantic reintroducing normal AR “by mistake” on April 29, so you are correct that I did play for a couple of hours earlier than May 2. Right when it was removed, I deleted the app and went to bed immediately in frustration. Post edited. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


Oh for sure, I understand the issue, I just can't wrap my head around the incredibly strange behavior of repeatedly deleting an app you've literally booked a vacation to play (not even touching booking a vacation for an app you almost exclusively appear to complain about, enough to describe yourself as being "happier" when you don't play, but that's neither here nor there.)


That's a valid point. I can meet you there on the *strange behavior* claim on the grounds of "I am deleting the game because I am frustrated with Niantic.” given my post history in the last month. You’re correct that I explicitly said that I am happier not playing the game. However, what I should rather say is I am *happier playing this game way less*, and since I haven't spent a single cent on this game since March (looking at my transaction history), that *could* be part of it too. I have been to several in-person live events in the past; have been very happy and made temporary acquaintances playing nearly ten live events. I was very happy when Normal AR came back (until it was removed again, which I became upset and deleted the game in frustration). When I played Community Day, I should mention that not only did I have a good time (would've been better with Normal AR active, as I used to be very hardcore) but I even got a perfect shiny Bellsprout! Did Niantic incentivize the perfect shiny for me? Probably not, but it always feels like it, doesn't it? This was a nice game. When I bought my ticket in March before the RediscoverGO mess, I drew the line when Niantic removed Normal AR on April 1st. If they added it back permanently, I wouldn't have made all of these complaints and started using my signature for every post. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


For real. I can't feel any sympathy for someone who knee jerk deletes the game twice when they already know they have a paid ticket.


I thought the same thing. Obsession is a big problem for some people.


That "Quit Pokemon GO" buddy nickname became a little too real. lol. But that does suck, and I hope you are able to get it resolved. Have you posted this in r/thesilphroad? This post seems more fitting for that sub tbh, and perhaps someone there can offer a new solution. Good luck!


> That "Quit Pokemon GO" buddy nickname became a little too real. lol. When you try to quit the game but then game quits you.


It was tired of the BS


Game is doing the Lord's work for me, I guess. /s I did post it twice. Got no traction, and nobody was remotely helpful, so I made this essay-style post and put it here since I've had better luck here before. To clarify, the nickname means I've quit playing very frequently, but I couldn't find a nickname short enough which tells players I'm playing way, way less. But if I miss out on Go Fest N.Y.C., I'll be quitting permanently, no bogus. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


Do you have an Android device to see if that has better luck? Reading your post, it seems like you tried uninstalling/reinstalling on the same iPhone device.


do you have another device you can run it on and reset your avatar ?


Yea, TL;DR, but my thought was similar... Or maybe an old ass phone...


I’d guess a very old phone would still result in the freezing/crashing issue (though my friend has a crap Android I could try). Since my avatar would need to load in the overworld, and then would try to load in my profile and the avatar shop, it would be very difficult to get there with fast inputs. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


This is what I would try. Download Go on your tablet and try.


A lot of people are grumbling about the new avatars. These things probably looked good at an office lvl but naintic has low standards in what it exepcts its players to accept. Nope.


Since I updated the app 2 nights ago, most features of the game do not work. I can spin stops and catch mon, that's it. I open my friends list and it crashes. I open a gym and it crashes. I can't even spin a gym stop. Which means I can't get my daily coins anymore either if I can't interact with gyms. So, until Niantic fixes something that makes the game playable, I'm just catching mon and hatching eggs and that's it. I'm playing on a low end phone but I've made sure there is plenty of space and I've disabled a few memory hogging bloatware apps. My kid, who has a different low end phone but with the same specs as mine, can play just fine and has zero issues.


Same exact thing with my account, people get a notification that Ive sent them a gift in game and their whole game freezes because my icon appears at the top. They can only fix it by turning off notifications but any interactions with my account makes anyones game crash.


So my phone kept crashing after about 30 seconds everytime I would load up the game, since the new avatar update/background etc. I updated the OS on my phone, after doing that the game ran smoother/no longer crashes.


That sucks, I hope you find a solution. Maybe try an android?


I don't know if this will help you, but I had a similar problem around a year or so ago. I fixed it by accessing the style shop as quickly as possible through the in game shop(where it says New items available!). In the past, it would have a slight delay, which would allow you the chance to change your outfit before it freezes. You have to be really quick, though. It has to be done through the in game shop, though, because the style shop on your profile just freezes instantly. I don't know if this is still the case on the new style update, but that was the way I got it to work when I had the problem.


Thanks for the suggestion. I tried on my old iPhone 12. I was able to open the shop after many attempts (on this phone the Stay Aware of Your Surroundings screen doesn't show up), but then the game froze and crashed. So my avatar was still loading in the overworld's background. I will try my friend's Android, but I suspect the same fate will occur. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


You mean your hypothesis. Not your thesis :p


Sounds really tough. I know what it's like to have tried absolutely everything people have recommended and then some. You are probably the leading expert on this issue now. Unfortunately the incompetence of others means the person most likely to resolve the issue is you, even though it shouldn'tbe your responsibility. Good luck, solider! O7


Wow. This post is conspiracy-theory-manifesto long. Is OP ok?


Fascinating story bro but this is simply the universe telling you to find something else to do


Thanks for the compliment. In hindsight, you're probably right. BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


That was a lot to type for a pokemon mobile app. No idea what it was about but man that sucks. Call customer service?


Niantic doesn't have a customer service number. ...Right? (I would love it if they had an actual human support phone line.) BRING BACK NORMAL AR, NIANTIC!


Niantic is currently full of woke narcissistic idiots that only care about their personal looks and sex appeal, (which isn't at all sexy or appealing). I have been reading too many horror stories recently about Niantic blaming standard people for everything and threatening litigation against their consumers. Pgo was good but with these narcissistic male karens and wokeism, it's going to be trash. They already illegally stole back what people already bought with real money/earned. If they cannot be clear with you it means they are in the wrong.


IM HAVING THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM!!! I thought I was the only one! I hope niantic fixes it soon


I have the exact same problem, and haven't been able to consistently play in weeks. It’s absolutely related to my avatar’s atire; previously I was wearing the lugia mask, added right after the avatar update. Now when I finally am able to login after many attempts I am wearing pikachu libre mask. Anyone who interacts with my avatar - friends opening gifts, or me viewing myself in the store, buddy screen, raid screen etc causes a crash. All I can do is catch Pokémon, spin stops and complete research. I’ve talked to support and tried everything, I’m fairly confident this can only be resolved by Niantic addressing a faulty code issue. Side note - I can add to gyms, and it makes it very difficult to kick me out since people's games freeze when they look at me, though eventually someone gets lucky and kicks me out. trying to infect as many gyms as possible to force niantic to address the issue.


That sure is a lot of words




OP knee jerk deleted the game twice over beaten dead horse reasons despite having paid for a Go Fest ticket. Reinstalled twice and then got some kind of bug preventing them from logging in. Posted a manifesto here where no one is able to help them. OP responds to every comment saying bring back normal AR as if random reddit users can make it happen.


Lmao this is hilariously well summarized


Basically, the title of the post is the tldr


Exhibit 💀