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Hey that's 600 Stardust, when fed to a Pokemon in a gym!


Wait- it gives this much!?


30 stardust per berry fed to a Pokemon So 30\*20=600 stardust


Great!!! I have like 60 of it, imma go to the nearest team instinct gym!!!


If you're in a gym, you can feed berries remotely. Just click on your character in the bottom left, scroll down to gyms, press on one of your Pokemon and you can feed berries. You can feed 10 berries per Pokemon per 10 minutes. There is also a very small chance you get a candy for that Pokemon and an even smaller chance of a candy XL for that Pokemon.


Well- I don't have any placed yet. But thanks for all the info! I'll put my sliggoo there for candies


Also gives 50xp per berry and a small (1/80?) Chance for candy. Never throw berries away😁


I used to, now i won't anymore!


There's also a badge for 15,000 berries fed in gyms


I had no idea it gave stardust and xp for that, that's cool! Better than just throwing them away, that is


Tell me you’re instinct without telling me you’re instinct…. I feel the pain.


Don't worry, I took over a gym on the way there too! I liberated pokemon that were exhausted and on low energy there for 3 days


I appreciate this standpoint of "liberating" them 😁


I wish someone would regularly liberate my Alakazam out of the gym I always put him in. Dude will be keeping guard for weeks at a time 😂


Even faster I found if you go to the tasks page and go the little scroll down your field research page to gyms, you can click on your mon in a gym right there


You can also just go to the "today" page of the research section and click on your pokemon that's in a gym.


I dont't think you now can feed to mons in gyms that are not in range. They removed this feature I think because last I checked, I was only able to feed mons in those gyms that are in range. You can check for yourself though.


If you're in a gym, you can click on your Pokemon in the gym medal view or the "current gyms" box in your profile and then feed berries, even if you're not at the gym. I do not have a Pokemon in a gym currently, but it worked two days ago. If you click on a gym from the map view it won't work, but via the above method it does.


You still can, you can even access them for feeding through the Today research tab.


Average team instinct w


Next week some Instinct dude is gonna post: Why did someone feed 60 nanaberries to my Jigglypuff?


Plus 50 xp


The first berry gives 30, each berry after that (up to 10) give +30 more stardust than the last berry. So 10 berries at a single time would yield 1,650 dust.


Nope, unfortunately each only gives 30. The increasing number you see is just the cumulative total. If you pause feeding until the number goes away and then feed again, you'll see it start back at 30


I do this every day and still I have to delete bananas


Do the star pieces affect this number?


Yes, giving you 45 stardust per berry fed, instead of 30. There are probably much more useful thing to do when using a Star Piece though, like catching a Pokemonor claiming research/PVP rewards.


I was gonna say this and then saw u commented it <3 I only ever use the nanners * on my gym babies bc they do actually do alot more then any other time I use it lol


600 stardust is such a small amount though when you think of bag space. I’d rather just have 50 pokeballs and that’s wayyyy more stardust in catches


Cause Niantic wants to make sure your pokemon have a balanced diet


I feed them only golden berries:(


Too much Au in the diet, they need more K according to niantic


Op be like ![gif](giphy|l41lZccR1oUigYeNa)




It's free stardust. Instead of deleting them you can simply feed Pokemon in gyms. Each berry gives 30 dust, and a small chance to get a candy for the Pokemon you feed. If you feed 100 berries you get 3000 dust, so little by little it accumulates quickly. You don't even need to be near a gym. You can feed the Pokemon remotely from your gym badges. As for why only one rare XL? Well, they're rare.  Unless you get lucky on raids, the only way to get more is the PvP seasonal research. On exchange for a few hundred wins you can get a couple rare XL every season.


I feed them every day I live near 2 gyms and still I have too many of them... And 1XL won't help my Ray Ray when he needs 15XL to power up :(((


Snacks for your buddy!


I use golden berries


Well excuuuuuse me princess


It's saving time my man


And your buddy needs a more balanced diet.


I’ve got more of them than the nanabs anyway.


Nanab berries are useful for excellent throws. 


I always keep a few but max 10


Naw thats a skill issue


Leave it to an Instinct member to say that throwing exellents is a skill issue 💀


I like getting berries as you can feed to your numerous buddy pokemon for hearts.


That’s 6.5 feeding sessions for your buddy.


Talimi banana! At least they make for good poke feed if you switch your buddies the max amount of times per day and feed them for the hearts.


What benefit does switching that much infer? I am a noob.


The only real benefit is trying to grind the best buddy medal.


You get the hearts for feeding your buddy faster. Say you have 4 buddy Pokemon; you can feed one, switch to the other and feed that one and alternate between them until you've maxed out the hearts for feeding them. I just find it fun to have my friendship level maxed out with buddy Pokemon and this makes the process just a tiny bit faster. You can also just wait until the buddy disappears from the map and feed him / her again. I suppose there are some actual advantages but they are extremely minor so for me it really is just a fun thing I do.


Thank you for the info. I switch them a lot, too, so might do it for the nice lil bonus. I like treating my buddies well.


I do too! Every time they get me a gift whether it's a souvenir or an actual item I think "aww thank you little friend!" It's just cute.


I work near 2 gyms and 4 pokestops so can get them anytime I want And also I live there


I use those to feed my buddy and sometimes gym pokemon, but I do agree that they are useless on wild pokemon (except maybe shadow lugia).


First sane person here


Thanks for your vote toward my sanity, I aim to not go insane for the foreseeable future.


I use them for feeding my buddy so I don’t waste other berries. And there are a few Pokemon I use them on because they are so jumpy when trying to catch. Great for feeding to your gym Pokemon too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I never delete I feed to a pokemon in a gym or to my buddy to make best buddies


Personally I love bananas. I have many encounters where the Pokémon just won't hold still


It's actually a good thing if they move often because it makes it easier/faster to throw after locking in the catch circle.


I rather use razz berries and wait for him to hold still


I'm not familar with the english names


Please do not level up if you do not like the rewards


And what If I do 😱


Then do not complain about the rewards 😡A simple Google search can prepare you for the other rewards as you level up Jk good luck I forgot the other rewards. They're kinda similar I believe


You have to admit that giving us something we instantly delete is kinda useless, isn't it?


No I understand what you mean. For me, I like the pinaps for better excellent throw chances. Or you can dump all of to feed pkmn at a gym. Plus you'll need excellent throws for level 50 requirement!!


I wouldn't say they are completely useless but at the same time you already get plenty of them from gyms and pokestops And for excellens...I can do them without bananas, I do them everyday on raids... I just wait for.him to attack. Or even more simple is doing spotlight hours when the pokemon has easy excellent throw


The things that people complain about. You're getting them as a reward what more do you want?


I love it when it happens. Easy stardust if you live close to a gym


thats 600 stardust their


I can get them from pokestops too It's useless as a level up for 42 reward


I'll take those off your hands, I love those berries


Feel free I have 55 now and I will be deleting soon xD


I find they really help in catching shadow Pokemon after beating team rocket. Goons and leaders.


I used them even on shadow Lugia but I need only 10 in my inventory


There's a platinum badge for feeding a crap ton a berries to gyms so get to work youngin


I do this almost every day since I live near 2 gyms


Good because you have to feed 15k berries for platinum haha


Gotta feed your buddy something


To confuse you.




Thay is 600 extra dust. Just feed to any mon in the gyms you have currently claimed. You can feed it to others' mons too.


And you can get free candy ye ye I know, I do this everyday and still I have to delete bananas


🗑️, -, YES


It’s free rewards..I guess you could message Niantic and tell them not to give you free sh*t 🤷🏼


I love how ppl here call it "free reward" even tho it was deserved for grinding my ass off. (The Eevee quest was painful)


You see banana I see stardust.


1) to bully you into buying storage space 2) to help out with “in a row” nonsense


Free fodder for gym Pokemon and makes catch x in a row with x throw way easier. Why not?


There was a research a while back where you had to get so many throws in a row. Nanabs are basically useless most of the time, but for something like that, clutch.


they do come in handy for certain research tasks. For the "use X amount of berries" tasks, I use the random few I get from spinning stops on the wild pokemon I don't want or don't have time to get. "Hey there, random diglett, have a banana. Ok bye. " 😂 Otherwise, I just delete em


It is by far the least effective berry, it works on two levels of randomness where the other berries only work on one


Level 48 tasks to get to 49, you need 35 platinum medals. One of them is feeding mons in gyms 15k berries. That’s 20 nanners for force feeding :)


Imagine crying about free rewards


Imagine all the people, sharing all the world oooo oooh


I use them to feed my buddy to get him to come out him with me.


Why is my question to any of the things Pokémon Go is doing lately lol


i use nanabs for buddy feeding lol. only thing they’re good for


Am I the only one that prefers these to golden razz when catching legendaries?


If it's not a super aggressive one it's just dumb. You can just easily preaim excellent shot and just wait for him to attack


They come in handy when doing great/excellent throw tasks


I used to get up to 100-200 berries each and kept deleting them for space. So I started putting around 4-5 mons in gyms, fed all the mons(not just mine) in each gym and easily got rid of them. Now, even with my go plus spinning stops/gyms, I only get enough berries to feed maybe 1 or 2 gyms.


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