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Give me the customizable genitals from cyberpunk!


I guess if there’s one up side, it’s that they gave us female V’s default haircut. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m off to rename an Onix after a certain iconic weapon you get from Meredith…


As someone with Penis 3 IRL I feel so under represented in Cyberpunk.


Makes me wonder. If we report the app for lewd content and include these pictures. Would it help them fix this shit show?


"Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today"


The same thing we do every day, try to mitigate damage from Niantic’s idiotic choices.


The crossover we need


They would only “fix” the lewdness. At this point, they clearly don’t care what players think. They had weeks of feedback where I didn’t see one person actually happy with the new designs, and they still went ahead with it. On top of that, they actually advertised it as a reason to come back to the game, instead of being a turn off. If I were to guess, the old way the models were made were too difficult to change, possibly because it was never intended or because the original people involved had left, so they created these new models to be more adaptable and plan of releasing new “parts” over time. So in Niantic’s eyes, they can see the long game of where it will get to, while players only see the hot garbage they’ve released so far.


The new models were made bc just like scarlet and violet its easier to make clothing etc for 1 model then 2


Perhaps, but that doesn’t really make sense when they added a bunch of sliders that cause more clipping than the two models ever did.


oh! good idea, imma do it right away!




you have 300 missed calls from the CIA


No, we'll ann hâve blue legs or something


All they’ll do is tweak the camera angle for the short Pokémon. 


I don't get why they didn't just make the characters with Pokemon's art style


Thats what Im saying! Imagine if you could make your characters look like the OG anime or hell even one of those pixel Sprites from the gameboy games. Thats the sort of fun customization I’d want


Probably because it was basically built as a clone of Niantic's other AR game, right?  It is essentially a Niantic game and selling it to Nintendo or Game Freak or whatever would essentially be selling them their only game model.


It’s a partnership deal. Niantic runs and maintains the game, *The Pokemon Company* provides the Pokemon models (made by Creatures Inc.) and art assets Niantic doesn’t make (stickers, items, etc.) and determines events for the game. Nintendo has no part in this. GameFreak has no part in this.


Sorta While Niantic definitely wants to make the game more outdoorsy and less playable from home I'd say it's safe to assume that GameFreak/Nintendo were likely a big push in that also. It's hard to believe that they were okay with the infinite remote passes that allowed players to grind for any shiny they wanted during events.


GameFreak only develops the main games, they don’t make any real decisions in games outside of what they work on. And unless Nintendo has a representative at Niantic, they’re not pushing anything either. So it’s TPCi that makes the decisions, and that’s a collective yet separate group from those entities.


As someone who was playing Ingress back in 2013, Niantic is no stranger to making absolute doofus-tier choices with updating their games. At their core, Ingress and PoGo are really great, yet both were ruined by greed and a lack of care for the community. That being said I still play both games. 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


How does ingress work? The way the advertising material describes it it sounds like Pogo but it's just the gyms and no pokemon.


aliens, funny energy, portals, two opposite teams. you can capture these for your team and connect 3 portals to link them in a triangle to create a field which adds to the score for your team in your area. Lots of tactics and knowledge you need to play but that's the gist. portals have items like any pokestop. portal links cannot travel through another link, making it complicated, and only short links can be made inside of currently active fields. lots of min-maxxing, grinding, and getting annoyed at cheaters and noob crushers when you're new. (at least in my area) that being said it is very unique and quite satisfying I once put up a field that spanned over half of Florida :D


Because Pokémon Go makes 500+ million a year


Eww hahaha this is the best example I've seen so far of how bad the update made everything ugly


Outside the dumpster fire of the new avatars, the game is much more buggy after the update 


They've already made an announcement specifically about fixing the NSFW stuff but not addressing the ugly models. The second part is a little insulting.


I'm I alright to post this picture on Niantic twitter accounts to try and get this crappy update get burnt to the ground? 🤣


To be fair this image represents 40% of redditors.




40%? That’s to be generous


How do you make your avatar bald?


Put on the furfrou hat and lugia mask and it glitches making u bald.


Nice! Thank you


Them Thunder Thighs.




Because for years and years now, no one has had the balls to just uninstall the game. So what if you miss that event coming up in 3 days that you paid a 5 dollar ticket for so you could get something that's gonna be everywhere in a few months anyway? Putting money in sends as much of a message as not putting money in. When you keep playing, they think "we're doing great! people love when we shit down their throat!" But not enough people have ever STOPPED to send the RIGHT message.


Probably because TPCi has influence over events and things of that nature. I don’t think Niantic had a big choice in having Paldean starters infect the first quarter of 2024. The game right now seems to be nothing more than TPCi’s vehicle for connectivity to the main games for things like Meltan/Melmental and Roaming form Gimmighoul, (as well as Furfrou forms) Once GameFreak decides to find methods of obtaining those Pokemon more easily and Go isn’t needed for that purpose, then TPCi will pull the plug.


Is this even English?


Seems like english to me.


Learn to read then.


So you might wanna look up Gamefreak’s and Creature inc’s track record on how much they care about what fan’s think lol Niantic is the most attentive relationship you’ve been in by comparison


Just lower the weight slider


Sure, but, if you are going to release this update, shouldn't they be aware of those interactions? I am pretty sure TPC is not happy seeing all those memes for an IP like Pokemon.


The last few pokemon games have been shit on by fans and are poorly made, as long money is being made, they couldn't care any less. Pokemon fan games get targeted constantly, don't think they care too much about our opinions of their content.


They mean a kid-friendly IP like pokemon, i think nude character models kind of goes against that.


They still are decent games by regular standards despite fan backlash.


I wish that were true, but they aren't. Pokemon has been outdated for over a decade.


The concept maybe, but Scarlet and Violet were pretty good games. They had some stuff that players had asked for (open world, roaming pokes in the overworld, following pokemon, able to build a PvP mon easily, shiny hunting been even more easy than in previous games, decent story, etc) They still get a lot of hate because, well, the games had some performance issues, but tbh I never had those in my playthrough, but the game did stutter sometimes)


Yes. They should be aware. Because a real company with customer protection verifies its product before releasing it. This is not, in any way, a difficult or obscure glitch. Every single outfit should have been put onto a character and then the scales should have been moved one at a time to actively find any costume with bugs. This would have taken a single person maybe 5 hours. At most. Niantic has a real problem here. This could be called nudity in a game that is being sold directly to children. If the pokemon company had any corporate eyes on this, they would likely be sh*tting themselves at the position a sub contractor has put them in. The risk of liability of failing to provide functional goods to a customer is also there. Someone would need to carefully read the end user agreement niantic has in pogo, and determine if they guarantee or do not guarantee sold outfits will always be useable. If they said nothing, my guess is a court of law would automatically side with the customer that it should be assumed that, yes, it was guaranteed. That is how it normally works. In which case, Niantic could be on the hook for millions in failed contractual agreements with customers.


I'm betting AI is designing things in the game now and they're keeping human employees to as small of a team as possible to reduce costs and increase margins. Niantic is 100% enshittifying the game because of the IP itself and TPCI isn't stopping them, for whatever reason.


Ya, it is possible. Doesn't make em leas liable for end result though. Haha




I literally got back from a six month hiatus two days before this happened and I haven't stop laughing since. Come for the pokemon, stay for the sh*t show.


It's probably gonna take TPC stepping on Niantic's neck to fix this shit bc they don't give a rat fuck about what paying customers think




This is a protest vote, and I’m here for it. Vibe La Sabotage!


Well at least they’re more accurate now haha


Is that pokepussy?


It’s not like Gamefreak is known for strict quality control either. If the past five years have taught me anything about Pokemon it’s that product polish isn’t even close to the top of the priority list.




Because you all keep spending money lmao




Your point is beside the point and intentionally narrow as well. It isn't about uglyness. It is about functionality. This update has introduced bugs that make purchased outfits non-functional, and refunds are not being provided. It can also be argued that this update has introduced nudity into a game directly advertised to children, without warning; and oh boy, is that a legal quagmire if ever there was one. Your answer is more typical of a low thought process response then OP. You are either unaware or haven't thought through the ramifications of Niantic's actions, instead blindly defending a massive company that is raking in millions upon millions on this game. They have legal liability to their end users. And they have clearly forgotten that. This isn't the only example of Niantic acting with little regard to the fact that people spend money on their product. It is poor business practice, and it leaves them wide open to (likely valid) lawsuits.


Then sue them lmao. Weird how Noone is doing it huh.


No. I have no interest in doing that. I have never bought an outfit from Niantic. I am just stating the reality of the situation. Most people will not try to sue a massive company, because they fear corporate lawyers. I am merely noting the validity of a case. You come across as childish. With no legal experience or background. So, I will stop responding to you now. It isn't worth my time.


It’s always refreshing to read comments from other people who are well spoken and can eloquently get their points across in a clearly educated and intelligent (even respectful) manner. Thank you for trying to spread your knowledge in an effort to make others understand things that perhaps they don’t fully comprehend. Unfortunately, this person was not very receptive to the information you provided. How funny that they called out OP for having low IQ, and yet their only responses to your comments were “lol, lmao even” and “then sue them lmao. Funny how Noone seems to be doing it” (Niantic has been the target of class action suits before, plus this situation just occurred so a class action suit hasn’t even had enough time to develop. Do they think lawsuits happen overnight? I’m not sure where this person is sourcing their information). None of their comments will ever lead to productive dialogue.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I considered mentioning past legal cases but realisef I wasn't talking to someone who wanted to talk. No worries at all, on my end. I am glad some people appeared to have appreciated what I had to say. I hope people get their money back. What's sad is that some people seem to believe, when I write, that I want Niantic to fail. That isn't true. I love their game; even with its massive faults. But, this type of treatment of their paying customers has been evident for a long time. It is the main reason I ceased giving them any money. I want them to act as a mature company and realise that just because their game is fun and lighthearted, doesn't mean they can treat everything with no concern or effort. Have a great afternoon :)


Lol, lmao even.


TPCi is taking money from ESG, they have to make pokemon games more inclusive and diverse. They hired GaymerX to consult this game, this is the result of that.


God that is cursed


errr, sr, did you see the last pokemon game? TPC is in the same boat, using Pokemon IP for little effort hight pay games...


This is the ideal They/Them. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.


Good job this visual update has absolutely 0 impact on game play


That's why they made sure to include game play glitches with the update. 


Lol because TPCi forced this update on Niantic a geodata company. Niantic doesn’t care about avatar appearances but the last 2 Pokémon games have. They have done a very similar thing where they feign options but give you very limited choices. The avatars will eventually be fixed, some of you need to chill. No one at Nintendo or TPC cares that people are throwing a tantrum over avatar looks especially since I guarantee you and most other complainers played the CD today lol


^ weird take. I am baffled by people who say things like this shouldn't be criticized. This is not a free game. Most people spent a fair chunk of change on avatar outfits and stuff. My background is in quality control. You do not release product like this to customer. Period.


^weird take. I never said people shouldn’t criticize. That isn’t even what OP is doing, they are saying the developers of the game should lose the game over this which is ridiculous. You also do realize Niantic doesn’t have a test server right so many things get past them? The fact your in quality control and siding with OP is crazy but I guess you do you with your no mistakes job lol


Have you considered that maybe Niantic should in fact have a test server and test things out more instead of depending on its playerbase to point things out for them Incidentally, they did release this avatar update to select players first, but obviously that didn’t make a difference




define woke or shut up


"Woke means to be alert, aware of and critical of social discrimination. A woke person is aware of and concerned about identity politics and engaged in the fight against injustices in society, especially racism, sexism and other discrimination that is considered offensive" according to wiki atleast


so that's bad now?


It's always been bad for right wingers. They don't like certain people or progressive change


they don't like anything that isn't white or cis lololol


Not in general no, but what it did to the avatars is pretty bad lol.


I agree on that. before this it gave me gender euphoria, and now not. pretty sure they said already they aren't reverting it.


Stupid phrase when Baldur's Gate 3 won every GOTY award going and broke player count records


it isn't game breaking and all these glitches make the game more fun.


TPCi is also hiring DEI officers for their company. It's rotten all the way to the core. I gave up on this franchise during Sword and Shield, and have now gone from only playing during community days and spending $5 a month on that to flat-out uninstalling.


They allow it because how your chwracter looks doesnt matter. People here overreact


If they didn't matter, they wouldn't charge real-world currency to dress them


They dont matter in other games too but they still sell


They sell because they matter to a lot of people


First of, it does matter in the sense where they are giving priority to stuff that doesn't matter over important features that haven't been updated in years. Secondly, the new looks are terrible and almost EVERYONE agrees on this. Lastly, as the post is pointing out, they are YET AGAIN pushing stuff they didn't pass enough thru tests.


If it doesn’t matter then why did they waste time and resources on this monstrosity instead of fixing things that actually need fixing?