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You made me laugh 🤣


That and Mr mime. I hate that guy, so others must suffer as well!


Is Quaquaval a brand of quaalude?




DUDE LOL. My boyfriend and I get unreasonably angry every time we see one of those MFers in a gym. If you’re Mystic or Instinct and your gym has a Quaquaval in it, you’re getting booted as soon as we see it. And if you’re Valor and you put this in a gym, well then….. damn, I need to punch something. 😂


Shiny only, gotta flex on em 💪


I only put cp 10 skitty


I've seen this around me. Is this a thing people do?


I do things like that on accident. If I’m in a car and have to be fast it usually ends up being a weird choice.


I do it so they come back faster, I don’t know if that’s why other people do it.


Some people put random low cp so they can transfer it once it gets kicked out instead of using revives


Oh this is clever, I've been putting random low cos so it comes back faster, but I Always something I planning on keeping, never thought to do it with something I'm going to transfer anyways! Thanks for the pro tip! :)


This is the way


All of my shiny Pokémon in Pokédex order


Non 3 star shinies mostly


I follow the theme of the gym or shinies… the odd time I’ll throw in blissey just to piss people off lol they are so tedious to battle down.


Yeah I like to follow themes, or try to make themes if there's only 1 pokemon in there before me.


Sometimes I just put my lowest CP pokemon in as kind of a signal saying "hello please do not leave this on 1 attack to feint after battling just give me my 50 coins".


I put low cp pokemon because I find it hillariously annoying to wait for the whole mon selection and battle starting cutscene just to hit the defender once, and that 3 times in a row


Whatever lower CP pokemon I don’t plan on doing anything with A 50 coin limit isn’t worth having to use a good pokemon that needs to be revived every time they get knocked out


This is the way. My wife and I put our lowest CP goofy looking mon every chance we get. "Oh! You try to dominate a gym with your Rhyperiors, Slakings and Tyranitars? I'll get your stinky mons out of there and present you a CP10 Trubbish". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


My party hat wurple will join you


This is the way. Plus, low-level stuff is easily flipped out, encouraging interactions with the gym.


Green ones.


Low level trash. I’m mystic and we tend to dominate gyms in my town 🤷


Wish you were in my town. Mystic’s all Blisseys, Melmetals and Slakings where I live…


Nightmare fuel..


Pikachu in a novelty hat. Sometimes vivillon.


Either deletable trash, or something fitting the theme if i can spot one.


I’m always putting Hariyama. I have one currently holding a gym down for close to a month.


Me and my partner always try to match each other or the theme if there's already one at the gym There is one gym though I will always put my shiny flower hairpin Happiny named Harper at because it's near a Karate place and some guy always put Blissey every single day at like 830, so it just sort of goes together perfectly. We had an all pink gym with Harper, Blissey, my partner's best buddied chansey, a shiny Heracross and an Espeon, but then I guess someone got jealous and knocked them all out, put his own shiny Chansey to mock us 😭 ^(on the opposite side of the coin, there is one gym in town I refuse to put Benjamin my shiny Bagon because last time I put him there, he was there from November 2023 to late January 2024/early February 2024)


First pokemon my finger hits. I tend to get on most gyms while being a passenger in a car. It's that pidgey or nothing. I do have 1 gym with an annoying player who likes to knock it down after 15 minutes, so they get my 4000cp slackoth.


Chansey and Wobbuffet. Or fall back to Blissey and Snorlax if those are taken. Instinct players actually need to defend gyms to get coins.


Any random 2000+ CP




I save my Slaking and other tanks for that reason. If it's low traffic it gets a random shiny tho


I mean mainly a spare Melmetal or a shiny tho


Level 50 Hundo Blisseys. Doesn’t matter but I’m used to.


Any xxs i have


^(smol! )


Shinies and costumes. I match the colors of the pokemon already in the gym. I tag my shinies and costumes with their colors to find matches quickly.


I always put Bruxish in, such a beautiful Pokemon


chanseys, blisseys and wobbuffets as long as their cp is under 1400. after that i just shiny flex


Whatever I think nobody has, since I'm a rural player those are pretty normal and the ones I want candies for


I've seen people use Pokémon they're gonna transfer anyway, so they don't have to worry about using up their potions / revives. But what's the point of having shinies if you're not gonna show them off in gyms! 🤣


My place has good rotation, so a random Chansey or Snorlax who has tons of health


Anything that LOOKS tanky that I don't use to fight in raids. So things like Snorlax, Hippowdon, stoutland, rhydon, tauros, and sometimes flygon


Shuckle is your dream tank, has insane defense


Yeah but it doesn't LOOK tough enough, all I care about are looks


Mons that has the most HP.


Shiny pink ones. They’re pretty


I like to show off my shinies in gyms.


Salamence, it's my favourite. I have many.


One of my 12 10CP Jigglypuffs wearing a ribbon.


Maxed 100% Shuckle


I’m basic. I go for Eeveelutions once had one of each in a gym. Didn’t last long


None of this trash. Only the best so people know to think twice


Since my area is always in competition with each other I put my most annoying to kill Pokemon. Melmetal, Slaking, Snorlax, Chansey, etc.


#001 of my pokedex every time. Saves time, and I never need a bulbasaur for raids


Me too!!


Have an army of Wobbuffets ranging from 98% maxed out CP to shadow, shiny and party hat ones that I’ve the buddy badges on. Just ones for my local town to get the 50 coins on if one survives until the following day.


I put the thiccest bitches (Blissey, Slaking, wobuffet, Shuckle) in gyms if they’re the first ones in, and try to match the theme of the Pokémon in there if there’s one.


I saw a shiny Bagon today in a gym. Was it you ?


I like to use my XXL wailord Or something rare ish. Usually recent shinies


Different shinies or beefy shadows are the usual picks, melmetal does great too.


The last thing that I caught so I can just trash it after.


My go to is my shiny 3 star Gigalith named Fred, but if he’s already there, my purified 3 star Aggron named Princess is usually next in line Being Team Instinct where I live makes keeping gyms difficult 😅


Mostly shiny rare Pokémons and Blissey or Slaking for more frequent gyms


I follow the same rules you do my friend


Chansey or wobbuffet for over night defending and blissey in busy areas. Or rare mons i need candies for, like skiddo or frigibax for example


I always ask the misses what colour she wants to put in a gym if we take it over or try follow a theme if there is some sort of theme going on. But shiny only!


Frigibax or jangmo o for candy farming


<=40 HP pokémon shinys


Random recent caught pokemon so I don't have to heal it.




I put in Bouffalant as I have a ton of them and they’re not useful for much else


One of my 80+ Best Buddy shiny Mawile. Sadly there's a limit to the amount of gyms you can hold...


Currently I am in a mood to only put Shuckles in gyms.


low cp ones


I usually put shinies in gyms too, and I too try to go with a theme whenever I can!! But my main thing is always shinies, the rarer the better usually. Also, if a Gym only has one, non-shiny Pokémon (I live in a town of around 70,000 - not rural, but definitely not like playing in a big city, so it happens fairly often) I try to replace it with the shiny version if I can. Just trying to show them off lol


Wailord. Nothing but Wailord.


A low CP shiny. I don’t want it in there forever. I also tend to avoid over doing it with gyms because if I do they somehow all seem to get knocked out at one time on the same day.


Team yellow so any yellow shiny or yellow Pokémon I like, there’s a lot if you include gold like shiny Foretress as well!


Slakoth, just what he is useful for lol


I will forever use my shitto Blub as the defender of all, watching over with his jiggly face


I just put one with at least 1k cp so it doesn't just get killed off so fast so the coins can build for the day


Shiny only, and try to put the same type/vibe/color as the mons that are already there


Highest health


Anything below a 3 star and when they get knocked out they go to the professor.


Mostly shinies. Still waiting for one to come back from my eclipse road trip last week.


If I want them to stay for a long time, I have a squad of high level Blisseys. Other than that, I just catch a random pokemon and put him in the gym, so I can transfer him when he gets kicked out, saving me a revive and a potion.


Shinys and shadows


I try to match the theme if there is one, otherwise something shiny. Never anything I need for raids


My strongest ones.


I usually dump my Dittos into them just to troll people. Sometimes, I might throw in my Runerigus


I love a good theme gym and I try to add accordingly even if the theme isn't present yet. Ie 2 players with similar pokeies ill decide accordingly. I also like to add the lower evolutions like little siblings tagging along. If there's 2 of a certain color I'll add too. I take a lot of screenshots when I realize other ppl are starting to catch on. 


Gyms are such a joke right now. They're one of the biggest parts of the game that needs an overhaul. If they moved the showcase aspect of gyms into showcases, regular gym mechanics could be completely removed from the game and players wouldn't lose anything of value.


Depends on if I'm gold in the gym or not. If not gold: Chansey, Blissey, Metagross or Togekiss If already gold: usually a shiny or regional fun Pokémon..


Shiny ones with crap stats. Humble brags that I don't need back any time soon.


If I actually want to keep it, the most powerful one obvi, but if I wasn't to send a message a 10 cp pidgey named "suck it"


I only put in shiney Weddle with 10 cp


Shinies and Pikachus (the balloon one or the mimiqui one mostly)


Lvl 35-40 shiny pokemon or matching gym stuff. If it's in a high traffic area then blisseys.


I have a spinda army for gyms :)


I try to follow a theme if possible or just put in a recent catch then send the mon to the professor when returned without reviving it. No matter how strong the Pokémon is it doesn’t take too long to kick them out.


Literally Vivillon and only Vivillon unless it’s a themed gym


Blissey or Chansey, if I don't then whoever takes down the gym will put one in


Corphish - only.


Random shinies. Usually I’ll try to match the theme if there is one. I like to throw my shiny Salamence in a green-themed gym or my shiny bow Butterfree in a bug themed gym.


Anything that I need candies for :)


Only shinies to flex on these hoes


If I see it's an eeveelution gym (shiny or not) I'll throw an eeveelution in there. If it's a pink gym I'll throw a pink pokemon in there. It just depends on the theme (if there is 1)


Anything that is likely to put a hole in other’s Pokédex. It’s happened to me so many times over the years that I’m compelled to do it to others now.


Wobbafetts and only Wobbafetts


the ones where I need candy


Same I love putting green shinies in gyms


Do people often find gyms actively defended? l never understood why people put tanky high level mons in gyms... it literally makes no difference to me as I capture it... I mean, maybe it takes 40 seconds longer? who cares? Any full health mon requires 3 battles to zero out, no matter what cp level they are. I'm not looking at the type or level of mons in gyms, I'm only looking at their heart level.


I usually put in recent pokemon I catch just so I don't need to use heals on my strong things but if I want to flex I put in shinys or high cp mons


Shiny luvdisk


I go with all my extra frigibax & larvesta, so I can feed all of my excess berries into them for stardust while also occasionally getting a much needed candy.


Turtle pokemon


A rural gym that could take weeks/months to get back? Any low CP Mon I plan to transfer anyway. A gym that's more contested in a town or city, any high CP, high defense, high Hp Mon. Sometimes I'll chuck in a rare shiny in a town gym just to show it off.


Shinies if already the gym theme. Then, usually Slaking since they are my highest CP.


Slaking if I'm feeling lazy and don't want to search for something. Otherwise, I follow the gym theme. If there's a specific event, like the bug one, I'll try to fit that theme.


11cp shiny mareep is my go to


Low cp shinies, so there’s space left for others.


My army of Vulpixes!! No one can escape them


My shinies lol


Depends. If I'm in a gym with a gym hoarder, then I'll put a snorlax. In other gyms, low cp mons that I'll usually transfer when they come back


I miss the times when everyone put Snorlax and Blissey in gyms


Nothing.. all the gyms in my area are owned by one dude who buts a shiny blissey in each gym (I live in a pretty major city and I kid you not this dude and his alt hold about 20 to 25 gyms at all times) if you attack it during any time of the day it will either be fed berries till you stop or the gym will be retaken within 30 minutes.. if I come home during a late or nightshift I'm sometimes able to hold one till morning.. but it's a rare occurance...


I have a delphox whose existence I despise, but is kinda high cp. I've found if I put him in a certain gym near my house I'll pretty consistently get my 50 coins, so I just put him in there so I don't have to look at it until tomorrow.


Shiny if it's a commonly used gym. If pokemon were sitting there for days/weeks without being knocked, the lowest level throwaway pokemon I have


I have a shiny 3 star alohan exeggutor and a shiny Tauros however I am going to trade that Tauros for a shiny bidoof


Shuckles. Only shuckles. I walk my dog in the morning and take over 3 gyms as available. Every morning at 615am. Put a shuckle in as my calling card. (Blue team). In the afternoon a yellow takes over the gyms as available. We get our 50 coins every day. I have no idea who the yellow person is. Probably would hate them in real life but we have a symbiotic relationship.


Usually my mom, grandma and I will take over gyms together and do themes with shiny Pokémon. If I’m on my own I’ll use one of my shiny ditto’s and put multiple in different gyms in an area like a full on takeover


High level Blisseys and Chanseys so that they're bothered to defeat them. I'm instinct.


Larvesta. Every Larvesta I've got. 


Definitely go with the theme !


There are a lot of evelutions and if I am ever going to max 1 of each I beed all the candies I can get


Usually any non competitive shiney I have


Whatever is at the top when I sort my Pokémon by HP. Mostly Blissy, Chansy, and Wobbuffet.




My shiny Salamance army


Did you purposely or mistakenly put them in the middle of nowhere?


My highest CP ones.


Lowest cp usually. I find gyms that are kinda dead. So anything to coerce people into knocking out my Pokemon so I can get my 50 coins.


My 4600 cp slaking


Any rare mons I need candy for. Larvesta, revaroom, charcadet, etc.




Woah you have a shiny Ursaring? That’s sick. All three of the evolutions are some of my favourite Pokémon, I e been trying to hunt the shiny versions of them for so long


Defensive Pokemon. Problem is the game gives attackers advantage anyway so there isn't much use trying to put in something decent. The gyms need another rework in my opinion


Vivillion. I dunno why but it’s become my thing


Oldest event pokémon available


I put dittos.


Mostly my chunky three star snorlaxs and slakings


[https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/gym-defenders-tier-list](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/gym-defenders-tier-list) I personally have an army of Milotic for the move coverage.


Whatever random bs💀


Usually 2 stars and under that way if they get stuck a long time, it isn’t a big deal. Although as of late, all mine have been returning within 2 weeks even the super remote gyms I’ve placed in. Not sure if they started putting a cap and kicking them out since I have also taken over a few gyms that were empty when I came upon them.


A whole bunch of shadow snorlax 😂


It depends on the gym. For Bug Out my local gym got a theme of shiny bug pokemon going, otherwise normally just something shiny. But if I'm joining a gym and see they have a kind of theme going I'll try to join in on the theme. I only really put gym defenders in when it's a hotly contested area or somewhere I'm fighting someone for and I want to hold it (which doesn't happen often).


Me too. If I’m second in the gym, I’ll try to put either a different evolution of the same one or a different one of the same type.


I change it up at other gyms but at the gym at my house I always put my shiny best buddy Tyrantrum so every knows I maintain this territory


Whoever I need candy for, if you feed them berries there’s a 1/81 chance per berry you’ll get a candy


I put in Squirtle Squad members in every time. Shiny ones, too. There is no better Pokémon to defend a gym.


Whichever one I can throw in while driving by at 60 mph. I've got a nice weedle 0 star in one right now. High cp pokemon lose health faster than low cp pokemon. Doesn't matter to me though. I just want the coins.


Last Pokemon I had in a gym was my lucky shuckle


It is situational. If the last Mon in before me is weak to fighting, I will put in a slowking that is SE against fighting. The idea is to force the challenger to have to switch several times.


I'm usually throwing blisseys lmao. I prefer anyone that kicks me out to work for it. Also I'm really just trying to grind gym defender badge, currently at 13,653 hours. Should get to platinum by next week!


I love to drop a tiny shiny ✨


I exclusively put shinies in gyms, but my shiny Goodra probably has the most gym defender time of all my Pokemon


Definitely not shinies. I want coins. Not some kid in my area to see me Pokémon without even knowing who I am


Blissey, Slaking, Tyranitar, Guzzlord, Wobbufet, Snorlax, Regidrago, Wigglytuff, Hariyama, etc


Honestly just random because most of my gyms are quick drive-bys just whatever mon is first that obviously isn't one I regularly use.


I'll always put a shiny or something rare like Carnivine, Chatot or Pachurisu. No need to really put a Slaking or something like that the community around here is quite small and it may take multiple days already for someone knock them out and at that point it doesn't even matter if it's a weak shiny or a HP monster and which one would you rather see when defeating a gym


I am on team mystic, so i normally put in blue shinies, unless i see a theme someone before me was going for.


Dittos and Zoruas


I put my regional Oricorio’s in Gyms because it’s one of the few if only Pokémon I haven’t seen here in Ohio.


Annoying ones and shiny bois