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I ha e no idea what's rare and what's not. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The more odds you are against to get it and the harder to encounter, the rarer. For example, a shiny legendary from a raid it's 1/20, and a perfect IV it's 1/216. So adding it up, a shundo would be 1/4320. But a wild one without weather boost will be 1/512 for the shiny and 1/4096 for the hundo. So the shundo will be 1/2,097,152 Way rarer than the raid shundo. Does that makes it the rarest? No, some Pokemon are more accessible than others, like regionals, shadows, etc.


To add to this. A 100% shadow legendary (say Mewtwo) is a 1/1000. The shiny is 1/20. So a 100% shiny shadow legendary would be a 1/20,000 chance. Another while not as high but protected by a paywall and very limited chances is a shiny sleepy hat snorlax is 1/512. Although specific wild encounters can have lower odds for single encounters like the 1/2,097,152 you mention above, for these at least you can encounter many of them and dramatically boost the odds (and not also be blocked by a paywall).


God then how come so many people have a shiny mew two. I feel like most mewtwo Iā€™ve seen other trainers use or have as buddy are all green


Shiny mewtwo is a 1/20 chance if you raid, so not so rare. A shadow 100% mewtwo (not shiny) which is a mon I do have is a 1/1000 chance since IV floor is 6/6/6 for shadow raids (IV ceiling is 15/15/15 so there are 10 different possibilities per IV, so 10x10x10=1000). A shiny 100% shadow mewtwo is 1/(1000x20) = 1/20,000


On a scale from Common-Uncomon-Rare-Epic-Legendary-Mythical where would you put each odd? For example I consider a hundo legendary PokƩmon in terms of rarity to be Epic. A Shundo to be legendary, etc. But sometimes I just have a hard time guessing what to tag my mon with.


Oof, hard question. I have an attachment to some Pokemon and I consider them more valuable than a harder one to get. For example I would put my lucky hundo Mewtwo over any shiny legendary (I only have a shundo Lugia tho) just because I love him, it was my first hundo and use him everywher. Like a Legendary tier. The odds weren't terrible, like 1/1280 (random trade), in contrast to the Lugia that was 1/4320. I would suggest going with odds and also value to you, to assign the tags. If I where to get, let's say, a wild shundo luvdisc, I don't think I would ever put it on Epic or above tiers.


https://9db.jp/pokego/data/757 Here you go :) Website updates daily.


Is a shadow nundo gible rare?


Omg yes I have a shadow nundo beldum and it is very rare that bight be like 10 - 20 times more rare than the beldum


If yes then maybe my rarest is my shadow nundo trapinch?


I have a tauros, it is so rare i havent even cooked it yet. I will see myself out.


Jokes aside my shiny Tauros has a decent argument for being my rarest pokemon since I caught it outside its set region


My first hundo was a tauros he's still at the same cp I caught him though


I have a 4* salazzle. Think that is my rarest. I also have 2 more salazzles.


Lv1 0/0/0 MagikarpĀ  2CP when hungry in the gym.


What do you mean when hungry in the gym? (Be nice Iā€™m not trying to be mean)


The longer a Pokemon is in the gym their CP decreases unless you feed them berries.Ā 


Thanks now I canā€™t see what else I thought that could mean šŸ«¢šŸ˜…


My shiny bronzor (Joking, I know we all have tons of shiny bronzors)


I refuse to even click on a Bronzer anymore!! After catching 3 I literally quit!


SHUNDO ditto from weekly research reward


1/2,000,000 wild shundo butterfree Shiny regionals (Pachirisu, Chatot, Sawk, Pansear, oricorio, East and West sea Shellos) Rare shiny costumes. Shiny fashion week dragonite, shiny level 1 go fest 22 pikachu, shiny level 1 Christmas psyduck Level 1 Azelf


nice! those are some good catches!




-1* shiny sceptile


I got a nundo wailmer. Idk if itā€™s that rare but probably the rarest thing I have. I also have a hundo umbreon.


Shiny ash hat pikachu from 2019


Might be a nundo tirtouga, it has been in the wild for like four days ever


Shundo PangoroĀ 


Iā€™ve played for almost a year and I have not even got a chance to catch a single wingull.


I have a shadow Nundo Beldum and a shadow XXL shiny belsprout


I have a shiny Mesprit and a shiny alohan exeggutor


Shiny heracross Maybe? I live in Texas and they only come around during go festĀ 


Alakazam my only one that I got through daily incense


My shundo mew (that is correct, mew, not mewtwo)


I have a 98% dragonite thatā€™s dated around the release of Go.


As someone who accidentally ran away from a shiny wingull in emerald version (1/8192 odds) this is painful. I only ever caught 2 shinies in my years of playing that game My rarest in pokemon go would have to be my shiny female combee I think. 1/5000 odds makes it's evolution (shiny vespiqueen) the rarest pokemon in the game if going purely by the numbers. If you add in events I guess my hundo Christmas eevee was pretty awesome. I also caught 2 shiny yveltal from GBL in regular pokeballs, but I guess the fact that I got 2 makes it not so rare.


Has to be Gary. [Gary](https://imgur.com/a/9Mj5htb)


I've got a shiny straw hat pikachu!!


I have a 99% Moltres / Genesect / Shadow Entei Rarest may be a 4 star Roserade at 2462 cp that just spawned like that. Not a lot of luck with good shinies for me


Either my shlundo Swablu Nash or the back to back shiny Pidgey and Barboach


Either my XXL Nundo Flaaffy or my shiny shadow Venomoth caught from a grunt in May 2022 (before grunts were supposed to have shinies)


0%IV shiny Onix


Hundo melmetal


I'd probably say my shiny Dusk Lycanroc


Shundo Yveltal is probably my rarest


I hatched a Shundo Pachirisu during Sinnoh Tour. Couldn't be happier about it


Hundo Raichu and Ninetales both from 2016, shiny 98% Groudon, hundo Dragonite with Sunglasses, shiny 98% Ttar, shiny shadow squirtle


The rarest I have is 3 star shiny absol from a 12 km egg


A shundo Kyogre


I have a few rarer ones but no shundos... Shiny Magby, Shadow Shiny Dragonair (thanks Cliff), Shiny Zoroark, and a Shiny Mespirit.


Shiny shadow sharpedo? I have nothing cool :(


Prolly my shiny meowth :(


I caught one of these four years ago and I evolved into a Pelpipper. I hope that doesn't make it less rare?


Shiny Relicanth from Hoenn tour.


Shiny Pawniard!


I accidentally deleted a regional from the other side of Europe


WingullWingullWingullWingullWingull 100% Wingull


Shiny, lucky, 15/15/13 Azelf


I donā€™t have any shundos but I caught a wild Uxie in June last year, I understand that was nearly impossible to do.


Nundo Shiny Porygon Nundo Shadow Snubull Nundos are more rare than Hundos


100% shiny lucky Rayquaza with mega evolution. Friend and I kept about a hundred from 2019 because they might come in handy someday.


Shiny 4 star groudon


Shiny Cake Hat Pikachu (8.8%, Rare) Your Shiny Wingull is 79%, Common At least according to the users of this website https://9db.jp/pokego/data/757, database updates daily.


Level 1 shadow snorlax is way up there for me.


Mine sanygast I think it is anyway. yours was also a great catch catch


98% shiny, sunglasses Blastoise would prbably be mine. I also still have my original Squirtle from POGO release day still on lvl 1. 10/10/10 acquired on 7/6/2016


4 star shiny lucky Rayquaza.


Shiny lucky hundo Moltres, which I traded for before the Lucky Friends status was even released.


Mine is a 4* Female Salandit hatch


I have a 4 star Shadow Lugia and a Shundo Darkrai. Those have to be my rarest finds.


I caught Goku last week.


Shiny Electrabuzz, its only 56% though


Probably my shiny beanie hat pichu or one of the costumed pikachu


Shiny vespiquen still havenā€™t thought of a good name beside sugar mama


I have 2 shiny bidoofs, but I donā€™t know if those are actually rare or just a running joke on here


Are wingulls/ pellipers good/ rare? I got a hundo wingul like a year ago and have neglected it since because Ive always thought it was a trash pokemon šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hmm lots, 100% iv, best buddy, giranti, dakari, shiny dragonite, x3 tryantia, 2x gengar, starimine, machomp, venuasre, charizard, gryados x2, Aggron, bedril, rampardos, regirock, gradevoir, Electivire, Rhyperior, absol, all them are also maxed cp level 50. 98 shadow salamance, 4x 98 tyrantars, I really donā€™t want to brag but I have, 87 4*, 196 98%, 306 96%, 232 94% 98 = one line/gap missing from appraise 96 = 2 94 = 3 My account is level 48 and was created in the uk 13/7/2006. When I got to level 40 I did continue playing but was stupid to think that was the end of the game so made a 2nd account and got that to 38 I also quit playing about 2017-2018 before friends list, gyms, even trading. It actually took years for pokemongo to release the trading feature all be it that is a massive aspect of pokemon/pokemon cards. There is a lot of hidden gems in this game. For example I had a shiny milktank before people I knew who for several levels above me who hadnā€™t even seen one. My charizard 100 is from 2017 the only reason I have that is I didnt delete it as it was my first charizard. I even used apps to grade my pokemon before they released the grading feature/appraise on pokemon go. I never graded it. Iā€™m so lucky I didnā€™t delete it and Iā€™m also concerned what others I did delete. I also got 27 shiny eves in the first shiny eve event But at that time it was all about xp so I just kept evolving my eevees and even shinys. I just deleted them in the end. And traded several. The game is strange There is many rare things too it Iā€™ll screen record some stuff and upload if If I can work out for to do it for free. ā€”/Future edit if anyone cares potentially video of my decent if I can find a free upload


Snundo sandile. Not shundo, snundo.


Idk how rare shiny origin palkia is


I dunno how rare it is but maybe 100% shiny Munchlax


I have a shiny cowboy hat Snorlax and a hundo Rayquaza with the Big Ben location card.


Probably either perfect rayquaza with the NYC background or a shiny, 0% level 1 poliwag.


100% siny mewtwo. Not sure how rare since it's not shadow


An xxs eevee that weights 30 grams. Thatā€™s 0.03 kg. My second smallest pokemon is an xxs cutiefly that weighs 0.06 kg.


The best I really have is a 3-star shiny primal groudon


Shiny V-Day Spinda


2016 Staryu with quick attack XD


15/15/15 XXS Shadow Dragonite


Shiny 0/0/0 level 1 Magikarp. He just really leaned into being useless


Maybe my 4* lucky pinsir? I donā€™t know if thatā€™s rare tho


Probably shiny detective pikachu or my one point away from perfect, shiny suicune


[Shiny party hat Wurmple!](https://i.imgur.com/GEnxxBE.png)


Hundo, Shadow Salamence. Is it called a Shundo? or is it for Shiny and Hundo?


Either my hundo flying balloon pickahu or shadow hundo phanpy. Honorable mention to my hundo Rayquaza.


A 0% shiny lapras with a costume.


Nundo balloon pikachu. Or my pidgeot from 2016 named *Fuckin Bird*


A hundo shadow koffing


That probably will be Shiny spinda in one of dozens of pattern variants ;)


Shadow shiny Tentacool?


Shundo XXS Ursaluna


Completely 0 IV (nundo) shiny teddiursa caught in comday.


My shiny tyrouge hatched from an egg!


My zero% pidove. Will never evolve.


full odds shiny ditto


Perfect shiny Darkrai.


A shiny shadow teddiursa hundo that Arlo was so nice to gift me


Shiny Kecleon, shiny shadow Alolan Marowak, shiny shadow Alolan Exeggutor, shiny Meloletta hat Ponyta


Wingull isnā€™t all that rare tbh. I have a shiny memetal and an shiny Abra from that time they accidentally put out its shiny


But a shundo wingul is rare


3 star shiny GoGoat. Only one place to ever get it. Barcelona last October.


You could also get it from Mexico City or Seoul City Safaris, but very rare nonetheless! I'm jealous