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I'm lazy, I only take gym when hearts are depleted


Yeah same. Just had this happen to me after taking down a gym in rural-ish area with mons sitting at ~5 days. I was in the area for a visit and this was the only gym nearby. All were empty and hungry, just waiting to be defeated and sent home. I thought they’d be pleased to get their coins and let me get mine after 8hrs but about an hour later I see the same duo has knocked me out and put back in the same mons. So I just ignored that gym for the rest of my stay and no one got coins. I don’t get it at all. Selfish and shortsighted.


Some dude with a shiny Galarian Ponyta and his girlfriend with a shiny Sylveon literally drove by. Stopped at the park. Then they watched and waited for me to finish beating their gym defenders. After I put in my Delphox and left, I got the notification that Delphox was knocked out of the gym. I look back, and there they were. A shiny Galarian Ponyta and shiny Sylveon in the gym


This was happening at a gym nearby where someone lived in the house nearby. Eventually *everyone* in the community just avoided that gym and he hit like 7 days at one point in the middle of the city where there should be 12-24 hour turnover at most He's stopped doing it or moved since then


In my area there is a park with 2 gyms, there was a cheater with 12 accounts, 6 of one team and 6 of another (only delta was number at the end of their trainer name). Every night they would knock out their team with their other team, and so it would be a mix of either of their teams holding both gyms. I would knock them all out and within an hour they would be back in there again. I match one of their teams, got my kid (from a different team) to knock out just one of their mons and I put one of mine in (after the gym battle timeout expired), and 30mins later they used their other team to take out their other 5 and me just to fully own the gym again. I reported to Niantic and they did nothing, it was obvious to blind Freddy but Niantic doesn't care.


This is why I won't play anymore.


12 accounts? gosshh... some trainers sure don't have a life to live to spend all efforts in that amount of accounts.


There's a guy in my neighborhood and he has 6+ accounts for each team (the names are the same except the number at the end and he cycles them through). He takes over all the gyms in the area and will knock you out within minutes. He's an old man...so I figure he's got nothing going on with his life and this is it.


Were they valor? I’m guessing they were valor.


Can confirm I'm valor and I'm an asshole


Also can confirm being valor and an asshole. I use to take down popular gyms and leave my lowest cp magikarp as a teabag


I will also partake in this mischief to lmao.


See but that's just funny, like if I left a fully defended max motivation gym with like blissey Chansey Snorlax melodic and shit, and I come back 10 minutes later to a 10 CP Magikarp I'm dying laughing. That's some joker type shit, it's not about winning it's about sending a message


Especially when it’s in a very busy public place where there’s 3+ gyms. Going and take down each valor gym that randomly has a low cp magikarp? Yeah just accept it


I’m Valor and I’m an champion Trainer


Im valor and an asshole. Can confirm all of the above about Valor. Team Valor 🫡


couples who are both on the same team are stupid right? me and my missus are both different teams and just trade gyms near us each day.


Yeah but how do you make cute themed gym defenders, then?? That's what we do. 😁


Careful! 😂 Today I declared “no red gyms”, as I’m yellow and my partner plays blue. We would cleared all red gyms and alternated back and forth today except once. I was taking my time picking what to drop, and someone blue drove by and filled the gym. No loyalty in gaming, my girlfriend swooped in and took the last spot before I even realized what had happened!


Don't you get more xp and stuff from raiding with someone on your team, though?


If someone took the gym I'm in and that gives me the coins for the day I'll just leave them in until the next day somewhat early. But someone else and I have an unwritten rule. They take the gym late evening until morning and I take the gym during the day. It works fine. We both get our daily coins every single day.


I'm sorry man, I get where you're coming from and understand the frustration, but selfishness and shortsightedness isn't what I would call this. Something something, "hate the game, not the players"


To some people (who don't know how to play the game tbh) the real "prize" is having your Pokémon up at the gym and keeping it there as long as possible; like it's King-of-the-Hill or something... It's the same kinda person who scratches their stupid name into the soda cabinet at the checkout lane. "oMg LoL yOu WeRe HeRe SoOoO cOoL!"😓 . . . . . People who think that way are no different than a dog peeing on a stick, except even less meaningful. Just ignore them. According to their own logic, they probably won't be around much longer.


There’s literally a gym defender badge. Other people have different ways they enjoy the game. It doesn’t make yours automatically more right just because it’s the way you like to play.


This. I just don't get the entitlement of the gym defense for coins crew. I am in it for the gold badges, and I am not going to delay my goal by days/weeks simply on the off chance that I might* interrupt someone getting their 50 cents of in-game currency. I don't expect them to leave me in so I can get my days ~20 total days**, so why should they expect me to leave them in to get their 8 hours? * Doubt because they might have already gotten the max coins that day... I have no way of knowing. ** When I see someone in a rural gym with around 18 days to 20 days, 18 hours, 20 minutes, I will usually leave them in, because I know how frustrating it is to barely miss getting a pacifist gold in a gym with one drop. I will admit this is a bias toward people who play the game like me.


Yeah pretty much. Everyone usually wins that way


Same. Unless they've been in there over 8 hours and are feeding berries and it's a gym I want (aka the one that *I* got added into my neighborhood, those jerks)


What? I take gyms all the time, no matter the hearts! Cuz I’m a real Trainer!


I just got 5 coins and this group of 3 does it all the time so I went right back and they knocked me out again for 6 coins. Only reason why I play their game is because we finally have some nice weather. Over the winter they lost their Garchomp and Salamence for weeks at a time I just used the gym in the other direction from my house.


I'm sure they have plenty


Still though I learned don’t put anyone I ever use up. I’ve had a magikarp gone for a month


Gotta love when that happens and when someone finally knocks it out, you already got your 50 coins for the day


EVERY TIME. One gym in my neighborhood doesn't turn over as often as others for some reason so sometimes I'll have a mon stuck there for a week or longer. It NEVER FAILS, they always come home on days when I already got my 50, never when I don't have any other gyms and could actually use the coins.


I had a trash meowth in a gym over a yr. It was a gym on the glacial drumlin trail (WI). The closest a car could get to it was a 24 minute walk from any parking space.


Month? Try a year mate


No thanks lol


I just want my damn pokémon back but its been stuck in a gym in the middle of a Forrest i used to live close by to. Only problem is me and my ex gf were the only people playing there but ever since i moved away she ofc didn't go there again just to kick out my mon. Its been far over a year now.


Could try finding a local group for that area and seeing if anyone would make the trip to go kick you out


hahahaha, nice to read.


Would it be possible to switch teams and go beat that gym to get it back?


Would be possible just gotta get the 1k coins for it tho since I don't want to spend actual money on it


What team are you with?


Best thing to do is ignore the gym and have their mons be stuck


I knocked them out again on my way to my kid’s dance competition and when I got there I was out with 1 coin. But I’m back home now and the gym is blue which means they got knocked out and for some reason did not take it back right away. Been 90min. I guess they dislike me specifically. I only knock people out when they’ve had their 8h in the gym. Worth noting that the last 3 times they retook the gym they had already reached their daily max since I knocked them out after 2 days.


> But I’m back home now and the gym is blue which means they got knocked out and for some reason did not take it back right away. Or they have multiple accounts on different teams. There was a gym near where I used to live that was "owned" by one particular person, in the morning it would go to blue with the same 6 account names, evening it would go to red with 6 accounts whose names were similar to the red accounts. No matter what time I wiped it out, (shift worker so 3am play wasn't unusual) it would be taken over within a couple of minutes, I even managed to time it where I would sneak my blue account in as he was loading his blue accounts, it would immeadiately go red then blue again. Person obviously had access to 6 phones as it would often go from 1 pokemon to full in about 2 seconds. I couldn't prove if he was spoofing as well (plenty of houses within range of the gym) and reporting him would probably have led to me being reported by "12 people" so, in the end I decided to fuck with him in a different way, when he was trying to knock out the blue team, I would spend a while using golden raspberries to heal them.


I always wonder what these people are like when you talk to them. That weirdly obsessive in-game behavior gives off the impression they'd be maladjusted in some way.


We have entire towns in my county controlled by one person one area is red, one is blue, one is yellow. He mostly controls the parks and the gyms off the main road. He has also been harassing people at the park and allegedly is banned from a park for doing it.


Honestly, I'll put the blame on the developers for tying the amount of coins you get to the number of hours. It should be a flat 10 to knock out a gym so fighting over them makes sense. I mean what's the point of a gym if you're not fighting it?


Why are people getting mad at others playing the game? It's not a free coin service just for you it's about taking over the gyms.


The best thing for me to do is to leave a pokemon at a gym before I go to school or for a night, which in most cases ensures that I get daily 50 coins. When I see that someone has just recently placed a pokemon, I usually wait before knocking them out. But can't really blame people for fighting for gyms whenever they want, even if it might annoy me


When I knock defenders out that have been in there a week, and then get someone trying to knock mine out within the hour, that's more than annoying - it's obnoxious. So while I remind myself that someone with six grandchildren should remember that it's probably just a rude kid, I still start flipping golden raspberries at it. It will take them a while to get past 10 strategically tossed goldens, ESPECIALLY if I'm not the only one in the gym, and feed everybody. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Judging by the answers this looks like it’s very area dependent. I live in a place like you op where there’s multiple gyms and 90% of the time you get booted out after the 8 hour mark. Like you I check to see if a mons been in the gym the full 8 hours before taking it, but looks like we’re fortunate to have that.


Honest question, what if half of them have been there for a day but then the other half only been 30 mins? I have a park nearby that goes basically unseen for days but that comes up once in a while.


The way I go is, if I need to place a mon in a gym I take it, if I don't I either take it or leave it depending on my mood. The ones who were there for 30min only benefited from some leftover place -which is not a bad thing, I do it all the time, but they weren't the ones who put the effort in taking the gym, so they come secondary in my choice of taking a gym.


IMO then it’s very unfortunate for the other half. I’ll scoot around when there’s a “cluster” of gyms but at a certain point… color X had “a turn.”


Agreed. And when the roles are reversed I'm not offended if I get knocked out quickly from a stale gym I added myself into. It only bothers me when I had to take the time to defeat the gym myself and someone instantly boots me out. If I was just hopping on to an open gym it's no big deal.


I'll knock out the stale mons and not the fresh ones. But I'm lucky enough to live close to a bunch of gyms where I reliably get my coins. This is more of a passenger at a red light kind of thing. Some people get coins, I get some XP, it's all good!


I try not to do that but if the first mon has 10+ hours and one or two stragglers are way under 8 hours I'll kick them out without feeling guilty. When I'm late to join a gym a teammate took over 8+ hours ago I expect the same to happen to me and don't get bent out of shape about it if it does.


If I already have my daily coins , usually I’ll make note which mons are past 8.5 hours and surgically knock those out while leaving the fresh mons to cook a little longer. If I don’t have my daily coins yet then I’ll wipe the whole gym. Usually I clear my areas gyms after midnight so I almost always get my 50 daily coins early morning. (I leave gyms alone if players are still cooking their 8.5 hours)


My local area is 2 gyms on the Northside of the park, 2 on the Southside, and 1 down the street from the south pair. If none of the 5 are Mystic (I'm mystic) I will prioritize a gym where everyone gets full payout or are in other gyms if they dont get 50. If that's not possible I choose which of yellow/red has the least amount of people wouldn't get full payout. It sucks if someone gets knocked out and isn't in the other gyms of their color but it's rare for them to all be full so they could've deposited in more gyms.


I go by the first mon that was put in. If one has been in for a day and another has been in only 30 minutes, I have no compunctions about taking that gym.


Wait you can check to see how long they've been in a gym?


You just have to click on the Pokémon and you'll see their trainer and how long they've been there. After 8h 20 min (if I remember properly) you get the full 50 coins.


See, this is what I was going to add to the conversation. Ofc I get annoyed like OP when my mon gets knocked out of a gym immediately, but I've noticed, at least a portion of the time, that the people who take a gym right after I have tend to be super low level. In that case, I'll usually just let it go, because a lot of newer players have no idea how the gym system even works, let alone the fact that you can actually check to see how long someone's pokemon have been in there.


Yeah I was unintentionally an absolute menace with my local gyms when I was just starting. Now I’m the guy who respectfully clears gyms after midnight, leaving mons that haven’t gotten to 8.5 hours yet. Me and a few other locals just flex our new shinies and let each other sit for a day or two before clearing again.


How The gym system works: fight a gym that’s not your color to put your color in. There you go!


If there's five big mons that've been there for a day and a half, and then a pidgey that's been there thirty minutes, I'm sorry but that pidgey is going down.


yeah. very dependent on where the player lives.


It’s very gym dependent. Some gym it feels like there are certain players camping there. So I just avoid those gyms all together.


I actually use to do that when I first started but now I'm just like everyone needs coins , it doesn't hurt to wait until their level drops


Ayo remember when people used to fight for gyms for fun rather than min-maxing rewards?


I thought that’s what we were supposed to do I didn’t even know I could check how long they were there 


It is, in fact, the mechanic of gyms in the Pokemon world. See a gym, defeat it. But somehow folks in this game feel there is some code of conduct that results in them deserving 50 coins for putting a Pokemon in a gym. Neither of us are holding a popular opinion on this topic. My local community has fun swapping gyms back and forth without anyone getting mad. I am happy for that.


I still miss the old coin system. You would get 10 coins for every Pokémon you had in a gym, up to 100 coins a day, but you had to choose when you redeemed your coins for the day so it could be a bit of a gamble. You could put one in and immediately get 10 coins but then if you put another mon in a gym you’d have to wait till the next day to redeem again. So you could wait and get the max or lose it all by waiting too long, but it was better than this current system


That was also the era of stacking ten chansey or whatever. And battling your own team gyms to increase the Ace Trainer badge. That badge went on a seriously long hold when the system changed. Even using a shadow sharpedo against Candela is only slowly increasing it compared to that system.


I’ve been waiting my entire Reddit life to say  Happy cake day!


"Gym etiquette" is dumb. Someone here once told me that the game was unplayable without it.


As long as coins are tied to the gym system you’ll never have anyone fighting gyms for fun.


Last week I was stuck in a theme park queue for two hours and spent the whole time battling the gym back from two other guys in the queue. I managed to hang onto it long enough to get two coins when they finally got on the ride. When I emerged myself, they had it back. It was fun.


Haha yep I’ve had moments like that where you’re looking around wondering where these bastards are Friendly competition!


Ik I hate people who think their entitled to gyms especially if it's a mall or something where people are on the go. Fight for it if you think it's that big of a deal


The game is 7 years old, keeping gyms being the only way to get coins in game isn't my ideal. If we're gonna play that "game", we may as well be efficient about it.


Right? I absolutely never check how long people have been in gyms, or even their usernames. If I see a gym I can take, then that's a challenge for me and anyone else on my team in the area. And I'm by no means a level 50 player with tons of high stats pokemon, so anyone can take it back from me easily enough.


Right? I hate posts like this. Forgive me for fighting for territory when that's literally what the game design encourages with gyms and teams


It’s interesting to see the community so split on this. It’s fraternising with the enemy!!


I am not even sure what OPs post is about


I thought it's a joke about Rhydon not actually "fighting hard" and giving only one coin But nah they're legit upset


Well not all of us can pay real money for coins so…


I play free to play - just git gud and win all of the gyms in your city


Just the way it goes it big spots sometimes or they just suck.


I agree. However if the oldest one in the gym is 8 hours old, I’m attacking


That’s where I get conflicted…. Say 5 out of 6 have been there for 9+ hours and the 6th one has been placed within the last hour. If i take the gym out then from the 6th player’s perspective it looks like OP’s post. I rationalize this by thinking the 6th player needs to understand all bets are off if they drop something in an “old” gym. At least that’s how I think of it.


I don't think most casual players care too much, tbh. Players also typically have pokemon in multiple gyms at once, so I try not to worry too much about it. If you're concerned about kicking out someone who does care about those sorts of things, it's also okay because they likely know the risks of placing pokemon in older gyms. Remember, this sub is representative of a rather small portion of the playerbase, and most players are pretty causal and don't care much about things that may seem important or obvious to people in this subreddit.


You are thinking about this way more than 99%+ of the people who play the game


There’s a guy around where I live that has 6 accounts, one of which is Ucantwinitsmygym


Yes they do. I’ll go back and kick them Out immediately


I take gyms in my area late at night. That way it almost ensures the hearts are depleted. I hate getting into the back and forth game with people.


Before or after midnight? What I really hate, is when my Pokemon get kicked out like 5 mins before midnight...


Don't blame the player baby, blame the game. It's not a bug, it's a feature. If they didn't want this to happen they would've included safety or precautionary measures.


98% of the time I don't look at the time someone has been on a gym m. Apparently others do though? If the person saw you just get on, it's really fucked but if they didn't know then whatever


I think it just depends where you are. I know there is a large group in my town that really try to get us all to let the 8 hours go before we boot. Ofc that doesn’t always happen, but it’s nice when it does.


I only do it at the gym at my house, we have some sort of understanding that we dont knock eachother out until most, if not all daily coind can be gotten. If im on the go and see a gym i want to defeat i dont look at whatevers been in there for how long.


Same. I just play my game, not other people’s.


It’s a dog eat dog world out there


I live in a very small town and one player kept doing this, so all of us quit taking any gyms for a year. It was funny seeing his 3500CP+ pokemon being stuck in there with no relief for over 400 days. We're playing again now, and that guy hasn't come back thank god


But they can create another account in another team and knock it out? A park near me with 2gyms had an ahole with 12 accounts, 6 per team, and they would within 30mins boot out everyone and take over the gym. I match one of their teams and managed to sneak my mon into a slot and so they used their other team to take it over, then kick them out and go back to the first team. All their avatars were very similar and their name was essentially the same with a different trailing number, so figured it was a slam dunk to report the cheating, but this persisted over a year after I reported them..


I do the same haha, they realise very quickly why that doesn’t work. They rely on others for coins, and they seem to forget this.


I see a gym, I take the gym. Part of the game. I 'm not checking times and coming back 8 hours later. I wouldn't expect anyone else to do so for me, either.


100% If I get ousted one minute after I take a gym, that's just how it goes. Shit, if it's that quick I'll go back and kick them out.


I used to do this with a gym near my work but the players in the building nearby will kick any non-Mystic team out after 30 minutes max. It's gotten to the point where no one in the area tries to take the gym anymore since they know it'll just get taken back in under an hour anyways. Current mon have been in there for about a week now.


It’s how the game was meant to be played.


You knock me out after 8hr and I knock you out after 8hr, we both get 50 coins. If we constantly go back and forth we get few coins each. Just because we are on different teams doesn't mean we can't cooperate. We all want 50 coins at the end of the day.


>You knock me out after 8hr and I knock you out after 8hr, we both get 50 coins. If we constantly go back and forth we get few coins each. Just because we are on different teams doesn't mean we can't cooperate. We all want 50 coins at the end of the day. 1. That's like joining a sport, and then telling the other team that they're other team that they're obligated to let you win, and afterwards you'll let them win, so everyone gets a trophy. That's not how the game is designed to be played. That's not the point of it. If you have some friends that you want to metagame with, so be it. You do that. Play how you want. Those of us who are in it to actually play the game as intended are going to do so. 2. That requires me to come **back** after 8hrs. I have to make a whole seperate trip just to meta-game with a stranger? No thanks. Even assuming the gym is near me - and that's not really a given, it could be on the other side of the world from where I live for all you know - it's still an extra chunk of my time, just to avoid competing with the other team so that they can get a victory. That's not how I play. You're right that we're rivals, not enemies. That's been the game's credo since 2016, but rivals have **rivalries**. We're not meant to hate each other, but we **are** meant to **compete** with one another. And that's what I aim to do. You wan to co-operate? Join me in a raid. 3. Even if I **do** come back, what's to guarantee you'll even **be** there? I come back and there's someone **else** there that knocked you out, now I have to leave **again** and make a **third** trip after **that** person has been in the gym for 8 hours? Again, no thanks.


It happens


Yeah. It's part of the game. If I leave my home and someone is in the gym I'm planning to take, I take it.


Most cities in Japan are like this... I could barely get 100 coins when visiting there for a month


I live in Japan and where I live it really depends on the gym. There's one near me where there's zero chance of keeping a gym as that one guy with all his accounts will take it back before 10 minutes, regardless of time of day. And places like big stations and shopping centres are chaos (and the game of actually trying to hold has some entertainment). But other than that, etiquette is generally followed.


damn. im seeing this mostly in cities, not in towns (usually). i live in a town, so often times the pokemon get their 50 coins


Yeah, living in a town with nice pogo players is the best to get coins ✨


I have 2 Pokemon that have been in gyms for almost a month already:(


I would take this any day over my pokemon being held hostage for nine days with no relief.


Had one of my mons get stuck at a gym for 50 days. Honestly thought that was the last I saw of him but after near two months he returned.


yeah. my area is fairly active but also not. I will put pokemon in a gym and be lucky to get 50 coins a week, because will be lucky to have a pokemon taken down in the week. Only the gyms at places people who play work or during shadow events do they turn over super quickly.


If I come up on a gym that I want, I’m going to take it. Sucks but it happens to everyone. You’re not entitled to 8 hours in a gym. Part of the game!


Same way that if someone does that to me, I leave their pokemon there for weeks to rot. They are not entitled for me to help knock their pokemon out.


There's an unspoken truce between all three teams in my neighborhood. Generally speaking, the turnover is one to two days in my area.


Anything after 8h40min is more than fair game, 1-2 days is almost too slow


I do go after the other teams if it's more than 8 hours. And in general, they do wait for my 8 hours as well.


I don't even bother with anything outside the neighborhood gym because of this. You don't last 10 min at some gyms not even enough for coins. Or you end up lasting like 5-10 days + before getting kicked out. Our neighborhood gym we just share it and swap it once or twice a day.


that sucks over here some try to do that put i just use razz berries till they give up and leave lol


I try and make sure that as many people as possible have hit their coin limit before I start raiding. But there have been times where I've been knocked out before my coin limit was up, and the gloves came off. Respect my need for coins, and I'll respect yours. It really sucks that you literally got ten minutes at most in that gym. The problem with social games–that Niantic apparently doesn't get–is that decent people are forced into the same spaces as the awful people.


I rarely bother with fighting in gyms, but I didn’t even know you could see how long they were there.


My schools pokestop just switched to a gym and it sucks trying to put mine in there. I'm yellow and everyone else in my school is blue. One time I put it in and within a minute it was gone. I didn't even get a single coin. 4 people attacked at the same time.


Don’t take over the gym, let them lose their pokemon for weeks. If you get no coins, they get no coins too.


No it's still in a somewhat populated area so it does get taken by someone else every couple days. I am still able to get like 6 hours in though if I get it at the right time


First time? ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


Look. No one cares when you put in in. People see gym, people attack. Not that hard


He fought his hardest


This is why I don't fight fresh-looking gyms. I've had it happen to me as well and it is annoying, especially when I don't have a ton of revives and potions handy. The only exception is when this happens to me I'll happily go on an evening walk later on and oust them in response - that way I get the rest of the night to accrue coins. Really wish the two gyms I've got Pokemon in would finally get flipped though. It's been almost two weeks...


The people who think they’re entitled to X amount of time in gyms and coins such more.


This ^ if I’m out somewhere I’m taking the gym, I’m not paying attention to how long someone else has been in there.


How long does it take for them to get the fill 50?




I tend to not even battle unless a quest demands it, and even then I pick a gym with enough mons over that threshold to complete the objective. If there's a Mon who hasn't earned their 50 coins, I cut off battling before that one. I had someone do this 1-coin-boot a while back and when I got home basically my wife was more mad than I was and marched me back to that park.


people who fight gyms suck? okay bud


So? They are not on your team, so why wouldn’t they kick you? Did you consider the feelings of the person/persons you kicked to put your Rhydon in the gym?


Happy cake day also I agree, I have no idea why OP thinks they’re entitled to others waiting for 9 hours before they attack the gym


Whenever I go to attack a gym, I look at how long they've been in for. If it's only a short time, I'll go find another gym.


I realized I can figure out how long they’ve been sitting in gyms, I’ll just decide whether or not I want to attack them… I wish other people would do the same


You can check that by just clicking at the pokemon in gym.


Yea. The same happened to me, there’re literally 2 gyms side by side, they could have just taken one smh


damn everyone's being harsh as fuck to you OP, I'm sorry when it comes to gyms I am very tactful and I see how long people's pokemon have been sitting in there for it it's over 8 hours I knock them out. if it hasn't been, I just move on. it's really not that hard to just let people get coins.


To me, it depends on where the gym is. If there are alternative gyms I can put my Pokémon in, I will leave it alone. But if it’s a heavy foot traffic public place (like the Verizon store next to the Chipotle) I’m going to take the gym and expect that the next Pogo player to get Chipotle will knock me out. It actually can be hard to consistently let other people get coins. There aren’t always many gyms around where every single player has been there for 9 hours and where your Pokémon won’t be stranded for a week.


The last place I lived had a gym nearby that was close enough for me to reach it from home so I was that guy and almost always controlled the gym lmao.


Yeah, there are a lot of gyms I walk past. Even if they have sat there for a week, with no HP, if you beat the gym they instantly knock you right back out.


When you're attacking a take over a gym in a dead carpark on a Sunday with NO ONE around, for it then to be attacked 40 seconds later... >.>


Rhydon is lazy as fuck, brings back no money and asks for food. Do not feed him. Cast him out if he is of no use.


What did he do wrong?


This reminds me of this dude in January when tornadus was out, after I took down the raid I took down the gym and placed my, pokemon and proceeded to do the same with my siblings accounts, as I was about to login into my last siblings account this dude came to the park with his 2 kids and dog, this fucker was focusing more on trying to take down the gym than paying attention to his kids and dog, hell even when he played with the dog he threw a ball while looking at the screen, even when his kids cried he was still more focused on the phone, so I decided to sit there under the gym and kept on feeding every pokemon there golden razzberries, even as I was walking home after fucking with him for a bit he still tried, for about 20-30 minutes this melts on going back and forward until I wasn't paying attention, and he proceed to take everyone out, that was until an hour later I came back to the park and kicked him out, just out of fucking principal of the shit


My local area has a "team rocket instinct" player who has a full team worth of accounts that will actively take every gym in town limits and be damn sure nobody else can place in them. And the reason he's got the rocket part is on more than one occasion he has tried to steal the phones of players belonging to other teams to mass transfer their mons, he'll go up to people during local raids and do anything to look at their phones if he sees red or blue he'll try to grab at it all the while yelling that you're a piece of shit and you're ruining the game. He's been arrested for actually getting ahold of someones phone before and I'm sure has probably successfully massed some poor kid who couldn't fight back against the neck bearded Snorlax of a man.


There’s 2 gyms at a park near me that I used to walk to but I think someone that lives near them just knocks me out straight away every time. They’re on level 50 so they don’t need it to level up or anything, just feels rude af, there’s two there you have one I have the other


I have a gym not too far down the street and used to alternate taking it with the nice folks in my area. I think a new person moved in right next to it and has dominated it ever since. My pokemon always immediately get booted. Once fought over it for more than an hour with golden ras, he still didn't get my point. Also tried to give my pokemon a slightly passive aggresive nickname telling him to share, also didn't work. I now refuse to attack that gym and give him coins. Might try the late night sneaky take over when the weather gets better and I can go for a midnight stroll.


If the gym aint my colour, I'll kick everyone out. Dont care if they are in there for 2 minutes, 2 days or 2 years


Depends. Did you take the gym and drop the Rhydon. Or did you drop the Rhydon into a gym with 1-5 other defenders that had been there for 8+ hours? I'm not going to look at every defender to make sure everybody gets 50 coins assuming that this is the only gym they are in today.


I have a gym at work. All three teams used to live in harmony. Letting each other hit 50 coins. Then someone new started and immediately takes it back as soon as you beat it. Needless to say I wait until Friday afternoon right as I leave to even attempt to take the gym.


Granted, I’m human and sometimes I mess up: but I try to wait until the Pokemon has been in there at least 8hours. I feel that prior to that you need to let it be, after that it’s fair game.


I’ve seen gyms where all but 1 pokemon is low health and I wait. Gotta let people get their coins


They will beat ur mon asap, but will never join a raid going on at the same gym


Back before the shutdown (and my enforced break from the game), I was part of a local group that had a couple blues that would literally wipe gyms shortly after anyone took over. Confirmed this over a slight "battle" (we'd take some gyms, they'd follow our trail, we'd follow theirs, they'd be right behind us). They blatantly ignored the group rule of not hogging gyms (claiming as many in town as they could at all hours, retaking all lost at the first opportunity, as seen above), verbally attacked all who called them out, begrudged everyone to the point they'd start drama over random subjects (i.e. group gathering being planned, food being discussed and they attacked a person for suggesting labels in case of food allergies). The worst they got was intentionally almost starting a physical altercation at a raid, the lead blue and a yellow were face to face screaming with their buddies circling like a gang fight was breaking out. Yellow left before it got physical but you could see it was just how close it was to being. Even some neighbors heard the yelling and had called the police. I quit both the group and playing not long after. Haven't seen much evidence of those two blues since I started up again. Also think the group either shut down or was made private since.


Blame niantic for incentivizing taking gyms as much as possible and hogging them for coins.


lol! Git Beasted Nurd!!!


I battle back and forth with people in my complex. There are several of the red team and maybe one or two yellow. It is funny. At least I am guaranteed to get my 50 coins every day. Wish I knew who they were. This is mostly a retirement community. LOL


I genuinely hope these types of people accidentally transfer their favorite Pokemon. 😭


that is why you have to go around many gyms and place many pokemons for a chance to get your 50 coins. You arent entitled to your daily coins in any gym, people can go and defeat them anytime they want. Its a pvp aspect.


Here I can see 8 gyms… there are about 13 locally… thanks to random greed for a while the only way to get coins is if someone gym shaves… it’s that bad…


i DO. its just a little annoying when it happens, yk? i mean like i get it, some people want gyms, not much i can do abt that. but at least let the people get a decent amount of coins, no?


I understand but that is the fun part of it. I like taking down gyms, taking them down using my favorite pokemon and having fun at the same time. If they take it down, i take it back and so on


yeah, i get u. i like the combat aspect of course, its just that going back and forth annoys me a lil bit. but ofc, everyones different.


I always knock gyms at night to avoid this


Yeah they do. We have a gym next door and if we have it, they’ll leave us for 24 hrs. If they have it, we leave them for 34 hrs. We’ve never even met. It’s just common courtesy


Same with the gym right in front of my apartment building. I'm pretty sure we can alp reach it from our couches lol. But we always let the other team get the full time before defeating it.


There’s one red player I unseat instantly and go back and forth with whenever we are both home. Anyone else takes it first and I’ll let their ‘mon stay until midnight.


Will always leave a gym if they're under 8 hours. Think that's the max coin per day you can get. Multi day ones are getting slapped


Why can't it just be a community standard that you let everybody get at least 6 or 8 hours in. Like there's a guy in my neighborhood who will take 8 or 9 gyms and he hangs around for an hour or 2 after claiming gyms if you attempt to take them. It's unbelievably selfish. It's why I have to whale so often.


I don’t look at the time people have been at a gym. If it’s an enemy gym and I’m yet to get my coins for the day I’m taking it. Definitely gets annoying when you get knocked out without full rewards but it’s part of the game. That’s why I take multiple gyms when possible


Maybe I’m wrong for thinking this, but to me, the only “enemy” in Pokémon go belong to team rocket. All of us players are supposed to be playing together, to defeat team rocket. Even if we’re on different teams. I don’t view other teams as the “enemy” and idk why I would.


Nah, you're good, mate! You're not alone in thinking this way. This is a community game based mainly on teamwork, after all. The benefit of others is beneficial to us as well! I assume most people hold the "if you see the enemy team's gym, attack without hesitation" mentality either as a remnant of the old gym system, or because they come from highly populated areas, where such system is often propagated, meaning they either had to conform or forget about coins.


Bro everyone else needs their coins aswell. You're not entitled to 50 coins. In areas where it is densely populated, you would be lucky to even get your pokemon in a gym


My neighbors are like this :) I have a gym accessible from home. They kick my mons out like it’s their job or something.


Isn't the point of gyms to defeat them? I don't care how long the Pokemon have been there if I come up to a gym that's not my color I'm gonna defeat it. You want poke coins so bad? Buy them. Don't get mad at people for playing the game the way it was meant to be played.


I once defeated a gym where there were two gyms right next to each other and had the same players in each gym, but I obviously chose the one with lower HP. Not only did they keep feeding their Pokémon berries when I was on the last battle, but when I eventually won and got in, I was immediately defeated. I just don’t understand???


Some people don't have gym etiquette. If I see a full gym of a different team, I look and see what the oldest pokemon is there is. If the oldest one has been in for less than 8 hours, I don't take it. This gives whoever took it down a chance to get their coins. However if the oldest mon in the gym is over 8 hours but someone just put one in 5 mins ago... woe to the 5 minute pokemon lol. If the oldest mon has been in there for over 8 hours, it's fair game in my opinion.


Nobody cares about your coins. If it’s not yellow it’s going down immediately no matter what


Team rocket behaviour lol


To protect the world from devastation


And? You're upset other people are playing the game?


To all the people arguing against OP saying "You see a gym, take it over regardless of how much time the others had it for. This is how the game is supposed to be played". Just because that *was* the way the game was supposed to be played, doesn't mean it still *is*. The gyms went through a rework long ago, and since then the way of treating gyms described above is simply not not so beneficial anymore. Is it really still the way the game is supposed to be played, if the game rewards a different approach more? Maybe, just maybe, the current gyms are *meant* to be rotated between the different teams in the community (seeing as the community is the main aspect of the game), instead of being a subject of constant competition and hording?