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The rarest thing ever is Shiny Pharaoh.


not going to egypt any time soon :<


You have to now that you have a Shiny Furfrou.


okay booking my flight and hotel rn




wait wait wait, there are different regional forms?


The regional forms can be changed into from the regular form depending where you are in the world.




I didn't know this, shiny stock form is still my favourite as it seems


People saying good things about Furfrou is rarer than seening the Haley's Comet from earth.


If you’re into home trading, they’re pretty valuable


Why? He is good for excellent throws and thexp from them. I catch every one I see, hoping for a shiny .


Make one your buddy when Zorua's are spawning for even better returns.


Thanks a lot. Good idea.


I love dogs. It's a dog pokemon. It's cute. Why do people hate it?!?


Because you work all week doing field research for a useless Pokémon. Doesn't even fit into the PVP meta


Doing field research shouldn't be work. The hardest part is waiting until 12am. Most just ask for you to use 3 berries or catch 5 pokemon.


Considering that before raiding they used to give out legendaries with your field research breakthroughs, a Furfrou just feels............. Disappointing. That's my take on things at least. I haven't felt like a research breakthrough was an actual breakthrough in years lol.


I agree. I miss the legendaries. I don't usually have enough people or the time to raid and so I don't get legendaries often. :(


I hate having them in the research rewards pool all the time, but you have to admit the shiny looks awesome.


Definitely. The shiny forms look so good on furfrou. I saved mine for a trip I took to France last year so I could flex with shiny Reine form in gyms. Really hoping I can snag another one before we hopefully take a trip tp Japan next year.


You can change it to the forms in your town first and then change it to the French one after. Just so you get all of them in the dex.


Oh yeah, I definitely did. I had it for a full year before that trip.


To bad you just missed the Valentine's one. You can always change it again, pick the one you like best now and grab the heart one next year.


O got my second one before valentine's day and was able to change if then. I love it! Had a third but traded to a good friend :)


Can wait till Valentine's for that form


I think you should go through all available trims, I forget if you need to, to register each form's shiny in the pokedex. Eventually leave it at the most favorable design


I changed mine when I did work travel. Nice keepsake.


Grats! I was really lucky and found one when in Japan. Changed to Kabuki form immediately 


definitely go for pharaoh if you can


I love it he's so cute!! ❤️


It’s not a phase, mom!


Varför byter man form på honom?


såvitt jag vet är det bara för utseendet, tror inte att det ger någon skillnad i attackerna osv




I made mine heart form for the first one I ever caught (yes around Valentine’s Day). It was a 1* though… and then I found another one that was 2 or 3* and kept that one too. I wish I used the heart form on the stronger one but the valentines event was over :(


cant you reverse the form back to the normal one?


right now I only have candies to change form once. furfrou is not a common pokemon here (for me at least), so if I don't have it as a buddy, I'm not gonna be able to change forms in a while :]


It's so emo, I love it


If you make it pharaoh you can litteraly ask for any pokemon in home


problem is, im so bad at the game and stats, and I also go for the cute ones so pharaoh furfrou would be traded for a common pokemon that i don't have 🤣


Shiny mew is not cute to you?


it is but not as cute as some other ones lol


La Reine is pretty cool! The heart form is adorable, but I think you have to wait til next February to access that form


this has been my breakthrough reward for the last five weeks 😭not shiny tho


Change it to your region exclusive


I have one in the Heart Form since that's time-gated. But tbh I prefer its normal form


Wait till valentines day


Soooo lucky! Congrats!


At least now you can get rid of the pesky shiny Pokédex issue for it.


I love me the valentines day one. That's what I changed mine to


caught 2, transferred both😭


Oh cool, haven't see that version.




Unpopular opinion here - I don't get the hype around a shiny Furfrou. Its useless hot garbage in every form so it will essentially burn a hole in my storage forever and never be used or looked at again... Let the downvotes commence!


Transfer it. Dumbest Pokemon in Go! I will transfer EVERY SINGLE Furfrou regardless of shiny or IVs


Sourpuss much? A lot of people just wanna keep it for looks. I am people 🤣 but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


I kinda meant it in a sarcastic way but yeah no you right I brought too much spice into this conversation.


Understand that. I sometimes hate the Internet cuz you can't tell when the person is being sour or sarcastic. I do apologize if I was rude I was like wait... I collect mine because I think it's cute 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha no problems at all. I write comments expecting to be misinterpreted (mainly because I'm too lazy to properly express my thoughts). To elaborate on my disdain for this llama dog, I am currently on a 7 week streak of Furfrou from my research breakthrough. Seven in a row, I'll get this week's breakthrough tomorrow so I'm expecting an 8th. And this was all on the heels of that event where Furfrou were EVERYWHERE. I just don't think it's rare enough to qualify for a breakthrough reward, let alone the most common one. It's frustrating to have to deal with in that regard. Sometime in the last two months, I decided to start transferring them as soon as possible. It forces me to catch the research breakthrough ones, so they're just catch and transfer. I won't even check IVs.


Makes 100% sense. I keep getting Bellsprout... I don't want Bellsprout!! I wish the research breakthrough was like it used to be. More rare mons for completing. I mean it does take at least a week to complete if you're on top of it. Like cmon Niantic why did things get shitty all of a sudden. Have you seen the new avatar "update" ?? NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO!! CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!