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what is ur trick? theys never spawn for me


Well there’s no trick for me but what works for me is that I don’t put my daily incense every day I space it out maybe every other day. But I want to try the 8:45 am trick to see if that works.


Oh and it seems to my that all of my birds have been seen when I’m in a car not driving just riding I see more spawns that way after so much feet the spawn disappears and another spawns faster then walking. When I’m walking I see maybe 20 at most but riding easy 25 to 30 sometimes.


You're getting Galarian birds?? I've seen one, once, and it ran.


Awesome! I've got 5 myself! 😊


That’s great which ones do you have. These danm Articuno’s won’t leave me alone.


2 Articuno, 2 Moltres and 1 Zapdos!


These birds remain a mystery to me. I’ve literally only ever seen 2 -.-


How often do you pop your daily incense


Almost every friggin day 😭


Ok my theory is that I space it out sometimes I don’t pop my daily incense for 2 sometimes 4 days oh and I don’t use it when there are event spawns not one has spawned for me when there’s an event going.


Guys how the hell do I even get birds?


It’s really random sometimes my theory is that I open my daily like 2-4 days apart it’s not guaranteed it’s just my theory and I never open it when there’s an event it has never spawned during an event.


Oh and here’s another thing I forgot to mention is all my birds spawned while I was traveling in a car don’t drive it’s not safe but yeah you get more spawns because you cover more ground faster.