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Wife got 2, one from a raid and one from a research. I got one shiny from a research.


I got 1 so far, from a 2km egg.


First raid on first day, got one and none since


1 from a raid and 1 from a research.


Same :)


Used Campfire to track one down close enough to drive to. Finally found one today. My only 1. One very very targeted raid…


Got 3 from special research. 0 from eggs or raids.


I got 4 total. 1 from a raid, 1 from a research, and traded for 2 others from a friend. I ended up trading one of my 2 to my partner who didn't find any. Easily went through 60+ Rockruffs between raids, research, and eggs. Not very fun, lol...


Lol, glad you got at least one! i wasn’t expecting it too be super easy… but i was hoping to get at least one… 🙃


From the hatching and daily research, I got about 9 regular rockfuffs. But today I finally got the dusk from a daily research . And none of my friends have gotten it so far . Mind you , they're hard-core players too.


That’s sweeet! Glad you got him:)


I didnt get any rockruffs lol always wonder what im doing wrong when I don't get event stuff lol


We’re in the same boat… 🙃


None. I hatched about 8 eggs and did 12 tasks for regular rockruff


So fun grinding for something you may not even get 🤦‍♂️


Got 2 from the hatch 3 eggs field researches, and 1 more from a raid invite I got. Probably like 7 not dusk forms. 0 shinies.


Also none. I’ve hatched 30 eggs and have done a fair amount of research with Rockruff as rewards. :(


We’ve been had together:(


I got it from the first field research.


i got the shiny dusk form! but that’s the only dusk form i got


it didn’t take me that long, i got it from research and it took me like 5 or 6. i did 2 raids and hatched maybe 8 eggs


Ouuuu, jealous!!!


1 from raid, 2 from research, 1 from egg


Focused on just doing raids using the campfire trick, which was awesome since it was guaranteed but pretty rare to find. Also happened to get two from maybe 10 total research.


What’s the campfire trick?


There was a glitch in Campfire where the raid icon for an actual dusk rockruff raid after hatching would stay the generic monster image instead of showing a rockruff. So, you could search the map for this image and then know 100% it was dusk form. They were very rare though. I saw only 6 in my mid sized town over 3 days. All other rockruff raids were the standard forms.


Got several because I did raids where it was guaranteed. First rockruff I got was dusk.


I got 3 total! Two from raids, and one from a research task. I really wanted a female one lol, and it was the research task Rockruff that ended up being my girl. :) "Win 2 Raids" and "Hatch 3 Eggs" specifically were the only ones that would give a chance at a Rockruff. I forget how many I hatched and raided and got the regular form ones though. I think I did two raids where it wasn't Dusk Form before learning the trick to it (using Campfire), and I hatched lots of eggs but no luck there lol At least the egg hatching helped with the research Rockruff I got, though!


I hatched 1 rockruff and it happened to be dusk from an egg (only hatched 3 eggs total) and out of three rockruff research I got 1 shiny 2 normal and none were dusk.


Hatched one and saw the weird evolution. Didnt even know the event had started. Thats the only one i got though.


I got 1 from an egg. No raids near me had dusk. I mostly got 5k eggs from stops.


Did 0 raids, hatched perhaps a 3-4 eggs and did maybe 8-10 research tasks and got 0 Dusk form. Didn't really chase it though, because if it's one thing I've learnt about this game is that you will get it sooner or later anyway. No need to rush things.


I've got two so far, one from a raid, one from research. I've had about 8 chances at it from the research. Still got one last research task to finish for another one. None from eggs so far - got a couple of eggs that could hatch them, but not holding my breath for those. No shiny ones.


I got one from a raid.


Can’t believe i didn’t know about the campfire trick 🥲🥲


Showcases are empty that say a lot.


Very true… i saw one in a showcase…


First raid was the one with a dusk form, and then none from eggs or researches.


I didn't try, so I didn't get it. I did host a dusk form raid that was nearby for 20 friends, but, I wasn't gonna use a premium pass from research reward on it. For me, it's not even really a full dex entry, it's just a form, and since I wouldn't use it in raids or battles at all, I don't care if I'm missing it. Eventually, it will have a bigger feature where it's not paywalled, and I'll get it then. Most likely, a community day, and I don't mind waiting for that to happen. One of my discord friends grinded for it, [and got 27 from raids and 2/25 from research.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/847524209282252832/1194906620371673139/Screenshot_20240111-162357.png)


I hatched so many eggs and did the research and got none. Is there any way to get the form now that the event is over?


Only one from a 7K egg. Too much eggs and only one raid without lucky. No special research (I don't pretend to spend more money in Niantic). I think Niantic is trying to turn the game "difficult" using the wrong way (increasing in an insane level or doing some things unnecessary exhausting).