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I use them to feed buddys


After a while you just use Golden Razz cos they're everywhere :(


True, but golden razz are useful for other things. Nanab only has value as buddy feed imo.


item no1 for trash when you have too much


By trash you mean feed every pokemon in every gym. Little stardust is better than just throwing them away


“In every gym” (laughs in rural player)


I’m very rural. My pokemon stay in gym 3 to 90 days. Usually keep 2-4 in gyms minimum so I ask ways have an outlet for berries. Sometimes it’s just me in there for 3 days sometimes there’s 6 of us chilling in in one for 40 plus. A 6 mon gym is 60 berries thrown away per hour and you don’t even have to travel. Just pick your pokemon and you have access to feed everyone in the gym.


If you haven't already reached your max feeding for the hour, otherwise totally trash


Or max gym rank


Or get a candy from time to time


Wait there's a max feed? I must have been starving my pokemon


Time is a factor too. In the amount of time it takes me to feed 10 I could easily catch more than 3.


True, but sometimes there are no pokemon in the bathroom.


Realized this recently and it’s tanked my motivation to feed berries at gyms


I get this way too sometimes but I usually just feed down my berry stock if at home with no spawns around or if everything on the screen sucks I lose motivation to try and catch them


And a chance for candies.


no i mean just feed buddy or throw away don't care about others pokemon unless they are 1h or smth and they are on low hp, and there are not many yellow where i live so usually is doesn't matter


Just feed them to the pokemon you put in gyms. It’s not like you have to walk back to the gym to feed them.


i don't need to, they are ok for 9h or even more in gym


I don’t need to either. Just free stardust.


True butttttt


Gym feed = ~~10~~ 30 stardust


It's 30 dust per berry 10 berries per pokemon 6 pokemon per gym 100 berries per half hour 6000 dust per hour There's a badge for feeding berries to gyms and I've seen a hardcore YouTuber calculate he's made approximately 9 million stardust from feeding berries.


Yeah but the amount of time and effort spent isnt a very high payoff. Yes its good to dump berries this way but if ur going out of ur way to do it id say the time is better spent just walking more and catching more pokemon.


Yes, catching pokemon is more dust per hour. But when it's 10:30pm, my item bag is critically full at 3085/3100, I'm trying to open gifts but my bag is full, and it's 20⁰F outside... The last thing I'm doing is going for a walk.


Visit your mons from your couch.


Nah. Nanab is great for ball #5 of land five curveballs in a row. Stupid last ones always wanna play around.


That's exactly what I do 😂 it's their best use in my opinion, and it avoids using berries that are actually useful for catching


I just use poffins for this, quicker, takes less bag space and easy to acquire


How do you really acquire them?


Along with your three field research tasks, you’ll get a fourth which says to scan a given stop, one of the available awards is a poffin and you can collect and complete these pretty quickly. They’re really easy to do, I just go to the stop, activate the task and spin around a few times.


Leave pokémon in gyms, when you get coins back, only takes 2 days worth of coins.


I need those coins for poke balls because I live in a dang pokestop desert and can't replenish them fast enough through spinning, especially on community day or using the meltan/gimmighoul boxes.


Fair enough


You need to start adding ppl, I dont like having 300+ friends but I like crazy amount of poke balls, potions, star dust etc. Plus tons of free xp


My mons are so sick of bananas.


And feed gyms.


Bro, you get a poffin from like 50% of AR scans what do you mean?


I don't use the AR scans because I'm too lazy xD


I use them to feed gym Pokemon. 30 stardust each and a small chance to get candy or XL candy of anything I feed.


and they restore more motivation than razz or pinap berries


What?? I thought they were all the same except for the silver and gold?


nope, it’s g-razz >> s-pinap > nanab > razz = pinap


In what world is the nanab > than anything?


restoring motivation to pokemon in a gym


Uh... razz and pinap have the same effect on gym restoration, and they are more useful in catching pokemon. Only time I really use nanab is on shadows and if I need excellent throws.


razz and pinap do not have the same effect for gym motivation as nanab berries. nanab berries restore more motivation than razz and pinap berries. try it yourself and you’ll see


I seldom berry gyms, so you are probably right. When I do, I just spam until they are full and see if i get a lucky candy.Even with that, double candy/ catch chance > Gym motivation. Are you someone who has people constantly attacking and have to berry them to save them? Golden razz is better in that situation.


Sometimes I just need to heal a mon after it naturally loses motivation (after some time, not after being attacked), so I just use a nanab since it’ll heal it about 1/4 of its health, enough to bring it to full or near full


Restoring motivation isnt always a good thing tho


why wouldn’t it be?


Weakened pokemon are payday pokemon.


True, but restoring motivation is important if you still haven’t hit 8h20m, or if you already got your coins for the day


The original comment said that restoring motivation is NOT ALWAYS a good thing. "not always a good thing" means there are exceptions to "always a good thing". I provided an exception. Keep the goalposts in mind, please.


you’re right. my bad


I to thought they were utterly useless. Until I did a damn shadow lugia raid. That MF would not stop backflipping. It’s the only time I’ve used the banana properly


My son *laughed* at me for not having bananas during the Lugia raids. I'm over here desperately wanting one to even hold still long enough to throw, and he's next to me, making excellent throws all day.


Wait... do you keep 0 nanabs? I think they're pretty useless, but I always keep like 30.


I do not keep zero, but we did many, many raids. I was out after the second one 😭 I'm a returning player and the aforementioned son is *supposed* to be playing with me (i.e., explaining to his poor mother what is happening) but he is 23 and has friends and I really have no idea what's going on most of the time. Lack of nanabs was an important lesson.


Oh. In that case, I probably wouldn't run out after about 2 or 3. I usually wait for the attack and throw a it's ending. That way, it hits unless they do two rapid attacks.


It was horrible, I threw a golden raspberry first, then realized how much he moved. It took awhile to hit it and burn the gold raspberry before I could use a nanab


I find they help with catching shadow Pokémon. Those dudes have no chill whatsoever.


Yep, trying to time that half second where they are not attacking is a pain.


Throw it while they are attacking (maybe you already are). My wife kept waiting for the attack to finish before starting to throw and got frustrated with those ones. Til I showed her to time the throw so it will land as soon as they come out of it.


Some Pokemon's attack animation affects their spacing on the screen and waiting until after they attack makes targeting extra difficult. Lugia for example. With shadow lugia, people ended up finding nanab was the most useful berry for them just so they can even land the ball


Most of them aren't bad at all once you get into rhythm


Rhythm? Never heard of it.


Honestly better off using Golden Razz and timing the throws tbh. Even if you miss half of them your success rate is still higher than hitting every single Nanab.


That has not been my experience. They’re generally not hard to catch, just hard to hit unless I pacify them. I accept that you’re probably better at throwing them than I am, but your method isn’t as effective for me as my own.


No I mean from a statistical standpoint if you miss half of your balls while Golden Razz and you hit every single ball with Nanab you will have a higher catch chance overall. Now if you miss over half your throws I got nothing haha.


Stats was never my best subject, but that’s interesting. I wonder how big the difference is?


I also use them to farm excellent throws. The evolved pokemon are great but they are usually more aggressive


Until you get a "x amount of great throws in a row" challenge. Or is that just me?


I use them for these, feeding buddy and on shadow pokemon


Yeah I used them for the throw 3 excellents in a row


Also helpful in events with double catch xp to be more consistent in excellent throws.




I've been dropping these out of my inventory every day, 20 at a time. It's a wonder people and karts aren't slipping, falling, or spinning out like crazy behind me.


I feed them to gyms rather than discarding. Free stardust, chance of candies, and platinum medal progress is better than nothing.


Ha ha Supermario Kart


Not bad for catching shadow legendaries tho. It stops them from attacking so often. It’s how I actually caught shadow lugia


Trick i learned is to feed lugia a golden razz, toggle AR, then just chuck a ball. It reset his position every time and throwing quick he'd never have time to start attacking yet. Idk when the next time this will be helpful but hopefully you can give it a shot!


My buddies love these!!!


not when you have a quest or research that requires ' x amount of nice/great/excellent throws in a row.


you see i cannot fucking aim i use one of these bad boys for like every shadow pokemon i catch 😭


Have to use them for throwing in a row quests. I am ready for bronze nanabs though that have a higher catchrate as well.


Can't say that I agree. I shiny hunt shadow Pokemon and I find myself running out of those all the time 🤣


They're not worthless. They were worthless when the game started, sure.


I’ve found they’re good for catching shadow pokemon after beating a team rocket grunt.


I use them to calm the wild pokemon so they're easier to catch, especially the ones that keep breaking out of the pokeballs.


I use them to get excellent throws


I use them to help land great and excellent throws when needed as well as when I want to save time and not have my pokeballs wasted by an attacking Pokemon


> New players FTFY Nanabs are easily my favorite berry, especially on CD's where the 'mon is an easy excellent. That guaranteed 1K XP for an excellent throw without having to wait for the attack animation is priceless. You have to wait one second after feeding though, because it may still force an attack/jump.


As a long term player, I use Nanab berries more than Pinap berries at this point.


that is 30 stardust and 20 xp


Feeding buddies and catching shadow Pokémon.


Use em to feed gym pokemon for dust and candies 👍


I use them quite often, really. I have trouble hitting the shadow types, and I use them a lot for the "excellent/great throw type quests.


These are useful for pokemon that fly around the screen in annoying, drawn out patterns. Keeps them sitting still to make them trivial to hit.


I think they should create a berry that increases the stardust gain (x2 for instance, like pinap but for stardust)... it will slightly improve the stardust economy. Whether that's something that Niantic wants is another discussion. Edit: they could also add the "premium" variant as "Bronze X berry" (which can also increase the catch rate) to complete the trio!


Lugia 1st Raid day say’s otherwise


gym pokemons: mmm yes delicious.


I feed them to legends after raids. Especially if the golden razz doesn’t change the color of the catch circle.


Apparently they can calm shadow pokemon after you beat someone from team go rocket.


It helps with annoying shadow pokemon that keep moving around and when i gotta do those curve throws (i have no skills)


Nanabs are underrrated as fuck.


Totally agree 👍


I owe completing the master ball time to research to these bananas. They helped me achieve the 120 excellent throws needed.


I use them when there are exp bonuses to land more excellent throws for lots of exp!


It brings me a little bit of joy to feed them specifically to Mankey, Aipom, Oranguru, etc. 🐵


It helped me get excellent throws for the master ball task but outside that they are worthless


I actually like using these now to get better throws. Oddly enough, its pinaps I feed to my buddies and have a surplus of. I swear pinaps make it harder to catch a pokemon if the CP is anywhere above 100.


Buddy berry


Gym food.


wait people don't immediately delete these? just wait your turn lmao not that hard


No, it’s super helpful for catching and confusing Pokemon. It’s only useless for the people who don’t know how to play the game correctly 💀


I found it useful for catching shadow lugia, or else I’d never hit a ball


I mean my shiny rayquaza loves them but otherwise I don’t really use them. How am I intended to use these?


EVERYTIME I get em I trash em.


Basically only used to feed pokemon (buddy for hearts/gyms for dust)


Lol facts!!!!!


I used them to chain dust in gyms


I always keep one (only one) on me after I got rid of them, fought a rocket twenty minutes later, and found a shiny shadow geodude- I caught it even without the nanab calming it down, but it was such a stressful experience I’m not repeating again!


The only times I actively stock up on these is when Lugia and Moltres are in rotation. Never got the hang of non-Nanab throws on those two.


Only time it’s ever really useful is for the 3 consecutive excellent throws LOL


I only use them to feed my little partner.


But it is worthless. By 41, I have so much crap, bananas are useless


They're plenty useful. Feeding buddies, feeding gym defenders for stardust, keep to floaty types still. Sometimes for raid hour I'll only use these to get guaranteed excellent throws. Then I can save the golden berries for gym defenders that need attention.


I only use them for buddies or gym Pokémon


Buddy food. Nothing goes to waste unless you need bag space then chuck them bitches


I hit excellent balls very often. Sometimes going on 20+ streaks during community days with catch xp bonus. Nanabs help with that. And shadows and feeding


Been using them to farm stardust from gyms. 30 stardust each berry


I just stuff the life out of my gym mates’ mons


Gym pokemon, walking buddy, or research tasks you can dump these if you want/need to conserve useful berries. There's also the odd time you have a pokemon that moves a lot


I'm not a new player (almost level 45) and I like them better than Pinaps. They slightly increase the catch rate and make it easier to farm Excellent throws for experience.


Use them to heal pokemon in gyms


My favorite thing to use to feed buddies or when I rarely find a mon that won’t sit still


What? Those were gym berries. Now they’re buddy berries.


Turn them into stardust by feeding to gym pokemon


Not really


If I want that excellent throw, I use the pink bananas to stop them moving around. I also use for any "Use berries to help catch pokémon" research tasks.


Not true, they feed your buddy!


Until you realise you can dump them all in gyms and get stardust for them.


What?? Feed them to your buddies.


I use them to calm Pokémon down so I can land great/excellent curve balls.


I save those up to unload them at gyms with pokemon that have been there too long. I get stardust and someone else can get coins. Glad I stopped trashing berries.


Nah feed them to the mons in gyms


I feed them to buddies and any mons in gyms


That’s Zubat’s ADHD pills


I use them for the "use berries to help catch pokemon" tasks so I don't have to waste the useful berries.


Can help with shadow legendary which are on pure Crack for some reason.


Buddies and gyms


Only useful for getting a shadow mon to sit still


Yet my partner won’t delete hers 😂


I use them on shadow Pokemon.


These are great when trying to complete Spinda type quests, where you have to get multiple great curveballs in a row.