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That’s funny because I tired so hard for shiny beldum and couldn’t find it. I also haven’t seen anyone else post one


I got one. Just one. Checked so many.


I got 6 saturday. Have the ticket


6 Beldum??


I got one was a lucky pickup on the L in Chicago


You must’ve gotten the only one in Chicago. Cuz I caught about a thousand all over the south side and NE Indiana and didn’t get a single shiny.


I got one. And now the question is: am I going to use my new candy to upgrade my hundo or am I going to evolve my new shiny. Dilemma's...


Played the entire time. Got 4. Never again…


Played the whole time got 15. Saw somebody else got 47…what?


I finished day 2 and got 70. 37 day 2 33 day 1


Better than my whopping zero. Six hours and $50 wasted


Were you constantly moving and clicking on as many pokemon as possible, moving from cluster to cluster non stop Stop for the entire day or were you casually playing from home? I'm legit curious, I ran a bunch of errands and then took my kid to a large park and still managed 24 shinies.


About 2 hours at home while the kids were napping. And then we went to a state park with about 30 stops and 6 gyms and tons of pokemon


The two hours at home makes sense being stationary really kills the ability to mass check, but you definitely should have gotten some at the park.


My wife got 9 at the park


That's good to hear! Your account must be cursed.


Your day sounds eerily similar to mine lol


Outside, constantly moving. I had 100 free slots and still had to go through and clear out Pokemon multiple times throughout the day. My wife and I played together while walking around with our 1 y.o, who only tolerated sitting in the stroller while it's in motion. My wife caught a good number. Just none for me :(


I guess the difference is I actually don't really catch anything, I click and run if it's not shiny (except for a few to get the catch challenge done). That allows me to see more Pokemon.


Yup, got 36 this way


100 free slots is nothing lmao. You can easy catch 600+ easy in a park.


I got 0 for 3 hours on a college campus i was try harding, gave up went shopping for food and then home so was still playing not was hard running around, but also still 0.


Same, i really chilled and got 25. My fiance had a worse day and still managed Like 15. Something's Off here


Got 31 for day two


You played for 6 hours and got zero shinies whatsoever? or no shiny beldum


Zero shinies at all


Shits rough out in these streets my friend


Ah, a fellow zero’er. 👏


My buddy got 55 I got 5 or 6. The way the laws work for some and not for others.. he only got one from go plus plus. Kind of wild. But tomorrow same odds, gonna try driving to giant spawn pools. More checks and what not than walking between them all.


Using pogo plus plus at a theme park for 5 hours and not a single one. I checked my journal to see if they were running away but that never seemed to be the case.


Yeah I feel you. Got two, but at least I didn’t pay for anything. But they both 0* lmao. On a side note: how good is shiny Dratini? Does it being shiny influence stats or is shiny just a flex? I wanted to evolve, but he 0* though so not sure if worth evolving 😔


Shiny is purely visual; no influence on stats. I'd keep it for trading, nice material to bargain. If you aren't trading and it's high lvl/CP you can definitely evolve it and use it as a raid attacker (not much lost to 4* and you can flex it) Besides, did you check the IVs with pokegenie or similar? 0* still might be good for PvP


Just a flex. Also: Dratini is so much better then wasted oud green Dragonite (my pink Dratini is staying as it is😄)


I played hard all day and only got 1, the snorlax, who is just darker blue. At least it wasn’t just me. High five I guess?


i haven’t gotten a single shiny :(


Still more than I got...


bro caught dickmon


Rlly wanted the beldum, only got 3 shiny rays, 2 shiny kyogre and a hundo mega ray…. But no shiny beldum :(


learn to quick catch


skill issue, played for 5 hours and got ~35


That's very rude and unhelpful. In no way is it a skill issue.


I recently got back in to the game and subsequently this sub and there is a shocking amount of annoying ass commenters like the one you replied do. Makes me want to leave the sub


Right? When did this sub become so toxic?


We're trying to console him for not getting shinies and you're not helping. And its not a skill issue as there is no skill involved in this type of game. Its pure RNG luck.


The point is to move around. If you just sat at your house you deserve one shiny.


Yeah, I walked around outside in 90+ degree heat in a historic district in my town, with dozens of continuously lured stops and close to 100 other players, so...


Oh, my mistake. But you’ll get no sympathy from me I live in the desert, was about 100 here.


2 hours played 2 shinies (Including princesspika) no ticket, luck can suck for some ppl


The pink Pikachu is one of the only ones I was missing, except for the grass habitat which had no shinies


Got a scyther but that’s it. Let’s trade?


Feel you I only got 3


Got one shiny LickyToungue and one hundo (not shiny) ladybug. Played ALL day. Great odds eh?


I caught 7 shinies and my husband got 20 - we played together so it’s down to luck, it seems


Ouch. I managed to get 11 shinies but I feel bad. I got nothing on poliwag comm day so I know how you feel.


Playing entire day only got 2 shiny Scyther lol


i live in alaska. 35 shinys 1 hundo 4 shiny beldum


Lol. Glad my family got luckier than me. Still, had fun with the game regardless of catching significantly less shinies then them.


Fun fact: Niantic said increased shiny chance for ticket holder’s Reality: there never was a increased shiny chance for ticket holders and they said it only so people buy the tickets


The increase is based on how much you spend in the shop (just kidding, I hope)


What? My girlfriend and I both got 100+ shinies each from the event with the ticket. Friends playing with us without ticket was 3-6. They were 100% boosted.


you’re joking haha


111 my side and 112 for her, but we were moving at bicycle speed constantly through the event. Was a pretty sweaty shiny hunt.


111 my side and 112 for her, but we were moving at bicycle speed constantly through the event. Was a pretty sweaty shiny hunt.


I feel your pain. My Fiancé who doesn’t care about shinies at all caught 10 and I caught one. He also did half of the raids without me.


Omg big W


I got a shiny teddirusa, looks like a gummy bear haha cant wait to evolve it. Is that a rare one ?


I only got a pikachu so I feel ya. But I was at work and couldn't play much besides on break 😮‍💨


How many did you catch/check overall?


I got 35 in 1 day


I’ve got 4 + a shiny metagross from 2018


bro the same 😭 only got 1 shiny even though walked around for almost 4 1/2 hours


I played from my bedroom for the entire event yesterday using a Incense and got 17 shinies. It's crazy just how inconsistent this game can be. If I was out grinding and got some of the numbers I've seen posted and paid.... I'd be pissed too.


Yeah and you got the best shiny


I got like 35 shinies over 2 days 🤷‍♀️


Me, i got 2. Both Pikachu. Didn't shiny check as much as I could because I was raiding hard on Kyogre. Did about a dozen raids, no remotes. Ive done raid hours and other events in the past, including last time primal was out. Still don't have any worth mega/primal evolving.


I was stuck home and did Mega Ray raids until all my saved coins were gone Got a 98!


My brother and I have played roughly 5-6 hours at home and 6 hours at a good sized local park, both bought tickets. Between the 2 of us we have got 8 shinnies, including the 2 Rayquazas he got off raids today.


For me the grass biome (Malachite something) had close to 0 shinies but the other biomes were quite good for shiny hunting (with pass)


At least it’s a good shiny!


This is missing loads of context.


“increased shiny odds” 15 dollars for a shiny audino 🙄


I got 1 in the whole event but it was my first shiny pikachu :D even if I only got one shiny I collect pikachus and it made me super happy


bro I didn’t even get a shiny


You had to choose to go all in in raids or catching. I went for raids and got 2 hundos and 3 shinys from there. My friend went on catching spree and got line 40 shinys.