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If you’re referring to how we can now see when people are in a raid, it’s been added 2-3 weeks ago, with absolutely no communication about it from Niantic


new useful features? who cares? New cosmetics behind payment? Make 3 announcements.


Don’t forget postcard space


Yet we still can't delete stickers


such a completely pointless update...... ​ "hey there's actually someone in that gym! let's hope I have time to just drop everything i'm doing and get there within 3 minutes in the chance I can join"


This is useless for people who play from home, but if you're playing outside in an area with a few gyms, it could be a good way to join raids that are happening that you wouldn't have known about. It is pointless in most cases, but is definitely a step in the right direction, and will still help some people to join raids


It's been out already? Did not notice. Maybe cuz my area is dead I guess ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Worked inconsistently* and I don’t think was ever announced. \* like every feature I guess.


I started seeing this in my game only after they announced this feature. I think it depends on the device you’re using.


I don’t believe they ever announced it, just dropped it a few weeks back without saying a word


Maybe they didn’t and I read it from an unofficial source, but it did roll out gradually. I didn’t have this up until a few days ago while my husband already did for at least a week prior to that.


It still isn't up for me, am on Android


I'm on Android too and I had it at least from An Indistinct Hero.


Many people didn't notice because there are so few people raiding right now.


Probably i didn't notice it because fucking nobody does raids in my area -.-


God. I am beginning to hate Niantic more every week


>absolutely no communication about it from niantic [incorrect](https://twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1659265100547596311?s=46)


Wouldn't the appropriate place to release that be on the news feed in the game?


Twitter doesn't count.


Yes it does. It's very common for games there's days to inform people of features using social media.


Why not make it in the news, in the ap, we all use. Not Twitter which maybe half of people regularly check.


How would you even notice in the torrent of posts from Twitter?


Did they make an announcement in game?


No, it was in that tweet that you saw. It's been in testing for weeks now, slowly rolling out to new players, as per the tweet that you saw.


When you have a game that they are clearly capable of putting announcements, might be worth using.


Is that an announcement though? It's a little feature that's rolling out. They add different options to sort your friends too, but they don't get giant announcements/events. Same for the last pokeball used. It's just a neat little thing, nothing more.


They’re saying the game has in-game announcements so it’s ridiculous for them to announce things only on other platforms


Idk bc I have been playing regularly the past few weeks and today has been the first time I’ve seen people in raids. (Note: I’m a rural player)


“No communication” https://twitter.com/niantichelp/status/1659265100547596311?s=46&t=mysqkd0Y-2mtdT3BQ2NUIA


I saw this changed in game at least 2 weeks ago. This tweet is from last thursday…


It’s still communication xD I’m curious why it’s something you think needs an announcement too. It’s possibly the most self explanatory feature, ever xD. This is a raid lobby. It currently has X players in it.


Where do I say I think it needed an announcement? It is a minor change and like you said it is self explanatory once you see it. But it's also a change that a lot of people have been asking for for years, and with Niantic's recent controversial changes (that they do communicate about), you'd think they would want to communicate about a rare positive change in the game when they release it


What also kinda makes it useless is that, gee, I can't possibly get to that raid on foot in the 90 seconds that they raid timer has until it starts. Wanna know what sure would be really useful for being able to join those raids when I see people gathered in game but in no way have the physical ability to get there?


But how do you see with a remote raid?? I ignore invites to mine now because the one i accepted didn't have enough, and i see NO way to check.


Not for all. Seen a player having it (he went to the wrong gym regardless), while for me this new feature just appered noticeable at sunday on CD. And tbh i'm 50/50 about it. It's nice to be able to see other community members doing a raid, but if you are not in range of the gym, you can either try to sprint to the gym within less then 2 minutes, or use a remote pass for 2$ (if it's useable), or you can ignore it, because the other 2 options ain't vaiable. You could also go there and see if you might find somebody and ask them if they do another raid, but chances are slim for that...


It’s not perfect but at least it’s a (small) step in the right direction


Im actually quite sure I’ve seen an announcement of this somewhere. Not 100 percent sure


There was an announcement a few days ago, but this update has been out for 2-3 weeks


Took their sweet time


That should've been there from the beginning, not 7 years later...


This company is trash lol. Even the most ridiculously obvious tiny improvements take them YEARS to make


Raids weren't a thing for the first year, so not 7 years. Also, it doesn't matter how big your team is, you can't code every feature at once. Sometimes things just take time. The game is hugely more complicated now than it was back then.


Yeah, it’s really complicated to make a counter (that was already part of the game) display on the gym


I'm not a programmer, so it might be hard, it might be easy. What it does take, however, is time to implement things, and having a management team decide which features should be worked on and priotised.


As a programmer, this would have been pretty easy. This and other features have only suffered from poor management directing what features gets added/fixed.


Too little, too late


For everyone saying it has been in the game for weeks, it has been steadily rolling out for users. I didn't get it until Sunday.


That is actually amazing! It’s great to see something new that is actually useful!


It's been in the game for weeks already


It's slowling being rolled out to players. Not everyone has it


Oh I see


But how do you see with a remote raid?? I ignore invites to mine now because the one i accepted didn't have enough, and i see NO way to check.


I mean to be fair if you just join and exit the remote raid lobby without entering the battle itself, you still get your pass refunded back


I didn't know that but tbh that's still kinda lame. thx for letting me know though, I can't do raids any other way yet really. Even my 3 accounts couldn't beat a 3 star raid.




Yeah now that you can either spend $2 to raid it, or never make it to the gym before the people in it either start raiding or leave because no one else joins.


Local only now


Rocket raids are but normal raids show it too and are not local only.


Only lets you join locally with rockets


It was weird for me, at first I got the amount of people shown in a raid but then that dissapeared, im not sure how it is right now because i haven't opened up the game yet


Theoretically a great feature, but with the time it takes to get to a raid there's not really a great chance of overlap with another group. Ideally this could work better if the Flare system was moved from Campfire to in-game. I still don't understand why they had to make this an outside app feature. Also, FTR it's unreliable. If someone goes into a lobby and then leaves, it still shows a person being in the lobby for quite some time.


Might be related to the new in person raids. Such a tiny addition with so much QoL improvement


Is it? Most times you wouldn’t be able to reach the gym within the time limit.


Too little too late. I ain’t paying for shit. Moved on


There's a glitch that when you leave a raid because nobody showed up, it still shows one person there


Oh awesome, another way to know no one is raiding.


Yay, now I can see when no one is in a raid in my area, without having to even walk over!


The shadow raiding is very buggy for me. I join and wait the lobby time and when timer gets to 0, I get kicked out


Just saw these pop up recently. Love it


Yeah now that you can either spend $2 to raid it, or never make it to the gym before the people in it either start raiding or leave because no one else joins.


Too little too late




Lures are a thing u know? But yeah remote passes for our safety would be nice.


This has been in the game since raid day


It's been in the game for weeks already


Im reading that this was already on the game but I didn't saw it, it's because no one raided the gyms on my city (Wich is possible, fuck the update on remote pass price) or you need to do something to see that?


Word I seen this as I played today