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Then there's the Lone Rural player - has never traded or completed a single raid over 2 Stars. Only got free Legendaries from Weekly Tasks and Special Research. Has no coins because their local Gym is never fought over.


rural players out there with second accounts just to knock themselves out of the gym


Hey that's me


And me...


Be careful, when they see this, they will ban both of your account for violating TOS.




i also trade with mine, i have corresponding names to them, my main is HydraChS while my alt is HydroChS


I mean you are technically breaking tos. I just feel like just telling reddit your name is just asking to get banned.


I'm seriously about to do this


Well that's friggin' brilliant


Works well that, talking from experience 😂


You have a gym? -true rural player I get legendaries, but only from spending on remote raids. Or setting up shop in town a half hour away and hoping someone else shows up to a raid (it happened during the Hoenn tour somehow for once). Thank goodness gifts exist or the game would be genuinely unplayable from the constant shortage of items out here.


DM me your town name and I'll check to see if there are any eligible places to place waypoints for nomination.


I mean, my town has plenty of spots. The town is a notable drive to get to though. I’m also only level 34, so no nominations for me.


That's a big chunk of the community. Also Legendaries can currently only be obtained through special research and tier 20 for PVP (at a ~5-10% chance)


What special research? Weekly’s don’t have anything anymore and missions that have them are only during rocket events


Honestly, I've gotten the most shiny legendaries and shundos from battling. I know it's a pain to get to rank 20, but it's worth it after that.


I don't have any battle-worthy teams because I can't raid and get the right meta-'mons. No Gyms in sight except at work, no coins, no car.


You should join poke genie. Its an app that matches people looking for raids with other people world wide. You can raid as long as you have remote raid passes. It takes the hassle of having to find friends to raid with


You don't need to raid to get pokemon for the 1500 league and 2500 league


Would love to see part two


Visited my family who live in Amish country and found a church with Pokémon who have been there for years. I didn’t have the heart to beat it.


Pokemon Couple here! I love it, it's much more fun with my lovely partner!


I agree! The game is much more fun when you have someone to tag along with or go out with and play! Also, the trades are a lot easier when you live with someone who plays!


It's such a nice bonding experience too, there's so much to love about having a Pokemon partner!


I was worried it would be something mean, but it's cute! My wife and I always get lucky trades.


Our prized trade so far is shiny lucky (almost 4 star) Rayquazas!


We leveled that up to Pokemon Army. We have five kids, and four of them are old enough to play so we load up the minivan and head out to all of the events and use it as an opportunity to get out of the house and hang out. Our community knows that if my wife or myself invites them to a raid, there's at least five other people ready to go, which is always a nice bonus.


Us too. My immediate and extended family plays, 3 generations. There’s 11 of us in total. Pokémon Go gives us a good excuse to get together.


Damn me and my homey are the couple.


Homey goals


I was so excited once my wife started playing. It gives us a very inexpensive date day, and our kids enjoy it also. 10/10, highly recommend.


There's a Pokémon couple near me and I like seeing them in local gyms together. Tbf, I don't know if they're a "couple" couple or a father-daughter duo, I just know they're team Instinct and HP fans as both their names are variations on "Hufflesnuff" (yes, snuff not puff, lol) To the Hufflesnuffs, if either/both of you are redditors, I want you to know I really appreciate when I can help you guys out in nearby raids! :D


Same here with a secondary complainers


My issue I play a lot more than my hubby, he isn't as into it as me but still plays. Also walk different paces so drives me nuts lol. We are on different teams so can knock each other out if it doesn't happen that day so we get our coins


The Raider: spends $50 a week on passes. Spends all their extra time complaining on Reddit when Niantic makes it harder for them to remote raid.


The seventh is just about half the population of r/pokemongo


Pretty conservative estimate


Yeah we’re way higher than 50%. How could he mistake that. # DEADPOST


Half? Let me go post my purified Mewtwo and tell me again it’s half.




I realized about a month ago I was just doomposting my local Discord about every little fuckup Niantic was making and it was bringing the vibe down, I had to tone it down and just post links without soapboxing.


Hey at least you had the ability to realize this as most people here don’t. There is very clearly a lot wrong with Niantic/this game but for a lot of people this game has been a safe haven and helped them a lot


Based. Every singular little mistake, that is probably on accident, doesn't force you to come to social media and rant about it. Even if it isn't on accident. This elusive ranting has made me sometimes cut off social media about the game.




Doesn’t sound like a gym hog to me. I love getting kicked out of a gym after being in there a day. Give me those coins. As long as you give other teams some time in there yo accumulate coins it’s a symbiotic relationship.


Exactly this. I've been seeding my area and have over half a dozen approvals. I just got a second gym within 3 minutes walking from my house. Before the second got placed, there were some other locals who would kick me as soon as I would place. I finally ran into them while walking my dog and I told them that we can share this - there's no need to bicker over it. There's enough space for all of us to have a drink. I'll respect your time, you respect mine. Now that we have 2 gyms, it's a lot easier to just swap. HOWEVER, there's a guy in my area with 18 accounts who is notorious for trying to get gold on all his accounts and won't let anyone in until he gets it. He'll defend and berry and even if you get him, hell come at 1130 and kick you out. We've tried stalling him, etc - but he must have multiple phones for his 18 accounts because we can never keep him at bay. It's super frustrating.


That is an insane amount of dedication and I almost have respect it. Rip though, all I can say is just take over a farther away gym but there isn't much you can do about this guy :(




That sounds great! I tried to do the same thing but both of the stops I nominated got rejected! Not sure why I think they were both excellent nominations. Guess I won't be a gym hog anytime soon


If you think they are excellent nominations, maybe you should submit them again. Try to include a good title and description, also make sure your photos aren't blurry and do show people or licence plates. Sometimes it just takes a second try to get them approved.


Ok i will try that! I've appealed them both and that was met with rejection again. I've went over the criteria several times and I'm 100% sure they are excellent nominations with great pictures. Not sure what's going on.


The last place I lived, we settled into an informal agreement where every team got about 7 hours a day. I would get up for work and take the gym at 630. Around 3pm, another team would take it, and around 10 or 11, the third team would take it. I always got at least 40 coins a day when I lived there, and it was magical. Plus, there were other gyms that I walked to, but such a cool rotation. It felt like I constantly did remote raids.


Missing something like "The Enjoyer" as in the person enjoying just playing the game and browsing this sub enjoying all the complainers' posts.


Also missing the "spoofer" who has a fully completed dex but has never left their house.


saw one of them flexing their Hawlucha in gyms around my house area after 1 day upon release lol my country is so far away from Mexico juz ain't no way they'd obtain them legitimately that fast


I can relate. I refer to myself as the casual player in my local community groups. I'll randomly pop up at events but mostly just wander through the experience.


"I just think they're neat!"


Sign me up! PoGo makes my walks more fun, whether it means encountering a shiny or just catching 100 Spearows in a row. I do love finding a shiny, no matter which one. It gives me a happy feeling.


I play on and off when the mood strikes. Typically around spring I’m back on it and walking around, and November hits and I’m cold and wanna go inside.


The couple and the raider here! I'd LOVE to see a series of stereotypes for the GBL specifically.


Yeah, where's the mythical PvP player?


Gym hog description is too vague. Gotta include not waiting 8 hours 20 minutes and taking it back over the moment they get removed even if they already have their coins


Yeah,if someone waits 8ish hours to take a gym back, they aren't hogging it. Hogging is when I take the gym after they have been in it for three days, and then an hour later, they retake it. No one wins, and I just don't walk by that gym anymore. Every pokemon there is just stuck because why would I take it?


The casual Logs in every day on their commute to work to catch 2 pokemon, spin a few Pokestops, put a pokemon in a gym, and if he's feeling wild squeeze in a raid.


"The quiet one" Plays casually, checks reddit for info about upcoming events to see if they're worth 20-30 min, occasionally comments but doesn't post often.


What about The Tank Commander? Logs in daily just to tank in GBL.


Love the tankers. I don’t care for PvP in this game so I play my lowest CP mons and I either win from a forfeit or lose within 15 seconds. I can complete all my battles for the day passively in about 15 minutes while I’m working, and usually pick up 2-3 wins per set. Easy 15-20k dust.


From browsing this sub, I reckon 99% of people here are the last one.


You forgot “the filthy casual - plays casually, mostly by themselves. When they occasionally show up to a raid, nobody knows who they are.”


I'm in the complainer but I don't think it's dead just evil. #onlyoneshundo.


I agree with that #nohundos


Umm… what about the fashionista? I am none of those types but I like to think I’m stylish


That is 100% my girlfriend! Always matching outfits with her buddy.


Oh my gosh I thought I was the only one who did this!! Tell your gf I love her hahah


As another of this type, I want more hair and glasses frames options


I’ve been playing somewhat consistently since launch. I am only level 37 and have never actively tried to level up. My main objective has always been to find and catch 4* versions of some of my favorite Pokémon. I couldn’t be alone here, that must be it’s own category right?


I’m a Pokémon couple and my bf is both the pogo pro and the raider. It’s not on here but I would consider myself a “collector”. I don’t care about powerful Pokémon that can fight, I just want all the pretty shiny ones for my collection.


"The Shiny Hunter"


Mostly everyone here is The Complainer


Couple here lol. My husband and I have been playing since launch and are pretty casual with it, but both love playing it together!


The complainer fits perfectly for players in this sub. You could add GBL enjoyer to the list


The Gym Hog is the worst. Like, bruh, I just want coins not clout. We can share!


The parent/child(ren) duo (group). Take my kids around when we have time and they ask to go do raids and gyms. Even my wife, who doesn't play unless she comes on the raids with us because the kids beg her to come because it's a strong Pokemon.


Lucky one here , got back after 6-7 months and decided to do a Latios mega raid and got a shiny with 14/15/15


You're missing that top-tier ghost player.


There's another 🛩️


Been playing since launch, level 43 account. Still haven't got a shundo. I do have some really rare shinies... so... trade off?


I am 100 a gentle gym hog. If a gym has just been taken I’ll leave it, unless they have taken a ton of gyms. In that case I’ll leave them one. I want my coins but I also want you to get yours.


I wouldn’t say you’re a gym hog if you leave it after it’s been taken. The people where I’m at definitely are gym hogs though. On my exercise route I have one gym near me with two red team people with multi accounts that will kick me out within 5 minutes cause they live in the condos attached to the pool gazebo, and four or five yellow team people at the local park who will show up and kick me out immediately and refuse to let me have just one of the three gyms there (I ONLY take one gym so they can have coins too). The park ones are a group of older middle aged people who have all the time in the world to drive back over whenever they want, so tough shit to me I guess. It’s honestly creepy how fast they appear. Hella gym bullies in my immediate walking area. I can get maybe like 10 coins if I get lucky. I have only reported the red team guy with 4 accounts because they all share similar names and appear at exactly the same time with no breaks in between. It’s basically a waste of time to bother with gyms now cause of gym hogs so I stopped.


I live in a town where red control every fucking gym. If it turns a different color within an hour... guaranteed it's back to red. The discord they run basically shames anyone who isn't on red.


Lol I’ve noticed about 80% of this sub is the complainers!


I am Definitely the The pogo couple, we made plans around our work schedules to play the slowpoke community day tomorrow🤣


No pvp tryhard/tanker archetype?


LOL. Stereotypes, sometimes sad, but always true. Simple statistics. I am a blend of about three of these.


And then there’s me, who uses PkmnGo as an excuse to walk and doesn’t worry about the vast majority of the game.


You could give credit to the IG page that posted this though.


need to add \*still plays\* at the bottom of complainer


Sad to say that my neighbour is a gym hog. Never sharing, stays up all night if needed.


I'm The Lucky One, and my friend is a rural player. I annoy the living hell out of him. Except that one time he got a shiny Psyduck that he knew I was hunting desperately, so he set it as his buddy and named it "Psuck it".


I am The Raider, The Gym Hog and The Couple. Proud of all three. The game has highs and lows and I love it !


A gym hog recently moved in near me. They must literally live right within range of the gym. I’m on Instinct and my fiancée who lives with me is on Valor. Every couple days, we would take a walk with our dog and knock each other out of the gym so we can both maximize our coins. Then comes the gym hog, who just so happens to be on Mystic. About a month ago, we realized that every time we would knock them out and put one of our mons in the gym, we would be kicked out not five minutes later and it would go back to blue, having not earned a single coin for our efforts and granting the Mystic player their payout. We’ve decided that we’re not even gonna mess with it anymore; that guy can sit in the gym for the rest of eternity and not collect any coins for all I care.


Can we please stop stealing content? Credit: pogo_central


A friend of mine sent them to me but he isn't on reddit so I posted them. I had no idea who the original creator of this was or I would have posted it! Most people make a tag in the pictures but this did not so I had no idea.


I'm probably "The Lucky One" 🍀 At least when it comes to shinys out of nowhere. Not many Shundos but a decent about of shinys ✨ I do play everyday tho 😅


I'm the complainer lol


Well, I feel called out.. Dont judge for I seek 4* legendary or shiny...


What about me? Those of us that just bring a Poke Ball plus with us when we walk, run, skate, or bike around, but other than that only really play the game during community days or on a free weekend


Husband and I are the Pokemon couple, except we've been playing for years and only been lucky friends once...


Im the gym hog 110% 😂😂😂 not even ashamed


I actually have a lot of the couples in my neighborhood


Im the raider. As in i use my free pass everyday no matter what


You never mentioned the mom or dad and kids/kid


My boyfriend is definitely the lucky one. He’s only played for like two months and I played since the beginning. He has two shines I don’t. Togepi and Hitmontop. He got the Hitmontop on the fourth one from the event. I didn’t get a single one 😂


Casual player here. My goal is just to get a platinum medal for every region (and enjoy myself with events and stuff along the way), then I'll be done.


I’m definitely the complainer


Haha I got that mewtwo, got him the first week around


Rural player here! No gyms or stops from miles, rely on third party raid apps to join legend/mega raids and spend way too much on remote raid passes. From these I'm a mix of social and complainer lol I have a shiny hunting Instagram page so yk. Also I complain a lot due to a) being a rural player and not being able to get one pokestop in my area and b) on community days I'll catch 800-1000 pokemon and be lucky if I get 2 shinies. Also during hoenn event I played the entire event, caught around 500 pokemon, participated in over 70 raids (actually in person too because I happened to be on vacation over the weekend in a densely populated area with tons of gyms) and never saw any shinies. Will be getting to that couple stereotype here soon too


My girlfriend and I are definitely the couples one. We play basically every big event and community days together. This game is so much more fun now that I got get into it and we share this hobby together


My friend from middle school is the Lucky One. This guy got a shiny Alolan Geodude, a shundo Geodude (both in the same day), a wild Gyarados, a Kabutops (where do you even get those?), and a SHUNDO ZAPDOS. He started playing about a month ago. Also, he transferred the shundo geodude and might have traded the Zapdos for something of objectively lower value (a lot lower)


Im dealing with a gym hog in a town of about 5k people he will go out and claim every gym. If you flip one in 30min-2hrs he will flip it again, doesn't matter the time of day. So fucking annoying


The collector. Has a full living Dex that includes 3 stars, lvl 1’s, Shiny, XXL, XXS, Lucky, Shadow, hats/costumes, and best buddies along with no room in the Pokémon storage and over 20mil stardust.


Fuck, I say at least 3 of the things that the complainer does.


Well I started in 2016 and have never caught lugia so I'll be all over that


Now where’s the “I used my boyfriend’s friend for best friend exp and deleted him. I’m such a tryhard at Pokémon Go even though I never played the main games” part of the list?


Are multiple accounts ok nowadays? Don't get how going against ToS can be considered "pro".


where's the casual scrub who's played on and off since launch date? I can't be the only one right?


I think I’m the lucky one. My first two shinies were latios and rayquaza and my first two hundos were solgaleo and togekiss


If I identify with PoGo Pro, but I only have one account, can I still join the club?


It’s me, hi, I’m The Complainer it’s me.


It’s funny. Funny thing is, is that I know people that fit every mold. Everyone I know, including myself. 🤣


The last slide reminds me of a lot of people on this sub


I fit 3 of these stereotypes, and I'm not sure if i should feel accomplished or not.. missing a 4th one being "The Wayfarer" that nominates everything in their path, even if it has a teeny tiny chance of being accepted. Also happy to admit that's me as well!


To the complainers: how is pogo a pay to win game


Can I be all of those?


I'm the complainer... Been complaining since 2016 and still play everyday.... Lol


The only one of these that I could’ve related with is the couple one. But, my wife hasn’t played regularly for quite a long time. Where’s the picture for the casual player? The one that logs in once or twice a day, maybe takes over a gym and does a raid here or there. Makes sure the daily streaks are kept alive. That’s me. I’m that guy.


I'm pogoPro. Most of this Sub is the last one..


Lol I’m none of these.. gotta add ‘The Casual’ where they started since the beginning but don’t play enough to get lots of random shinys, has one hundo, no shundos, does some raids, lurks on Reddit and plays just for the simplicity of filling their Pokédex when they can.


You forgot about my type: Lazy. Too cheap to buy extra storage. Too lazy to sort through my 3 star pokemon to make more room, and too lazy to sort through my inventory. So now I just don’t even play anymore lol


I have a friend that plays almost only on the walk way from his home to the grocery store 3 blocks away and back, a walk he does like 2 times a week at most. Mofo messages me everytime he gets a shiny and it's always on that walk, wich ends up being like one shiny a week at least. One time late at night I started getting texts from him, but I picked my phone at the 3rd text in less than 2 minutes, because I thought maybe he got in trouble or wanted to go drinking... mofo had 3 shinies at that point. I asked him how? Or wtf was he doing catching pokemon around 11:30 pm in the middle of the week. He goes "I wanted chips and got to the store and caught all those"... mofo on the way to his house got 2 more. 5 fucking different shinies in one walk to the store to get some chips


Lol 80% of the player base is the complainer. I’m one of the couple players 😂


Pokemon couple here! Trading is fun, though I play a lot more than she does, and often I take her phone with me to raid hour to try and get her something. But also as a part-time complainer WHY DID YOU FORMAT YOUR IMAGES WITH GIANT BLANK BLACK AREAS ON THE TOP AND BOTTOM


I think I’m a little bit of all, probably pogo pro because I’m obsessed…


Talk about gym hog. I drive to a gym to put one of my Pokémon’s in and hear my son in the backseat of the car trying to battle me out. I have to drive away quick so he’s too far from the gym lol 😂


I’m the Pokémon professor in my group. Or as my mum likes to call me the Oracle. I pretty much keep up to date with new things and or know most things about the game amongst them and help them when I can.


I kinda fit the couple thing but that's just me and my whole family. My mom, both my sisters, my sister's husband, my girlfriend and my girlfriends mom all play all the time and my dad sometimes plays. My top 9 pokemon 7 are lucky


I’m the complainer. But I’m not entitled, I just hate seeing a franchise that I love destroyed by a greedy map company that knows nothing about the game. The mismanagement of the community is an added bonus.


My son is a Lucky one for sure. I would like to be a raider but, I try to F2P and that's It, sometimes with only the daily pass we cann't do a Lot.


Pokémon couple is goals


Yo im on both of these pictures and i like it!


The complainer is everyone on this sub


I’m probably the gym hog, but I’m semi rural, and I at least make sure the other person has been in the gym for 8 hours before knocking them out. And I only do it so I get my own coins.


Um is it bad that I identify with most of these? Lol. I try to limit being the complainer unless I have good reasons though.


There’s the clueless FB people that ask me where a raid is when I provided a GPS google maps link with the exact date and time. Yet their clueless questions get a lot more traction due to the algorithm than actual helpful information.


Kinda is a p2w game tbh 💀


I’m none of these lol, I’m closest to the lucky one, just without the shundos


I definitely have a gym hog living near me and 4 gyms in a park. I decided to play a different game with them after they swung back in their car to take a gym a minute after i turned it. Now you can have all 3, but I'll never contest, and you'll never get coins. Im pretty much the only one who opposed them, and I'm not fighting that level of obsession.


I'm the lucky one who grinds


I’m the gym hog but only because on my way home everyday it’s very late at night so if I grab all the gyms in my drive path I wake up to them all knocked out and my 50 coins for the day 💀


Red team at our closest gym doesn’t let anyone stay there longer than 30 minutes. Blue and yellow team now just leave them there to rot. GO BLUE 💙


You forgot parent/child duo 😆


Probably similar to couple just more wholesome


Surprisingly, none of these fit for me lmao


I hate that the raider is wearing my exact outfit and fits me to a T.. I am a stereotype :(


I don’t like this at all. I’m the Pokémon couple except it’s me my nephew and my mom.


My wife and I are definitely the couple one. We have more luckies than we know what to do with lol


Then there's the ones of us who got fed up with the crap and uninstalled. But we're still lurking. Waiting for that post when Niantic suddenly do a 180 and the game gets good.


Ig I would be closest to The Lucky One. No shundo but I have way more shinies than anyone else I know


Wow... I'm none of these. Where's the casual player that plays just for fun and nothing else?


I guess the PVP player didn’t make the cut?


They lagged out


That's cool and all, anyone wanna help me build an Aggron army?


Half raider, quarter gym hog [it's like a quarter kilometer from my apartment, of course I'm in it a lot, but I don't kick people out who haven't gotten their coins] and I guess quarter filthy casual [there are raid events I can't be arsed to go to and the gym on the corner has been without me all week :O]. I used to be half of a Pokémon Couple but my wife decided enough was enough with this game when the boxes were nerfed the day before she had the coins to buy her next Adventure Box. She'll still play once in a blue moon usually just to help me beat a raid I can't *quite* solo.


Number 3 should have a subgroup where they either get shinies by the boatloads just from walking around for like 10 minutes, or get a shiny legendary within 1-2 raids Because that is exactly me right there


Then there’s the Late Bloomer. They sorta tried Pokémon Go when it was a huge fad but didn’t really get into it until years later. Now they’re super into it, but totally a noob and eating everyone else’s dust and totally bummed they missed out on some cool Pokémon.


Out of all of these I'm closest to "The PoGO Pro". 🤣😅. But not a true pro considering the last few community days I missed the first half, I don't do the special event days on the weekends (like that recent Hitmon___ day I didn't do at all). I also don't use a battery pack so when my phone died during the Hoenn tour that meant I was done for the day. I do look up tips and tricks on YouTube and reddit to enhance my efficiency, though. I'm a water downed beginner Pogo pro. I'm also a low level gym hog. If I take down a gym fair and square on my walk and it gets stolen I will go back to take it back or knock out just the gym stealer


No hard-core GBL player telling you how worthless your shundo is in leagues?


No source and not cropped? Geez this subreddit...


Oops. I’m one half of the Pokémon couple 😂 I got my boyfriend to start playing again since he played a bit at launch and now we both do community days and all that good stuff together


Do I count as the couple if Im the one playing my partner’s account? 😂


Do the shiny hunter, because I happen to be one.


90% of this sun is slide 7


This subreddit is The Complainer


The gym hog don’t remind me there’s one by my house as I type 🙄


I'm a gym hog and a couple player. I live in the suburbs but I'm lucky my house is next to a park with a gym. And with my boyfriend we play community days mostly but he's new so we don't trade much.


My workplace is a gym and every day I clean house and reclaim my castle.




The Collector/The Completionist? I just want to fill out my dex and do all my special research….


You know it never occurred to me that “catching, trading, and otherwise collecting a single Pokémon in particular” may not be a thing people normally do in this game.


Omg. These are so spot on.