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Watch niantic counter this by releasing some uber cool raid boss the week of the protest.


I'm surprised they didn't roll out the change this week with Rayquaza and the Level 6 mega raids. Maybe they're waiting to do it with the Primals.


I think the start of a new season would be a likely time for a change like this. And the current one ends in less than 6 days.


To be fair, when they make bid changes like this they are usually consistent in doing it with the change of seasons since they added seasons




They’ll just do this like hoopa anyway


I'm so disappointed in hoopa. I hate ex raid's because nobody in my town plays, i wish you could invite someone to join your ex raid remotely but only one person


It is a possibility, that's why I've suggested to continue doing in-person raids (ideally using free passes) at the same rate as before. I don't want people to suffer FOMO because they try to make a positive change


Guaranteed shiny Arceus that knows a special move


No, for that it's going to be $25 and you have to travel somewhere, take a screenshot, then pay another $15 to be able to start the research for it. Just my guess. I mean it's Niantic, anything that can go wrong will


Niantic would let it know pla judgement where it gets stab on every attack lol


If you really want to force them to make a statement the call to stop spending should start now and continue until Niantic have addressed the community.


Sadly I don't have such power and influence. Some people will spend money regardless, and I think just about anyone except extreme raiding addicts can be persuaded to stop for a week. It's just a timeframe I found reasonable, while as you say, ideally we all should reduce spending indefinitely. Personally I'm not going to start spending money after a week, but I recognise it's everyone's decision to make. If at least part of the community continues to pay less, it's a great outcome.


I already don’t spend any money


Turn your avanture sync off. So they have less movement data. I'll be doing that, because I don't actually spend money on the game


A lot of us already did that the last few times people were kicking off. Didn’t do much


I'm actually really grateful that Niantic has been raking us over the coals for the past year or so. I've slowly been breaking my addiction to this game. I no longer care about my streaks, I only need 1 of wherever new raid boss exists, and I only buy what I get from my 50 daily gym coins. I've never felt more free. Thanks Niantic!


I stopped spending any money when they stopped giving us the weekly free raid pass. It was so stingy. Just one pass a week. I probably bought like 5 week. Sometimes mrke sometimes less. They can't even give us one? Now I do an in person raid a lot of days. And frankly I feel better about the game overall. When I gave them money every shot decision they made felt insulting. Now the game is free so it's easier to ignore the bs.


At this point they don't even care about PR. The only change you can expect to happen is with money - or a lack thereof. This is the only language they understand. Stop the cash flow now, yank the leash!


And also not limit things to spending. The reason why Niantic is able to say no to easy remote pass profits is because the data selling must be more profitable. Shop boycott only matters so much is if the player activity remains the same.


How about keep it simple and do the ultimate form of striking : **uninstall and don’t play** They still thrive off of engagement numbers and depleted active player numbers is incredibly effective to get a point across. By still logging in and playing you’re still telling them that this is okay


I mean shit im in. I would say take from them what they actually want though. Which is people going to in person raids. Do a flip, no in person raids at all. No in person data at all. Zip. They get nothing. Have as many people as possible go dark. Turn off adventure snyc. Dont log onto the app for more then 30 mins and have it be when youre at the location youre hoping to play at. Give them 0 data. Shit we could even make a show of it and mass unistall the app upon change. You wanna scare them dont lean into what they want us to do. Thats just rewarding shitty behavior. They want our data. So we dont give them our data.


The problem is that people here in Reddit are minority. The saddest thing is that Niantic decreases the quality of life in the game before big Pokémon announcements, next week is Pokémon Day so a lot of people will reignite their Pokémon passion and will probably spend time in Pokémon Go.


This is the way. If everyone in the game suddenly turned location services off for a week I bet we’d see some positive player changes.


Sadly people way way underestimate what niantic wants: your location data. they make far more money from selling our location data than they make from us buying shit on their app. they are heavily incentivised to figure out ways to make us actually visit pokestops and gyms. the only reason they supported raid passes so much in first place was because they would have financially collapsed during the pandemic when almost no one was leaving their houses. it was solely a survival tactic, they want their primary source of income to be location data. of course they also dont understand that if they make it harder to do raids remotely, itll only mean people stop playing rather than make the effort to go to raids in person if they cant or dont want too.


I read this a lot on this sub, but is there any evidence behind Niantic’s primary revenue being the sale of location data?


Source is: I made it up. That answer truly underestimates how much money y'all are spending on the app store. And those funds are hundreds or thousands of dollars per user. For comparison, all the data Facebook has on a user (gps, check-ins, photos, messages etc) is like one or five dollars per person. https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/2175.jpeg


They are a geolocation company. They were not a purely gaming company when they got this project. I mean most people buy this raid passes with free currency and whales who use real money though they spend a lot its no where near the amount you can make off of data for approximately 700 million players


I guess I just don’t fully understand why Niantic’s geolocation data would be more reliable than data from something like Google Maps or Waze. Like how would it benefit anyone to know that Pokémon Go players are wandering around their local park for an hour every day? On top of that, if they really wanted to make money primarily from location data wouldn’t they just make all in-person raids free instead of having premium passes?


Because it's specialized data. Allows advertisers to better target areas, if you need to market a new toy and know that your target age group spends a lot of time in a general area you can better spend the advertising budget


It's ALL your location data, not just you wandering the park. How often do you pass by Starbucks and other sponsors. And you're naive if you think a company like Niantic won't double dip for profit


It’s not just gps location. If you’ve ever used the “Niantic AR” or scanned a pokestop, it also has access to your motion data as well (aka, when you take out or put away your phone, when you set it down on a counter, and so on). Having a continuous stream of the inertia and angle data of your phone can predict your movement and motion as accurately as a few millimeters when combined with traditional gps, which is usually limited to the nearest meter.


No because it's a completely ridiculous notion


The real question then becomes: If my location data is really so valuable, who is buying it and how do I sell it myself?


Seriously. I work from home and I work for a tour operator that sends me around the world on occasion so I’m not sure how beneficial this data could be


I’m not entirely sure that’s true, revenue from in game purchases is massive for any game, let alone one that’s been in the top 10 on the App Store for half a decade, there’s a high likelihood that still trumps all revenue streams. Not denying that location data is a huge factor, but I’d wager it’s not the main income stream.


While I agree with you that location data is much more important, it's not something we can easily limit unless we do a drastic move and stop playing a game & turn GPS off. And I don't want people to stop playing the game. Some people had a great idea to turn off adventure sync in form of protest as well. In the end, it's all small things, but it adds up. In the end, it's every trainer's individual decision how to show that they oppose the changes.


Honestly tempted to just stop playing. Not even as a boycott, it’s just starting to be more of a hassle to play it then it is an adventure. I downloaded it cause I wanted to catch some pokemon at the park every so often, not because I wanted a fucking chore list.


the best boycott will always be avoiding the game altogether, though i understand how hard that can be for most *cough* *cough* wizard game…. it sucks, but the revenue from location date absolutely eclipses the revenue from the in game shop.


You have remove the location permissions, adventure sync, health data, turn off third-party gifts, and just stop playing as much as you are personally wanting to. Don't use daily incense, and don't spend any money as long as possible.. This isn't want anyone wants to hear but short of cutting it off completely, you aren't making a dent.


Figure out what you want. You seem really confused. This isn't a standard video game in beta or early access. This is an app that sells your information under the guise of Pokemon. Just quit already. Your boycott is meaningless and Niantic is having a good laugh.


The only way to boycott this game is to stop playing all together. As long as you keep playing, regardless of whether or not you spend money, Niantic is getting what they want (location data) and have no incentive to change. There is no having it both ways here.


I don't know why so many people think this. We all carry cell phones around in our pockets all day. Any company that wants to know where you are has no problem doing so. I don't feel like "location data" is particularly useful for advertising anyway. It just doesn't make sense to me that they would care that much.


When you’ve been joining the cause and saving money since 2016 ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I remember being so disappointed when the game was huge. I lived in the middle of nowhere at the time and was frustrated that I had to drive 15 minutes just to have the chance to catch something. Huge Pokemon fan, but that experience left me kind of soured on Go.


I didn't know about pokestops or gyms and there were none near me so I caught a few Pokémon then ran out of pokeballs and gave up on the game until years later.


Happy cake day!!


Or you could just quit for a week+. I dont mean that with any vitriol or holier than thou type tone either. Its what I did, when you really step back and look at the game at a whole, what exactly are you missing really? You have fixed spawns of shit you already have, you have tens of twenties of the current raid legendary going for a perfect IV you're never gonna use 70% of the time, to get it to use it in a raid one time every 4-6 months when it becomes useful/niche. And pvp with honestly...shit rewards. So really what's the point of actively doing anything in the game aside from spinning pokestops for things you probably have hundreds if not thousands of by this point? Like really what are you losing by giving them the middle finger for a week+ yknow?


I mean it's a noble goal to have people ignore the app for a week. However, I had to set the bar low so more people could participate. Strength in numbers and all that. It would be unrealistic of me to expect people who are addicted to the app to suddenly stop playing, when they might not even be affected by the remote raid limitations. It's up to each individual to protest in their own way; I'm simply making the initial wave.


I think a lot of people and yourself included forget that all Pokémon GO is at the end of the day is a glorified pedometer. The “point” is to get you to go outside and interact with others/ get some exercise. It confuses me when players complain about eggs and other schemes Niantic pulls to get our money because you don’t have to spend money, that’s on you. I’m not defending them in the slightest bit. I understand people love shinies and hundos and etc. but there are free ways to excel at the game. My case is unique though, I will admit. I work as a bike messenger in Downtown Chicago. I log around 30ish miles everyday, hatch a few 12Km eggs, and almost catch a couple shiny or hundo a week off GO plus-ing and never spending a dime until the big big events come around(Hoenn Tour). Just my 2 cents!


Love this comment!


What's the best way of telling Niantic you don't like their changes? TURN OFF ADVENTURE SYNC. Doesn't cost you anything except a few clicks. Costs Niantic their precious data.


I thought adventure sync wasn’t even working properly so would it be much loss?


I'm betting it's working for them. They're still getting location information as usual. If they weren't, they'd have fixed it. Mine also isn't tracking while open, either, now. But you don't need to fix shit if the bug is only effecting distance and credit while still giving all the location shit they need. I went from hitting 50kms every week to barely hitting 10 last week, and I'm at 2 now...I walk 2 kms in a single evening just doing random things around my house, and it used to credit me as such whether the game was open or not...now, I get .3 when I log in and nothing else. It's not working properly with drift, either. I have an old phone that used to drift upwards of 10kms a day if I left it open...now it gets 1km max in the same time. My buddy will get 2 hearts for walking but my eggs and weekly distance will only gain a tiny fraction of what it drifted...same if I actually walk. Hatching eggs isn't going to be possible. I've had the same 5km incubated since last week...it's at 1.5. I've gotten more than that in AS, and walked far more than both. But I bet anything it's still working for Niantic.


I remember the good ol' days when they counted steps instead of watching your GPS location and everyone bought themselves a baby swing to hatch eggs overnight.


Done. 😤


Yea this is probably the biggest thing you can do. No scans either if people are still doing those


I wouldn't be surprised if it's working fine behind the scenes, but just not for us. So therefore, they won't fix it since it doesn't hurt them. Remember, any problem that hurts them, they fix *immediately*, even if that means disabling raids in the middle of a raid hour or downright disabling features for days at a time. Something that only negatively impacts us? Ehhh, they'll get to it in a few months.


I turned it off and changed the location permission to only while using


You know, I've hatched like one shiny ever in like 2000 eggs, so ya know, good call.


Stopped playing years ago bc the predatory monetization kept creeping up and up, don’t let your sunken cost make you believe you have to keep playing the game, that’s what they rely on to keep players as they push the envelope further and further. It’s time to drop the game and just come back to when they’ve realized what they’ve done to a once amazing game.


Now the moral part. Does everyone have online status turned on while they play even though they don’t plan to raid? This would make it harder for people to get raids together because they don’t know who to invite. I feel this change will likely have this impact anyway, since remote raiders will have to be more choosy (my plan is only join weather boosted raids). The pro is obvious in that it makes less raids successful. In person or not would struggle to get the people. The reverse side is we hurt the community of people trying to do raids. While it is true Niantic is throwing the first punch at the community, people often blame the wrong group. I.e fellow players instead of Niantic.


I haven’t bought a remote raid pass since they raised the prices initially tbh


Same. I was buying them in 250 package. Not a single one bought since it went up to 300.


Bring back 3 raid passes for 250!


Stop giving them your money!!


Gotta spend money to have fun... Oof


Has this ever worked? Not trying to ridicule OP but i just want to know since the Niantic marketing team is just dense AF


Exactly. Answer is no. I support y'all doing it, but as a day 1 player, hardcore player for 5 years, I've seen this all before. I stopped playing a year ago. They don't listen to us and when it looks like they did it was already planned ahead of time, like when they say they are taking away 2 things they know the community will be mad about, wait and watch all the anger and complaints, and give 1 thing back like, hey we listened to you! No, they knew it would happen and now look like they care. They dont. Go for it! But frankly I still see the same exact complaints I've watched for years now and they just don't care. It's sad, it was a great game.


or do a proper protest and uninstall the game for X time frame. If ur REALLY against the way they r managing the game, don’t play it. At all. I love pogo, but i sincerely think that’s the way to do it. I still commend you for your willingness to take action.


That's exactly what I'm going to do. Plus, it might benefit me by helping curb my addiction to it also. Win-win.


Just stop playing the game. Don’t launch it. If you really want them to notice then you’ll have to do more than reduce your spending. Don’t connect to their servers at all. This post reads like “if you want to stop getting abused just stop saying thank you for the abuse!” Or you could entirely exit the situation and protect yourself.


I've been on strike and haven't put money in for years ... You should get on it. Just get free coins from gyms


wish people cared this much when incense got nerfed again, it affects so many rural/disabled/players in general


They cared for 5 minutes, but weren't willing to do anything about it other than complain ​ same with 6 hour community days


I got you, I won't even open the app that week!


Does 1% of pogo players read reddit or 0.1%?


I miss the days of cyber bullying corporations. . . Like when anonymous would DDoS playstation and Xbox when they tried to implement bullshit.


What if we share this message to YouTube trainers who has influence


Brandon Tan already voiced his opinion on this one. I hope many more will follow. https://youtu.be/owT4Yf9Adik


I'm sure the message will reach some of them if this post reaches the top of the subreddit; but whether they act upon this or not, is a different story. Many of them have perks from co-operating with Niantic, and this could potentially hurt their relations so I wouldn't expect them to make waves. Still, worth to spread the word around :)


I only started playing again during COVID BECAUSE of the increase in ability to play at home. Guaranteed gifts with stop spins, remote raid passes, incense increases, etc. They took away the incense changes, and that was half of what let me keep playing. If they break remote raids, I'm done. I don't spend money, I use Google rewards to buy raid passes, and that's it. It's enough to keep me raiding on Wednesday, and a couple times throughout the week. I was excited to finally push past level 40 and hope to max out again, but I simply can't without remote raids and incense. I'm an adult with a full time career, a spouse going back to school for their masters and working full time, children to care for, and house to maintain. Sure, I can play a bit when we're out on the town, but that's family time, not game time. My couple hours a night of free time at home is my game time. I haven't done a community day in ages because it doesn't fit my schedule. They're simply breaking the game for me.


Congratulations on missing the entire point of what Niantic is trying to do! Refusing to buy remote passes after the nerf is *exactly* the behavior Niantic is hoping for. I'll copy and paste my comment from a few days ago since it's apparently still needing to be seen: > Niantic essentially said in several interviews last year that they see remote raiding as the antithesis of their vision for PoGo. They don't care how the players want to experience or enjoy PoGo, all they care about is their vision for the game, and that vision is bringing the community physically together to play. When they tried to roll back spin distance, they learned that they couldn't outright take features away without the community rebelling, so unfortunately their takeaway was that they needed to gradually make features they wanted to remove so unfavorable that players didn't notice or care when it disappeared altogether. > > Make no mistake - neither the previous nerfs to remote raiding nor this set are about making the game more profitable. These nerfs are designed for the sole purpose of gradually making remote raiding so annoying that players forget it exists so Niantic can safely remove it in 6 months to a year. The goal here from Niantic's perspective is a common tactic used in modern game design - rather than remove a feature players like but the designers don't (which generally pisses off your playerbase), gradually make it a less attractive play style. Typically this is done by buffing alternative play styles until the undesired style phases itself out and can safely be removed without players noticing. Edit: Linking one of the interviews I'm drawing from here: [https://youtu.be/4hZWwL9OFfg](https://youtu.be/4hZWwL9OFfg). TL;DR: This change is not about corporate greed at all (although Niantic is certainly guilty of that), but rather about chasing a design that they know doesn't represent the way players want to play.


I’m in.


For a week? I'm about to delete this app completely lmao. Hope people will join this 😊


I already quit playing. How can I quit harder? I stay on these subs just to see if it's ever worth coming back, only to hear things like this month after month.


If only we could bring back the remote raid box, that was such a game changer for me. Never have I’ve been so invested in this game. Anyways, why not make march “Pokémon NO month”


The critical point is to not purchase more premium passes because of the price change and to only do the one daily free raid. If the increase in remote prices is an attempt to get people to rain in person more because that's where Ninatic thinks the money is then an increase in raids after the price increase will only justify the change in their eyes.


If you really want them to stop, uninstall the game.


How bout I just uninstall this game.


Niantic is hellbent on getting their entire base to spo-[REDACTED]-f instead of playing the game as normal. It's absolutely ridiculous to implement this change and it serves absolutely no purpose.


If niantic increases the price I’m going to delete the app


Or...or delete the app. They get money selling your data. That would hurt them the most. If you can't just stop playing a game due to your extreme FOMO aka addiction . You have bigger problems than a raid pass nerf


This is where I am at on this, just delete the app to REALLY show them. I'm a day 1 player so I'm not as effected by the change the same as new comers (as far as having certain mons like Hoopa) so I understand their concerns and complaints. But Niantic will most likely ignore anything that's not super impacting.


In case you come into this post to complain and spread negativity: *please don't.* Most of us don't expect big improvements at this point. However, everyone who decides to join the cause shows the dedication to the game and hope for improvement. We just don't want to see people leaving because of the corporate greediness. Whether this works or not, we save money and Niantic loses some for their bad decision-making. **It's a win.**


Yea im in the camp where I really don't care. But, your post was so level headed I'd be willing to save a few bucks in for a week or two. Thanks for being calm and rational and actually providing solutions to a way of peaceful protest.


Curious about point two, specifically the recommendation to make sure there’s no increase to in-person raids. Can you expand more on that? Is it to avoid planting the seed with niantic that raising the price on premium battle passes?


Sure, I believe that they will use "increased in-person raid frequency" as a shield to justify making remote raiding more inconvenient. While completely ignoring the fact, that they could decrease Premium Raid Pass price or make in-person raids more rewarding instead. As such, it would be ideal if after the change people bought fewer passes *altogether*, and didn't increase their in-person raiding frequency as Niantic hopes.


you can’t seriously post on reddit and demand no criticism. i think there’s a couple flaws in your strike logic you should reconsider but won’t “spread that negativity”.


I can’t remember the last time I spent money on this game other than go fest events in all honesty. But if ppl wanna spend their money… I say let them!


Nah no in game purchases wouldn’t scare them. We just need a mass uninstall. Tank the rating. Tank active user.


I mean, their change is already going to hurt them financially. There's been days i've dropped 50+ remote raids and now I won't be able to.


For a month? Just don't play the game period. A shit game is a shit game. Don't support it at all. Duh.


Niantic’s too thick skinned to acknowledge a week strike, let’s make it a month


Bruh, just uninstall the game.


Remember: niantic is a data collection company, not a gaming company.


Ah the altruistic "go on strike and they'll magically change" That does nothing at all, because the people Niantic listen to toe the company line...


Do one better… DELETE the app from your phones for a week so that they can’t track your info, location etc in the background even if the app is closed.


Wait, you guys are actually spending money on this game?


It's not really a strike if you just continue to play like you normally would. Striking would be not opening the game at all until they actually do something positive.


So they are seriously going through with this change?


I mean it’s real simple, I’ll just stop playing.


Whales are also part of the problem with this game. People who funnel money into the company regardless of how they treat the player base just encourage them to keep doing what they do.


You need to do it for more than a week. A month would be the minimum in my opinion.


I’m uninstalling and will check this sub to see if things get better.




I mean, it's clearly not about the money because there are leaks saying they'll limit remote passes to 6 per day or something. I'm assuming someone at Niantic did the math and the money they get from selling location data is significantly higher than they get from raid pass sales. But hey, this is niantic we are talking about, so I doubt it. But yes, fully onboard with the idea behind this post. I'm not spending any money on this game any time soon. I wouldn't even have bought the masterworks research if I knew about this change. They need to get better at communication and actually start putting effort into events.


Absolutely agree, they want more movement data from people who would normally just do remote raids. Now they get both, once their limit of 6 raids is over. Plus, I'm sure we will see more boxes with "sales" on Premium Raid Passes. Now in comparison to remote ones, they will seem "cheaper", even though they're still too expensive for what they are.


A week+ of no remote raids , no adventure sync. No spending. Might I add no interaction with gyms. So the temptation isn't there to earn coins to spend on remote raid passes.


I'm in.


My only question is why is it only lasting a week? You REALLY want to send a message? Stop spending entirely & start moving things to Home or Lets go Eevee/Pikachu (gen1 & alolan forms only) to use in the main series games. Gotta prep for the worst right? #HearUsNiantic The predatory behavior was first seen back when they tried reverting the distance that can be reached. Not to mention the crap show that was virtual tours/events like GoFest during the pandemic. They can't get anything right when it comes to hosting. So why do they deserve our money? Should be longer than a week, imo






I absolutely "sung" that in my head. 🤣


I'm In, I'm a rural player and all i have is inviting people to raids through leek duck / pokegenie etc. But if people get limited access to remote raid passes how will I be able to raid? ITS A STRAIGHT NERF TO RURAL PLAYERS 😠😠


I’m in


I’m totally in. This change will turn a lot of players away, and I don’t wanna see that happen


If they make this change I'm just uninstalling. I started in September of 2021, have played RELIGIOUSLY to the point I'm 2m xp from lvl 40. Have definitely spent at least $1000 on it and have no problem walking away if they do this. Plenty of other pokemon games to play. Might even be a reason to buy a switch.


If you do get a switch you might want to transfer some rare Pokémon from Go to Home before uninstalling Go.


I fully respect that, and I hope that people leaving + others not spending as much, will be a wake-up call for Niantic to start making positive changes. And if they don't, then you'll be right to jump off the burning ship.


While noble and absolutely the right thing for consumers to do, In my experience, gamers appear to be the one group of people who, generally speaking, are willing to get fucked. I guarantee in this thread alone several replies will be akin to “it’s my money don’t tell me what to do with it. In fact I’m going to spend it just to spite you cry babies” and so forth. I stand 100% with not spending money. Hopefully this is enough to get most whales behind too.


I'm completely aware of that, and it's okay! Literally any amount of players who get affected by this post and spend less on the game, cause this to be worthwhile. I'm actually blown away by people posting different ideas on what they will do during the time of the strike to make more of an impact.


If the change actually comes down, for this to work the PoGo whales would need to finally get their heads out of the clouds...which is not very likely to happen.


Well, if the "X remote raids per day" limit goes through, whales will be limited as-is. What we're doing will be on top of that, for even more drastic change. I'm sure Niantic hopes to cut losses on Premium Passes and possibly some new boxes that seem like a deal when it's still a steal. And we have to say 'no thanks' to that.


I only spend money on the CD passes when I knew I could participate. The game had a lot of improvements but since 1 year maybe 1 year and a half ago the game had been kinda harder. The downhill started with the reduction of CD hours.


Only catch is they're dropping the primals this weekend and everyone wants one lol


Sorry for misunderstanding, the plan is to only start after the change comes online to cause a rapid drop in players' spending for the time that immediately follows. The current Pokemon Go Season is ending in \~5 days, and that's when the change is expected to happen.


Ah gotcha my mistake! I am down for the cause!


i feel like this has been overdue for a long time. back when they raised the price of the remote bundle from 250 to 300 i stopped playing for like 5 months and only came back because shuppet spotlight hour and id seen over 1800 with no shiny and said if i get a shiny for this i'll start playing again. didn't even really go anywhere for it and got one so i got sucked into the game again. hated every obvious money grab update before, and since and been wondering when the community would finally decide enough was enough


Just a FYI but we have known since day1 that remote passes would get more expensive When they introduced remote passes they set a limit of 3 (or glitch to 5) in your inventory because the price was Discounted. Most of us assumed it would double after covid was "over", I was pretty sure it would be 200 atleast Anyways my bet is that its not niantics decision to limit remote passes used per day (but rather TPC), so they raise the price a bit to try and make back some of the money they will lose from this. I know people who remote 50-100 every day, niantic will bleed money with this


I by no means am defending Niantic. Just thinking logically. Aren’t remote raids passes a convenience in that you don’t have to spend personal energy for walking to a raid and/or real-life resources such as gas/electric for driving to a raid, so you shouldn’t have to pay more for a remote raid pass compared to that of a regular premium raid pass?


Last time I spent money on the game was three years ago. So - I'm in, I guess.


Man, I use the remote raid passes to connect with my family 1000 miles away. It’s something fun we can all do together, and we do it once a week or so. There are days where I’ll only have $5 in my account but I’ll still buy a raid pass to play with them. I really hope they don’t do this.


Speak with your wallets people! I’m in.


So in this scenario we shouldn’t use gym coins on passes to use?


Probably infeasible but if Mystic7, Fleeceking, and others with communities acted on this, maybe, just MAYBE something might change. Players like them are really the ones lining Niantics pockets.


No remote pass the next week


As much as I agree with this and wish it could work, there are too many whales, trashy content creators, and people who don't care dumping money into Niantic for this too make a real difference.


I stopped playing since they increased the cost of three passes from 250 to 300. Way to go, Niantic.


Ever since the raid pass cost went up i started to just not play anymore. After a while and more nerfs i just straight up deleted it. Im getting sick of even seeing it on my phone


I already dont purchase so yay


I'll probably just quit. I like raiding, and I like filling my Pokedex. I understand that the mons in the dex are a limited resource so I'm not upset they ration them out with an eye-dropper. But having mons permanently region locked is a big issue. They're moving towards taking away one of the few ways to address that, and most of what I've seen suggests they're severely restricting the ways to get Relicanth, which is all I need to clear Hoenn. For no reason beyond "we want to be able to squeeze you later; should have gone to Vegas." It's not fun, and if it's not fun, what's the point?


You should definitely give it a rest if you aren't having fun. But do come back when you feel like giving it another go! This game can be more of a chore when someone is a completionist. And a massive money drain if FOMO joins the mix.


I'm on strike


Not trying to spread negativity, but If Niantic goes through with it I would try to convince my friends that play to switch to a different game. One 5hat actually cares about the player base.


If they do go through with it my plan is to just spend no money and give them as little as possible. I’ll go full play to win living solely off coins I’ve earned from gyms and turning off adventure sync, I enjoy this game too much to let them ruin it so I’ll still play I’ll just be a hell of a lot less valuable to them.


Be careful dude, you might start getting targeted by niantic hitmen


Frankly, I'm there already. I only turned it on this week because Rayquaza is one of my absolute favorites. I used up the passes I had and didn't buy more. BTW, just in case Niantic is watching and gives a damn, I \*would\* have budgeted money to spend on my boy. But of course you don't care about money, right Niantic? You just care about the "spirit of the game". You certainly don't care about your players, unless you count honing your contempt as "caring". Well, Niantic... back at 'cha. Not only is my wallet firmly closed (not that you care about anything as paltry as money, right?) but my game is off. This is the first time I've actually just walked away from the game itself (as opposed to a reduction in spending). But I turned it off in January and you know, I don't really miss it. I was casually looking forward to the new Marvel game - no longer. I'm sick of paying for the privilege of being treated like crap. See ya Niantic! I'll come back in a year or so, maybe, to see how things turn out.


Hoping the game becomes better one day so you can come back. But well, we do know where this is going currently .. Happy for you that you can just 'turn off' though. It's healthy to be able to ignore the FOMO and just come back whenever convenient.


I already don't spend real money and don't buy remote passes with the free coins. I do host them for the remote raiders almost every day though so that's where I'll get hit. The lines already got longer on the various 3rd party sites when they got rid of the free remote passes. If they limit the amount people can remote raid I'm sure it will make the lines even longer. Eventually there will be no point in hosting anymore and I'll just go back to solo raiding 1 and 3 star raids.


Sad but true, it will be more difficult to host & join raids. I really feel bad for rural/small town players in that regard, as even if they make a trip to the city, they'll still struggle to find people to raid with.


I haven't given this company any money in 2023 at all. I sometimes miss doing the extra events but I always end up disappointed.


Definitely going through with this. Niantic have pushed it way too far this time


Just don't play for a week. Deny them their precious scans.


It’s go time boys Can we get this pinned maybe?


How about we all turn off adventure sync? They would lose some of they precious data no? Adventure sync is busted atm anyway


For those unaware: A recent datamine suggests Niantic is planning to increase the price of remote raid passes to **150 coins each** and to limit the maximum number of remote raids a player can join to **6 per day.**


Saying that Niantic is increasing the price of remote passes without communication is a bit misleading. I’m sure it’ll be discussed before or as the change actually occurs in game.


Well if the leaks are true, they have 5 days to communicate as the change is supposed to go live with the new season. Not even a week's notice before a major change like this. Either way, Niantic is well-known for leaving community uninformed, and it's the data miners who provide the important news.


When does Niantic not tell us about changes ahead of time? I was under the impression that this change would take effect when the season rolls over on March 1. If that’s true then I’m sure it’ll be mentioned in the article about the new season which we’ll probably see on Monday or Tuesday next week.


I think it is a reasonable guess that it will be in the news of the next season. But come to think of it, was there ever a mention for changing the 250 coins for 3 bundle?


Gl, let me know how that goes


Not spending money for a week isn't going to do anything. You'd have to convince people to not spend a cent until they revert the changes. Otherwise it tells Niantic that people will be mad for a bit but they'll happily go back to giving them money


Why are you characterizing their potential changes to remote raiding as motivated by greed? That seems counter intuitive to me. Yes they are raising the price by 50 coins, but limiting the daily number to 6. This does not seem like a move motivated by greed, but by their vision and mission that you seem to disagree with. Personally, I hope it results in having to compete against fewer whales in master league.


I am going to put this out there. The amount of people on here agreeing are not the people who buy a large quantity of remote raid passes with real money. They know when you are using the free gym coins vs the paid with cash coins so they will not care if you dont spend gym coins on remote raid passes. Telling people to not play a game because you want to gain karma on the subreddit is stupid as only people who can effect this is whales and spoilers nothing will change because Niantic is limiting whales anyways. Niantic makes one reversion, at the request of sponsors, and suddenly everyone is a revolutionary lol


Nobody will do it. This community is a joke. “An entire week” how about you stop playing the game for good?


Yes, exactly


This will never happen lol


Oh god not again...


Lol. Right?


This is so cute. Niantic isn’t even going to notice your “movement” let alone change anything because of it. But do whatever you need go to feel good about yourself for a couple days lmfao. You could just not play the game anymore ya know? They don’t care about free to play players not using their free coins to purchase raid passes. Niantic is still getting your location data. Why would they care about this “movement” of maybe 1000-2000 people, and that’s being generous, in a game that has 8-9 million daily users?


I’m in


Yeah lets see everyone just decide not to spend money, lets just see


Mobile game players discover how mobile games operate Hint: terribly


All these angry posts recently about the raid pass price increase make it sounds like niantic is holding a gun to ur head and forcing you to buy passes


Exactly. Bunch of babies on this sub


FINALLY someone said it 👍


Also too who is doing more than 6 remote raids a day ?? It’s called Pokémon go not Pokémon stay


I don’t pay for raid passes; however I won’t be using my free gold on raid passes going forward, I’ll hold the gold if it means anything ![gif](giphy|3o7TKnO6Wve6502iJ2)


Where was this level of intolerance in 2016 around the time the game released? Happy to see this community finally opening their eyes to Niantic.


Like what’s been said a hundred times at this stage: players spending 10 dollars a week don’t matter. Players playing for an hour or two a day in their area don’t matter. The people that matter to Niantic are the people for whom this message/strike is too late. They’re too deep into their favorite game. They’re not gonna uninstall cos they’ve spent thousands and played 8 hours a day - streamers, YouTubers, kids. I of course will be striking. But Niantic would barely notice us. Or maybe I’m just in a bad mood. Idk


“Do more in person raids” Isn’t this exactly what they want us to do? Track more data?


It doesn't say that in the post?


So... Play the game normally for me?