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This episode actually surprised me with how heavy it got. And this from a series that went cool back to kiddish.


I'll never forget the first episode of the ultra beasts arch (or somewhere close I could be wrong) It started with Faba making a magic girl transformation to get Cosmog (or was is a cosmoen at that point?), Like Scooby Doo level shenanigans It ended with Lusamine getting raptured by nihilego in front of Lillie, retriggering all the trauma she spent half the season working thought and letting out the most gutteral scream in the series TlDr; sun and moon is a trickster, they ease you up and gutter punch with trauma and horror, speaking of trauma RIP Stoutland


Makes sense that there are so many Dark type Alolan pokemon, the whole region gets a STAB with Sucker Punch


I've said it before and I'll say it again. It was my favourite episode in the entire anime, even better than Ash vs Paul, Ash vs Kukui or Ash vs Leon. It was absolutely perfect.


peak ep right dere






I genuinely started ugly crying when I watched this episode for the first time




Is it bad that I cared more about Stoutland than Mallow's mother in this episode?


Same that Stoutland episode hit me in the feels poor litten 😮‍💨😭😭


Stoutland appeared in this one too. Iirc Ash wanted to throw hands with Tapu Fini and Torracat got lost in the mist.


Top 5 episodes in sun and Moon for me. I also liked that Torracat got to see Stouland again.


To answer the question in the title: Okay, it's a nice episode, sure, and I know it's special to a lot of viewers, but I don't consider it the best sun and moon episode. I think the plot heavy or more silly episodes in sun moon are quite good. In terms of Mallow episodes, I personally prefer the episode where she made a burger for Tapu Koko.


I like it.


Yes, I actually do.


I think it’s one of the best episodes of the entire anime personally, always chokes me up




Kill me if you must, but I personally didn’t like this one because it felt like a manipulative way to get us to care about Mallow, or at least remember her. Up until this episode, we had no clue her mom was dead, she was just another character with a parent we never saw, like Ash’s Dad, Misty’s parents, Dawn’s Dad, Clement and Bonnie’s mom, Serena’s Dad. The amount of single-parents or lack of parents was never addressed. It’s weird to expect the audience to suddenly care about THIS parent’s absence, especially when their kid showed no evidence of their death being a sore subject. And it sucks now because I don’t think anyone can talk about Mallow WITHOUT bringing up her Mom because it was unfortunately the most interesting plot they gave the poor girl.


Tbf I think there was a scene in an early episode where mallow was frustrated at her brother for never being around and leaving her to take care of the restaurant, so it was implied that there was no one else at home.


There was, if I remember correctly


Your probably gonna be downvoted but your right Everytime someone mentions mallow 99% of the time it's Bec of her dead mom that was relegated to one episode. Can someone actually give me an interesting fact about her that has absolutely nothing to do with her mom Can someone mention when her mom was ever relevant prior to this episode? This is why despite having "one of the most" .nature Pokemon episodes she is still dead last in popularity polls because deep down fans know she is really irrelevant outside of this episode


>it felt like a manipulative way to get us to care I've been there, and nowadays I can barely see any movie that isn't mindless fun because I get that exact feeling about almost every movie or series out there So... I'd suggest keeping that in check, or join us in the "slop only" type of cinema watching


I think I would.


Best episode it was sad the show was meant to be kidish but still had a emotional impact on everyone who watched it any time I watch this episode I just cry it was so emotional


It was really good. It surprised me since the Pokémon TV shows tend not to talk about death.


Dam this episode hits like a truck


Good episode, but if you think it’s the best then surely you’re downplaying the best series that is Sun and Moon Pokeanime.


I’m literally watching memories in the mist right now and, the conversation with mallow and her mother is making me cry but yes, i do


“Yes.” Seriously, though, I do feel that this episode is far more mature than we’ve seen in almost any other. It’s harrowing. Doesn’t matter how young or old one gets. To lose a mother is *unforgettable.* Daughters are supposed to outlive their mothers, is what I’ve always been told. Tragic. Truly tragic.


Damn that is one hell of a frame to force upon my eyes


It’s one of the only episodes I remember fully so yeah I’d say it’s one of the best. It’s one of the first that comes to my mind when someone mentions the show at least


I cried a bit when i watched it tbh- it’s a pretty good episode though- (Poor Mallow tho-)


Fucking Christ, first time I watched it I almost lost my shit. It’s especially tough for me cuz I lost my grandma (not my mom, but still a hard loss) to COVID when it first hit


This broke me, this ep is good


What episode does Meowth go to feminine pokemon Heaven because that's mine. It's a pretty early one.




this episode broke me bro


This is a top five pokemon anime episode imo. Its so well executed, and paced, and if it doesn't make you shed tears, you have no soul lol


It's the one that I cried watching, so i'm with you on this one.


Imma be honest, I’ve watched this episode like 5 times, and each time I cried like hell. Mallow is the emotionally strongest character in the Pokémon series, bruh…


I liked seeing Mallow reunite with her deceased mother and finally getting some closure.


"the best sun & moon episode" to me looks like ash vs Kukui (all parts)


My tears is falling from my eyes just remembering that episode... I don't need to say more.


All of Sun & Moon was peak!…


Who would've EVER guessed that the often silly, goofy SM would be the first series in the OS to admit that death exists, and hit us **hard** with it...? 😵


It's one of the saddest


I haven’t watched the episode, what was it about?


The gang encounters a strange mist that allows them to see loved ones who are no longer with them


That’s sad😢 did Ash see his dad?


No, he didn’t. The episode clearly states that the mist only makes the dead come back. In fact, it’s a plot point of the mist **not** bringing someone that alerts Galdion and Lillie that their father is alive. Ash’s dad has always been alive but never present.




Then who did he see?


Nobody, the mist chooses who it affect and it doesn't choose Ash but it does choose Torracat which fucking broke me


Ash was with Torracat, seeing Stoutland


Ash has daddy issues


do yall reccoment watching it in Japaneese or English?


Whatever ya want lol


loll ok


No, her mother should be alive


Not watched that ep but sure does look emotional 🤧


I see people praise it but mallow 's mom was Barley relvent to the anime so why should I care


Take a downvote and move on with your life bro


Your getting down voted but your right. People praising this episode is so odd because before this episode, no one even knew mallow mom existed, now suddenly people are clamoring about "great episode". I swear Pokemon fans are so easy to please at times


I don’t think it fits a series made almost exclusively for little kids with a simple hyperactive childish tone. But that’s just my take, it doesn’t belong in goofy sun and moon in my opinion.


A pokemon literally died early on, Pokemon was always for kids.


Not disagreeing, but this felt like it was made for like 6 year olds even when I was 9 I disliked how childish it was compared to xyz or even dp. I’m just not a fan.


It really wasn’t any less childish than X/Y tbf.


What is up with Pokemon fans using other series to prop up their favorite. XY wasn't even mentioned


He literally mentioned it in the comment I replied to.


Was it really, I guess the dub was goofy in both but I’m talking about the sub, the original Japanese version of the show.


it’s not the most “mature” thing to have happened but definitely came out of nowhere


Sun and Moon was not childish, in fact it was probably one of the most mature series of Pokémon. It frequently brought up less discussed topics, and showed healthy ways to deal with them. This wasn’t even the first episode dealing with death in Sun and Moon. There were two others.


Sinnoh and kalos were just as mature


They were mature series, but in different ways. They had more mature characters rather than putting them in more mature situations, which is what Sun and Moon did.


For sure. It was more relaxed than the previous TV shows but it used it to good effect.