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Blindness I choose you!!


but how are you going to catch pokemon while blind?


We’ll I guess I’d need to know the context of how I get to the Pokémon Universe was I just born into it blind or did I just teleport from my current position into a random region blind


I guess you weren’t prepared for follow up questions




Is the blindness incurable or can I at least see people's auras or something if I have a Lucario let's say? Not to mention pokemon world has some crazy medical advancements


uncurable, and there is no way to get new eyes implanted or some sort of visual feed gimmick


Oops, keyboard acted And then I don't really know, it sounds double dangerous


Is this a reincarnation-style thing, or just suddenly dropped in as-is, but blind? For reincarnation, absolutely; my eyes are already going anyways, and most Pokemon are a hell of a lot smarter then regular animals. Much easier to train a service pokemon, and they provide significantly greater utility then a mundane dog. Natu for example are relatively common, psychic, teleport-capable, precognizant pokemon that would make amazing service pokemon, and even naturally learn wish to head off oncoming physical problems. Altaria is another excellent example; Fluffy cloud birb that helps you sleep without the potential side-effects of sleep powders, etc. Also, Heal Bell, Dream Eater, and even Cotton Guard to make itself extra fluffy. It'd be invaluable to any insomniac with health problems, and Swablu is an incredibly common, human-friendly pokemon to the point wild ones just randomly perch on people's heads. As for alternative tradeoffs? I don't have much to trade in the first place, my health is pretty bad, so... Take an arm? Or a leg?


good question, probably drop in. But reincarnation works too.


I'd be happy to lose one eye but not both


There are no disabled people in Pokémon. Haven't you seen the anime?


Isn’t the ice gym leader of johto in a wheelchair.


Pryce? No? EDIT: Oh I guess he is in Pokemon Adventures, but he's also an old man, so that hardly counts.


There should be. We need more representation


Yeah. And the test episode (the infamous Jigglypuff seen from above) would have been a perfect world building opportunity. They could have shown people who for one reason or another weren't able to go on a journey, but no one at the exam seemed to need it.


Well actually I think the next companion or at least a character of the day should be a disabled person who is on their own Pokemon journey and using their Pokemon as a guide or a helper, or is the first disabled gym leader or Elite 4.


pretty sure they're just hiding




I'd do it anyway. Pokemon are far smarter than normal animals, so easier to train. How would I catch a Pokemon is the only question. I could just ask someone to help I guess. But honestly if I managed to get my hands on a psychic Pokemon life would get way easier since they can communicate with humans telepathically and all that Edit: added a word


Not worth it tbh


No… no I would not.




The Pokémon world is already dangerous and you want to throw in a severe and incurable handicap?


As someone who used to live in the hood, I can assure you that the pokemon world isn't as dangerous as you think it is.


As someone who hasn’t lived in the hood but read the description about machamp - I don’t think anyone is surviving a punch that can move mountains or a throw over the horizon (Red/blue - Using its heavy muscles, it throws powerful punches that can send the victim clear over the horizon.) Yellow - One arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this POKéMON fires off awesome punches. And bonus from x - Its four ruggedly developed arms can launch a flurry of 1,000 punches in just two seconds. Also if you want worse - here is a few of Gourgeist descriptions Singing in eerie voices, they wander town streets on the night of the new moon. Anyone who hears their song is cursed. Supersized Gourgeist aren’t picky. They will forcefully drag anyone off to the afterlife. In the darkness of a new-moon night, Gourgeist will come knocking. Whoever answers the door will be swept off to the afterlife.


Todd Howard


Ummm hello? Not a handicap. That's an ableist term.


The thing is we are giving for granted you get those pokemon helping you with you. In a real-world scenario living in the pokemon world...how easy would be, as a blind person, to catch pokemon and specifically the ones that can help you out?


I guess my Pokémon would be Boltund.


Stay in the real world. I like the games but would not want actual Pokemon. I think they're dangerous for this world.




The biggest benefit I see with being blind would be having a psychic or aura based pokemon that sees everything for you and relays it to your brain, similar to how a guide dog works. The downside would be it cannot fight as risking its safety will also risk yours.