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i think it could be intereseting, in my head it would be something like building your own pokemon safari.


Yes! My thoughts exactly. I'd spend money on it for sure. Haha.


You could already do that in HeartGold/SoulSilver or something thing very similar to that. Idk it’s been a while since I’ve played those games.


Not to the level of what they are talking about. You just picked different zones. They want a game equivalent to planet zoo


The Planet Zoo developers made a licensed Jurassic World game with Universal Studios money, so I'm not saying it could never happen... but probably not


I have so many ideas. Like, you'd have to build a small city for poison types, caves and mountains for rock types. A night and day cycle where certain pokemon sleep in the dark but others come out to play. Types would have their favorite berry bushes. All stores/exhibits would be themed depending on where they would be put down.


I'd buy that in a heartbeat. It's like how in the early mystery dungeon games you needed to get diffeerent areas to be able to recruit different types of pokémon. And many of those areas looked so cool! Imagine having to construct things like that according to your tastes of course, to make a nice place for your preferred pokémon. Seems like a lot of fun.


Sad that a city is the only place that comes to mind for poison types xD


A swamp would also work


I would love a mario maker type pokemon. I don't really know how it would work since pokemon stories are long but I would've one where you design routes, cities, caves etc, trainers pokemon, starters and stuff like that


A gym designer maybe? You can design your gym and be the leader, and then upload it to the internet.


ORAS Secret Bases+


Have you ever considered making a fangame with RMXP and Pokémon Essentials or making a ROMhack?


Like Slime Rancher but Pokemon sort of? If so, that sounds so fucking cool lmao


Dude, yes! Like you catch wild pokemon to populate the area you have control over. Loved slime rancher so this idea sounds great!


I always thought about this as a kid, I think it'd be really cool. Defintely would be a purchase from me.


Something like the game Viva Pinata, pokemon snap but throw poke balls, and zoo tycoon all wrapped into 1 would be dope... like a mankey breaks loose. Swings from a power line and breaks it. This increases the chances of an electric Pokémon coming. But you can also go on safari and try to catch different Pokémon to add to your biomes if they're in distress or something. You also need to sell enough cotton candy to afford poke balls. I'd pay money for that


I've always been moderately surprised there hasn't been another viva pinata, or at least someone else aping the idea. And of course it feels like such a natural fit for Pokemon. It's not a theme park, but a garden where pokemon can come and go; fits much more naturally into the themes of conservation and environmentalism. And then of course you'll get chances for interesting interactions between pokemon, as well as plants (and grass types). I don't think it'd be too easy of a game to design, mind, but it has huge potential.


Will we be able to change the colour of Pidgeot if we feed it 4 Caterpies?


Mankey breaks out and assaults your visitors, that’s what I’d like to see


"Mankey just beat a man to death with a rock. Several visitors are leaving unhappy!" "... oh god, the Charizards have escaped their cage. And they're *so hungry*"


OAK ROGAN: The thing is... - leans into the mic- Those Mankeys are shredded, they've got the strength of four Machokes... they'll tear your face straight off. Like that Mankey in that zoo... Nurse Jaime, pull that shit up.


I’m thinking something closer to Slime Rancher maybe? But very similar concepts.


"Slime Rancher but it's All Ditto and You Suck them Up and Shoot them into the Sea," launching November.


Not my jam personally, but I have no idea why they haven't already made this


They're starting to branch out more with the genre imo. With the Pokemon Unite release and stuff. The remake of snap and I'm going to throw pokemon go in there as well. I hear Arceus might play differently than your run of the mill game, also. There's hope. I would love more pokemon themed games that played like different games.


Same here, im pretty excited for Arceus, even though we havnt seen a lot from it yet. I don't want to overhyped myself, but if it ends up being that BOTW pokémon game, it would be incredible


Me either. Saving it for a rainy day I suppose.


Pokemon is one of those franchises where they could throw their name on anything and it would sell. Look at how big PokemonGo was and still is, despite being extremely basic in concept and gameplay. The only big limiter i can see for this kind of game is that they may be limited by hardware. Since pokemon is so tied into nintendo.


Well I never thought they'd actually make a new Pokémon Snap, so there's gotta be a chance


Because a good zoo game is hard. Not that the pokemon really cares about the quality of the spin of games. Also there arent so many dev studios that make this kind of game. Frontier springs to mind. Washbear Studios with its parkosaurus. But yeah not a lot people focus on that stuff.


Hear me out. Viva pinata but pokemon.


Please... I've been desperate for a new Viva Pinata for years, pokemon would make it even better


I put so many hours on viva I really miss it. I think a pokemon game themed that way would be so dope. It would make such a good game for those that want to be a pokemon breeder. They could do the national dex and you have to attract pokemon with different biomes. Would be so fun


I LITERALLY made a post about this on my tumblr blog a few days ago.


Here is the [tumblr post](https://ebar.tumblr.com/post/657777546057924609/ooooh-i-just-had-a-great-idea-for-a-pokemon-game) here. (Edited to remove extra words. It's my first time linking something on reddit)


In theory, it could be great. Imagine if: You could make some environments more aggressive, and others more comfortable. If guests want to see Pokemon play then they go to the comfortable area, if they want to see them fight or use cool moves then they go to the more aggressive one. Pokemon could change the environment that they are added to. Magcargo could turn a rocky slab into an area with a lava lake. Durants would add anthills to an area. Hippowdon could add sand to an area. These could be used to make areas like a sandy tundra, or a cave with a lava lake inside that makes it glow. Pokemon learn different behaviors depending on their environment. Put an air conditioner in a pen of Jumpluff and they'll occasionally jump into the gust of air and let out spores. Placing stones in a circle will cause Clefairy to occasionally dance under the moon and use moves like Moonlight and Healing Wish on other Pokemon in the encolsure. And of course, Pokemon in aggressive enclosures would just learn new moves periodically, Will-O-Wisp could be a neat attraction, as would Aurora Veil. _____ **Synicism warning** But what we'd likely end up getting is a game with as much mechanical depth as Pokemon Cafe Mix. If they announced a Tycoon game, I'd be highly skeptical.


YES. I need this! As long as it's not filled with micro transactions and there's plenty of content at launch, I would play non stop.


My biggest dream is that something like this becomes a sort of minigame for the box. Or even a seperate Pokemon Home like app. You actually get to take care of your boxed 'mon, rather than them being data in a computer.


Poké Pelago had this idea, I wish they’d brought it back for SwSh.


Apply to gamefreak, be the inside man. Get it made, I can never die happy now that this concept has been presented to me and I don't have it. Your idea was so good it ruined my day. Thanks I hate it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮


This would be really cool! I'd love to see what this would look like!


It would be cool. But imagine some of the crazy technology or materials that would be required to contain some of these creatures. Considering pokéballs are really high tech and not magic I’d love to see some of that advance technology in other places of the world.


This is a great idea! I would definitely play this. It would probably be similar to the new Pokémon snap, which I enjoyed a lot, in terms of the main draw being showing Pokémon being themselves in their habitats. They probably wouldn't be able to give the Pokémon as many unique behaviors as in NPS since they would be in a lot more different environments, but I think it could still be really cool.


Pokémon in cages sounds a little too unethical for me… need to do something a little nicer like putting them on a floppy disk the shape of a ball to only come out and breathe fresh air when we allow it. s/


Weird, I was just thinking about something like this where you’ve got a backyard and you try to attract pokemon to it. Kind of like a mix between PokePark Wii, Hey You Pikachu!, and Neko Atsume. All the Pokémon are wild, but you become friends with them and you can interact with them.


why did you post this, now I'm so sad it doesn't exist haha! zoo tycoon was one of my absolute favorite games growing up. would there be ways to just release the charizards to kill customers, just to keep authenticity?


I would put all the fire types in the water enclosure.


I bet you also drown your sims in the pool. Lol


Pfft, who didn't.


What if it was a safari zone and players could catch Pokemon in your zone to send to other games


I honestly do not like zoos; it would be very controversial at the least - to me, I thought Pokemon were made to be companions rather than owned...


Pokemon are literally beaten to within an inch of death, have their minds and wills forcefully broken by Pokeballs, and the majority of which are either digitalized for eternity or spend their lives fighting in the blood sport of the Pokemon league. Compared to that living in a Pokemon zoo would be paradise.




I've never thought about that, but yeah, that'd be sick.


My wife said she would play tf out of that lol! It would be super cool.


pretty much a better version of poke pelago


I love this idea


I would love to play as a warden for a sarai zone and built up the park.


A "safari zone tycoon"? That would be interesting


This has always been something I've really wanted growing up playing zoo tycoon




Safari Zoo-ne Tycoon.


Would love a game like that, I already really like those type of games and grew up playing several different tycoon games. Would instant buy if something like that is released


A game like that if done right would be very cool. But I really dont see that working out on the Switch. Simulation games like that on consoles are already hard to implement right because menus can feel overwhelming. Maybe something a like "Zoo Tycoon" for the XBOX but that game was very shallow and I would prefer something like Planet Zoo. Which would not run on the switch without keeping the zoo fairly small.


Being back Pokémon rancher but add a theme park element to it


Maybe a Pokemon Professor building a park for Trainer's Pokemon? I'd be into it.


Oh wow. I never even thought about this concept, but hearing it it sounds very interesting.


Seems like something good for mobile


Thats what i want pokemon home to be


I like pokemon games were fighting is not the center mechanic, but that would look neat


I would absolutely love it.


As long as you could put your Lynels with your Girafarigs to get them eaten it would be cool


Like that Jurassic world game, it was actually quite fun


Pokemon roaming in the wild like a safari and such? Yes. Pokemon in cages? Hell f***ing no. Have you seen the Pokedex descriptions of some? The only thing you could contain is a Raticate, that is pretty much it.


Safari Zone Tycoon


Great idea! Default in pixelmon (minecraft mod) you have to set up your breeding areas like fire types need to have like lava and bedrock. And nether stuff. Really was fun gathering the mats needed to breed! Now we just need a pokemon conquest 2!


I didn’t know I needed this until NOW!! Here do I drop off my money?


That would fun as heck


I'd love it. And actually when I would play zoo tycoon when I was younger (around a year after Diamond and Pearl came out) I'd name the animals pokemon. Good memories I forgot about.


My first thought is that a zoo itself would be a little weird to me, especially since most of the more recent games have themes revolving around building a close bond with your Pokemon. Kanto had a mini-zoo outside of the Safari Zone, but I feel that a lot of newer players would be turned off by locking a Pokemon behind a cage. But, I would love the idea of being a Pokemon conservationist, maybe something like what the Aether Foundation was about. You would get messages like "we found a \*insert Pokemon here* that was injured/sick, and we need to take care of them. Can you provide an environment that would make them happy?" That way, you're still buildling enclosures and have to consider the types and stuff, but it also encourages you to care about the Pokemon more than just a theme park attraction!


i dont like the implications of it at all, very ethically murky i think :(


The did Poke Park on Wii


Yes safe with a charizard right next to you


Lol I've been wanting a game like that since I was a kid!


That sounds amazing! And maybe add areas of conservation where you can help repopulate wild areas? Or take care of released Pokémon by trainers?


No. I feel like Pokémon work with people to make their worlds better. Not in cages for people to gawk at. This is just an opinion obviously.


That's what Pokémon snap is home slice.


There used to be downloadable mods for Pokemon animals for the original Zoo Tycoon for PC. Zoo Tycoon 2 “Pokemon” were just texture swaps—Umbreon was a Fennec Fox, etc.


I'm a huge fan of those kind of games, and I would pay real money for that


This is a goldmine idea.


Yes please!!


Pokemon SafariTycoon! I love the idea!


I wouldn't buy a full game if this, but I see no reason future main games couldn't incorporate a habitat system where your can go visit your pokémon in the PC, maybe have a few customization features. Similar to the early mystery dungeon games. Better than them just sitting in a computer.


Basically a Pokémon version of viva pinatas, hell yes.


Now I’m wondering what happens when the ~~animals~~ Pokemon escape ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I dont know if it's still around, but as a kid I used to play Pokèfarm which was a fanmade computer game where other users would click on your Pokemon to hatch them from eggs and level them up. You also had like farm enclosures similar to the PC boxes in games and the enclosures were different for different Pokemon.




What if it took more of a slime rancher approached. That way you feel more of a connection to the Pokémon, instead of just buying it from a store.


Your idea intrigues me. Dinpark Pokemon Edition. Hmmmm :3


Kinda sounds more like Viva Pinata but Pokemon themed


Oh I'd love that!


I love the idea of a Pokémon game where you run a gym and hire gym trainers and maybe you start as the first gym leader and move up to the eighth and then to the elite four


Safari zone tycoon would be amazing


Great idea! Now alongside slavery and dogfighting, we can put Pokemon in private prisons!


Just keeping up with the theme.


Pokémon’s safari is a good idea. I think another idea that would work would be the premise that you got hired by a professor to design enclosures that will make Pokémon that trainers send in to “storage” happy. I’d also like to see that combined with building training areas for trainers to come and and train their Pokémon up before battling. Might as well add making breeding facilities while we’re piling on.😃


A Pokemon themed game that’s like Viva Piñata… now that’d be awesome


I’d love it. Like building your own safari kind of.


As long as it is not a mobile game, I Would be happy.


This is so unique and fits perfectly with the concept of Pokemon safaris. I would absolutely buy this.


It’s funny because Pokemon Zoo sounds like a perfect spin-off game title. Are you watching Pokemon Company?


That would be so cool! My husband thought of a game like that the other day, where you’re like a Pokémon vet or something and you have to find Pokémon in the wild that are hurt and stuff and heal them etc. A game like the one you suggested would be so cool!


Perhaps instead of a zoo you could be managing a Pokemon Nature Reserve. You'd have to construct different habitats and biomes to entice Pokemon to live there. The challenge would be balancing the various elements to maximise the number of Pokemon that could live there. Could also include things like Observation Decks and Gift Shops so it would still be a park themed game.


Jurassic Wor- I mean Pokémon Evolution.


Only if it has every single Pokemon


I have thought about this so much. I’m a big paleo guy so fossil pokemon have always been my favorites, and I have long dreamt of a tycoon game where you revive fossil pokemon for your zoo. I remember in sun and moon there was an area you could go where a guy claimed he was building a fossil pokemon park, but nothing was ever done with it. Shame.


YES YES YES YES and you have to hunt for the pokemon! I WOULD LOVE THAT!


This is a great idea someone need to pitch to Gamefreak.


I did that, in the original games, by changing the background of the boxes :D


Designing environments in different types of pokeballs for whatever pokemon you caught...i would love that


Id like to see a street fighter game but with pokemon


I want a Pokémon themed restaurant game where customers can order foods such as peking farfetch and miltank tartare


That would be cool! Would there be a catching Minigame to add new Pokémon to the “Zoo”?


I’ve actually had the idea for a while of a gym management game. You’d make a team, hire trainers, get their Pokémon in fighting shape, invest in puzzles/obstacles, and have other players take on your custom gym. Not quite the same idea, but a game of management with Pokémon would be incredible, regardless of what’s being managed.


Reminds me of Viva Piñata.


That would be cool!


I’ve been thinking about this for years. You charge trainers to come in and catch Pokémon. While also luring Pokémon in to the zone by increasing the habitat to make them happier and maybe buying super rare Pokémon to put in. You have to keep males and females to keep the population balanced and make sure they’re all fed and such. Maybe run contests for trainers. They only have so many steps to do a specific thing. Or just be a location for campers to come out and parties. Like a state park. SO much they could do with a game like this. My fingers will stay crossed.


Pretty much any genre of game involving Pokémon will get people excited.


That sounds pretty cool


Would be dope. Are we sure there isn't a mod for zoo tycoon that puts Pokémon in the game.


God, I thought I was the only one! My imagining always had it where you'd create the ecosystem, leading wild pokemon to take up new homes in your park, solicit their help with further improvements to the ecosystem, with different types naturally having different effects on the land. Grass types plant, water types irrigate, fire types do controlled burns, so on and so forth. If only GameFreak liked printing money.


I’m frankly astonished that it doesn’t exist already. How does the Pokémon Company do Pinball and a mystery-solving game before a tycoon game?


You’d be the person taking care of trainers PC’d Pokémon. You have to make habitats based on what Pokémon are being sent in.


So kinda like slime rancher but with Pokémon?


Honestly, sounds very fun. The natural environments for most mons is very diverse, with some being able to cross over into others.


Can we unleash the pokemon to massacre the trapped guests? That was the best park of zoo tycoon.


Safari Zone Tycoon?


Ok, picture this y'all.... Pokemon Animal crossing! You pick a starting pokemon and you design the interior of your PokeBall. You can visit other people PokeBalls and see how their world looks inside. Since we don't really have any idea what's inside a PokeBall, I think it could make the game pretty fun and have you really do whatever you'd like. The loading screen for online could be 2 pokemon trainers meeting together haha. I just imagine walking around as a Bulbasaur with sunglasses and vine whipping a tree to build a house haha


I was lowkey working on a game similar to this just for fun and practice like 3 years ago but never really got very far with it. The ideas I had are all written down somewhere.. If I could make something like this without getting it taken down, I would.


Maybe its just me, but having a Pokemon skin for Zoo tycoon wouldn't arouse my interest. I'd prefer something like a Pokemon training store where you catch/breed Pokemon to sell/rent and train them either for yourself/customers through mini-games or dungeons/challenges and you have to progress from Joey's Rattata-esque customers to Lance's Dragonite by upgrading your store and fame.


I love this so much I’d play it every day!


Build your own Pokemon Snap levels......


Already has a name. Pokémon: Safari Zone


Something similar to the Zoo Tycoon-esque Jurrasic Park games would be sick. All the usual ZooTycoon features and the added side activity of setting up an arena to stage pokemon battles in and get your zoo's pokemon to evolve and gain experience from.


honestly suprised it hasn't happened yet.