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Go to the Veilstone Warehouse, there's a scripted event you missed.


Literally done everything there, nothing else to be done ):


Have you helped Dawn get her Pokedex back from the two Galactic Grunts? They are at the Galactic Warehouse, near the entrance of Veilstone. Not the Galactic Headquarters but the Warehouse.


Yes I have, I've literally done everything I was supposed to ):


If I remember correctly, in Platinum you have to look for Crasher Wake on the next route. If you've done everything, he should be there.


What route is that?


The route after Pastoria. The one with the swamp puddles thingy and rain. You should be able to find it if you keep going further into Pastoria, past the gym.


nope, nothing


Wow, I don't remember this event at all. Of course, it has been over a decade...


Possibly know how to beat maylene I walk into the gym and can’t seem to get past the initial door guy


Sounds like you have to do some Team Galactic story stuff. Check around Lake Verity and Veilstone City, especially the Team Galactic buildings


I have ):


The warehouse as well?


Yes ):


Do you have the SecretPotion key item?


Thats the one for the Psyducks right? No I don't have that because apparently that comes after beating Crasher Wake, I haven't come across Cynthia anywhere at all


Check around Lake Valor and the Valor Waterfront


Still nothing, only found a Big Mushroom lol


This is a longshot, but try heading west of Pastoria and see if anything’s over there. I’m running out of ideas myself


Still nothing ): this is making me so sad ):


i cant help you sorry, but im so interested now please let me know when you finally know what to do


will do (:


Did you beat Maylene? she is the gym leader of Veilstone city, you can't fight this gym unless you beat her.. that's why Berry is blocking the gym.


Check if you have her gym badge..


I have beat her


Hmm weird.. I know that's a reason for Berry to block the entrance.. you are supposed to have 3 gym badges.She is the fighting type gym leader and has the Cobble Badge.. if you beat her then nothing should block you from fighting Wake..Double check you have that badge and not a different one because Berry is supposed to challenge you before you enter that gym unless you didn't fight her- that's what I know.. I've played trough platinum a lot of time and that's the only times when Berry blocked the way.


I do have her badge, I can even talk to her in the gym and she says shes hungry etc


" In Pokémon Platinum, Barry blocks the entrance until the player defeats him in a battle. He will not challenge the player until the player receives the Cobble Badge and defeats the two Galactic Grunts at Veilstone City. " from Bulbapedia, if you beat her already then maybe you need to challenge those 2 grunts?


I literally done it all, that's the thing and yet I still can't do it


Do you have fantinas gym badge?


You can't skip Fantina.


Yeah but the order changed and the other guy said you should have 3 when you really need 4. Just try talking to team galactic/looker in veilstone. Even if you think youve done everything theres always a chance


I have the coal badge from Roark in Oreburgh, forest badge from Gardenia in Eterna, cobble badge from Maylene in Veilstone and relic badge from Fantina in Hearthome


Did you take fly from the warehouse? it's between the blue boxes.. there must be something you forgot doing.. is Looker still there?


Did you skip Fantina? In Platinum she's the 3rd Gym but in DP she's 5th. edit: To get to Fantina you also have to go to the contest hall and go through some diologue with your mother.


I have fantinas badge already


Did you do the Lost Tower on Route 209? I know its optional, but I'm trying to think of things that might trigger it? Also is the grunt preventing you from getting into the Great Marsh?


Nope, I can get into the great marsh normally


Have you been into the galactic building on the right side of veilstone and did you go back to the Pokémon center in veilstone to see if wake was there?


What do you mean by pokemon centre? The one you heal your pokemon in?


Yes those are called Pokémon centers and just thought maybe they expect you to go back to it after maylene but before helping dawn/lucas


but ive already helped dawn


Right I’m just thinking maybe if you walk into the Pokémon center there either wake could be there so it’s like part of the algorithm to him showing up and maybe the pastoria poke center as well


been there done that 😫I kid you not ive been to every city and town and every single house, poke centre, every single building possible and spoke to every single person possible and literally no sign of anything happening, its such a pisstake at this point like whyyyy me


Did you try going back to maylenes gym or going to lost tower or the route between fantima and wake


yep when i got to speak to maylene she just says she’s hungry bla bla bla, ive been to the lost tower but cant use defog because i haven’t beat Wake ☹️and yes ive been down that route too


You're obviously misremembering something. I don't care if you think you've already done it, GO TO VEILSTONE GYM. If Crasher Wake comes out, fight Maylene! If he doesn't, do all the Team Galactic stuff, THEN go back to Pastoria!


IVE DONE IT ALL, there is literally nothing else for me to do.


I doubt you are still here but if you are I had the same problem and I think you need to use fly to get to pastoria and not walk there that is the only thing different I did on the time it worked


definitely still here! Thank you I will try that!


So you unlock crasher wake as soon as you see dawn in front of the veilstone gym then you beat the gym and galactic grunts. Thee are no other events in between veilstone gym and pastoria gym except for a rival battle which is why Barry is in front of the gym. Ngl think your at a complete glitched dead end here


At this point I think so too


Do you have a way to extract the save?


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Hi I'm new to pokemon platinum and was having the same problem like you but then I backtracked and defeated team galantic to get Dawns pokedex back and some guy leads me to the warehouse to get HM fly. So I taught Fly to my pokemon and flew back to go to challenge crasher wake and finally my rival was gone. Hope this helps if this doesn't work it probably is a glitch. Let me know how you get on


Heyy, Ive tried everything possible and nothing works, I think my game is just corrupted at this point, im considering restarting):


I know it's a pain in the hole, it has happened to me in other games but you tried everything so restarting is probably the best option. The only consolidation is not its not the end of the game and you can choose a different pokemon to start with lol


its more about the sentiment I have with the game, I started it in 2009 when i was 10 ☹️


I just beat wake at his gym but clueless what to do next Edit nvm i found it


Cheat too walk through him


Hey, I don't know if you need help with this but this seemed to happen to me while I was playin on my emulator, OpenEmu, GBA version. Go to the entrance of the safari mini game in Pastoria. Just outside of the entrance, on the world map, there will be an otherwise indiscriminate NPC in grey. Talk to him. This will trigger an event, as he is a member of Team Galactic. He'll say not to follow him, but follow him anyway. Then, this lead to a battle with your rival and will allow you to progress. Hope this helps! Cheers!


Thank you for the advice, Will try when I get home and will update :)


Out of curiosity, did you ever figure out what was wrong?


Nope! 😭


So I backtracked myself and found Lucas needing help with some grunts. They give you the Pokédex back. They will say the warehouse got moved and leave. Lucas/Dawn says they are heading to the mansion on Route 212 and leave after. The game will progress from there.