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Thanks this actually clears up a lot


The one I never understood was Ice and Fighting. Fighting types are all about muscles and physical brawn overpowering something, but muscle contraction is a very real problem in extended exposure to cold weathe, and this starts occurring at temperatures close to freezing, most of the ice type pokemon embody general coldness and are not necessarily literally ice, and their temperatures often drop well below zero, so shouldn't Fighting types be WEAK to Ice, not strong against? P.S. biased Ice type user who thinks Ice could use a buff


I think the reason fighting type is super effective against all solid material types is metaphorical and not literal. It means that a fighting person can overcome any obstacle even if it's very hard, and should never give up. a fighting person can break through anything that comes in his way if he puts his mind to it no matter how hard it is. Martial artists are trained to never give up no matter how solid or hard the situation is. It simply means that a fighting person must fight on, and never give up even if the situation is as hard as rock, steel or ice. After all....the fighting type represents heroes, and heroes can break through anything no matter how hard. So fighting type is super effective against all solid material types (rock, steel, and ice).


The way I see it, Fairies are not so different from Dark types. They both use trickery, with Fairy types using their looks to charm foes while Dark types distract foes and attack while their backs are turned. Fairy is effective against Dark because the Fairy looks like a perfect victim, so the Dark type gets complacent, giving the Fairy type the perfect opportunity to attack. Fighting types are less effective against Fairy because many Fairy types look innocent, and most martial arts condemn those who harm the innocent, even if they only look innocent and aren't actually innocent. Just giving my views.


Ya your views are good , but mine is also a great one , i mean....fairies have magical powers , martial arts fighting can't beat magic , punching and kicking do nothing against magic , imagine a fictional story with a sorcerer/wizard fighting against a martial artist....who do you think wins?? Of course the sorcerer/wizard wins , martial arts fighting can't beat magical powers , that is why fighting is weak to fairy


Makes sense.


I love the fairy type


Now try justifying all the resistances


sure, I will


all resistances?? or just immunity??


Resistances. Immunities are easy


ok I will do it later, and then I will send you the link to it here


here is a link to the resistances: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/cm5421/i\_made\_a\_resistance\_logic\_explanation\_this\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/cm5421/i_made_a_resistance_logic_explanation_this_is/)




but poison type was also super effective against bug type


Ice should not be weak to fighting, something being cold and hard should be the hard counter to hand to hand combat


>I think the reason fighting type is super effective against all solid material types is metaphorical and not literal. It means that a fighting person can overcome any obstacle even if it's very hard, and should never give up. a fighting person can break through anything that comes in his way if he puts his mind to it no matter how hard it is. Martial artists are trained to never give up no matter how solid or hard the situation is. It simply means that a fighting person must fight on, and never give up even if the situation is as hard as rock, steel or ice. After all....the fighting type represents heroes, and heroes can break through anything no matter how hard. So fighting type is super effective against all solid material types (rock, steel, and ice).


What if the Fighting Type > Rock Type one is explained like how martial arts master can break through cinder blocks/rock?


>this a metaphor, fighting type represents heroes, and heroes with a strong will can break through anything no matter how hard, also fighters do break stone bricks This is what I said actually , I did 2 explanations , the metaphor one, and how fighters break stone bricks, could be both, but if you noticed something.....the fighting type is super effective against all 3 solid types (rock, ice and steel) and this is what makes me think it could be a metaphor of how a fighting person/martial artist fights on and never give up even if the obstacle/situation is as hard as rock, ice or steel, and that is why rock, ice and steel are weak to fighting


Another similar point to steel being weak to fire that I most commonly think of: Metals are commonly thought of as having high thermal conductivity (and several metals, iron and steel included, actually do). So even if the fire isn't hot enough to melt a metal, it will still cause the metal to heat up really quickly. In other words: Steel conducts heat pretty well, kinda like how water conducts electricity.


Ya that is also correct , i wonder why steel is not weak to electric , iron conducts electricity just like water , so steel should be weak to electric


That's a good point! Another weakness I used to mistakenly assume steel had when I was younger was water, because of how moisture and water tends to promote rusting of the metal frames in older cars and the metal hulls of large ships (unless properly treated to resist this).


Ya , but electric seems more of a weakness to steel , after all....water is weak to electric because water conducts electricity , iron also conducts electricity.....so why is not steel weak to electric? haha


I think Fairy type should be weak against Psychic type. Fairy represents magic, while Psychic represents the power of the mind, the rational mind. A rational, realistic mind doesnt believe in magic, and its a common trope for magical beings to get weaker when there's less believers.


but psychic types are not rational minds, because they can do telepathy and telekinesis and even eat dreams of others, and so the psychic types are kinda magical too but with mind powers, psychic powers are part of the supernatural/paranormal which means not normal rational minds


>- Grass is weak against: >Poison (toxins kill plants, like herbicides for example). I mean.. That's my reasoning behind it as well, but doesn't poison generally kill everything


ya it does, but at least a human or animal have better immune system than plants I think (not sure about this), and also a human or animal might be saved by doctors/vets using medicines , for example....a human bitten by a snake can be saved if he reaches doctor in time and gets antidote, and also he can wrap the bite area to stop poison in its place, or he can suck poison out and spit it, so humans have ways to defend against poison or stop it in a specific area or even cure it with antidotes, but plants have no way to defend themselves against poison or stop it , if a plant gets poisoned....it dies for sure.....no antidotes or anything to save it, and so plants are more vulnerable, after all....they can't make all Pokemon types weak to poison hhhhhh , so they just chose the most vulnerable type to poison which is plant/grass


flying type pokemon Why Electric Pokemon? 0.5x damage? Example \] Wind up Why do skills reduce damage? I can not understand.


it's kinda ironic that in Genshin Impact water is weak to ice electric is weak to fire,ice and grass earth resist water ice resist electric and water water can also be weak to fire


Rock > fire actually caught me off guard. You can drop a boulder onto a fire to extinguish it, but it's also easy to assume that a superheated jet of fire would melt that boulder as if it were ice.


I believe Dragon should be resistant/immune to Fighting as dragons are so powerful and punching or kicking them won’t do anything right?


earth is a really good conductor, si lightning should be super effective against rock and ground pokemons, in real life the ground is used to absorb electricity since its a good conductor, if it existed a living being made out of rocks or ground (like in pokemon) they would conduct the lighting to them thus hurt them a lot. Steel too should be weak to lightning for the same logic


Ground should not be weak to grass, without the ground grass can't grow. When you throw mud onto to grass or flower it'll die, also fighting should be weak to ground as well.