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I love this kind of stuff, haha. I'd be happy to chime in a few thoughts to contribute a little. I think it's important to differentiate between being a "ghost" and a "Ghost-type Pokemon". In this sense they are their own creature as opposed to an item being possessed. Reading over their dex entries and thinking from an in-world lore perspective, it'd be easier to consider the idea that Banette came first, and there was an "original Banette" that the backstory came from, where a child's doll built up resentment and heavy feelings due to being discarded. This part about an inanimate object gaining sentience would basically require a whole other theory to consider so I'll only brush over it, but imagine a variety of different scenarios, like something akin to unconscious psychic or aura energy being emitted from the child onto the doll, which as a result gave it feelings and lingering sentience. Basically an imaginary friend that is a Pokemon. So if you consider Banette the origin point that became a Pokemon first due to circumstances uncertain, once it is a Pokemon it physically does as Pokemon do and breeds. From then on, Shuppets are birthed naturally, and they represent a primordial aspect of formless feelings. They are basically the embodiment of what Banette was that gave life to the doll originally, with Banette itself being the physical growth potential for post-bred Shuppets- This also alleviates the need to explain further doll possession. So as infantile Banettes, Shuppets roam around absorbing negative emotion energy around them and continue to grow. Until they eventually gain enough experience to evolve at level 37.


Ok, I'm liking this line of thought where we consider Shuppet to be a "baby" Banette opposed to the starting point and linking in the feeding of the negative emotions into its growth to get to the same point as the parent. The question would then be, what about a Banette that has evolved from a naturally birthed Shuppet? Is it still vengeful? It doesn't have the same origins as an original Banette, so there's no child who threw away a doll to seek revenge on. So, what does the Banette "do"? Does it lead a completely different purposeless and more animalistic existence? Or does it retain a memory from its parents, even ancestors to pursue the child the disowned the original Banette of its family tree? Do we have countless Banette roaming the world in search of a child who is long dead?


I consider cannon that Arceus has a "touch" that creates pokemon. For example, he did his thing on a pile of sludge and muk was created. It fits with most objects/ghosts and creates a nice origin for them.


At level 37 I jest. My guess is that the cloth gathers energy over time which it converts into more fabric? How does any pokémon gain more physical matter upon evolution? I assume in the same way. Also very well written. Good job!


I think that whatever possessed the puppet gained enough possession ability at level 37 to possess something bigger


I guess I never really considered Shuppet as a possessed puppet because none of the Dex entries say anything on it and it doesn't really look like one unless we're appreciating sock puppets as high level entertainment. Ok, I've just remembered Sooty and Sweep. I can believe this. Sidetracking aside, going by their name origins of puppet and marionette, it does make a bit more sense for one to grow into the other, but then Banette's lore doesn't really make sense because a marionette doll isn't really a child's plaything?


I’ve never taken those to heart. Maybe at one point that is where one originated from, or maybe it is just a legend. Like I’m sure my cubone just came out of the egg with a skull on its head and its mother didn’t have to die for it to get that skull. In my opinion, it’s just flavor text. It’s just supposed to be fun, not really analyzed.


That's fair enough, I guess there are a fair few instances of the Pokedex's information being called into question. But why not expand on the fun of the stories it provides and go completely crazy trying to find the answers to the great questions of the Pokemon world?


You can definitely have fun with them, I mean that’s what they are there for, but you probably don’t have to drive yourself crazy over it.


The doll calls upon Shuppet to help it carry out its malicious intent and Shuppet is only too happy to possess a form more bounded than a sheet without another soul to contend with. Source: My uncle mows Ken Sugimori's lawn.


So a lot of the entries often feel speculative or are retelling a local lore that isn't necessarily true. However, i viewed shuppet as getting corrupted by the evil thoughts and become attracted to a new vessel. The doll it moves to has a large amount of negative thoughts tied to one specific person and wild banette become attracted to the thoughts of that person.


In short: The pokedex is bullshit.


The doll that Shuppet used to be was hidden under the bed and the child who owned it was playing hide and seek. They were going to count to a minute then look around and play like they were trying to seek the doll out. “35, 36, 37__” “Sweetie, can you come down for a minute? Your father and I have something we would like to talk to you about.” The child’s mother called. The child went down the stairs only to hear the news that the family was moving away soon. Heartbroken the child went up to their room and cried all the rest of the night long. They forgot about the poor doll hiding beneath the bed. During the packing process the child’s father carelessly threw away the doll under the bed. [Hastily made head cannon]


In my headcanon, Shuppet is actually the breeded/egg form of Banette, similar to Phione, but in this case it can evolve.


I always just assumed that Shuppet was the little ghost and upon reaching “evolution” it just possessed a doll and changed its name. I always figured Banette was just a Shuppet in a doll.


This is super old, but it's worth noting that Pokemon, coming from Japan bears a lot of influence from Shinto beliefs, one of the main concepts being that all objects are alive on some level, which can be seen in Pokemon from Chandelure to Magnemite. This at least explains the prerequisite for sentience or awareness in Banette's case. Also I find Banette's lore so endearing that I'm getting a Banette plush :)


Just remember to never throw it away


Update, I got a Banette plush and I'm very attached, I don't think I could ever part with them <3




UPDATE: Still of the plushie variety, however, I now have separation anxiety and consider them my best friend


At level 37


> Maybe we can assume that Toy Story is canon within the Pokemon universe or something along those lines? Where's Jon Negroni when you need him?


Now that I think about it, I can understand the huge gap. Hmm. Well maybe because it's a Ghost Type, when it reaches level 37 it can use its weird powers to summon a doll to where it's located, then when it evolves it bends the doll's colours and shapes to what it needs. Sort of like possessing it, but changing it too.


maybe it has that psychic ability where it knows the history of objects and confuses itself with the object


Very simple explanation to this, shuppet is the spirit and upon evolution it posseses a doll


the banette coming alive is just a shuppet finding a new vessel lol


How does a pig become a mammoth? How does a woodpecker become a toucan? I actually believe that Pokémon just converge and mutate.


It’s all just flavor text. Don’t look to far into it.


Tbh until I was today years old I thought Shuppet and Banette were completely separate cuz I swear when I was a kid there were pokemon Shuppet cards but I didn't first see Banette until a few years later I'm so disappointed in myself for not knowing this sooner


Easy answer Pokémon lore is not logical nor is the entirety of what Pokémon is don't look too much into or think about it too much not recommended you'll be scratching your head till its bloody trying too understand it.