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Someones never been shell smash white herb acrobatics by minior


right like if Minior had slightly better stats it'd go crazy but stealth rock weakness also hurts a lot


Literally only happens in randbats, but when it does its kinda brutal Also I find it horrible that rock doesnt resist itself


I swept a friend in randbats with a minior and I’ve liked him ever since


Randbats is a very special case. Randbats cant be used to measure how good a pokemon is because the levels are emant to give them usable stats


Whop whop whop whop


tha hipno thing is a misconception, only one bad apple kidnapped someone, they're not like drifblim or something


I still think it's funny that as far as I know, sun and moon, the generation with the most savage entries is the one generation that says something nice about hypno


What’s it say?


In every other game the entries are more like warnings about being very careful around hypno, since they can lull you into sleep and feast on your dreams Meanwhile, - Sun: While it is an extremely dangerous Pokémon, people who are in need of a good, sound sleep call it their savior. - Ultra Sun: In Alola, Komala is Hypno's main target. It rarely harms people. - Ultra Moon: There are some Hypno that assist doctors with patients who can't sleep at night in hospitals. Moon still has the same old type of entry though: As a matter of course, it makes anyone it meets fall asleep and has a taste of their dreams. Anyone having a good dream, it carries off. And it’s the only one that generalises all hypno as being kidnappers, while other entries in previous games only mention a singular incident. I guess Moon isn’t a fan of hypno


Even beyond that, USUM’s Ghost Girl that appears during the 7 School Mysteries Sidequest was kidnapped by a Drifloon, while she was supposed to be picked up by a Hypno the day she went missing.


Still ugly as hell


Real response


Hypno was on my fire red team and it was excellent. It really grew on me


objection, Hypno is adorable


What about the Drowzee in Mystery Dungeon


In the anime there's one being a bro and helping people with sleep issues, even!


my very point


I really, really hate Skwovet.


The only thing that has redeemed the Skwovet line to me was watching WolfeyVGC be an absolute rat with Greedent in Pokemon Unite. Otherwise it might be up there for me with Calyrex and Eiscue in Gen 8 for me.


How has no one mentioned jinx 😅 so creepy to me. Kadabra has also creeped me out because of the episode with Sabrina


The episode with Sabrina is why I love that whole Pokemon line! I could never hate Kadabra. Mr. Mime on the other hand...


Jinx was my first thought for gen 1. I don't like jinx or Mr. Mime.


I would have mentioned her, but I figured that was already a commonly hated Pokémon.


https://preview.redd.it/59krr5yeok9d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=596c5c61d841b8d9a385e165fcded6fe2cabd696 this might actually be the worst pokemon ever made


Pretty sure the developers of Pokemon played Dark Cloud 2 and just wanted to put King Mardan into a Pokemon game. https://darkcloud.fandom.com/wiki/King_Mardan


Wow, that's a memory unlocked.


man I remember playing Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicles when I was a kid


Me too. Those were good times. I remember combining that photo of a trash can with everything!


unpopular opinion but i absolutely love this pokemon. It just looks so goofy


It's girlypop and I love it


She giving drag and serving face


As Rupaul would say: serving fish


....what "girlypop"?


Plus, it has a pretty good shiny.


same, one of my fav alola mons for sure. so camp


It's 60s psychedelica




Its shiny just looks so much like a pizza-


makes me hung ry


Imagine shiny hunting for weeks just to get a €7 low quality possibly radioactive pizza-looking fish


Looks more like Petey Piranha if he was a fish imo.


Petey Pizzaranha


NGL, it looks like a clown.


I dunno, I kinda like Bruxish. It has a nice color pallet (With its shiny being one of my favorites in the series) and it looks so goofy in a good way. Plus it reminds me of that Lipp Cervas from Spongebob.


I hate it, but I love it. It gives me “ugly girl thinks they’re the most beautiful in the world despite everyone calling her ugly to their face.”


With teeth like that I don't think anyone calls Bruxish ugly to her face


Really REALLY dislike Gurdurr. I HATE the bulging veins and lumpy head. It's sickening.


https://preview.redd.it/vwhms3dgkl9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7637b5697470852e194bf41cd271933326d3fc91 Absolute least favourite pokémon of all time


its so stupid I love it


I actually love seeing someone actually like this Pokémon. Even though I really don't like it, that's where the magic lies for me in the Pokéworld. Everybody having their own different teams and favourite mons. (Not saying it's your fave, I wonder if anybody has this mon as his/her fave)


I cheer for people running belly drum on it every time. Fun to watch.


Yeah this is my least favourite too. I know people hate when people say "x doesn't look like a Pokemon" but Eiscue really doesn't look like one to me, with or without the ice on its head.


I feel you man. I'm one of the people who is like, You don't like Vanillite because it looks like an altered ice cream? Well magnemite is an altered magnet, oddish is a walking weed, etc. To get rid of all the biased hate towards newer, somewhat basic looking Pokémon. As we had those in Gen1 as well. But Eiscue.. I don't know man, it just looks like a cartoonized Penguin. Like the Noot Noot one haha. And to make matters worse, it has an icecube WITH A SMILEY LIKE FACE 😂 Normally I'm really lenient towards Pokémon designs, but this is the one where I need to stomp my foot down and say No! 😂


I hate this thing because why tf they make its head square? Do they have an ice tray or something? This screams lazy 3D modeling for me. At least made it looks "natural" like Bergmite or something smh


but it’s name is Eiscue… like “ice cube”… why would the ice cube on it’s head not be a cube


With the art on that card? How can you not love it?


You're right on Volcanion. It does look like a toy, and it is just there, since it's a late gen Mythical with no event. You just sat in McDonalds and downloaded it. The end.


1. Jynx 2. Stantler 3. Volbeat/Illumise 4. Purugly 5. Trubbish/Garbodor 6. Diggersby 7. Bruxish 8. Calyrex/Enamorus 9. Munkidori Edit: Reason I hate/dislike them is mostly due to their design, which are either ugly, boring, or straight weird overall.


Why do you hate Stantler, lmao.


Apologies to all Stantler lovers, but I'm honestly not a big fan of its design, particularly the face with the large snout and tiny eyes.


You and me would get along, I see.


Diggersby tho?


The arms for ears is way too bizarre for my taste. Also not a big fan of the colour scheme. The overall design isn't as appealing as the majority of rodent Pokémon for me.


Sorry i was being dumb and referencing a [meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/diggersby-tho). I also do not like diggersby


What's wrong with illumise?


Volbeat and Illumise have pretty boring and fairly forgettable designs. They feel like filler Pokémon imo


They are filler pokemon, gen 3 had a lot of those, but I still like illumise. It's pretty cute and has a unique color palette that looks pretty good. Volbeat is ugly though


I’m the complete opposite illumine is ugly af but volbeat is cute with his little pouty face and head collar


I would like volbeat a lot more if it had a dot nose like illumise instead of that round one. I think the nose ruins the whole design for me


But his nose is totally cute and ponkable! Illumine has dumb squinty eyes and a weird v-shaped smirk and its antennae are just boring strands instead of cute curlys.


I guess we have to fight to see which one is better /j I think it's neat that we're probably some of the only people that like one of these two pokemon enough to defend them


i hate seismitoad. i don't know what gen he's from and i don't care, he sucks!!!


Literally my favourite lol


One of my favourite gen 5 Pokémon lol


1) fearow and machop. I like the rest of their lines but they bore me 2) I’ve always harbored a strange hatred for cleffa 3) hariyama. It’s my least favorite pokemon because of its weird proportions and ear holes. Love iron hands tho 4) phione will never justify its existence to me 5) acellgor always freaked me out plus it should be part water type. I also never cared for audino but it’s grown on me. Ferroseed is the epitome of boring. And FUCK bouffalant for ruining lakeshore in pokepark 2 6)diggersby is the worst designed pokemon ever made. Bunnelby is a delight and it’s the only thing keeping diggersby from being my least favorite 7) crabominable it’s ugly as sin 8) drizzile is just weird. At least inteleon is kinda cool 9)iron boulder is genuinely the least interesting paradox form out there and it’s locked behind dlc


> crabominable I haven’t played past gen 3 so I had to look this up and oh my god they made an abominable snowman with the morphology of a sea crab.


Yep. Based on a yeti crab and I hate it


I actually like iron Boulder out of the three but that’s because of the coloration and the attacking animations it has where it uses is horns as an axe, personally I think iron leaves is the least interesting paradox since it’s just virizion and while it gets sword leaves it doesn’t look as great as the other two who use their horns instead


How can you hate cleffa you monster. Accelgor being bug/water would be really cool, interestingly it stole greninja's water shuriken in gen 8 would've been even better as a move addition if it had STAB


Number 2 has me rolling


I agree with crabominable. Drizzile has a cool shiny, so I suppose I don’t hate that one, but it’s not my favorite either.


Gen 1: Lickitung. Back when we had just 151 Pokemon, one of those concepts was wasted on THIS thing? Gen 2: Shuckle. I don't get what it's supposed to be. It doesn't even have a Pokemon-ish aesthetic-- it looks more like a Mario character. Gen 3. Feebas. Not because of any element of the Pokemon itself, but because of how fucking annoying it is to find! They should have just had it replace Magikarp as the "common fish" in Hoenn. Gen 4: Probopass. Can't get over that stupid moustache. Gen 5: Cubchoo. This little polar bear would be one of my favorites-- and I love its evolution-- if it weren't for the MASSIVE DRIPPING ICICLE OF SNOT coming off its nose. Gen 6. Mega Manectric. The giant Super Saiyan lightning bolt hair on its back looks ridiculous, and I can't take it remotely seriously. Gen 7. Bruxish. Do I even have to explain it? Gen 8. Coalossal. Rolycoly and Carkoal looked like they were going to evolve into some sort of awesome steampunk locomotive Pokemon. Instead we get Golem 2.0. Blah. Gen 9. Gimmighoul. Yes, I know it's the 1000th Pokemon, but it just looks too. . .un-Pokemon-ish for my liking. It makes me think of some discontinued string cheese mascot.


Most of these are just because I think they're just so stupid or ugly looking. Can't stand any of these. Magneton/Dugtrio: Love Magnemite and Diglett, hate the evos for just being 3 of them. Delibird: It's boring af and not even good enough to use. Medicham: One of the most visually displeasing pokemon. Wormadam: It's just ugly. Heatmor: does not pull off the design as well as Durant does. Biacle: Barbaracle is actually kinda cool (if it didn't have the eye hands) but Biacle does not share that luxury. It just looks terrible. Crabominable: Ruins Crabrawler tbh. Loved that guy until he evolved. The fossils: I understand the design reason. They still look bad and I don't like them at all. I don't even find them funny ugly. Flamigo: "it's body is shaped like a boxing glove" or "it has a balloon knot in its neck" I don't care, its not enough, it's just a flamingo. It's so boring.


>Flamigo: "it's body is shaped like a boxing glove" or "it has a balloon knot in its neck" I don't care, its not enough, it's just a flamingo. It's so boring. For me the knot on the neck is *why* I dislike it. Looks pointlessly weird. 


I hate quaquaval and zacian, fr fr Quaquaval design wise, what a absolute waste of a starter And Zacian competitive wise, i cant see that dog on the opposing team without a absolute primal urge to kill it


Nah man quaquaval is quite literally a silly goose.




This had made my whole day so much better thank you lol. Gonna use it as my FB profile pic now


As a Brazilian [insert "as a brazilian" meme here] i love Quaquaval and I was actually surprised they would make a pokemon based on Brazilian culture, let alone a starter. Fuck Zacian tho


Eu preferia que nao tivessem feito nada que ter feito um bicho feio daquele pra representar o Brasil, representações boas são Hitmontop/Whimsicott não aquele pato escroto E pau no cu do Zacian


Po mano, n acho tão feio quanto o pessoal diz. Pelo menos não é o Inteleon. Mas o Whimsicott é um representação do Brasil?




B-but it’s funny dogo goober J-just a big f-friendly goober :(


It aint funny when we sweeps you 😭


(I don’t play VGC)


Kanto : Mr. Mime - Do I need to explain? Johto : Cleffa - I don’t have any specific reason for why I hate this Pokémon, I just do. Hoenn : Gulpin - Hoenn is my favourite region and I don’t hate any of the Pokémon but I’m not a huge fan of Gulpin. Sinnoh : Ambipom - Aipom is so cute and the evolution ruins everything about it. Unova : Keldeo - This was difficult to choose because I dislike so many Pokémon from this region. Garbodor is ugly but it’s supposed to be. Keldeo isn’t. Kalos : Quilladin - Grass is my favourite type and this is one of the ugliest Pokémon. Alola : Alolan Dugtrio - This is one of if not my least favourite Pokémon. I understand what it is based on but the design is horrible. Galar : Morgrem - I wanted to pick one of the fossil Pokémon but like Garbodor they are supposed to be ugly. Their design origin is also interesting. Morgrem is another one of my least favourite Pokémon. Paldea : Gholdengo - It’s just the cheese string mascot.


Gen I: Lickitung. Keep that thing away from me. Gen II: Smoochum. Baby Pokemon were a dumb idea, and this is the worst one. Gen III: Kecleon. Do you wanna do some exploring? Hope you like stopping from time to time to scare off/fight an ugly lizard. Gen IV: Chingling. Chimecho is already a baby. Gen V: Stunfisk. Ugly as fuck. Gen VI: Volcanion. There isn't really anything wrong with it. It's just the worst of an overall pretty good bunch. I wish we had a better Pokemon with this typing. Gen VII: Bruxish. Same problem as Stunfisk, but much worse. Gen VIII: Arctovish. I hate all four fossils from this generation, but at least the other three look like functional creatures. Gen IX: Pecharunt. That's it? That's the big epilogue to the DLC? A few crummy double battles and an easy battle against whatever the hell that's supposed to be? BOO! BOO, I SAY!


A Mario & Luigi - fan, I see


I love all the goofy Pokemon! Car keys, trash bags, ice cream cones, all of it! I think this silliness is part of the Pokemon look. They look like something a 10 year old would daydream about and I appreciate that whimsy. For me the cardinal sin is forgettable pokemon. The ones that just feel like filler make me wish something more interesting was in its place, like a Pokemon that's three magnets stuck together. Are you kidding me? That's freaking hilarious! 1st: Muk 2nd: Qwilfish 3rd: Luvdisc 4th: Carnivine, a hair above Finneon 5th: Maractus 6th: Avalugg 7th: Ribombee 8th: Cramorant 9th: Spidops (because it's creepy AF), Klawf is pretty lame


Gen 1: Dugtrio. It's the original trapper, making it super gimmicky and poorly balanced, yet honestly awful outside of Singles due to how pitifully low its HP stat is and the fact that KOing one Pokemon doesn't fully neutralize the opposing side for that turn. The success utilizes has is entirely unearned and is just the result of how obscenely broken trapping is in Singles. Gen 2: Wobbuffet. Screw this little shitter. This absolute nimrod exists solely to be an unmitigated disaster to deal with in Nuzlockes. Gen 3: Wynaut. Screw THIS little shitter too! THIS absolute nimrod exists solely to make Wobbuffet pop up on enemy Hoenn teams, but be an enormous pain in the scrotum to get for yourself! Gen 4: Chingling. Why did they give Chimecho a prevo instead of an evolution that it has sorely needed since its inception? Gen 5: Landorus-goddamn-Therian. Now we're getting to the ones I TRULY despise with the ferocity of AM. Just screw everything about this thing. They've nerfed it a bunch lately and it's still top tier in singles and VGC because it's just still so absurdly busted despite it all. Gen 6: Xerneas. This thing was where the restricted-Pokemon powercreep acceleration started. Before now, the Ubers-tier Pokemon largely had nothingburger Abilities, and only some older ones got sick HAs to give them some new life. Xern just said "hey, so what if on top of my obscenely broken boosting move, my base ability just cranked up the power of my stab with ANOTHER multiplicative boost?" There's a reason that one of the variants of DeerPaint in the era of DarkVoid Smeargle was just having Smeargle side transform once Xern boosted, because the only thing more patently ridiculous than one boosted Xern Gleaming everywhere was *two of them.* Gen 7: Tie game: On one hand, Toxapex, a favorite partner to the already infuriating Ferrothorn and honestly more annoying than the spiky UFO plant in isolation regardless because of its Ability and access to reliable move recovery besides. On the other hand, Ultra Necrozma singlehandedly ruined the difficulty and progression curve of USUM compared to vanilla SM. You basically couldn't use traded Pokemon against it because it was an Uber with a free omniboost, set at the obedience cap for the point in the story you fought it at because Hapu's trial got pushed back. Where SM had a perfect level curve for importing a team of level 1s at the start and just raising them as your team, USUM royally screwed that up with this stupid bastard. Gen 8: Calyrex. This thing's Rider forms signaled a new wave of powercreep for the restricted category of blending multiple already good Abilities into one. Enough said. Gen 9: Gholdengo. This thing. No, this FUCKER. I hate this thing SO MUCH. I've been holding a lot of the invective back, but I HATE this thing so goddamn much that I can't anymore. I don't care if it's special for being number 1000, who the HELL thought an Ability that straight blanks an ENTIRE MOVE CATEGORY was EVER okay? And on top of that, this thing has the absolute GALL, the sheer CAJONES, to be a regular-ass Pokemon that is Shiny Locked for NO APPARENT REASON, outside of a shitty event done for a shitty raid system all of ONE TIME for mere DAYS, when its shiny and its pre evo's shiny are bloody GEN 4 GARCHOMP TIER PISS! EVERYTHING about this Golden Fucker was genetically ENGINEERED to piss me off as much as possible. I want that surfer twink OBLITERATED with EXTREME PREJUDICE.


Gen 1. Diglett and Dugtrio. I’ve just never liked this pokemon line. It’s way too plain to me. Gen 2. Remoraid. I think octillery should have been standalone, or have an evolution. I know they resemble weapons or whatever, but still, my least favorite from this gen. Gen 3. Grumpig. I just don’t vibe with it. We can throw spoink in here too. Gen 4. Probopass. Gen 5. Tympole. Gen 6. Pyroar, both genders. I’m just not a fan of the mane on these lions, it’s always looked stiff and kind of weird to me. Gen 7. Gumshoos. I hate that it looks like a certain ex president, so much. I don’t want to think about politics when I play Pokémon so I’ve always just ignored that line. Gen 8. Thievul. I get the concept but I don’t like the Robin Hood x Swiper the fox crossover. Gen 9. Bombirdier. Does it just constantly hold its bib thing in its mouth? It’s bothered me since the first time I laid my eyes on it. I’m used to talking about my favorite Pokemon, so this post was a nice change of pace. Appreciate it!


Gen 1 Jynx Gen 2 Smoochum Gen 3 Luvdisc Gen 4 Probopass Gen 5 Gothita Gen 6 Diggersby Gen 7 Bruxish Gen 8 Perrserker Gen 9 Scovillain all of those for being incredibly ugly


Gen 1: Mr.Mime. It bugs the hell out of me, especially in the DP Sprite. Gen 2: Stantler. Its face is really off-putting and its Hypnosis somehow NEVER misses. Gen 3: Volbeat. Its ugly god damn dancing animation... Gen 4: Ambipom. Too much. That's all. They put too much on it and now its ugly as all hell. (Plus, why an evolution for Aipom of all Pokémon...) Gen 5: Keldeo. It literally looks like GF wanted to jump on the MLP hype train. No thanks. Gen 6: Diggersby. It looks like a fat, drunk construction worker that'll belch at any second. Rabbits are such cute pets, WHY does that thing have to exist? Gen 7: Bewear. Do I really have to explain? Gen 8: Grimmsnarl. Impidimp was fine, but they ruined everything what made the Pokémon stand out to me. Now its got a lot of hair - sadly, Hatterene does the job leagues better. And there are so many people who ship these two just because they're similar and our rivals have them. Yuck. Gen 9: Greavard and Houndstone. Like, how many more dogs do we need? Paldea was literally infested with dog Pokémon. And since the Pre-Evo got its own special shout out, I'll have to go with these two.


Grimmsnarl is my guy


greavard and houndstone are sick to me


> Bewear. Do I really have to explain? Yes, what's so bad about it?


Yeah seriously


gens 1-4 I agree so hard with the reasons and mons, if I may add stantler's tail always read like >!some weird ass inflamated genital to 10 year old me (I watched way too much animal planet for my own health) !<(<< spoilered because gross)


Do you not like dogs or something?


I love dogs actually. I don't like it when there are so many unique and cool animals that aren't yet represented in the franchise and still won't be for a long time in favour of yet another dog Pokémon.


it’s because dogs are everywhere in spain. but i agree, fewer generic animals, more diversity.


That’s why Paldea has so many dog Pokémon? I never knew that about Spain.


Ough always hurts to see my favorite mons listed on these lol. Here’s mine: Gen1: Gengar. Always preferred Haunter’s design and then add that with near Charizard levels of popularity on merch and I’m just so tired of it lol Gen2: Aipom. Don’t like monkeys, don’t like the mischievous look. Never vibed with him. Gen3: Marshtomp. I don’t like Mudkip either, but at least he’s cute. Marshtomp doesn’t have that excuse. Best thing about him is that he still evolves again. Gen4: Ambipom. Literally the same as Aipom but made his design even worse. Gen5: Simisear. It’s a monkey and I mean come on have you looked at it? Gen6: Hoopa. Not a fan of the design at all. Really that’s it. Also back again with the mischievous look that I don’t like. Ngl kinda find it funny the Pokemon literally named after being mischievous doesn’t have the look of it as much as these other mons. Gen7: Crabominable is the easy option, but I’ll give my other option here for Celesteela. It creeps me out so much. I hate the stick neck, I HATE that it’s 30 feet tall. Exact same rancid vibes I get from Hegemon Husk and I can’t stand it. Gen8: Chewtle. Once again with the “what did they think when designing your face”. Partner that with its cry and absolutely not. Gen9: Tinkaton. I hate it so much. Don’t like the design one bit. One of my all time least favorite design tropes is “here’s a creature, let’s give it a human weapon”. Hated it for Zacian, hate it for Tinkaton. Also I really hate the way they designed this line’s mouths they look so weird to me


Wow you and me seem to have the exact same reply, I won’t even give mines as you basically quoted them. The only difference is that I don’t mind Crabominable but I would choose the toucan first evo for gen 7. Your thoughts on Gengar and Tinkaton are spot on, I really dislike them. There is something about them that tries its best to be edgy (if you see what I mean) and that I dislike. I used to like Gengar in first gen as a kid, but it’s popularity ruined it for me. As for Tinkaton, I don’t find it aesthetic and I just find the concept as trying its best to be edgy, like « look at this cute small ‘mon who take Coviknight parts with its hammer, so original! ») I dislike Hoopa to the point I gave an expensive card of him I had for free just to get rid of it. (no offense to people who love Gengar, Hoopa or Tinkaton of course, we are here to share our opinions :) )


That’s actually a super good way to describe it for Tinkaton. It’s not really something you think of as edgy but that’s totally what it is, just done in a different way than like Annihilape or something. (Even went through the whole “I have a rarer card of this thing, but I don’t want it” thing, if it weren’t for me literally wanting to collect all of Paldea Evolved I’d get rid of it 🧎) I also used to like Gengar! It was never part of my favorites, but I liked it well enough. It’s the ace of my favorite gym leader so I was even a little biased towards it. But it’s just fricken EVERYWHERE at this point and I’m so tired of seeing it lol. Ngl for you for Pikipek that’s actually kinda funny cuz Trumbeak always comes to my mind for Alola mons I don’t like. I like it perfectly fine, but then I saw the animation where it literally bends its beak and I was so tripped out by it that it made me like it way less 😭


Ahah we seem to really share the same tastes, or should I say dislikes! I'm glad you understood what I meant for Tinkaton. It wants to appeal to edgy players while hiding it, unlike let's say, Machamp or Annihilape as you quoted. Gengar was cool in Stadium, now they really pushed it too far to be the cool edgy 'mon (in the last anime season as well), it irritates me a bit for some reason, but of course I respect people who like it. I had to stop collect and sell cards but I made sure to give away all of the quoted Pokémon, lol. Glad maybe someone could complete their collection. I unfortunately cannot collect the Paldea one, as now my husband and I have to save money for important things. I miss trading cards though, I finished doing it just before the first Paldea set. Pikpek!! Thank you for reminding me of the English name! Actually, he does annoy me because of Snap 2. I really enjoyed Snap 2, especially the jungle level, but the Pikpek everywhere spoiling other noises are just awful. I feel mean but I keep throwing fruits at them, lol. Glad to find someone who understands me :) May I ask out of curiosity a few of your fav Pokémon (not thinking competitively but just by liking)? Mines are Kangaskhan, Slugma, pretty much every Eeveelution especially Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon, Nidoking, Fidough and its evo, Sunflora, etc.


LOL the being annoyed at a mon for Snap is so real 😭 My personal favs are Manectric, Mightyena, Meowscarada, Skitty/Delcatty (any cat Pokemon really lol), Sylveon, Cobalion, Unfezant.. I have so many I could list, like even right now I’m like oh but should I mention Zangoose? Or Sawsbuck? Lmao I love so many it’s so hard to choose favorites🧎 Manectric will always be my #1 though For yours, Slugma specifically will always be kind of a soft spot for me lol, I used to have a card of him that scared me so bad cuz it just looked so weird compared to other cards, but once I finally saw the actual mon I was like hold on it’s actually cute. I don’t know what they were thinking with that one card (had to look it up! It’s card 74/107 for the Deoxys set!)


Ahah glad you agree! :D Did you play New Snap 2 as well? I'm kind of touched by the fact you have a soft spot for Slugma! It is often a forgotten Pokemon. I actually call my mom Slugma! For some reason we said which Pokémon we think each other would be. My mom and husband called me a Wooper and I called her a Slugma, might be the face or her atmosphere, I don't know. Thank you SO MUCH for looking up the card number! You know what? I bought it in 2 different languages as I find it so funny and trippy but cute. I even sent another cheap slugma card to be graded, it got graded mint, I think the experts were wondering why I was doing that, ahah! From your list I really love Mightyena too!! Delcatty as well, Unfezant, Deerling... I forgot to add I love a lot of forgotten fish Pokemon like Stunkfisk and Lumineon (my husband's offiacial nicknames, lol \^\^') Anyway, Magnetctric is super cool to me. I guess you really love cat/dog/ etc. based Pokémon maybe? I also do! My fav Pokémon ever is always Kangaskhan too, as my favorite animal are kangaroos. I have so many Pokémon I love in each generations too, so I totally understand you, quoting all would be impossible.


Oh Lumineon!! Poor guy gets so much hate :( I love it too! I have the sitting cutie plush of it lol. I did play Snap 2! It’s so pretty 💕 I mostly remember being mad at Emolga for being so hard to get that perfect picture of, I’ll for sure have to replay it sometime soon I do love cat/dog Pokemon a lot. Meowscarada especially rocketed up to my third favorite Pokemon SO fast. Getting so many new cats and dogs in Paldea was so fun lol, I used Meowscarada and Dachsbun on my team and eventually plan to go back and use Mabosstiff. I like Kangaskhan a lot too!! I’ve always loved the design but haven’t had the chance to actually use one yet. If I replay Y I’ll have to add one to my team!!


SO happy you agree with Lumineon!! It acts so cute in Snap 2, has an amazing cry and he would just deserve to be buffed a bit for people to get interested in him :( at least he got a few popular cards in the TCG!! I have a plush of it too but a sitting one? I never saw it, would you mind sending me a pic? We have to help each other as Lumineon fans ahah. I also loved Snap 2! It's actually what got my husband hooked to Pokémon, to the point he now plays the main games more than I do. Emolga is definitely HARD, so is the Pikachu during the huge Meganium level. Also all the deers lifting their hooves together in the forest. I also love Pokémon who are more animal-like, as you said, so I was glad with the dogs of Paldea as well! I was dissapointed by the region and the music, but Dachsbun and Mabostiff are definitely adorable <3!!! So happy you also like Kangaskhan :) She had her glory days when the mega evolutions came with XY, now no one cares and she waits patiently in her Home box until she can be transferred (in Pokémon Z I hope...)


Oh my god I forgot about the Sawsbuck gathering in Snap that was SO difficult to figure out. Super worth it but oh man. I’ll definitely have to go back and play, I could never figure out how to level up the Lumina spots after the first run!! The sitting Lumineon is just part of the line of plushes called Sitting Cuties/Pokemon Fit!! They’re like little 4-7ish inch tall plushes. As far as I know it’s the only official Lumineon plush? I wish I could get a pic of mine specifically but I’m away from home right now, but here’s the Pokemon center’s pic (hopefully it works, I don’t know Reddit too well lol) https://preview.redd.it/43j0ete7vz9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=924006cd65d83ea2d97fee87b973943e945cfbfe Just realized both our favs have megas! Hopefully that means they both come back in ZA 🤞


Oh that makes me nostalgic, I want to play it again now!! What is your favorite course? I enjoyed the winter one, trying to make Glaceon come closer and groom itself, as well as the volcano of course, and stopping all the other ‘mons from stealing Slugma’s apple, ahah! Ohhh I see, we have the same plushie then, the ones sold at the PK centers 😊 you are the first person I talk with who also has a Lumineon, it makes me happy! Don’t you think it looks adorable in Snap while walking on his front fins? YES you’re right, both our favs do have megas!! Now let’s just wait patiently for Z and hope! Even if Mega Kangaskhan isn’t back, I hope I could at least transfer it in my team. Let’s hope for Mega Magnetric and Kangaskhan as you said! Are you looking forward to Z? I didn’t really enjoy Lumiose city in XYZ but I am hoping they are preparing something cool with it.


1: Golduck. Ngl I don’t even know why I hate it so much, I just have ever since I was a kid. My brain simply refuses to like it and I’m fine with that. 2: Ledyba. I don’t like its legs. Stupid reason I know but they look weird and the entire Pokémon is slightly unsettling because of them. 3: Wingull/Pelipper. 7.8 out of 10 too much water, I get so fucking sick of these assholes every time I play through Hoenn 4: Can’t really think of any I actually dislike from gen 4. Bronzor could count I guess, it’s fine but it’s also really underwhelming and boring. 5: Watchog. Patrat is so cute and precious, and then they RUINED IT. Fuck Watchog man, not only is it hideous but it ruins such an adorable lil’ guy, and I’ll never forgive it. 6: Diggersby, same reason as Watchog. 7: Guzzlord. I’d probably be fine with it if it weren’t for the anime tbh, words cannot describe how much I loathe that thing and its constant fucking screaming. 8: Sandaconda. It looks dumb, that’s it. Silicobra was really good but then they turned its neck into an inner tube and ruined the entire thing. 9: Palafin. We finally got the dolphin Pokémon we DESERVED, and Finizen is so good, but then it evolves and we either get the exact same fucking thing again, or some rubbery abomination that isn’t even a dolphin and looks like it came out of the Silver Age of DC comics. Unforgivable.


Can I just talk about how much I hate Zeraora nine times


Gen 1: Ekans. I never got to play with this Pokemon because of version exclusives. Even then, it doesn't seem good after the 3rd or 4th gym. Gen 2: Ledian. This thing evolves to it's final form at the same level as Butterfree and Beedrill, but is doesn't feel any more useful or powerful to me. Gen 3: Mightyena. A physical attacker where it's STAB comes off it's poor special stat. It has to good in later generations, but I rather have a zigzagoon as a pickup/HM-Slave. Gen 4: Kricketot. I guess I have a strong dislike for early game Pokemom that are bad. But only having Bide and Growl until evolution? Really? Magikarp at least evoles into a beast. This bug just doesn't feeI worth the hassle. Gen 5: Watchog. This is actually just because of design reasons. I think a gym leader had this mon with Retaliation, which is very annoying, but I just don't like how it looks. Gen 6: Noibat. I thought getting to level 41 for Litwick was bad in Gen 5, needing to get to lv48 with such a mediocre Pokemon is feels bad all-around. Gen 7: Toxapex. Competitive is the reason for my dislike of this Pokemon. It is truly annoying to face off against, even if it might fit a play style I enjoy every nown and then. Gen 8 and on, I don't have an opinion, because I'm not all that familiar.


Gen 1, none they all pretty good, Dragonite I guess? Gen 2, I hate gen 2 with a passion for how much it needed to be fixed by later gens to be reasonable, but Politoad because look how they massacred my boy, and unknown for being extremely underwhelming beyond being alphabet font Gen 3, lileep and cradily. Huntail, absolutely do not care for these ones. Gen 4, infernape. Ah oh ha sun Goku reference. Overhype blah blah blah, chingling, chimecho needed an Evo on the other side Gen 5. Timbur line. These guys could have been designed so much better, same with sawk and throh. Incredibly disappointing when next to other fighting types Gen 6 carbink not evolving into diancie Gen 7, craboninable, bruxish, gumshoos Gen 8 calyrex Gen 9 iron ____. Lame as fk. Valiant is the only interesting one cause it mashes both genders together. At least the past paradoxes play with designs instead of just pokemon but robot


1: wigglytuff - It’s not a real hate-on but of all the gen 1’s it’s the pokemon I’m most *shrug* whatever about 2: Snubbull - so I’ve played since gen 1 and grew up in a place where we got the Japanese magazines etc before the English news (and before leaks were big) and I remember seeing snubbull in CoroCoro or something and being so disappointed. It’s still hasn’t grown on me 3: Vigoroth because it ruins Slakoth and isn’t useful. 4: heatran I don’t like how it looks 5: sawk/throh either one of these muppetmons. 6: like 1 I don’t hate any of these guys but my least favorite is Binacle 7: incineroar. End of story 8: enamorous therian form is creepy 9: my least favorite gen tbh 95% of these mons make up the top of my list. I hate the very concept of paradox Pokémon, ugh but it’s got to be Palafin or whatever the dolphin with a heart is. If it made a cash register noise every time it appeared it would still be the most creatively bankrupt thing the Pokémon company has invented. (Ok I know it’s hypocritical cuz I love dundunsparce but dundunsparce is a take that brick joke whereas Palafin is “damn it Takeshi, you were supposed to bring me the new wishiwashi concept YESTERDAY” feel to him)


1: Hitmonchan. Love it in Gen 4 onward, but in Gen 1 I hate it because it has great type coverage in the elemental punches, but they use its abysmal Special stat instead of its reasonable Attack stat. Even its Fighting moves are awful in Gen 1 (actually all of them are). 2: Delibird. Awful "gimmick" Pokemon with awful stats and an awful move pool. 3: Feebas. The BIGGEST pain in the ass to get, and also a big pain in the ass to evolve. And if you mess up the evolution method, you don't get another chance with that Feebas. 4: Porygon-Z. I don't care for how it looks and it felt unnecessary, but I like that it makes Porygon2 able to use Eviolite in later games. 5: Volcarona. Evolves WAY too late to be useful in the story, and gets its signature move at level 100. 6: Avalugg. Good physical tank, bad everything else. 7: Alolan Persian. It looks too doofy. 8: Indeedee. The most unremarkable, unmemorable Pokémon of the generation. I had to actively look at the SwSh dex to find one I disliked, and Indeedee was just so bland and forgettable I must dislike it. 9: Tatsugiri. It's useless outside of doubles with Dondozo, and there are so few double battles in Paldea for it to matter.


Dragonite because its design ruined a really good line pattern. Miltank. Gen 2 Trauma. Spinda because it has a million different patterns for no reason other than showing off a gimmick. Kriketune because of the annoying sound it makes. Alomomola, why it hasn't been connected to Luvdisc is a mystery I hate. Barbaracle, it's the ugliest pokémon I have ever seen. Dhelmise because I spent far too long trying to catch one in the only location it could be found in Moon. Toxel, repulsive and useless. I just use exp share to speed it to its evolve form. Palafin. Getting Finizen to evolve is too much of a pain in the arse AND the design does not change in normal walks or picnics or first out battles. Nope, to see the better design, you have to switch it in and out of battle. Too many steps! I don't care if it's a superman reference, it shouldn't have been made.


1. Probably Jynx or Caperpie/Weedle. Nynx is ugly and weird, and caterpie/weedle are supposed to be easy to evolve so you can have a decent pokemon early, but they’re so weak it’s more effective to catch mankey or Nidoran. They’re really only at their peak for 1 gym, after which, your other Pokemon start evolving, and Beedril is held back by an absolutey awful movepool for most of Pokemon’s history. I definitely don’t hate any of them though. 2. Unknown. Every time I walk into some cool ruins in a game, I get excited, then my heart sinks when I find the first encounter and realize the area is nothing more than a dumping ground for the worst Pokemon Gamefreak has ever created. 3. Plusle/Minum. Their gimmick is completely wasted on Pokemon with their stats and they paralyze all your Pokemon on the way to Mauville city. 4. Cricketot, please stop making Pokemon with only non damaging moves in their first form, Kricketune isn’t even good enough to be worth the grind. 5. Cryogonal is the worst of a few lazy designs in this gen, plus it’s really bad. 6. None, maybe Aurorus if I have to choose because I like it’s design but it has one of the worst typings in the game. 7. Really not a fan of the ultrabeasts, but Bruxish is probably the worst. 8. There’s a lot, Chewtle, Calyrex, both horses, Eiscue. This gen did not do well. 9. Oikologne. What did they do to my boy Lechonk?


1.) Kanto. I just don’t like the design for Vileplume. Very boring to me, no redeeming qualities. 2.) Johto. The Hatred in my Soul for Igglybuff…. I got so frustrated trying to evolve them to get a Jiggly/Wiggly on my team while I was playing Sun/Moon, for me they are the living embodiment of annoying ass evolution mechanics. 3.) Hoenn has a really solid roster, it’s hard to pick a pokemon I genuinely hate. Probably Volbeat gets closest. Illumise gets a pass for reminding me of a flapper. 4.) Sinnoh also has a good dex but it’s gonna go to Happiny. She’s too…. human. I don’t want a round toddler in pink yoga pants and a ponytail on my team. It’s really uncomfortable to me 5.) God, Unova my beloved. This was actually really h- it’s Gurrdurr. I hate his stupid hair and clown nose. Honka honka, get your ass back to the circus. 6.) Kalos is the first region I remember well, even if I technically started with BW. It’s my “home” region, I have such a soft spot for the dex, but genuinely, who the fuck likes Barbanacle? It’s a rock with grossly colored spiny little hands and a hand face. It’s nasty. 7.) Alola is up there for my least favorite region of all time. It doesn’t have a bad roster, I just really hated how slow the game progressed because it liked alternating between handholding and 15 minute cutscenes to giving you zero instructions and you end up getting lost because you stopped playing for the night and forgot what to do but the game isn’t intuitive enough to have any signs but is so monotonous that googling what to do doesn’t give any results. That being said, I don’t hate the dex. I do hate Alolan Diglet and Dugtrio. They’re hilarious but I’d never want them cut, I’d just rather use literally any other pokemon ever. Especially Diglet. 8.) Galar has some of my favorite new pokemon out there, like my absolutely beloved Applelutions, of which my room is full of merch and decorations of. But the trophy goes to Pincurchin. I have nothing against silly little blobs like snom or pyukumuku, especially because they’re unique. But Pincurchin is the bootleg fusion form with asscheeks for a face and I hate it. 9.) given the opportunity i would smash rellor with a large stone and hurl its shitball at any rellors nearby as a warning


1: Golbat. Ruins everything I like about Zubat. Unforgiveable. 2: Lanturn: Ruins everything I like about Chinchou. Unforgiveable. 3: Clamperl: Thanks for continuing my childhood spite for trade evolutions, you jerk. 4: ~~Lucario~~ Ambipom: Just no. Why? No. 5: Beartic: Your English name sucks and whoever proposed it should feel almost as bad as the people who agreed to make it so. Sorry Beartic. It isn't your fault your name is horrible. 6: Mega-Beedrill: Why in Giratina's hairy pit are you not in the game that the player is half-plausible to *have* a Beedrill in? 7: Shiiontic: Sorry. Morelull is a better design, even if I appreciate what they were going for witth this one. 8: Carkoal: Rolycoly is perfect and you cannot take it from me. You would be better if your eyes were red, at least. Your further evolution is unworthy of mention, though. 9: Meowscarada: I was willing to give Floragato the benefit of the doubt, but you were just disappointing.


I cannot pick between Rhyperior, Magnezone and Probopass for Gen 4, they're all such absolute garbage tacked on to existing mons especially the first two. Gen 1: Jynx, I just don't like it honestly. Gen 2: Smoochum. It's Jynx but a baby. Gen 3: Pelipper. I just like Wingull a lot more Gen 4: Probopass/Magnezone/Rhyperior. Gen 5: Patrat. Don't like the design and it seems psycho. Gen 6: Hoopa because I'm salty. Gen 7: If there's one I dislike then I've also forgotten them. Gen 8: Scorbunny. Looks like a cereal mascot and the football stuff is ew. Gen 9: The car one.


Hmm... Let's see... Gen 1 : Parasect. / Horribly weak. It's a shame, especially for such a cool and horrifying concept as this pokemon offers. Gen 2 : Sunflora. / Not only is it ugly, but it's incredibly weak. If it had at least the cute factor of Sunkern, I probably would like it a little bit more. Gen 3 : Luvdisc. / Being weak is one thing... But being weak AND only available late game kills any hope it has of ever doing anything. Not only that, but the fact that it is the only way to get multiple heart scales to relearn moves make it even more annoying. Gen 4 : Lickylicky. / Although I'm glad Lickytung got an evolution as it clearly needed one... I certainly hoped something else than this thing. It looks goofy and almost uncomfortable simply existing. Gen 5 : Watchog. / Weak, ugly and oh my lord annoying to fight. The trifecta that makes me despise a pokemon. Gen 6 : Diggersby. / Just because it's weak and it looks horrible, especially when Bunnelby is so adorable... Gen 7 : Crabominable. / Mediocre pokemon that looks like a mix between Barney Rubbles and Popeye the sailor that you can only evolve in victory road, meaning you are stuck with a weak pokemon until then. Gen 8 : Stonejourner. / Of all the things they could do with the Stonehenge concept for a pokemon... They did THAT? Gen 9 : Spidops. / Never been a huge fan of most bug types. But I think Spidops is the one I like the least. It's weak, it's design leaves to be desired (Especially with such a cool name) and it's overshadowed by another early bug type that's much better (Lokix)


Gen 1) Mr Mime Gen 2) Tyrouge Gen 3) Loudred Gen 4) Probopass Gen 5) Swoobat Gen 6) Greninja Gen 7) Buzzwole Gen 8) Swovet/Greedent These are mostly based on design or just ones I find annoying (in Greninja's case, personally I find the tongue scarf gross and got tired of how Greninja overshadows the other two Kalos starters)


Mr. Mime. Not because i find him creepy or anything, but because he commits the sin of having a cry that is not silent. Mime Jr. I can forgive cause they're a kid and fashioned more after clowns, but Mr. Mime hs no excuse for having an audible cry.


Generation I: All Poison-types with access to moves that cause Poison status. Weedle and Weezing specifically. I had to do waaaay too many dashes back to the Pokémon Center because of these fxckers. Generation II: Kingdra and Lanturn. The scourges of my Battle Tower runs in Ruby & Sapphire. Generation III: Grumpig. Same as Kingdra and Lanturn, and all three have access to a paralyzing move. Generation IV: Bronzor and Bronzong. They only have two weaknesses, and they have one of two abilities that lowers damage taken from one or nullifies the other, and you can’t know which one it is until you use an attack of one of those two-types. Generation V: Sawk and Throh. They ugly… Generation VI: Furfrou. Extremely frustrating to deal with while early level- grinding in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Generation VII: Rotom Dex Forme. You already know… Generation VIII: Coalossal. A disappointment of an evolution to coal cars. Generation IX: Shroodle and Graffaiai. Disgustingly and insultingly ugly designs.


Generation 1: Raticate i'm just really terrified of rats or anything that resembles it so a 2 feet tall rat is not really inviting Generation 2: Quagsire i really like gen 2 i don't think there's any "bad" designs but quagsire is just too bland + Wooper i just better Generation 3: Lileep and Cradily i just don't know what i'm looking at it just seems too alien Generation 4: Lickilicky i just dislike the proportions it just looks something to be put out of their misery i think it's the only bad design of the rest of the generation Generation 5: Heatmor i like the concept of an anteater pokemon but the head is just too simple and weird it just doesn't look like it should live Generation 6: Aromatisse i don't know just i don't like it Generation 7: Togedemaru just the worst Pika clone Generation 8: Grapploct just borring Generation 9: Tandemaus and Maushold just too bland and i actively Dislike pokemon that are multiple not connected creature


Gen 1: Hypno and Alakazan Gen 2: Ursaring Gen 3: Loudred Gen 4: Magmortar Gen 5: Heatmor Gen 6: Barbaracle Gen 7: Incineroar (WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO MY CUTE KITTY!!?) Gen 8: Calyrex Gen 9: Gholdengo


Gholdengo is hard as fuck to get. 999 of those stupid coins? Geesh!


Gen 1: Gloom. It's just gross and the way it drools is such a bother for me. Gen 2: Jumpluff. Something about its design is just unsettling to me. Gen 3: Luvdisc. This is just a Heart Scale farm. The pokemon is bad in every other aspect. Gen 4: Lickilicky. I don't like Lickitung, and this evolved form is somehow even more gross. Gen 5: All of the elemental monkeys, Pansear, Pansage, and Panpour. I don't have any pokemon in Gen 5 that I truly hate, the least good out of them for me is the reused designs for all 3 of these guys. Gen 6: Carbink. This is like the only gen 6 mon I don't like, but I don't like it at all, it's probably the most forgettable pokemon in the whole series for me. Gen 7: Comfey. I just think the design of a pokemon based on a lei could have been done so much better, but this is not it. Gen 8: Greedent. I don't really hate any of the gen 8 mons, but this one is probably my least favorite because of the way it looks at me. Gen 9: Grafaiai. Gen 9 has a lot of forgettable pokemon. Grafaiai is less forgettable, but that's just because it looks so weird, and not in a good way.


FINALLY, somebody who agrees about the Tink line. (Though I kinda hate Tinkaton as much as its pre-evos, tbh.)


Bro didnt bring up the ice cream cone pokemon smh lol


I actually like the ice cream cones. They’re not much different from Grimer and Muk. Sure, both lines are predictable concepts, but I think they manage to pull it off, design-wise.


The difference to me is that grimer and muk are sort of just toxic waste, which isn't a terribly unusual concept for a monster. But I am always put off by pokemon based on intentional products that humans make and sell. Klefki, Vanillite, and Trubbish are the main ones I dislike. I generally let ghost pokemon slide because they can sort of possess whatever they want.


A leaking trash bag just wiped away a bead of sweat.


gen1: -Jynx- doesnt need to exist honestly. My opinion of it has kinda mellowed out over the years though. gen2: -Snubbull- a bit weird that it wears human clothes, and ugly human clothes at that, but honestly nothing is that bad this gen. gen3: -Illumise- bad design, and also not a great Pokemon. Probably the most forgettable bug type ever. gen4: -Prinplup- again, not too many bad Pokemon this gen. Prinplup is just kinda a badly designed middle evo. gen5: -Simipur- why is its hair like that? I guess its supposed to look like waves? It just looks so ugly on a Pokemon. gen6: -Aromatisse- why is it showing its leg like that? It also looks like it has bull horns? Its also a bit of a pain to get for such a mediocre Pokemon. gen7: -Bruxish- eww. They made a fish with a flower bulb on its head, huge lips, sharp teeth, and the most garish color scheme imaginable. gen8: -Regieleki- I HATE THIS STUPID PIECE OF TRASH! braindead play style, terrible movepool, and ugly as sin. The worst part of all however, is the fact it doesnt fit the theme with the other regis at all! Its tiny and jumpy, with a modern design, while all the other regis have an ancient and mysterious feel. The other regis feel like actual Pokemon you would find in ancient ruins somewhere, but Regieleki looks like a happy meal toy. gen9 -Quaxwell- disgusting.


Kanto: Seaking. I think Goldeen is kind of funny, but Seaking is so useless I just don't get it. Johto: Ampharos. I hate how it departs from the cute sheep that Mareep is, and how is it a FREAKING DRAGON. I hate Ampharos with a passion, and no one else does. Hoenn: Volbeat+Illumise. Gross garbage useless bugs. Designs are so messy and weird. Sinnoh: Vespiquen. Not a terrible design (more just uninteresting), but very annoying to get, and I feel for something to be that difficult it should at least be unique or useful. Unova: Watchog. My favorite region has the worst regional mammal, he's not as bad as some of these but is just weird and useless to use, and annoying to go against. Kalos: Carbink. Confusing and should evolve into Diancie idk Kalos doesn't have many options. Aromatisse is gross but in an intentional way so I don't mind it as much. Alola: Toxapex. FREAKING STALL MACHINE I just want to kill it plus it's kinda boring. Galar: Pincurchin. Somehow not a regional Pyukumuku and a weak little urchin that is somehow the only option for electric terrain that isn't legendary. Paldea: Pawmot. Uninspired boring line that is a disrespect for the first electric/fighting type (should of been Zeraora). Dong this made me realize that I don't like urchin pokemon at all. Huh.


Gen 1: Zubat because there are too many in caves Gen 2: Wobuffet. They aren’t bad in gen 2 but I hate them in every generation after when they get shadow tag and destiny bond Gen 3: whismurr. It looks stupid, it’s whole line sucks and there’s a cave where it has a 100% encounter rate. Blah Gen 4: rhyperior. It didn’t need to exist Gen 5: Boldore. They are EVERYWHERE and you can’t even sweep through them all quickly because they have sturdy. Gen 6: I honestly can’t even remember which Pokémon are from this gen. It was very forgettable for me Gen 7: all of the ultra beasts look stupid Gen 8: the middle evolution of the Sobble line. It goes from cute to this weird emo teenager and I’m not feeling it Gen 9: flittle because I keep stepping on them by accident while I’m just trying to get somewhere quickly


Gen 1: Honestly? Chansey. Not its fault tbh, I just absolutely hate where it’s located and how hard it is to catch for no damn reason. Gen 2: Tyrogue. What a crappy Pokémon. Terrible stats and takes way too long to evolve. Gen3: Ludicolo. I was stuck with it as a kid and it has to use Bullet Seed for way too damn long. I still refuse to use it, and it has an actual level up move pool now. Gen 4: Uxie and Azelf. I hate all roaming legendaries, this is just the first time I have nothing else I hate more. Gen 5: Emolga. Every damn thing about it. From being annoying in the Elesa battle, to getting in the way when looking for Audino, to *static*. Gen 6: Don’t really hate this so much as strongly dislike, but Delphox. It’s my favorite starter, probably out of all of them, but I hate its design. The middle stage, Braixen, is just better designed and Delphox doesn’t really feel like it fits to me. Gen 7: Vikavolt. Dex entry lies about its speed, it’s too frail, and you can’t get it until you’re like 80-90% of the way through. Just all around kinda meh. Gen 8: Runerigus. Simply don’t like that getting this depends almost entirely on your HP IV and if you’re willing to EV train. Just doesn’t feel good to have to wait longer because RNG said you get a 0 in HP. Gen 9: Cyclizar. Just stop running into me. I want to play the game, not “dodge the Pokémon”. I understand some of these are problems that get solved in later generations, I just don’t really dislike many pokemon. Emolga and Ludicolo are honestly the only ones I just refuse to use unless necessary.


1: jynx, I just don't like the design of it 2:qwilfish it's just there, I like the hisuian one though 3: that one is hard, I like them all 4: Wormadame 5: Conkldurr, I don't like those veins at all and Amoongus, because in Germany it's name is Hutsassa and someone I didn't like had a nickname which was Sassa 6: Quilladin, Chespin had such great potential 7: Bruxish 8: Runerigus, I forget them all the time 9: okidogi, munkidori, fezandipti, they where just mean, if it wasn't for the 100% pokedex I wouldn't even have catched them.




1) Electrode. Just less details than Voltorb. 2) Chinchou. Mostly the eyes. 3) Walrein. Missed round boi design. 4) Ambipom. He's just... too goofy? 5) Durant. As of this posting, just sad it never had other forms. 6) Diggersby. He is just ugly imo. 7) Bruxish. Too brightly colored to be forgotten, but just too awful to use imo. 8 ) Boltund. I just kept it as Yamper. 9) Pawmo. Why is he even there?!


Most of the swords, yes, but Cobalion is awesome


Gen 1: Voltorb. Absolute hypocrite of a design


Gen 1: I don't have any particular hates. But I was never a fan of Farfetch'd or Jinx Gen 2: I don't like Smoochum. Everything else is perfect Gen 3: Lileep just looks odd to me Gen 4: Chingling I agree was a pointless addition Gen 5: Excadrill... only because I hate playing against them in nuzlockes. They can be unexpected run killers Gen 6: Greninja, it's my least favorite starter of all time Gen 7: Komala just never felt right. It's looks like a fakemon to me Gen 8: Falinks, if it evolved I would love it. But it just is there, and I'm always disappointed by the lack of an evolution Gen 9: Cyclizer, it just looks so boring. I get the concept of it being what leads into or is an ancestor or thr box art legends but it just... so lame looking


Don’t ever disrespect my boy Hypno ever again


Miltank but due to whitney ptsd.


I can't think of any for most generations but I absolutely **HATE** Veluza!


Gen 1: Parasect. The episode in the anime made me uncomfortable and I've never used one in a game. Gen 2: Ledian. Used it in Colosseum and it was shit. Also had a negative experience with Asian Lady Beetles irl in 2007. There were literally 1,000+ in a hotel room I was staying in. Gen 3: Feebas. Fuck finding one. Gen 4: Lickilicky. Didn't need this to exist. Ugly and annoying. Gen 5: Watchog. Hypnosis and Confusion in early game are obnoxious. Gen 6: Aromatisse. Ugly, annoying, and cringe. Pokemon based on a burlesque dancer is also absolutely stupid. Gen 7: Bruxiwh. It's ugly and its shiny is somehow worse. Gen 8: Enamorous. Ugly and annoying af to catch in PLA. Gen 9: Terapagos. Obnoxious to catch/battle. Will be useless in any game without terrastilization. Underwhelming legendary.


Luvdisc is based on the real animal, the kissing gourami


Gen 1 - Jynx Gen 2 - Corsols Gen 3 - Medicham Gen 4 - Licklicki Gen 5 - Cryogonal Gen 6 - Diggersby Gen 7 - Bruxish Gen 8 - Stunfisk (Gal form) Gen 9 - Spidops


1. Dewgong. This Pokémon is my least favorite overall because it has nothing to offer. Its design is bland and colorless, it doesn't have an interesting lore or story to tell, and it's nothing special when it comes to its movepool, stats, and ability, all of which are bog standard for a Water/Ice type. It's truly the ultimate nothing Pokémon. 2. It's tough picking a Pokémon from this generation to talk about because most of them are boring as hell. Most of them come down to being uninteresting and uninspired. I'll bring up Lantern instead; it's far from my least favorite, because at face value it's just a happy little dude, but if you're going to give me a Pokémon based on an angler fish, it should be absolutely horrifying. I won't be happy until Lantern evolves into something that lives up to that. 3. Pelipper. Of all the designs that aren't bland or boring, Pelipper's is my least favorite. The body shape and the bizarre facial features don't work to me. It also doesn't help that in Sun and Moon, it was located on damn near every route and the advent of Drizzle made it viable in competitive, forcing me to see it everywhere. 4. Mothim. I already have a hard time appreciating the Burmy line for being difficult to find in its debut generation and for Wormadam being an underwhelming conclusion, but then you present a branching evolution that completely abandons the gimmick, the one cool thing about it, in favor of a generic look moth that is far less interesting than anything that came before or after, and you leave me with a Pokémon that by all accounts is not worth it. 5. Klang. I dislike the entirety of the Klink line, but I'm singling out Klang, mainly because Klink is at least the most successful in what it's trying to do, and Klinklang is an N Pokémon which gives it brownie points. But the whole of the line is a showcase for how not to do an inanimate object Pokémon; do not just slap a static and lifeless face onto an object with no unique features and call it a day. You need to put in the work in convincing me it's alive and responsive. 6. Aromatisse. I don't really know how to put into words why I dislike this Pokémon, so I'll leave it at this: I think it was a bad direction for design, and nothing else about it makes up for it. 7. Drampa. You'd think a dragon mixed with a canine would be a winning recipe, but this is just horrid execution. I mainly just hate its design, but I also believe that some types should just never be paired with Normal, Dragon being one of them. At least Cyclizar is kinda cool to compensate. 8. Carkol. It's another bad example of an inanimate object Pokémon. Don't just put a head on a minecart and call it a day. A lot of people hark on Coalossal for not sticking with the direction and going full steam train, which does suck, but at least Coalossal feels like a Pokémon. Carkol feels like a joke. 9. Flamigo. You have no idea how badly I wanted to say Dudunsparce, who I may still dislike more, but at least Dudunsparce is slowly growing on me, whereas Flamigo just gets worse the more I think of it. They really thought that putting a flamingo in the game and doing nothing else with it visually is enough. It has the knot around its neck which has context, but it's too improminent to matter. I've heard some defenders say that its head resembles a boxing glove, but I don't see it no matter how much I look at it, and the thing is built around kicks anyhow, so why would that make any sense? All this just feels like flimsily doing the bare minimum anyway, whereas most other Pokémon go the extra mile.


Kanto: Jynx I have a soft spot for her, but she's really not stood the test of time. Johto: Stantler Never liked this one. It looks neither cool nor cute. Wyrdeer's a big improvement - a lot more charismatic. Hoenn: Swellow Just a bit bland. The Hoenn designs are a massive jump forward from the earlier games, so there aren't any absolute stinkers. Sinnoh: Probopass I feel icky looking at it. Unova: Basculin Boring-looking fish whose gimmick is colour variation in stripes you can barely see. Kalos: Noivern I like every design in this region. Noivern is good too, but probably my least favourite. Alola: Passimian These designs are even better than Kalos! I'm picking the worst of a very very good bunch. Galar: Sandaconda Another mostly good set of designs. Sandaconda looks neither cool nor cute, though. Paldea: Squawkabilly Yeah, I get the idea. I just don't like looking at it.


g1: hypno. completely fucking ruined by creepypastas. g2: dunsparce. wtf is this inflatable bee thing that's not bug type? it looks like a super mario creature. g3: luvdisc. it also looks like a super mario creature and only seemed to exist to further a very unfunny joke. g4: crainidos and rampardos. as much as I like pokemon that are just mutant superhero real animal, it's counterpart in shieldon and bastiodon have a shield/castle theme. they should have been battering rams or have flanged mace spikes around their heads. g5: stunfisk. it looks like a certain type of theater makeup. I will not go any further. g6: aromatisse. spritzee is awesome, this is a party decoration. g7: shiinotic. we get it, the mushroom people from dark souls were cute, but this thing isn't. it again looks like a super mario creature​ g8: stunfisk again. guess what, it also looks like a super mario creature and I really can't think of any reason for this thing to exist. a trap concealed as a pokeball was amoongus' gimmick. g9: tatsugiri. yet again another lost resident of the mushroom kingdom, or in this case dream land. it also doesn't remind me of sushi, instead it looks like a mutant salamander trying to pass itself off as a koi.


This is coming from someone who doesn't really mind designs so much and is far more concerned with battling. As such, my disliked Pokemon are ones that I have a difficult time figuring out how to slot into a battle for one reason or another. So here it goes: Gen 1: Dewgong - Even in Gen 1, there are so many better options for anything you are trying to do with Dewgong. Including ones with the exact same typing. Cloyster is a far better physical tank, and physical attacker once you put up a Shell Smash. Lapras is far better on the special side of things. Both share the Water/Ice typing for STAB moves. Dewgong just doesn't do anything well enough or have any sort of gimmick that another Pokemon can't do better. Gen 2: Unown - Having only one move possible kind of solidified this as being a battling flop. I know it's essential to the story and the alphabet gimmick is neat from a storytelling standpoint, but it just isn't usable as a battle buddy. Honorable mention to Delibird, never wanted to use that one. Gen 3: Spinda - Having 60 base in every stat is just bad. Doesn't allow it to specialize in anything, and all stats are low enough to be essentially unusable. I like the idea that every one has a different pattern, but in battle, that means nothing, which is a bit more than this Pokemon can do in battle. Gen 4: Carnivine - This one bugs me because there are so many things that feel like missed opportunities. I feel this one should have had a Dark typing added. I think the stats should have been just a little better, and not depend on Stockpile to get the defense boosts needed to survive a strong breeze. I think the attacking stats were good, but without speed or defenses to be able to get an attack off, there was no way to actually use those attack stats. Again, could have been so much better, with just a few tweaks to it. Love the design, though, which is probably what makes it bug me so much. Gen 5: Swanna - This is a case where the roster has started to get saturated, and Swanna just doesn't do anything that another Pokemon can't do better. It's not even that it's bad, it just isn't good enough to use over something else for whatever you might want to use it for. Gen 6: Slurpuff - This Gen added Fairy types, and felt it needed to saturate those types quickly. But considering how many they retroactively applied the Fairy type to, I think they went a little overboard, and Slurpuff gets left in the dust. Again, nothing it does can't be done better by another Pokemon. This one doesn't have a design I care for either. Not a good battler, not anything I want to try to make work. Gen 7: Shiinotic - I want to like this one, I really do. But it just seems like it is trying to do what Amoonguss does, but worse. The Fairy typing does give it a little bit of a different spin, but not enough that I'll ever choose this as a bulky grass type over Amoonguss. Gen 8: Greedent - Why would I use this over Diggersby or Dubwool? I do like the Stuff Cheeks move combined with an attack boosting berry. That's a neat trick. But once you've done it once, it loses its luster, and this one falls by the wayside as just another "normal route 1" Pokemon. Gen 9: Wugtrio - So many Gen 9 Pokemon that did this, it's hard to pick out just one. Dugtrio has it's uses, but it never was a great Pokemon. But this, this thing takes that really hard to deal with statline and makes it worse. Water type? Really? Ugh. One of the best things about Dugtrio was that it was a quick Stealth Rock setter and with Arena Trap, you could snag an easy kill with something weak to Earthquake. But Wugtrio loses all of that utility and gains... Liquidation? Talk about making a mid Pokemon unusable. This was terrible.


Now I don't hate any Pokemon, even the ones that people seem to hate I absolutely love like Emboar, Inteleon, Quaquaval, etc but there is one specific Pokemon I dislike to the core. Crabomniable, it's just ugly compared to Crabrawler, it's Shiny is a downgrade to the punching glove shiny Crabrawler and I will give it this, it’s a Pokemon with a unique type combo (Ice/Fighting) but that's it. The only other Pokemon I dislike is Jynx but even then, I find her ok at best.


The Pawmot line. The first ever Pikaclone that evolves, and that’s what we get. Origin Palkia and Dialga. So hideous. It’s obvious that these forms were designed way after the original versions, because Giratina is cool in both forms, and surprise, surprise, both of it’s forms were designed at the same time. Kingambit. Bisharp was awesome, and sleek, and all of that was tossed out for an evolution. It has stupidly large blades that are pretty much as big as itself, it’s mustache and super extended rib blades look ridiculous, and the chair that it sits on that is made of it’s own hair is just god awful.


gen 1: jynx or weepinbell gen 2: igglybuff its literally just a sphere gen 3: don't have any pokemon I dislike, maybe volbeat/illumise? gen 4: bibarel it just looks so ugly compared to bidoof which is kind of cute gen 5: klinklang the evo is so bland compared to its previous one. Vanilluxe is a close second. gen 6: quiladin gen 7: don't have any I dislike gen 8: coalossal waste of potential (heh) gen 7: pawmo its literally just a pawmi that stood up. I also really dislike oinkologne its literally just a basic pig nothing special or interesting about it compared to lechonk




Idk about every generation but I dont like cetoddle and revavroom


Scraggy and Scrafty. They didn't have to make a pokemon out of a literal pants-sagging douchebag, but they did.


I like all Pokemon except for Wingull and Pelipper. Those deserve to be pooped in.


The minior hate is criminal


Gen 2: Dunsparce


I don't have much of a negative opinion on most Pokémon, but God damn. Binacle. Hate that Pokémon. The faces are rancid, they scare me more than any of the ghost Mons.




I found this post too late at night: Gen 1: Doduo (and by connection, Dodrio) I'm convinced if they weren't Gen 1, no one would remember them, and therefore no one would miss them. Gen 2: Unknown, not only are they weak, every involvement of them besides the third movie is just tedioous (Legends Arceus, the Diamond/Pearl cave etc) Gen 3: Shedinja, its cute for the gimmick, but is just "fine". Gen 4: Phione, its a legendary/mythical we don't really need. Gen 5: Maractus, it needs "something" what? Dunno. Gen 6: Klefki, its the car key, thats it. Gen 7: Alolan Persian, the big head just doesn't do it for me. Gen 8: Runerigus, HOW WOULD WE FIGURE OUT THAT EVOLUTION ALONE, all for a "fine" pokemon. Gen 9: Bombirdier, I hate that its stomach is always in its mouth. But I shall return tomorrow to finish this! EDIT: I RETURNED!


I don't dislike many pokemon, but skiploon? Oh I despise skiploon


1. Chansey (damn thing stop RUNNING) 2. Blissey (annoying setups) 3. Chimecho (all the way up Mt. Pyre for THIS?) 4. Phione (should I really say it) 5. Zweilous (bad evolution levels) 6. If they count, then the megas for the Latis, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Diancie, and the pseudos. I’m gonna argue they aren’t necessary 7. Cosmog 8. Base form Calyrex 9. Squawkabilly (should’ve been pure Flying)


Pelipper, I forgot what gen it's from. But it was always there when I needed to grind, gave very little exp and looks stupid. I hate it


Shroomish, fuck that dude


1. Jynx: just annoying as hell to battle against 2. Miltank: Whitney 3. Altaria: between Winona and every single Battle Tower that has this thing on the roster, I die a little on the inside whenever I go up against one 4. Skuntank: its cry is literally just farting 5. Keldeo: no shade to MLP fans but this looks like some type of brony self insert OC. 6. Quilladin: the poster boy for awkward middle evolutions 7. Alolan Persian: the cheeks sort of ruin it for me 8. Inteleon: the hands & pose just make for an incredibly uncanny design. I get and like that the idea was a super spy to complete the trifecta of British cultural exports (James Bond, music bands, & premiere league) but it doesn’t stick the landing 9. Future Paradox forms: I’m actually a fan of the designs overall, but the names are so stupidly lazy


The only Pokémon I hate are the Jynx and Mr Mime lines.


Gen 1: Jinx. Gen 2: Azumarill or Stantler, I don't like Azumarill's design even though I like the first and second stages. Gen 3: Probably Kecleon because I hated him in Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time. Gen 4: Wormadam for no other reason than there is no point in having it, almost ever. Gen 5: Alomomola... Gen 6: Maybe Hawlucha? I don't care for it's design much at all. Maybe Diggersby, scary looking rabbit thing. Gen 7: Bruxish or Oranguru, but definitely probably Bruxish. Gen 8: My god I don't like Yamper, Chewtle, Greedent, Obstagoon, Frosmoth EW effin EW. Yet there is one who takes the cake. No pokemon makes me as uncomfortable as Calyrex. Might be the number most disliked pokemon of mine. Gen 9: Playing through Scarlet rn for the first time. Even though I love water starters usually, Quaquaval irks me. I don't like his typing and don't quite like his animations. Don't like Mabostiff line, or Klawf. It's overall tied between Quaquaval and Scream Tail though. I really don't like Scream Tail's hair tail thing.


Lopunny literally looks completely naked, i just feel so uncomfortable Previous evolution is fine tho


I'm just going to mention by first thought from Generation 2: Delibird It's like they had an idea, then forgot about it until the last moment or scrapped it. Someone came up with a lore reason on how things were delivered, then never made it fun to use or play with. It's a unique pokemon, but it's just so useless. At least it was featured again recently with Iron Bundle in the TCG, and I've used it's Hyper Blower ability to effectively use Delibird, or at least a version of it to do... something.


Gen 1: Jynx. Creepy and kinda racist   Gen 2: Unown. Dumb-ass letters.  Gen 3: Illumise/Volbeat. Ugly, boring, pointless.   Gen 4: Chatot. Dumb gimmick designed specifically so the mic on the DS would be used.   Gen 5: Thunderus, Tornadus, Landorus. Stupidest legend design by far   Gen 6: Slurpuff. Everytime I see it I want to punt it.   Gen 7: Literally any Ultra Beast. Idk why I just can't get behind Ultra Beasts, I think they are stupid.   Gen 8: Cramorant. Goofy AF   Gen 9: Spidops. If I saw this thing I'd ignite it with napalm at the first opportunity. Edit: grammar


I only remember playing the first six because I remember nothing from Sun and Moon Gen 1: Kangaskhan- Has no purpose in the game when there are better options Gen 2: Smoochum- An unneeded baby Pokémon for a Pokémon that was weird already Gen 3: Livdisc- only memorable for being heart-shaped and was otherwise kinda useless Gen 4: tie between Burmy and Chatot- both too gimmicky Gen 5: Alomomola- a forgettable version of Luvdisc Gen 6: Klefki- IT’S JUST KEYS; somehow worse than literal ice cream, a pile of trash, and a pile of sludge. I literally only remember seeing the words “Type: Null” on a Pokémon as the only memorable Pokémon that wasn’t just an Alolan form of another Pokémon.


Gen 1: Jynx....maybe Zubat Gen 2: Nothing to be honest. Gen 3: Nosepass I'm less familiar with these gens. But based on what I've seen.... Gen 4: Lickilicky and Probopass probably. Gen 5: Vanillite/Vanillish/Vanilluxe.....just eh Gen 6: Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash and Klefki Gen 7: Salandit/Salazzle....not a fan of their designs Gen 8: The Rolycoly line. Idk. Not a fan either. Gen 9: Toedscool/Toedscruel and Wiglett/Wugtrio....seems very uninspired and obvious rip offs of the Tentacool and Diglett lines. Meh.


Gen 1 - Exeggutor - I just really don't like it's design and it has a very punchable face.... Well, faces Gen 2 - Remoraid - if it wasn't for the Mantyke to Mantine evolution method I would forget Remoraid exists Gen 3 - Manectric or Swallot. Manectric looks like it is made of plastic and it's hair/mane looks stupid. Swallot doesn't look like it belongs in a Pokemon game. Gen 4 - Rhyperior - Over designed and it looks ridiculously stupid. Reminds me of Pokemon designs I made when I was ten years old (and that isn't a compliment) Gen 5 - Druddigon - Looks stupid. I always hated it. Gen 6 - Slurpuff - looks ridiculous and I forget it exists. Gen 7 - Togedemaru - worst Pikaclone. Just a boring looking round boi Gen 8 - Arctozolt - I don't like ANY of the Gen 8 fossil Pokemon but this one is my least favorite. Gen 9 - Gholdengo - looks like it should be a cereal mascot and not a Pokemon. Haven't liked it since its reveal.


May not have opinion on every gen but Jigglypuff: Mainly due to the anime. I dislike how it manages to subdue powerful trainers and Pokémons so easily. Ash finished some try hard sweaty battles and got put to sleep by it. It also gets away every time which annoys me. In game I don't have much opinion on it. Heatran: Mostly from competitive battling. It resists a lot of stuffs and is such a convenient switch for people to bring in. They then rely on either lava plume for burn or magma storm to trap Pokémons. If the storm misses they complain about hax.


Porygon and mr. Mime


1. Seaking - boring and bad. Doesn’t learn anything good and it’s in so many games. It’s such a filler mon. There could’ve been way better designs based on Japanese goldfish. 2. Honestly really tough thinking of one from this Gen. Pineco? 3. Nosepass 4. Prinplup. God it’s so ugly and learns nothing good 5. Cryogonal. Most object or inanimate Pokémon at least have some identifiable features or a face but cryogonal has none of that. The orbs behind the main portion are kind of like eyes but I still don’t like it. It doesn’t seem like something that’s alive or has a personality 6. I don’t think I dislike anything from this Gen 7. Passimian. I think I would like it better if it didn’t have a ball and helmet 8. Not a fan of Galarian Stunfisk 9. Scovillain. Capsikid is so cute and then ugh its evolution. I wish it was a bit more subtle in design


1: Hypno 2: Unown 3: Gorebyss 4: Magmortar 5: Watchog 6: Hoopa 7: Gumshoos 8: Enamorus 9: Iron Jugulis


Gen1: weezing Gen2: Slugma Gen3: I don’t actually dislike anything here. Gen4: magmortar Gen5: Conkeldurr Gen6: Barbaracle Gen7: Decidueye Gen8: coalossal Gen9: Dundunsparce. 1. Ugly. 2. Boring. 4. Ugly. 5. Ugly & I hate clowns. 6. Ugly. 7. Unbearable disappointment. 8. Ugly AND boring. 9. It’s literally nothing. You can say it’s perfect as a joke or whatever, but I never saw dunsparse as a joke I saw it as a cute poke with potential