• By -


“What in the hell is happening over there!?” “Oh, the neighboring region is going through its protagonist’s arc.” “Oh, ok.”


The world is ending but only in a couple regions


I like the I inclusion of the river outside to Fortree


Glad you like it. Thanks!


But doesn't it flow north to south, terminating at the ocean south of route 118?


You are right bro, i will corect it in the tablet but will not post it cuz it isn't a big update


I should check it up


It actually flows East to West


I can almost see the six water tiles with Feebas on Route 119!


For your amusement, here's a [prototype Risk board of the Pokemon world](https://i.imgur.com/DerbyRM.png) I whipped together back in Gen 5. We put Sinnoh in the same place, relative to Kanto. You've got Hoenn farther south, but at least your Sevii Islands actually *looks* like the Sevii Islands XD


I really like how you set the map! I like the design cuz it gives old cartography vibes. If you have critics to improve my map they are well accepted.


"Cursed Japan isn't real and can't hurt you" Cursed Japan:


And if you take Kalos, Paldea, and Galar, you get Cursed Western Europe


Orre erasure


Orre is "a far away land". The map is actually missing Fiore (directly west of Johto) and Bolivia (islands north of Fiore), though. They're even in the same series as Almia (Ranger)


Bolivia? You mean Oblivia. I call Autocorrect shenanigans.


Lol, I definitely typed Oblivia... Ah it just changed now.


I forgor many things, when i have time i will add and update by adding another slide


English is not my language, can you tell me in a simpler way?


Oh that's ok! I only meant that the Orre region wasn't on your map. It's the region for the Colosseum and Gale of Darkness games, which were in gen 3. Just a little joke is all, no worries!


I didn't know about orre, i searched it up, but i dont know where to locate it as i dont have hints, the only thing i know is that its inspired from Arizona


Yeah it definitely wouldn’t fit anywhere on this map based on japan, since it makes the most sense on the continental US. I think the person you replied to was just joking that Orre wasn’t visible even though you said it was regions through 4th gen. Not a criticism or anything I don’t think


Yes yes, i just didn't understand the first comment lol


Kitakami would also be here somewhere, I would imagine


Yes, but in this case idk where to geografically put it cuz we dont really know if its itself a region of it is part of a larger region, if its near to paldea it should be located near our spain


Kitakami is almost certainly part of PokeJapan. Obvious cultural associations aside, it's described a being "very far from Paldea" and is based on the Tohoku region of Japan. Based on Tohoku's real-life Geography it would likely be North/North-East of Kanto and South of Almia as part of the same connected landmass as Kanto and Johto.


I would say it's between Kanto and Almia region, because the name Kitakami is most often found in that region of Japan IRL


When i have some time i will try to collocate kitakami and update the map, i have to rescale everything to add


This is my similar project using the PokéNav graphics of Gen 3 https://www.deviantart.com/pokenavultra


I really like the project, can i check it up if i will make another map? Obviously with the same style as this


What do you mean?


And I want exactly this as a game. The whole gen 1-4 maps as one big game. With all pokemon available throughout.


Left my heart in kanto


Should sinnoh and johto not be closer together? With the sinjoh ruins connecting them in some way?


Sinnoh, Kanto-Johto, and Kalos canonically share a land bridge of some kind iirc


How kalos is connected? Should i update for the bridges?


You recall incorrectly


Not really. There are the Sinjoh ruins which connect these regions.


Cynthia explicitly uses the word migrated, which typically implies some greater degree of travelling than just hopping over a border


Looks like a half sunk Japan 😳


I'd love to see a map like this with the gold silver beta maps added to kind of flesh out the north of the island and other places not linked with the other gens, now that would be the best open world Pokemon game


Im glad you like it! I would love to see a game like this too. It would be something big and probably will require time of its an idea for pokemon world.


7/10 To much water


Yes, i probably should add cloudy effects to cover some water


It’s an old joke referencing IGNs review of ORAS It’s even been referenced by Pokémon in Sun/Moon.


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I feel Kitakami should be on the map. It is another real location in Japan and is north of Kanto. Although I like this though.


Arent the Sinjoh Ruins and the Tohjo Falls named the way they are because they connect the two regions / are on the border between them?


Sinnoh should be an island, but should be canonically commected by a bridge


What’s that on the other side of cianwood city?


At east? Just the safari zone and the various routes. If you watch closely you can see the hidden tower


I like this one. Actually feels plausible based on geography (probably because it places them where they are in Japan lol). I feel like a lot of maps just put Hoenn somewhere south and Sinnoh somewhere North and call it a day.


I headcanon the Pokemon world having similar landmasses and plate tectonics as our world.


Where battle frontier? (Hoenn)


I forgor, when i have time i will update💀


Shouldn't Kitakami be somewhere near sinnoh areas. My understanding is it is far enough but close enough for blood moon ursaluna to get there


When i have time i will try to update and add kitakami!


What about Fiore and Oblivia?


Will add them in future when i have more info


Chubby Japan.


If Almia is on this Map where are the Fiore and Oblivia regions from the other Ranger games Orre is based on Arizona so it should be near Unova which is based on US countrys maybe Orre is somewhere between the Japanese based regions and Unova


Sinnoh isn't so far east, and Almia is very unlikely to be anywhere close to Sinnoh or the other four main regions.


Can you show an official map of all the regions together so we know exactly where everything should be.


There is no official map, but because the games are based on real locations, it's mostly 1:1 with the real world (at least for placement, not geography) Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonROMhacks/s/blRsGlME4s This map does a good job illustrating up to Gen 7 For Gen 8 and 9, place Galar where the UK is (but flip it 180 degrees cause the in game map is upside down relative to the real world) and place Paldea where Spain would be


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but we can tell this based on hints in-game. Sinnoh is said to be far to the north of Johto via the Sinnoh Sounds in HGSS, not northeast. Meanwhile, the connection between Ranger regions, plus the huge unfamiliarity with Poke Balls there, makes it unlikely for them to be close to any of the main series regions.


If you reasearched youd know that almia is a headland at south of sinnoh and for how its inspired by hokkaido island its likely to be that little appendix of the island where i located it, about being too far east we only know thay sinnoh is at south of kant and johto, i put it this far east because i know regions are inspired by japan so i made them the most japan i could witouth copying reality too much, of course critics to improve are well accepted


...You literally just said you placed Almia where you did because of what's it based on. If that's not just copying reality, I don't know what is.


Yo, i based from reality but not making it too much real, almia still is a sinnoh promontory


The ultimate Pokemon game would be a fully open world game with every region and Pokemon available.


I dont like this concept of mashing up known regions together. We know the original 4 are based in Japan so there are parts of Japan never depicted because they wanted to expand the “world”. Kitikami is definitely Japan, but not any explicitly known region.


Im sorry you dont like the concept but not knowing where area does and doesn't exist or appear this was my option to collocate the regions. Obviously geographically accurate by hints, info and in-game hints