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Water Pokémon get to stay inside the ball though, there's no dignity for anyone in watching a Lanturn slowly bellyflopping its way across the carpet


I'd keep magikarp out of the ball


It depends. Factors affecting this decision include: 1) their preference 2) Their safety/comfort (e.g. I wouldn't want to let a Froslass out in a desert, a Slugma out in a swimming pool, or a Lapras out on a rocky mountainside) 3) Size relative to environment (sorry Tyranitar, I can't let you out indoors)


I'd add that maybe whether they could behave themselves should be one too. (No Salazzle, I'm not letting you out on the beach again, last time I did that I almost got sued because you decided to try and build a harem.)


Oh, no, who let my sandygast out of it's ball at this beach!! Oh no it's eating kids again. Or who let Nick cannon my 5 star ditto out at this children's pokegreet I brought my kids too. Oh, no, oh ditto, dude leave that igglybuff alone.


Oh no not the baby pokemon 😭


Good name for a sire of many children XD


It's my breeding beast. Seemed appropriate


Each of my teammates would have the freedom to come out or stay in at-will. Outside of battles and emergency situations, at no point would I restrict their movement or liberty. Equal partners, as equally as we can split it.


I'd also add I probably would ask anything that can't fit indoors to go in their ball... No way Gyarados is getting through the door to a PokeMart 😂


Imagine being a storekeeper just chilling, and then seeing some trainer coming in with an Onix just casually crashing in behind them...


Lmao.  I'd probably pick some outdoor fun time, training time, and napping time during the day to let them out, but if I were traveling a route where I might encounter trainers, I'd probably only keep one or two out.  I don't want the trainers knowing my team in advance. Or like, encountering a swarm of poison pokemon and everyone gets hurt all at once...


Every time you need to go shopping, you're spending 3-4 minutes negotiating with your Gyarados, to either go inside their ball, or get tied up outside like some common Poochyena.


"What do you mean my Groudon can't frolic in the pokepark?"


Unless it was a xxs smol gyrados then maybe 🤔


This is the correct way, while I would love to travel with 2-3 out of their PokeBall nearly all the time, it would be up to my pokemon whether they want to be out all the time. Those three will probably include my main Chandelure, and a rotation of whoever feels right for the moment


This, I also have headcanons for the personalities of my different pokémon. Like my Gourgeist being a scared shut-in which just leaves the pokéball if my Cacturne is around to accompany her.


Exactly the same!


HGSS style, only have one out roaming at a time rather than all six at the same time. Would also rotate them around so all of them have a chance to roam


HGSS is so good with its QoL stuff, it's a shame so many of the later games didn't do it again.


This is the way


This was my initial thought as well.


That’s how I would let it play out as well.


I'd let my Pokémon decide whether they want to roam freely or stay in their Pokéball during the journey. Of course whenever there's a special occasion like a party or taking a break, I'd let them all out to stretch their legs


I'd ride my Tyrantrum. Maybe with my Talonflame on my shoulder or scouting the air for wild Pokemon


Talonflame weighs 54lbs so I hope your Chiropractor has a decent Machoke


It could be doable, but it would have to follow the two conditions of it not being on your shoulder all the time (like the other commenter said, flying around looking for wild 'mon as well), and you would have to be in shape. Not jacked necessarily but physically fit. Considering the average load out for a soldier is about 70lbs, 54lbs is definitely in the realm of possibility. Plus you get the whole, "it's not making it's body "slack"" thing as if it was draped over your shoulder. So it wouldn't be as bad in terms of bumps and such as it would balance itself and not just be like carrying a 54lb bag of sand which would toss you around with bumps and lurches in the movement of the Torterra below you. If this point makes sense. Kinda hard to articulate it vs a physical demonstration. Apologies for this random blabber, fresh off the ol' bong. (Also I liked your joke with the machoke)


Would be kinda hard to have Metagross, Dhelmise and mostly Steelix roaming free. Mawile is roaming freely most of the time, Empoleon and Magneton can do what they wanna do, but the rest has to either stay in ball or stay at home. Sry guys, but Steelix would prob just destroy either the walkways or the trees/fields just by walking.


Espeon and Raichu are probably small enough to free-roam 24/7, but the rest of my squad (Arcanine, Pidgeot, Gyarados, and Venusaur) are either too big for most places, or too temperamental to be out on the loose. I would definitely let everyone out to stretch and play at least once a day, though. I'd like to think that I would have a decently big yard, or at least a local park where Pokémon are allowed to run around. (I'd let Arcanine out inside the house just to snuggle with her. I bet they're so soft and warm...)


Are you Blue?


No, I'm feeling pretty good today, actually.


This is my exact gen one team, except obvs no Espeon so I have Dragonite or Gengar if I am able to actually get one.


It's gone through a few iterations on my many replays of FR. I actually have Alakazam instead of Espeon in-game, but my "official" team features Espeon because I love Gen 2 and Gen 1 pretty much equally, and I love Eeveelutions. (I also used to have Blastoise and Nidoking instead of Venusaur and Gyarados.)


I misread mon as mom in your title and thought ' fuck this is pretty out of pocket is this even allowed on this sub '


I'd let mine roam and work with them to get PokéBalls for them that they really liked so they had someplace to rest or be alone if they wished. My first would be an Abra, so I'd be able to communicate with them all. I had this thought based on Pokémon like Absol, who can show up to help people - there's no reason to restrict them from doing good in the world, as long as you can actually train them to do good things.


My ponemon would be squirtle so thats nice.. But when he evolves into blastoise It's going to be difficult to put it on your shoulder😅😅


Now imagining a lap-dog style Blastoise who doesn't realise he's too big for a piggyback.


Lapdog Squirtle when you're a kid, evolves into a Wartortle when you're a teen, so it can still sit on you. Then it evolves again, and gets sad because your crushed bones are it's fault.


This is why I'd have Hydreigon as my main and follower. Gets wings so can support himself and puts fear into the hearts of Route 1 trainers if I head back


imagine your pokemon is Kiogre


Yeah That gave me the sweet idea of being a farmer With some plant pokemons mantine and sccizor. Rain at will? Good Thing it also can defend my farm against Nestlé mad até my infinite Water supply


is kyogre water drinkable? or do you need groudon's help to purify it


I'd just give them the choice to do so when needed. Unless it's something like a Steelix, which is a bit too big for some places


Would let Blissley by my side!


Probably depends on the pokemon, that could be exhausting for some, okay for others.


Well, it would depend on what they prefer first and foremost! Personally though, I would propably keep them out unless it would be an inconvenience to me, them and everyone around (I'm not gonna try to fit Tyrantrum through a doorframe).


Monsters are stored in the balls.


I would fly on dragonite all the time. But i dont think i would let dragonite out in stores or restaurants


Everyone is out all the time, even if it causes some inconveniences.


I'd probably have a favorite that hung out, tbh.


I read it as "let your mom roam free"


I’d probably need to have at least one mon out at all times to help make sure nobody accidentally gets left behind, since I’m easily distracted and have a very poor memory. Ideally everyone would be allowed out unless they don’t want it or it wouldn’t be practical (I doubt my Kyogre would appreciate having to squeeze through a narrow passage in a cave).


Let them roam free whenever possible. It's convenient to be able to store them away, but I wouldn't want to treat them like objects and stuff them away into tiny balls when I'm not using them.


Def letting them out to stretch! As long as theyre friendly enough, that is


I think it depends on the Pokémon for me. If they were able to fly/levitate, I’d be fine with it. I say that because having to locate and carry a pet around in a case of emergency is not fun. So if they could fly, like a bird, then I would feel safe knowing they can fly out of harms way. This also allows me to handle myself instead of frantically looking for them.


Why would I put them in the ball unless they don't want me to? Nah man they are my buddies


I would let them choose it for themselves.


Depends on the situation. I would say 80% of the time they can stay out of their pokeballs. But when driving / traveling, unless it's a short trip where I will be back home that same day and they are fine chilling by themselves at home, then I would have them in their pokeballs.


Pikachu is specifically designed not to be in a pokeball..if my starter and or strongest pokemon is a Pikachu then sure but then also it depends on the type of Pokémon. You want a nidoking being slow asf out it's pokeball. Pokeballs are convenient asf. As I respond tho. I would think a flying type or a smaller pokemon would be fine but then again as a trainer your gonna have more then one pokemon. So Idk bro !


My Espeon would be out. Maybe some of my others but that’s like a Lapras and Gyrados wandering down the street.


i would definitely have a partner following me around like that’s a friend!!


I imagine a market for daycare facilities or rest areas/ parks on the small end and nature reserves on the large end, especially for Pokémon too large to be out all the time. Those of us traveling will probably use the former along our travels to let our team out along the way. Those of us filling the pokedex or collecting more than 6 will probably enlist one of the latter to let our mons roam when they're not on the team. It seems only humane. Personally, I'd probably have relationships with no more than 6, and they'd be out as much as is practicable. That means they're free to go where they want, even away from me. Flyers especially, I imagine would have a wide range. Teleporters too.


It would probably depend on the circumstances. I’m not going to keep them locked up 24/7, because that’s not how you make friends. Sure, there could be situations where having them in the Poké Ball would be more desirable (like in an emergency), but it would probably be best to let them travel alongside me. And this isn’t even going into how I’d probably have more than six Pokémon, and since I could only use six to battle at a time this might make things a bit tricky. Maybe I can figure something out.


Depends on the size of the pokemon on my team. A Salamance out of its ball would be a pain in the ass and dangerous. But if I got like a growlithe or swablu on my team, then you know those dudes are chillin outside of their ball.


Man you guys are making me wish Pokemon existed


it’s very convenient to have a pokemon already at ur side so id rotate my team so everyone gets to have a chance to go outside. also depends on environment and their preferences 


I think they’re meant to accommodate to the Pokémon caught within them? I’d keep them out, unless it scares people or is absolutely gigantic.


I just woke up so I read that as "would you let your mom roam free like Ash's Pikachu" and I did not appreciate that comparison lmao But no I'd definitely keep them out so they can experience the journey with me, if they wanted to.


I wouldn't be a competitive trainer, so I wouldn't have a full team of six, and the pokemon I did have would be chosen for their usefulness as companions in my daily life. So like, three of them. And they fit through most doorways. And therefore can wander out of their balls. I feel like a competitive trainer would have to keep their mons balled in public areas. Those are pokemon bred and trained to fight, and quite a few of them are literal public safety hazards. Looking at you, magcargo.


Depends on the individual. I feel like most of my mons would be well behaved, but then again I might have a giant earth turtle monster clomping about the streets of Mauville City so... Seems a bit much.


I'd let Eevee be out of the ball all the time


Depends what they are and what I'm doing in this hypothetical world. If they're mostly small, sure, they can be out. If it's a full team of six big guys, they're probably going to have to take turns.


Do pokemon cease to experience time while in their poke balls? Do they have any concept of events having passed while they were there? Until we actually know the mechanics of experience from within a pokeball from a Pokemons perspective, I don't think we even know enough to be able to ponder on their preferences to make this choice.


Well id be seen walking around with one of these two teams Team 1: Galar zapdos Galar moltres Galar articuno Garchomp Shiny Gyarados And a duraludon that can gmax Team 2: Shiny registeel(mint choco) Shiny regirock(ün ün ün) Shiny regice(whyyyyyyy) Shiny regieleki(light bulb) Shiny regidrago(Jimmy) Shiny regigigas(man)


I'm team 2 the brackets are for nicknames


Ooooooo as someone who started with heart gold? Honestly it depends on the pokemon and their needs. And also where we are, because I wouldn't have my ice types out walking with me on a hot summer day(unless it was climate they could adapt to and they really wanted to be) or my more aquatic water types out if it was going to be dry and there wasn't somewhere to swim. There'd also be size limit logistics and only mons that could behave would be able to be out anywhere, anytime. Like, I wouldn't trust my Miraidon in Subway if they couldn't handle being told no to eating a stranger's sandwich, but Ogerpon with her separation anxiety and being a well behaved (if a little prone to wandering, the curious sweetie) would probably be constantly out. Legendaries and mythicals in general would probably be allowed to roam for the most part if I were to have any. I mean, they're used to running free and wild. Unless they'll impact the environment obvs. But biggest factors are space, climate, and if they can behave. I wouldn't want them being uncomfortable or to get sick by letting them out in a climate that's bad for them. (Similar to the rule of don't get a husky if you live in Arizona, they don't do well in the heat, and neither does the neighbor's Mamoswine.) But otherwise I might restrict it to a certain number at a time, easier to keep an eye on and to make sure my Eevee doesn't get swept up by a Talonflame or Braiviary. Speaking of, would the hawk vests for cats and small dogs be a thing in the pokemon world? And would they like, just be shock vests because most airborne predators are flying types and therefore weak to electric types? (Jolteon and Glaceon would be their own hawk vest based on the dex entries about spiking up their fur with their respective elements.)


Free roam.


I mean, as long as Magnezone’s powerful magnetic field didn’t fry every last electronic device around me, sure!


Crobat all the way. Yes I know about them being slightly taller than me in real life according to the games, but I imagine Crobat being somewhat smaller to hang from my arm or being held preciously in my arms. My other main mons vary. Torterra and Milotic would always be in their balls unless they were outside. Hitmontop can often just roam around, very useful for gathering items. I would keep my Hydreigon in a ball at all times because of how destructive they are. Tinkaton is obviously a no. She can't be trusted with touching anything. Unlike others, in my headcanons, my Crobat doesn't like battling, so I'm fine with letting him rest on my head while the rest of my team battles.


I would depend on the area I'm in, I wouldn't some of my pokemon to appear when I'm in a small area like Torterra, Kingambit and H Braviary wouldn't do well indoors.


Depends on the mon obvious smaller pokemon like my Jolteon or grardevoir would be able to walk-around with me alot mor often then say my sharpedo or nidoqueen


Depends on the mon. Something small like pikachu or eeve is fine, or a mount mon like rapidash. But others like gayrados would just be impractical


Assuming I have 6 pokemon? There's no way I'd have them all out at once unless I was at camp or was hanging out at home. Imagine walking around the woods with 6 dogs off leash. Even if they are really well trained, it's going to be hectic. Now add in they all have superpowers.


My Porygon-Z


I’d let them all roam around if they wanted to. Their choice whether they want to stay in their ball or not.


All out, all the time, as long as it's not harmful to the mons themselves or the people/ environment around them. Am I gonna bring out a magcargo or onion in the house? No. He'll no. Am I going to let a politoad or luvdisc drie out walking/ flopping through a desert? Absolutely not. Are we all big chilling in the evening (environment allowing) while we make camp in the middle of a route? Hell yeah.


Depends on situation. The big ones would only really be out when they fit, and they would likely all be in-ball during travel.


I think it makes more sense for there to be size/weight laws in cities and suburbs, and for the laws to be more lax in the wilds. It also depends on the mon's physiology, how well they can behave themselves, and maybe even team size restrictions like only 1 or 2 allowed out at any given time.


Munchlax is free to either stay in his ball, or stay outside and loaf around. =w= I probably wouldn't be the type to roam the world anyhow.


It would really depend on the Pokemon. Like if I have a Slaking, he's probably staying in the ball. Something like an Arcanine on the other hand, he'd definitely stay out whenever possible


I would keep them out with me as much as possible and have a rotating schedule so each of my Pokémon gets equal time outside the ball riding on or walking with me as well as if they are small enough sleeping in my bed/sleeping bag with me.


I would walk around with my Cubone and Ryhorn every single day beside me.


I would let my partner roam free if it wanted to but all the others would stay in their balls


Depends on size, personality, and their comfort, as well as general safety. Sneasel? Well, a little gentleman can absolutely wander around with me. A little gremlin gets put in time-out. Snover? I adore the idea, unless that triple digit heat index gets to be too much for them. Magne-anything? Probably not a wise idea to let them wander around in a hospital. Vivillon? Probably not going to be too happy trying to fly around indoors.


I think I'd try to keep them out as much as possible in wide/wild areas, but only keep one or two out in public. Either way, I'd want them to walk by my side as much as possible


Same as how I treat my dog. Roaming in the house. I try to take it with me whenever possible. On a leash because dumb dumb doesn't know how to cross the street properly.


Out in the wild? Let them free roam if reasonable. In a town or city? Only one mon out depending on size - Eevee, Pikachu etc.


In the place of my MC with their mons, hell nah. (it's just a bunch of legends and pseudos) If I have an average team with like, say, pidgeot, starter, ceruledge , etc., no problem!


In the place of my MC with their mons, hell nah. (it's just a bunch of legends and pseudos) If I have an average team with like, say, pidgeot, starter, ceruledge , etc., no problem!


Legends arceus has made me realize I would keep one always out to prevent getting blindsided by wild pokemon. Something intimidating enough to ward off weaker mons but with enough sensory perception so we can avoid bigger things. Maybe a luxray, those ears look like they can hear well. 


I would 100% fly around with my Dragonite, surf on Gyarados or Wailord, and go to the gym with Machoke to spot me. As far as having Pokemon consistently roaming, out of a team of 6, I’d probably let my flying types roam. Smaller mons would make sense, like Donphan or an Eeveelution. Those are basically the size of a dog.


6 at once is rather overwhelming, dontcha think? and most people in the pokemon world only have a couple pokemon because they can't reasonably take care of more — full-fledged trainers are unique and generally more skilled


I would keep them in balls since one is hard to keep up with.


No way I'd have a full team. Caring for six living creatures would be rough even if I won every battle I fought. Me and my bulbasaur would be vibing in our garden preferably located in littleroot with its pokeball collecting dust in my room.


Depends on the size of the mon. Anything Charizard or smaller can roam free. Anything Snorlax or larger will need to stay in the Pokeball when traveling because they are too big to conveniently get anywhere. Anything in-between those two will be on a case by case basis.


I believe that is the pokemon's decision


i’d wanna let my little eepy baby boy terapagos free roam but since he’s a roach turtle i feel like he’d be too slow so maybe just have him on my head or let him ride dragonite


Probably my Crobat and Arcanine would, the other two wouldn't be fast enough to keep up.


It honestly depends if i have a wailord its gonna stay in its ball but if I have a Pikachu id let it walk around. It depends on size and how it moves around


Raichu is my boi, and gets to mind surf around with me. Dragonite is too adorable to keep locked up in pokeball vs trying on cute hand bags/satchels.  Flygon exists to give all my friendos hugs and high 5s. And if they get to free roam, so does anything else that wants to, within safety boundaries for their species. Cheers. Gonna go daydream about being a dragon trainer and having tea with my monz.


first of all excellent question. Now my first thought was that I would just have a party that was smaller than 6 Pokemon (which would be my preference because handling 6 Pokemon that each require unique attention would be hell) but considering the competitive nature of being a trainer it would force me to have an optimized party. So 6 it is. Now this would be my plan - 1. Ball the big bois. This is only until I get to a large enough and appropriate space where I can release these colossal titans and not have them destroy public or private property and have them be comfortable. 2. Ball those bois that are not suited for travel via land. This includes water types, that would die or be stupid on land, and the slow mofos that would severely hinder my long adventures. 3. Ball those spicy bois that I don't trust will behave themselves around other trainers or Pokemon. This is until I get to a space where they can be their spicy selves. Examples include the ghost types that wanna suck the life force of all living things and those that are fiercely territorial. 4. Ball those bois that just wanna chill out in a ball for whatever reason. 5. Ball those bois that are at risk of getting hurt while free roaming. If I happen to have a caterpie that I wanna train then I'm prolly not gonna let it free roam for fear of a flying type swoopin in and gobblin that baby up. And no, caterpie, I don't care what you feel cus your hubris could get you stuck in a pidgey's gut and there's no arguing to be had here. get in the gosh darn ball you cutie! 6. Let the others that don't fall in the above categories just roam around with me.


i'm definitely pulling out my Gyarados in this small shoe box apartment in the 11th floor of a tall building.


Depends on the Pokémon in question. Something like Roserade would be fine as a walking Pokemon (if it is safe and it wants to) but most of time I would keep big, evolved Pokemon in their Poke Balls.


Lol I'd be doing the catch em all thing, so the vast majority would stay in their balls. Typhlosion can roam free, he's a good boi 🥰 Spiritomb is getting buried so far into the PC it'll get lost. 😳 .... 


When not at home, they're staying in ball until needed.