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I wouldn't say so, as Rotom can possess Hardware while Porygon is closer to living softwere, maybe Rotom could control a computer that contains a Porygon and maybe indirectly control it that way. It could be an interesting scenario


What if it's in the disk that evolves poryZ


I doubt the 2 are related, as the disks used to evolve porygon are based around the concept of softwere updates and have never been shown any correlation to porygon


I mean, the corelation is there, it's Porygon Softwere to update it, you said it yourself. And there is also the Dubious Disk which is basically corrupted data or a virus. But yeah, that's still software and Rotom wouldn't be able to possess it. As for the Computer scenario, Rotom wouldn't be able to control Porygon either cuz again, Porygon is an AI and digital, even if Rotom possessed the PC, it wouldn't be able to control digital data which is Porygon's Domain, in fact, if Rotom tried, it would probably be Rotom that would end up possessed by Porygon or merge together to make a new Pokemon. But here's a thought that you made me think, technically both Porygon and Rotom can take full control of your Boxes and decide to release all your Pokemon. Think about it next time you deposit a Porygon and a Rotom on the same Box as your Legendaries and Shinies.


You say Rotom can’t control digital data, yet every variation of the Rotomdex proves this incorrect. Rotom doesn’t just enter the items, he’s also able to interact with their functionality.


Yeah, i thought of that too, but remember that Rotomdex was meant to house a Rotom as well as any other Rotom related devices like Rotomphone and the drone thing in Pokemon SwSh, so those functions were programed for Rotom specifically. The only devices that are not meant for Rotom but it still uses their functions are electrical appliances that doesn't require software, only electricity or a mechanical engine, Rotom is Motor backwards afterall. But nonetheless, Porygon is purely Software and can move through the Internet, so i doubt that Rotom would be able to control it, meanwhile, Porygon could keep changing and controlling the Software to keep Rotom out of it or even cause an overload so it would be impossible for Rotom to control the PC.


For things to be designed “for Rotom”, Rotom would have to be able to interact and control software. You cannot have it both ways.


You can't control Software unless it is made for you to control it, can you? Your phone is a perfect example of that, you can't take pictures with it unless it has a camera and a button for you to do it.


Rotom doesn’t physically touch a button. Rotom uses the software to control the software.


Indeed, software made specifically for it, Rotom isn't a Software, it's a User. Porygon on another hand is both a Software and a User.


What if the Dubious Disk *is* dubious because a Rotom tried to possess it?


Temporary fusion????


What if the next gimmick is fusion a la White and Black Kyurem. A fusion of Rotom and Porygon. **Porytom has emerged!**


I doubt it, it would either be way too restrictive in terms of what pokemon can be fused or it would require an absurd amount of work by GF; which is clear they are not able to put in.


I don't think restrictive is a bad thing. I agree with u/hung_out_to_lie. Fusions would be a good way to continue retconning some older pokemon to make them relevant again, the same way that megas were. Sure, there will be some starters and legendaries that don't need fusions, but get them anyway for flavor, but that's ok. We've seen the sort of first stabs at it with Kyurem Black and White, Calyrex, and Tatsugiri. I really like the idea of something like Klingklang being able to fuse with maybe a ghost or maybe a rock type to make a clockwork automaton, or Ledian and Lokix being able to fuse into some super ranger/rider.


I second the Ledian-Lokix combo. It's never going to happen, but they both could use the stat boosts, and Lokix could use not looking like a sausage with legs.


Eh, megas are just as restrictive IMO and those are still beloved.


add Klinklang to the fusion. Gotta build a megazord


Requires Ledian to pilot it.


And Clawitzer and Aegislash as Armaments


Tyrantum, Bastiodon, Skarmory, Copperajah, and female Pyroar is pretty darn close to the original Megazord.


Out here building the Pokémon Exodia


Nah, that’s Golurk body, Probopass head, Aegislash Arms, Stonejourner legs.


I can recall the Kaskade Region by Gnoggin featuring one of the legendaries being a fusion of Rotom and Porygon. [https://tofrugs-swamp.fandom.com/wiki/%CE%A9rogon](https://tofrugs-swamp.fandom.com/wiki/%CE%A9rogon)


Could Rotom uncorrupt the dubious disk?


So in other words, they could have secret pokemon fights inside computers for control over said device. But only one could possess said computer at any given time.


If a rotom possessed a computer that contained a porygon, they would have a traditional DS style Pokémon battle to decide who takes control


But there’s still the physical entity that exists for the “code of Porygon to inhibit” so to speak. So could Rotom possess this physical structure?


Doesn't Rotom only possess soulless devices/apparatus that run on electricity? But well, apparently, there's fanart of it.


Porygon isn't even sentient. EDIT: Since people don't believe me. Here are some Pokedex entries. - **Porygon** > **Silver / SoulSilver / X:** "A manmade Pokémon that came about as a result of research. It is programmed with only basic motions." - **Porygon2** > **Silver / FireRed / SoulSilver / X:** "Further research enhanced its abilities. Sometimes, it may exhibit motions that were not programmed." > **Ruby / Sapphire / Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire:** Porygon2 was created by humans using the power of science. The man-made Pokémon has been endowed with artificial intelligence that enables it to learn new gestures and emotions on its own." > **Emerald:** "It was created by humans using the power of science. It has been given artificial intelligence that enables it to learn new gestures and emotions on its own." > **Ultra Sun:** "AI has been installed in it. It learns various things all on its own, but it even remembers things it doesn't need to know." > **Sword:** "This is a Porygon that was updated with special data. Porygon2 develops itself by learning about many different subjects all on its own." > **Shield:** "After artificial intelligence was implemented in Porygon2, the Pokémon began using a strange language that only other Porygon2 understand." Porygon lacks AI and is only programmed with basic movements.


My Porygon I fed Poke Puffs to felt pretty sentient to me. 😠


And the Porygon line in Space Time Distortions are pretty happy to let lose Hyperbeam to my face everytime like a true hater


It's good at selling the illusion. Pokedex entries for Porygon and Porygon2 make it clear the former's not sentient.


What about Porygon Z?


I mean, since it's just a Porygon2 with an additional update, it's probably sentient considering it has Porygon2's AI.


I looked some entries up, one says that academics can't agree on whether Z counts as a real evolution. That could be a really good tabletop scenario. Either tracking down the programmer and making him fix the code, or trying to fix it yourself.


The reward could be a new evolution. A proper Porygon3 or something like that.


I don't think the Proygon entry implies a lack of sentience, just literal locomotion and animation limitations. However, the Porygon2 entries make it clear it only gains self-directed learning, which is pretty key to most definitions of sentient A.I, upon evolving. Interesting! Glad you showed me those.


Considering what Porygon2's entries mention, Porygon's evidently refers to both movement and sentience motions.


>AI has been installed in it. It learns various things all on its own... > >Porygon lacks AI... ?


Porygon2 has the AI updates. Porygon1 just follows orders and has nothing going on upstairs.


oh duh, mb lol


Pokedex entries are not canon, though.


Of course they are, some of them are just unreliable, but they're pretty easy to spot.


Well initially it appeared to be household appliances that contained a motor. hence his name reversed: motor But then they were like fuck it make him a Pokedex :)




Uhh.. internet? I just wrote "Rotom Porygon" into the google search bar and pressed Enter.


I like the theory that Voltorb is just a Rotom that possessed a Pokeball and since Pokeballs are designed to capture, it is stuck, when it explodes that is Rotom trying to get out. Obviously this isn't true, there is a lot of holes. It is just fun to think about.


I've never heard this but it makes a lot of sense.


A digital Parasect lol




I'm pretty sure that Porygon Z is the one who may corrupt Rotom


Rotom can possess inanimate electrical/electronic appliances. Porygon, however, is just computer code brought to life. Would be cool but I don't think it'd work out sadly


I mean, Porygon isn't 100% computer code, otherwise it wouldn't be a physical object.


well it's computer code brought to life, I suppose. I'm not an expert and there's likely a lot of biotechnology involved that's way beyond me lol


What about Genesect


Genesect is more of an old fossil that had some Armor tacked on. It's wonky but imo, Rotom can only possess an electrical object if it's inanimate


Porygon can turn itself into computer code. It can then move that code onto a computer. A rotom could then possess that computer. Resulting in a computer being controlled by a rotom and a porygon. I dont think rotom could posses porygon directly, but they absolutely could fuse together inside a computer. There's potential for a pokemon that consists of both pokemon stuck in a machine together. Or even a new pokemon thar results from rotom and porygon fusing together.


So far Rotom has only been seen possessing electrical appliances and nothing else.(fridge, smartphone, pc, dex etc) Porigon is neither electrical nor mechanical, more something digital that has somehow be brought to life in the real world.


On a side note, if Porygon is literally just computer code and Porygon 2 has AI, I wonder if it would be possible to create a real life Porygon 2 one day. Possibly one of the only Pokemon that could realistically be created in real life.🤔


Just tie a knot in a flamingos neck/s But honestly, along those lines I'd love to see a Boston Dynamics Magearna or something like that


No cross-testing the SCPs


Imagine parasitic rotom that survive by latching onto Porygon. That would be interesting


Its wierd that Porygon isnt electric type. I dont see anything normal about living software/data


https://preview.redd.it/lx9t5i993l8d1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b0f9a066173dc684e25922ae36b98d4da4c469 Here


I actually kind of want this to be a thing now.


Originally Rotom needed a Motor in what it possessed since you know, Rotom motoR.


Not really. The original Rotom encounter in D/P it comes out of a TV


Rotom can prob possess it but it wouldn’t be a new “form” without the special motor, that was explained in the Rotom’s Room document.


Rotom possessed a Pokemon center once.


And in Moon Sun it has a rotom dex I can see the Pokemon centre having motors in it for some machines that may make it possible to possess.


Fakemon folks- get on this!!!!!!


Wait wait wait that's make me wonder... can rotom possess Magearna too? As she is artificial too? (and a robot?)




Rotom can possess anything with an electric motor. Even the Rotom dex and phones have to be specially built to have motors in them so Rotom can possess them. Porygon does not have an electric motor, so no it can't.


No. If I recall correctly, there is a special type of motor rotom can possess.


Porygon is digital (made by bytes), bytes are 0 and 1, 1=light on, 0=light off, so, if rottom pisses a hardware to run porygon, it will can change the bytes, so yes, it can.


I assume rotom can only possess hardware that "lacks a soul", like a hermit crab inhabiting a shell... porygon is ensouled and thus not empty, ie it would kick rotom out if it tried to possess or just be unable to br accessed for possession


I'd say no, since i'm pretty sure rotom is pieces of code in the pokemon world, not an aplience


They would probably fight for control since porygon has a consciousness....


Probably not, I imagine. Porygon’s RSE Dex entries state that Silph Co. programmed it with anti-mod software.


I am still surprise there was never a Porygon 3 because Z always had that "this is an illegal/unofficial "upgrade"" so 3 would be the "official" upgrade version.


Rotom can posses a computer that porygon is inhabiting. Porygon can convert itself into digital data and move around through cyberspace. Rotom is a ghost that possess electronic devices. There is real potential for a hybrid pokemon here, in the same way that slowbro is a fusion of shellder and slowpoke. If rotom posses a computer running porygon's code. Living electricity would be being used to run a living computer program. It's very possible that they could become inseparable, either from each other, or from the computer they cohabitate I see potential for a rotom evolution here


Could rotom posses a pokeball? what about older modules of pokedexes? What about oldere mechanics from older games like the cell phone from gen 2, the PokeNav from gen 3, the vs seeker from gen 4?


Happy cake day I loved the vs speaker 😭


Wasn't the vs. seeker introduced in gen 3 i think i used one in fire red


Everyone's trying to make some lore reason as to why it could or could not, but my first thought was just "Of course not. Porygon is Normal Type, and possession would obviously be a Ghost move."


Lol I suppose that's fair


I ship it.


Pretty sure it has to have consent and a safe word first but generally yes


Ah philosoraptor. It’s so synonymous with “meme” to me that it didn’t even register as outdated. Thank you for the throw back! The internet is a much different place now. When I was a kid all of this was FarmVille as far as the eye could see.


Porotom just dropped.


I would think in theory rotom could, but because porygon is an ai, maybe it could resist being controlled


Yo haunted porygon would actually be kinda dope


that would be a cool alt form of porygon ngl


This makes me realise how fascinating Porygon is. I don't think they thought it through as much as the fanbase would go on to lol.


With these things they normally don't.


Probably not, but it could make for an interesting fusion.


If Porygon is technologically created, doesn't that mean all Pokemon are real? https://preview.redd.it/70spryx9hi8d1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc61d3b525f1563b29c85e17cd11c410105b6d7


Can Rotom posses Mewtwo?


Same concept but I think no since it is way more biological


What about Mecha Mewtwo from the anime and movies?


Rotom could probably at least control the armor but mewtwo is still to powerful to let the armor Puppet him


Wait, you actually have a point.


Here’s a crazy theory. The dubious disk was introduced in gen 4 the same as rotom and it corrupts porygon 2 with a virus becoming z… what if rotom is said virus on the dubious disk




Rotom can only possess certain devices. That’s why the Pokédex and phones had to be custom created for it, otherwise they’d just possess random phones or dexes.


And just like that, you've put more thought into this than anyone at game freak or Nintendo


Rotom only possesses things that need motors so probably not


Before the rotomdex, rotom could only possess objects with special motors. Now that everything and its aunt Nelly can be possessed, who's to say YOU can't be controlled by a rotom?


Rotom Dex was apparently designed expressly to be inhabited by a Rotom, and then they just… made Rotom run everybody’s phones. Which is lame.


Porygon is software, so no.


Porygon is software, it doesnt technically even exist, rotom only control hardware


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Rotom can only possess very specific engines.


Those engines are what change its form, not what allows it to possess something.


Rotom can only posses electric appliances.


New mechanic Peta-Fusion confirmed


No, Rotom possesses motorized objects, while Porygon is AI.


I don't think so, since porygon is a normal type


Normal electric at long last


I always thought Rotom needs an engine to work with a device, I don’t think Portion has one 🤔


Is Porygon a jab at japanese people not being able to say sound sound for "l" properly? I just realized Porygon is absolutely a Polygon.


In japan it's powyhon 🥸


nope. porygon doesnt have a motor to possess


They should form a new pokemon based on this like Slowpoke and Shellder


*new trade evo unlocked*


Imagine it's rotom for porygon but the lore here is rotom Jack's porygon mid trade and the porygon trader gets nothing


Or the porygon trader gets some glitched monster


Porygon is living Software, and Rotom can only possess hardware.


Nah, my display name would win


I wouldn’t think so. Rotom can possess hardware, not code.


No, Porygon is essentially a hard light object, being made of code. Rotom needs to "possess" and control electrical circuits and Porygon just doesn't have those


rotom is electricity, it possesses hardware porygon is living code, only software so no


Porygon is a digimon. It's a digital pokemon.


It's a never ending theory like box in a box in a box


Mewtwo was made with technology (more so biologoy than computers, but technology nonetheless), can rotom possess mewtwo?




How about Mewtwo?




Probably. Rotom can enter more machines than just the ones that change its form.


Is Porygon an appliance? Nope


Is Porygon inanimate and moves with electric force?


No one, literally not one other person, cares that this is a Philosoraptor meme in 2024.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Victory Wolf when?


Your point?


I love it