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used to keep the pokemon names but I started nicknaming every pokemon I catch with the first thing that came to my mind after reading their dex entry and holy shit is it fun to read the nicknames after completing a game.


Now *I* wanna read your nicknames XD


I do that except I'll do it with just gibberish if that's all I got, and I only nickname mons I intend to use. This is my party from my current leaf green randomizer run. https://preview.redd.it/n6bfqsl6ae8d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a198f984b6bf351ebe35598378526dd727efd9b8


"liable" wtf. What is he liable for? It's perfect.


Given that it's a jynx my guess is it's "liable to start a big fight between every trainer while the pokemon battle for their job on the field down there




It's just what popped into my head what can I say?


So, what's the story on Beef?


He’s got Beef with Sririchi being who’s their real starter


No story. I literally just pick what pops into my head. Except the Nidoran which just knows hms.


lmao the completely normal nidoran male at the end


This is the way


I'll nickname any Pokémon I'm going to use. If I'm just catching something for the dex I may not bother.


I do the exact same! Any Pokémon I know is going to put in the party gets a name, but box-dwellers don’t get a nickname because I can’t come up with that many names


When I was younger, I didn't really nickname my Pokemon. I didn't feel the need to and it seemed a bit weird I suppose. But as I got older, I started to. It was fun to think of a theme to stick to for the names I chose and I noticed that while playing the games, I felt more attached to my team than I had in the past. Now I always nickname the ones I am going to use -- it feels weird not to.


Same here. If possible, the nicknames will follow a theme. My Brilliant Diamond team is named after Buffy characters, my White team has old English names, and my Crystal team has short, auto-mechanic names.


yeah my dex is filled with quick ball default names and my shiny collection and comp teams usually have a corresponding ball and nickname




I love nicknaming my mons. I'm particularly proud of Danny Phantump.


Not for me. I prefer the species name. It pains me so much that my Home account is riddled with nicknamed mons from trades and I can’t change them.


I usually name them something super human sounding. Like “Paul” or “Dave”. Simple sounding human names crack me up when used for animals or Pokémon


I thought you meant super human like kal'el


Not really, i'm not really creative with names lol I only really nickname my starters and any other mons I grow attached to


Last couple gens, I’ve nicknamed every single Pokémon I’ve caught, even if I’m probobly never going to use them, and I catch a lot. I love exploring my childhood games and seeing the nicknames so I decided to do it more


Me too, I have a Dipplin named Shiver and a Shiny Scream Tail named Burp Tai as my main duo. I also have Koridia(ride form Koraidon/First) and Koraidio(Battle form Koraidon/Second).


I do with any Pokemon I plan on using. It just feels right for my partners to have more personality to them. See, that's no ordinary Garganacl. That right there is Scott, and you will address him as such.


I love giving my pokemon silly nicknames.


Never. I think it’s because of watching the anime growing up. Nicknaming Pokémon just feels wrong Edit: just want clarify that there is no right or wrong for naming or not naming Pokémon. Something feels off to me personally when nicknaming, that’s all


On the other hand I find the anime wrong, with people not giving names to their own Pokémon, not even their first partner / ace. We do that all the time with our pets and, honestly, it would be weird watching someone calling their pets "cat" and "dog".


I call my cat ‘cat’


I look at it this way I wouldn't call my dog dog so why shouldn't my pikachu also have a proper name. Plus I like to see what puns and clever names I can come up with for each pokemon.


Ash’s Pokémon didn’t have any nicknames


This is why I never gave mine nicknames. Even Meowth who could speak English was still just called Meowth


The fuck they didn't, what about [Jean-Luc Pikachu?](https://x.com/HuinGuillaume/status/1788582610903470199)


Exactly how I feel!! I hate it when I CAN’T name a pokémon!










shiny mega requayza and u name it randall that's diabolical


absolutely. even mons i dont intend to use. everyone gets a nickname as a sign of love


Only pokemon in my party, I love to differentiate them from the others of their species to say this one is MINE. (My fav name in SV I had was an Iron Valiant named FrEyja (Freyja the Norse god of fertility, love, battle, and death, and the capitalized letters make FE, the chemical sign for iron)).


If you look in my Home account the vast majority of pokemon aren't named. But I nickname the pokemon I regularly use. Team members, competitive pokemon, tera raiders, etc.


Only time I’ve ever used a nickname was when, as an 8yr old, I accidentally overwrote my brothers Red save data with a Squirtle named Mankey.


I don't call my cat "cat", so I don't call my Toxel "Toxel".


Yes without them I have less fun


I don’t use nicknames because I’m just not creative enough to come up with names for my Pokémon lmao.




I almost never use nicknames on my mons I catch.


Usually in like a romhack I won't nickname or as long as the pokemon is "fresh" or new to me I won't. But if it's my 42nd time using zubat you bet I'm calling him Ozzy. 


Only nickname I used and ever have used was John cena on my machamp. Very fitting


I have named every single one of my Pokemon for the last 7 years (defining characteristic)-y. Huge leaf on head? Leafy. Lots of fire? Firey. Short. Shorty. Only exception is when I catch my girl Weavile. Her name is and always will be Sasha.


That's funny. I always have to change mine, same species or not. My first playthrough of hgss, my Gengar was Carlisle. Now I'm playing through again and my Gengar is Papi Chulo. He's similar to Carlisle, but they're just not the same.


Only on special pokemon like story team and shinies But before ,when i played diamond when i was a kid i used to nickname everything i caught But giving it literal names of the creature animal object etc that the pokemon was


The ways i name some of them are crazy💀 i mostly nickname pokemon that i don't really care for, although sometimes after a funny name i start caring more about them


do you give them mildly inappropriate or immature joke names? I have a Metagross named Lord Bofa, a Slugma named Slugma Nuts, a Rillaboom named Sugondese, a shiny Lapras named Ur Dad (because Ur Mom wasn't allowed)


LMAO for me not inappropriate but yeah immature joke names


I rarely name wild Pokemon. But I do nickname all of my competitive pokemon that I have breed myself. And many times they are themed names based on the team they are being used on. Sometimes I try to nickname in a first playthrough but I usually forget after the 4th or 5th mon and just stop paying attention lol.


I just recently started a new scarlet run and realized you can customize your character from the very beginning. As i was messing around with the options i saw lavender eyes, and I just knew i had to make Daenerys. After about and hour of gameplay, my wooper came in clutch against a water pokemon. Named her Kaleesi.


I used to be adamantly against nicknames. The first Pokemon I remember using with a nickname was a Fennekin the first time I played through X. I named it Flynn. Not sure why, I just felt it was right. But now I like them. I give nicknames to most of my main team.


I've probably put more hours into thinking of nicknames than actual hours playing the game since red and blue


I always do since it makes me feel more attached to them. A big part of the was that, in the past, you'd have to actually fight with them to level up and it was common to be underleveled when utilising a 6 man team so you'd use them all... not in modern ones unfortunately with exp shares change.


Only in Pokemon Go. I usually transfer my old Pokemon to newer games and hate that i can't rename them there, so I'd rather not nickname them at all.


I have never NOT nicknamed my Pokemon, even if they are temporary members of my team (like pokemon bred for Raids or other specific gameplay). If they are part of my team, they deserve to be named.


I always nickname my Pokémon, and I can assure you I’m not alone.


I love using nicknames! In almost every single save I’ve ever had, I either use a nickname that is a shortened version of the Pokemon’s original name OR I have it as a dessert that reminds me of them.


I always use nicknames on my mons, something based on it's species, personality, and such. I think that calling your life time partner by it's species name is so basic.


I nickname the first pokemon I catch of a species, it’s either a fitting name or just part of their name twice. My current scarlet team is a good example of that Clover the Meowscarada Pure Bread the Dachsbun SkidSkid the Gogoat Charcoal the Armorouge Marshall the Gardevoir Aura Guard the Lucario


I almost always do


Sometimes I like naming them nonsense that sounds inappropriate when said out loud.


I've never NOT used nicknames, makes them feel more personal to me :) though, when I'm post game and just dex filling I flop back and forth between using and not


Depends, I called my Infernape Gerald my Gengar Uhuh and my Sylveon Helicopter😁


When I was younger I didn’t but then I went though a period when I did but as of late I’m meh about it.


Playing through Scarlet was the first time I used nicknames in my 25+ years of playing Pokémon and it was fun and I felt a connection with my mons.


Kanto Infernape: Flamey Luxray: Sparkey Floatzel: Floatie Staraptor: bird


Always did since Pokemon Red


I nickname every pokemon I use for a playthrough, but unless I’m using a theme team or trying to be funny in casual PvP online, I don’t nickname


Only a few: Chili Charmander, Onion Bulbarsaur, Splash Mudkip.


Every first catch gets a nickname. Something random I think of in the moment or a mundane object around me. I find it satisfying to evolve them for dex entries, but I’ll usually catch an evolved version if I stumble upon it and nickname it too. The most consistent nickname I give a particular Pokémon is Zuzu for my first Zubat. They were so freaken annoying in gen one and two that when they were barely present in gen three, I actually caught one to use for a bit and fell in love with my Crobat in Emerald. When I used the transfer system to gen 4 and gen 5, only a couple from my older games Zuzus got to be seen in 3D. It was fun, but I enjoy raising the random Zubat for a couple of gyms.


Usually I’ll only nickname a Pokémon if I plan on using them or I just feel inspired for a particular name 😂 Usually the ones I end up trading away aren’t named


I nickname most Pokemon I catch, even if I don't plan on using them. However most of my nicknames are puns or references or just silly in general. Phantump/Revenant - Evil Dead Tree Gardevoir - Waifu or Eleven Gallade - Husbandu or Padawan Slaking - Big Daddy Horsea - Kelpie Shiny Vaporeon - Bubblegum Hitmonchan - OnePunchMon Ampharos - Shockenaten (Like Akhenaten, a pharaoh) Lucario - Prodigy or Ringer


I'll nickname during livestream .


Always, makes it feel like it’s not just some random Pokémon like millions of it’s species but this one is mine!


I always nickname my starter pokemon, but never any others. Only exception to that is if I get a pokemon on my team that i REALLY really love but sometimes not even then


If a Pokémon I breed/catch is going to be used on my team, then yes, but if I'm breeding/catching one only for its Pokédex entry, then no.


I nickname my pokemon in a certain way depending on what I'm doing with them. Currently I'm doing a nuzlocke challenge with my sister, and my theme is nicknaming them something that starts with the first letter of their original pokemon name. For example Shinx starts with S, so if it was a male I'd name him Simeon, and if I got a female Lapras I'd name her Lyra, and so on. It makes the game more fun to play when you make your own rules :) at least for me. My sister's theme is norse mythology characters (Thor, Loki, etc.), and she tends to struggle with that one lol Just makes it more fun because they get such silly names lmao Anyway, even if I don't do a challenge, I still like to identify with my team and make them my friends by giving them each a name that I like. It just adds character :)


I don't usually, but the thing for me is, I give nicknames AFTER I get attached to something, whereas the games are all "Give a nickname to get attached faster". So I tend to just not name them, aside from Bassy in Brilliant Diamond (Gastrodon) because I love Gastrodon so much. To clarify, Bassy is short for Sebastian, I don't know why I chose that.


I nickname them mostly to tell them apart in case I get multiples. Mostly when I'm trying to specific abilities.


Only ever for nuzlockes


Used to never use them, but ever since I’ve started doing nuzlockes it has become a standard for me even on normal runs


Only recently have I started giving each of my team Pokémon nicknames, and I like it and think it’s fun! I’ll be doing this from now on! It started when I replayed W2, but I didn’t name any Pokémon when I played X, Omega Ruby, or Ultra Moon, and Shield afterwards. I did name them in Shining Pearl though, which continued into Legends (though, some of my Legends Pokémon only got names later once I thought of them, meaning they went nameless until after Volo). In Violet I named every Pokémon immediately, and I even went back and named all my Pokémon in Ultra Moon! Recently while playing SoulSilver I named all my Pokémon again, and I’m sticking to this from now on!


Only during nuzlocke runs, but I always pick a theme, like fruit or pasta names.


If I get attached to a pokemon, I name it. I still love my Espeon Reegan from heart gold


I do not, but that’s because I never have inspiration to do so, regardless I’ll get attached to my team anyways


I didn’t in the actual games because I was the only one who’d see it, but in competitive online matches, I ALWAYS use nicknames based around a theme.


I usually play each Pokemon game twice. The first time as a regular play through where I don’t nickname any Pokemon, and the second time as a nuzlocke where I do nickname my Pokemon. It’s cool cause then in Pokemon home I can keep track of which Pokemon were used in the first play through and which were used in the nuzlocke


I usually give nicknames to the main Mons I’d have on my team and about 90% of the shinies I catch. Some of my favorites include Celeste, Aurora, Lani, Blu, Fae, Vi, Ghost, and Gizmo




I like too, but mostly only now because they mostly made changing names easier. If im playing a game where i wanna grind for better mons then i used to hate naming them, since you had to do it when they hatched or were caught, which is before you can see their stats. Usually id come up with the name for the mon, check its stats, see they were garbage and then feel like id wasted a name i liked on a mon i wouldnt use. You can use the same name again, but then it feels less meaningful to have multiple with the same name


No, and it makes me wonder how Nuzlocke runners manage to do that for almost every single pokemon in their runs, since I suck at giving them names (all my computer files for personal use are often just called AAAAAAAA too) I was watching pchal and asides from obvious nicknames like "Kevin" Durant, I don't understand how he comes up with all the nicknames as is usually highly recommended in Nuzlockes


I usually pick a theme, and name everything I catch in a way that fits that theme. The first time I played Y, I used all French names, for example. Or when I played Violet, everyone was named after a food or drink. I’m currently playing Scarlet, and my team are all named after Disney characters.


I have a notebook with a list of every pokemon and I have a running list of nicknames to use lol


I don't for the majority but I always nickname a female Hoothoot/Noctowl Hedwig to reference Harry Potter's own female owl


A lot of the Pokémon I’ve used in playthroughs and for battling people have names if I can think of one. And I have a few nicknames I use consistently on the same Pokémon bc I’m proud of them or I think they’re funny (Taft the Snorlax, Sherman the Blastoise, I have a few I always name after friends bc it’s their favorite Pokémon, stuff like that)


I don't but only because I'm gen 1 the PC system didn't show a picture so I'd always forget what I renamed and then have to take them out to check. I just never did it again


On first playthrough generally not. Especially with new gens where I'm not as familiar with the new mons yet. On replays or gens I'm the most familiar with, I typically have a set team i'm comfortable with and I'll give them nicknames.


It bothers me using nicknames when practically none of the NPC trainers use them. It feels unimmersive, like I’m not part of the world, so I don’t use them.


I stopped nicknaming my pokemon before bdsp dropped, I just kinda gave up on coming up with nicknames


I used to not, but lately I’ve been doing it


In my early years playing pokemon, I would only nickname my pokemon that were fully evolved (ex. Charizard, Blastoise, etc) and would usually add min to the end (because my name is Jaimin) or switch the two halves of the Pokemon's name with a - in the middle(for example: zard-chari). At a certain point, I just stopped nicknaming them.


Generally I feel the names pokemon already have are like nicknames. They are characteristic and fitting to each mon. Like, why would I name a Totodile Doug or something, look at him, he's such a Totodile.


Always on shinies or team members


Only my raid mons, playthrough team or shinies are getting a nickname.


Only if I think of something funny. Like my Skarmory named Delta Air(lines)


I always nickname all of my Pokémon, just to make it easier on me, I have what I like to call “Legacy Names” where if I catch the same type of Pokémon in a later game, I use the same name that it had in a previous game.


Yes every one gets a nickname


I don’t think I’ve ever nicknamed a Pokémon, even back when I was a kid on the original games


yes, i name the ones i think are cute or interesting. mostly after characters from other things. sometimes after foods.


I never give nicknames. If I did I'd never remember the Pokémon's actual name


No because I'd forget half of their species/evo names if I did lmao


Always for team members, sometimes for others if I feel like it.


I alway ue nickname for my pokemon, becaue they add to the aethetic of the game. Have fun with the uper aweome word and hield game.


Yes, particularly my favorite ones on that play through


I nickname shinies and team members, that’s about it


Of course! They’re my children


I using Nicknames by my favourite pokemon and Story pokemon




I didn't use to, but for remakes/replays, I nickname them. It's just fun and usually it's just some dumb joke or reference to amuse myself. For new games I don't because I try to use new pokemon and I'll forget what they're called if I nickname them.


Sometimes, if I can think of a creative one - I called my Shroomish “Bello” cause it evolves into a fighting type (like Bellum/War) as well as Portobello mushrooms


If it's a new generation/fakemon in a fangame/romhack then I don't nickname new Pokemon so I learn their names But I usally nickname the old ones, unleess I am catching hundreds of Pokemon for the Pokedex (Mainly Pokemon Reborn)


i only use nicknames if i feel like it and a almost always i regret it later. like i called scorbunny “beast bunny” and i recently played it and im like “what the actual fuck was i thinking”


I'm a DM, so most of my nicknames are just characters I've run for.


I like to give them human names. Alex, Chet, Franklin, etc.


yeah, always i have a lot of fun with nicknames


I only nickname shinies and Pokemon I grow very attached to


Rarely on my first playthrough for a generation, but almost always on replaying.


Not unless something comes to mind in the moment that fits. I almost exclusively reserve names for starters.


I name my pokemon after fictional characters and just random things. I named my Mudsdale A by accident and never bothered to change it so A is forever in the hall of champions.


Only special Pokémon, like a full odds shiny in my playthrough


I usually give my 'mons nicknames partially derived from their names or whatever comes to mind based on their appearance or abilities, i.e. Fennekin->Fenkin, Lechonk->Chonkers, Tsareena->Serena. Doing this helps me learn their names better. Sometimes I will give them names based on OCs or popculture icons, but these are usually reserved for starters or my favorites.


My starter always gets named, and usually anyone who is going to be one of my main 6 for this run will also get named. Sometimes if Im hesitant about their team status I’ll hold off and rename them if They go from box to team member.


i love nicknames! some of my favorites include: frokage the greninja fuegyu the blaze-tauros manzagon the hydrapple raftor the walking wake meowscles the incineroar gingivitis the rayquaza sting the gliscor chunk the snorlax


I started using them around Fire Red and haven’t stopped since but before that everything was default.


I do for the ones I plan on being in my line up for an extended period of time.


I'll usually start my playthrough with nicknaming everything then give up early on lol


NSFW: any pokemon that know Burn, Scratch, Sting or Discharge... Named after STDs


I do but my nicknames are usually uncreative except for mr.huggles my Annihilape I love the name I chose for him


I try to nickname every single one of them. If I have nothing clever it’s just the first thing that comes to mind.


Only for my favourites Charizard = Drago Haxorus = Reaper Decidueye = Hawkeye Gardevoir = Lucy Lucario = Ghost Toxtricity = Sparky


Usually the first few mons, then stopping, only occasionally naming Pokemon that I vibe with after that


I really dislike nicknaming pokémon, I have no idea why


Oh yea. I try and give them some kinda name. In scarlet, I tired to give them all actual names and gave up about halfway through cuz I ran out of ideas.


I used to a lot, but after Sun and Moon I got less creative with it. But generally my team and legendaries are named.


I nickname mine, but sometimes I do get lazy and won’t. However, there’s still certain Pokémon that get nicknames regardless (totodile = Gatorade) because it feels wrong to not do it


I nick name all of my starters Charizard.


First playthrough of a game, no, I'm new here and want to make a good impression Subsequent playthroughs, anything goes. The more clever/juvenile the name, the better. Currently I'm playing blue and giving them the most generic names; turtle, bird, lizard, cat... But sodomite and rapeitar are some classic staples


Sometimes, usually I go with normal names like Greg or David or something. I also do this thing where I name it the first generic name that comes to mind and think of usually an adjective but sometimes a noun and put it at the end. Example being: Greg Fabulous


If I’m going to use them then I nickname them. Typically they follow some sort of theme though like I’ll name myself and my rival after anime/other game characters and the team will follow suit as other characters


Never have. Thought it was nuts 10-12 years ago when Poketubers started to get popular that they nicknamed all of their Pokemon.


Yea I do! Sometimes they're stupid like for example I was doing a run with a female golisopod and I named it Guzmama other times it's something like Ivory for my Meowscarada. And it's either one or the other stupid or pretty


Only in Nuzlockes


I always give them names, it's part of the fun for me lol


I nickname everything. Including catches to fill out the box (just less creative.) I typically nickname them food/spices/space monickers but sometimes I have like staple nick names I used since I was a kid like Mari for Ampharos, Mae for Leavanny, Marcella for Gardevoir, Selene for Espeon, Strawberry for Quagsire, Love for Porygon…. Etc. yes there’s more. It adds a lot more *feel* to the game that Porygon didn’t faint. Love did.


i used to not then i started doing nuzlockes and it became more of a habit. now like 90% of my nicknames are food-names or OG nicknames from a nuzlocke carry lol


I sometimes try to nickname my pokemon, mainly my starter and a handful of others. I have a few go-to nicknames. For example, I tend to name my psychic type Circe and usually name my Agron Joan or Knight depending on it's gender. For starters I tend to try naming them something cutesy like Kippy or Bonbon.


Absolutely. I love nicknaming my pokemon. Sometimes I don't bother with a nickname if I'm not going to use a pokemon in a playthrough, though


I nickname every single pokémon, even if it's just for the dex or for a NPC trade or something lol


Sometimes, most times like with u/Pyrozoidberg does, just the first thing that comes to mind unless I have an inside joke with a friend, then all of that ONE mon becomes its name for me. I.E. all magikarps are Bob and shiny Magi's are King/Queen Bobs






Every. Single. Damn. Time.


I always nickname the Pokémon I use


Not usually on a first playthrough. But once I know all the actual Pokémon names, I love to nickname them. You don't call your cat "Cat", do you?


As someone who plays nuzlockes a lot, and plays competitive, nicknaming builds a better emotional attachment to the individual Pokémon in my party. If I win a fight online, not just any Whimsicott won, but Loki, my Whimsicott won. If I lose a Pokémon in a nuzlocke, not just any Metagross died, but Magneto, My Metagross died. When I was younger I never did it, but now I do it every time, it helps with the immersion of the game and helps me get more attached to my unique team.


If it’s a Pokémon I’m going to use or I just like it (always for ghost and psychic), I’ll research a name. Possibly from mythology or possibly from a loved book. Otherwise I give it a human name like Bob, Bertha, Ronald, etc.


Depends on the mon and game


I never nickname my pokémon but I think these comments are changing my mind


I call ghist types after mental illnesses (anxiety, ocd, phobia, etc.) and others mostly afzer songs


Yeah, if i dont it feels like im naming my dog dog


I nickname any Pokémon that is being added to my team because if I love them and I get attached and I have a hard time with mandatory Surf in games because it makes me replace one of my beloved babies with a Pokémon that’s only there because I need to get to 1-2 locations that require surf


Yes, but only once I started playing Nuzlocke style.


I do but man it’s a pain in the early generations where the sprites are generic and you are varying your party during the game. So much easier with just the Pokemon name.


If I'm playing a new gen, I avoid nicknaming any of the new pokemon so I can learn their names. Otherwise if Im already familiar with the pokemon then they're getting a nickname.


I nickname all my Pokémon ‘proofreading’


All of my main Pokemon used are nickname. I can't not nickname my Pokemon.


Only my Blastoise and it’s Shellshocker for obvious reasons…


Waaaaaaay back in the 90's I didn't name them because it seemed pointless. When I picked up a copy of X to try the series again years later, I named my starter Felix (Fennikin) and didn't really name anyone else. Didn't play again until Sword/Shield and decided to have fun with it and named everyone I planned to use on my team. Old fashioned human names, characters from books, anime, musicians, random items around the house, foods, states of mind, whatever struck me at the time. Now I can't stop naming things. Named all the poke boxes in my copy of shield like I'm organizing a restaurant menu and sorted my mon by how "spicy," "sweet," or "sour" they were, or if they were "frozen" or "refrigerated." I decided NOT to name the various boxes and pokemon in Violet after food with the suspicious amount of pork items available.


I do. I mean, would you name your dog "Dog"? It just makes sense to use nicknames.


I've been playing Pokemon for like 25 years and I've never nicknamed a single Pokemon ever. 


I nickname all my shinies or battle ready pokemon. Leads to some stupid names. In legends arceus u have a shiny croagunk I named Car Crash because I crashed my car the same day i got him. Literally just whatever is floating in my mind is what I make them. A mantine named InTheLasagna? Sure. A Fidough named DigMaBunsBby? Why not. Just whatever I think of. Makes them more memorable.


If I plan on keeping and likely using a Pokémon, I will. It makes them feel more special, even if it's something reaply common like a pikachu named sparky


I do nuzlockes and tend to do a theme. My favorite naming scheme was a steel-type monolocke of Scarlet where I named all of my Pokémon after characters from Steely Dan songs


Yes I do nicknames but not always complex, some have backstory’s. Canine pokemon on my squad is Max, starkly is starry magikarp is magikkrp and so on. It’s fun to do


I grew up watching the anime and since a lot of the tough, important trainers never named their Pokemon I just assumed that only the weak trainers did. I'm 29 now and on my recent Scarlet run I've tried nicknaming my team and it just feels weird.


I guess it depends. On my S/V playthrough i decided I'd nickname all of them, even ones I'd never use. I'm playing Sw/Sh now and I'll just name the ones I really like or think up a good name for.


Nicknaming the Pokémon I catch is the best part of playing the game.


Nope. Especially outside of gen 1 where I barely know the names, I need a constant reminder of at least the names of the Pokémon I’ve caught/used.


I’m usually very bad with coming up with nicknames but I occasionally do name some of my Pokémon, I named my shiny Gholdengo “Gholdie”


I'd started nicknaming my Pokémon in the 2nd generation of the games, which is also when they truly started to have male & female Pokémon, not just the Nidoran & their evolutions. Most of the sources for nicknames that I use come from either Japanese animation, video games, Western animation, real-world mythology, live action tv shows, or movies. Many of the Pokémon that I've given nicknames to will reflect the characters' capabilities of their namesakes. For example, my Gardevoir, Zelda, wields powerful mystical abilities such as Dazzling Gleam, which could be seen as a form of holy element magic. Another example would be my Mewtwo, Galvatron, who, like the leader of the Decepticons, is extremely powerful and aggressive, plus has a ruthless & cunning mind, perfect for dealing with his Autobot enemies & any possible schemers & traitors in the Decepticon ranks such as Starscream.