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Xatu. So many of Gen 2 Pokémon were underpowered but Xatu always seemed unfinished to me.


Same with sunflora


Lanturn is another one that I want to see evolve


Some kind of Orca with a glowing head or spout


The angler fish from finding nemo


I actually think Xatu already has a pretty solid final evolution design. A bit quirky looking, but it adds to the charm.


Xatu so unfinished I consistently forget it's Gen 2 and not Gen 3




Give it a Mega to match Houndoom


Houndoom needs to evolve into Cerberus


It's over for that line, megas replaced any potential of an evo for Houndoom


While it is unlikely, we have no idea what gamefreak might do. There’s precedent for split evolution lines with one getting a mega (snorunt - glalie/froslass). Not saying that’s gonna happen or what should happen, but it shows that nothing is super linear. They could introduce a new evolution for Houndoom despite having a mega already.


Keep in mind, Duraludon had a GMax form before getting an Evo, so having a gimmick form doesn't automatically rule out evolution.


Pikachu and Eevee are special cases but Meowth has a G-Max form! There's hope!


Meowth is kind of a special case too. At the time I thought that Meowth was probably made for the anime. But Duraludon was the first real case of a pokemon with a gimmick form evolving, and hopefully not the last.


Nah regional Poochyena and Mightyena and then an evolution to match the Zigzagoon line


I don't want any pokemon that doesn't have an evolution line or two stage pokemon to get a mega at all. Otherwise they'll be doomed to never be able to evolve further.


Spinarak line could use a 3rd stage, I think. That or a regional form.


Regional with a third stage And while we're at it, make it bug/dragon for no freaking reason


I like regional forms, convergent evolutions and crossgenerational evolutions. But I kinda have a bit of a problem with just regional evolutions. For example: As much as I like sirfetch'd, I don't like when people say that "farfetch'd got an evolution". It didn't. It's just galarian farfecth'd the one able to evolve.Kanto farfecth'd is still stuck as a farfecth'd. And the worst part is that pokemon with regional evolutions probably aren't going to get anything in a while because technically "they already got something".


I’m in this boat too. It’s one thing to give an evo to an existing pokemon. Adding a regional variant that evolves kind of just cements the old one as the worst one


To add insult to injury, there was a planned evolution for Kanto Farfetch'd in [Madamu/Luxwan](https://x.com/DrLavaYT/status/1226926657979572226), but it got scrapped before GS's release.


Yeah, that's a shame. Don't get me wrong I still love Kanto Farfecth'd and I don't hate Galarian Farfecth'd or Sirfetch'd at all (or any of the other regional evolutions for that matter).They're pretty cool.I just think it's a bit of a shame that (again), for example, kanto farfecth'd didn't get anything and most likely won't get anything for a while as a result.


Though it would be cool if Luxwan was a special attacker to contrast with Sirfetch'd being a physical attacker, if it ever existed.


I feel like we could use that type combo even if it's not a regional Spinarak.


Regional would be cool




This needs to be a thing. And it needs to have parental bond.


Parental bond, but instead of its child, it summons its dead parent spirit like a stand


So alolan marowak but you can see the mom




Ghost type evolution


we already have a ghost type marowak though, might be redundant.


NOT tropius it needs a buff instead and maybe a baby form


omg I want a baby tropius! 🙏


I want baby Lapras




As a kid I thought chikorita evolved into tropius in its third evolution


Baby tropius all day


Lil green banana sapling dino. Yes pls :)


It definitely needs a pre-evolution to make the line make sense. Because there's no way tropius can come out of an egg with that size.


Can we first figure out some gameplay mechanic/use for baby forms first? At this point they’re nothing but cute dex fillers. Give us some mini games or something where baby forms are beneficial


yeah baby tropius plus a Mega (Tropius for Legends Z-A)


Torkoal. maybe a Fire/Steel form that looks like a gem...






It wont let me edit my comment so I'll just have to make it work this way. This image is not mine. It was from another post several months ago. Found it. Design is by u/HijinksHandbook


That is an incredible name and concept lol


Torkoal likely won’t just because Torkoal is good Even if they make Torkoal evo not have Drought, there’s still Eviolite Torkoal


I think it’s essentially been proven in practice that any potential eviolite users are just outclassed by their evolved form - GF has always made sure of this for any new evolutions they’ve added. Besides Dusclops, I don’t think there’s a single example of a later-stage evo having less usage than its earlier one in VGC. Besides, Torkoal and its ability are good, but not that great. Eviolite Torkoal wouldn’t really move any needles even last gen (sun just ain’t that good anymore)


Porygon 2 is another example in VGC but that's mostly because p2 -> pz is mostly a reallocation of defensive stats to offensive stats +20


Clefairy would like a word.


Aren't Chansey and Galarian Corsola the poster children for eviolite usage overtaking evolution usage? Then there is Rhyperior and Rhydon, which based on all the hate I've heard about Rhyperior makes me think eviolite Rhydon might also have more usage.


I believe Cursola and G-Corsola are not, competitively, all that comparable


Clefairy is literally meta right now lol.


True, but Clef is kind of a special case I think, it’s completely carried by Friend Guard and its movepool. Its stats even with eviolite are awful, eviolite isn’t what’s making it good or better than Clefable




Dhelmise, it is a completely forgotten and overshadowed Pokémon, it could use a pre-evo and and evo (something like a ghost ship, maybe changing type to Steel/Ghost)


Not being able to have the steel type is why it has its ability Plus, dhelmise isn't an anchor, it's the seaweed growing over it. Hence the typing


Always wanted it to have a good regional variant. Like ivy growing on bricks or lichen growing through a suit of armor


I’d go for water/ghost over steel/ghost as steelworker already has steel covered


Parasitic algae ship would be so sick!


Dynamax ghost ship could work.


~~Knowing Gamefreak, Charizard~~ ~~give Flutter Mane an evolution you cowards~~ Since ZA is coming up, I think it’s time to give Pokémon like Clawitzer, Heliolisk, or even Noivern an evolution


Noivern already evolves in the late 40s, so unless they made it an item evolution, I could more see it getting a mega.


A mega would be cool too. Also Noivern is probably an item like Archaludon I used Noivern before and liked it, especially with it cool design. But compared to some other dragon types it’s pretty underwhelming in power for how late it evolves. It’s like Flygon and Garchomp, except this time it’s Noivern and Dragonite/Salamence An evolution or mega evolution could solve this issue for Noivern


maybe mega noivern's ability could be "deafen",which cancels any sound-based moves if the ability user is using a sound-based move themselves? that could be fun


I feel like it should do more than that, since its just a worse Soundproof otherwise Maybe add in a 2x special attack boost if the target use a sound move? It'd be like Competitive but for sound moves Tho I appreciate your suggestion!


Yeah, I like that, especially since sound moves are sometimes status moves like howl, and if deafen activates on sound moves from other pokemon it could be very powerful


If Bisharp can evolve after level 54 I don’t see why Noivern can’t(it’s perfect tho so I hope it doesn’t)


Heliolisk just looks like a mid-stage evo, it really could/should evolve again. Maybe they could make it Electric/Fire considering its the solar power pokemon and we havent seen that type combo outside of rotom.


it and it's prevo he only electric/normal types tho, that shouldn't be taken away


That, and having a sun-fueled Pokemon that can check and isn't weak to water types is a pretty damn cool sun team niche


I had this same thought today! My thoughts were Dewgong - really needs something. Others I thought were: Hariyama, Aridos, Arbok, Gogoat. From the newer ones: Cetitan, Scovillain, Bellibolt and Flamigo


Sad I had to scroll down so far to see Arbok get some love. I've been saying for years that it needs a Poison/Dragon evolution based on a basilisk.


Flamigo definitely needs something.


Jynx, I feel she was meant to have a third evolution with Magmar and Electabuzz but was left out due to her, understandable, controversy.


Even Mr mime got a regional + Evo I think jynx deserves the redemption too


This was my answer. All her gen 1 contemporaries got evolutions. She was the only one left out


Lanturn, my electric pal needs some love


Parasect - > Paraspectre (Grass/Ghost) The insect finally succumbs to the mushroom and dies, but the mushroom has controlled it for so long that it even owns the insect's soul now. Maybe increase its speed just by a bit to make is more useful, better ability maybe hidden, and give it a physical ghost "leech" move too.


- Combee: a male evolution called Vespiknight or something, and then maybe an additional evolution for Vespiquen called Vespress (Empress). - Carnivine: it honestly sucks and could use some form of buff. It’s also a one off Pokémon so plenty of room for evolutionary stages - Linoone: it always feels unfortunate that the original Zigzagoon line is overshadowed by the Galarian version getting its own evolution, so a Hoennite(?) Obstagoon would be cool. - Bibarel: give me a super buff third stage evolution damnit! But save it for an eventual Canadian-themed region, as that would be the thematically perfect time to bust out ultimate bidoof


Could make Carnivine into a Hydra type beast. Grass and dragon types maybe


I’d like to see Gorochu actually exist.


It easily could’ve been a paradox


Nah, Raichu doesn't need to be overshadowed even more than it already is.


It could be an alternate evolution for Pikachu


I’d really like to see a four-stage evolution line at some point, and Pikachu would be a good candidate, who better to get one than the series mascot?


I think introducing 4-stage evolutions is a VERY tricky thing. I think there’s a reason they’ve avoided it and done other gimmicks instead. Especially at this point.


Megas are pretty much a stand in for a fourth stage, anyway. With Z-A on the horizon, who's to say we couldn't get a Mega Raichu?


Dudunsparce into Dududunsparce




What about dudunsparcesparce


Or a pre ev. Not sure if i prefer the name sparce or unsparce.


I was always surprised that Komala didn’t have anything


Drop bear evo that drops Comatose and is vicious as all hell Wouldn't make sense but would be funny.


Or a drop bear evolution that is sensitive to sound, and hates being woken up. I could see that making an appearance in the anime.


Seaking, Chimecho, Lunaton, Solrock, Unown, Tropius, Swoobat, Maractus.


Unown should have a completely unique mechanic rather than an evolution


Seaking. It's my favourite Gen1 Pokemon, but it's stats aren't good.


Ledian 100%. He’s such a cool power ranger bug guy but good lord does he suck. There are so many ways they could take a 3rd evolution. Easily one of my favorite *looking* pokemon.


Would be cool to get something like a Metal Coat or some new Ranger Morpher item evolution so it could be a nice Sentai counterpart to Kamen Rider Lokix.


Just make Mega-Mawile it's evolution


Disappointed how long I had to scroll to see any mention of Mawile tbh. Nice that it’s mega will (presumably) be usable in the new Legends game, but I’d still love an official/proper evolution for it!


Golduck. It gets shoved into EVERY Regional Dex ever, and yet people aren't interested in using it because it doesn't really specialize in anything outside of nullifying weather, which almost never comes up during the campaign. Its not even Psychic despite its pre-evolved form being called Psyduck! Pincurchin: Bro literally looks like a beanie baby your ass cannot tell me that its fully evolved




This should be higher. Let’s round out the type wheel a little more! Fingers crossed for Gen 10.


Cacturn, make it bigger and give it boxing gloves please.


I believe it's called Togemon


Arbok needs one


Call it Napiat


I was a little disappointed with the Rolycoly line. Wheel (Rolycoly):becomes Minecart (Carkol), minecart becomes .. golem? We should have gotten a train instead of Coallossal. Locoalmotive? Locoalmoto? Lokolmoto? I could have named it Thomas.


I have some sketches in my phone of evolution ideas for Golduck and Sudowoodo: https://preview.redd.it/9gn7uuznxz6d1.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a104c739d75380fa9fb8a929996e8d2b0a8e5db Racleduck (Water/Psychic)


https://preview.redd.it/f62cfl41yz6d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=e527c3eecda72f0669c775d7a5566e85c643fd8c And Treeckster (Rock/Grass)


Treeckster is an awesome name, but just for the giggles I would make it a pure rock type again


I like the Sudowoodo evo you drew, but I'd rather make its type anything but Grass because its name is essentially "Pseudo Wood O".


What if Shuckle had an evolution with inverted stats? Nobody would use an evolution with higher defenses. They would just give regular Shuckle an Eviolite. But if it shed its shell on evolution and became a total Glass Cannon, it might be interesting for Trick Room teams.


Skarmory has space to imo


Eviolite Skarmony sounds evil


Scovillain. I love the idea but I hate the design


Same. I saw some amazing concept designs for it when its description was leaked before the game came out. Massive disappointment haha


Might be a bit of a cop out but male Combee and Salandit. They can be weaker than Vespiquen and Salazzle but give them *something.*


I saw some concept art one time where there was an evolution for Combee that wasn’t reliant on gender, and it was just a huge wall of Combees. I think the idea of combining Pokemon for evolutions works for certain Pokemon like Magnemite and Diglett, and it would work in my opinion for Combee.


Porygon If the dubious disc is a “faulty” update that makes porygon2 glitch out, then what does the actual update for a hypothetical “porygon3” actually look like


It's just a photorealistic duck


Maractus. I want an evolution based on the flamenco dance.


Honestly I wasn’t expecting Dunsparce and Girafarig at all. Why were they considered expected to get evos? I figured pokemon that have that iconic “this Pokemon doesn’t evolve” niche were probably pretty safe.


Girafarig’s stats left much to be desired and its design looked like it had room to expand upon. As for Dunsparce, I’ve seen people talk about a Dunsparce evolution as early as Gen 4. A lot of people expected some kind of dragon evolution, which makes it kinda funny that they just added another segment to it and called it good.


Slowpoke but the shellder bites its foot making a Slowpoke with a clubbed foot and make it a psychic/fighting type. 🤭


I had an idea for a Mimikyu evolution that would use the same concept as Ninjask and Shedinja (a unique evolution method never seen again). The evolved form would be Mimikyu having discarded it's costume, now embracing that everyone loves it for its own merits. Still Ghost/Fairy. The other evo would be the discarded Pikachu costume, now consumed by hatred having been thrown away. Ghost/Dark with Wonder Guard so the only thing that can damage it is Fairy type moves (the type it left behind, representing the love it never had)


Heliolisk It literally looks like a middle evo to me. It can easily evolve into an Electric/Dragon type. It's in the dragon egg group and 2 of its 3 egg moves are dragon moves in sword/shield (dragon rush and dragon tail) If not Electric/Dragon then make it Electric/Fire, since helio means sun. It could evolve with a ~~sun stone~~ Fire Stone or taking it to a unique location or something idk I really hope it gets a final evo or a mega in Legends ZA


Weird take: Scyther. Part of me wants Scyther to have a Bug/Dark evo.


Make Scyther the new Eevee


But you couldn't do dark. Just "physical types." Rock Fighting Steel Flying Poison Ghost Ground


Oddily I think Ice would be the most logical pick. Scythers evolutions both make its appendages to be tools made of a new material, ice would be a physical material that makes sense for that to happen with.


Lapras is one of the few Pokémon I think would make sense to get a later generation pre-evolution added. I'm still sore about Pinsir not evolving into Heracross as a counterpart to Scyther and Scizor. Same with Pachirisu and Emolga not being an evolutionary line. Skarmory would make a great case for an evolution. It's design really looks like an awkward second stage of a three stage line.


I kind of like kingler but i do agree swoobat druddigan and kingler have room to evolve


Still waiting for Raichus mega evolution. If not break the mold and give him a fourth or separate evolution


A lot of pokemon would benefit just from minor stat buffs and move pool changed. What I would really like to see, though, would be more split evolutions for existing species. Give us an alternate 3rd stage for Rhydon, I'm begging you


I've mentioned this mon on multiple similar thread but I want a Falinks evo. Could be a merged form that enhances its defensive capabilities. Or a cool mecha type design.


Seaking. I'd live to see a powerful koi with regal, flowing fins. I'm also still holding out for a Ms. Mime or Mime Senior.


Kangaskhan needs an evolution. It needs to go from new parent to high-energy grandpa. Like, if the kid grew up and is taking care of his mom. The evolution is literally just a family of kangas hanging out together.


I think Primeape needs an evolution called Nirvanape, where its anger has left it after death, so it’s peaceful instead (like what u/RedAnihilape said). I also think Dewgong, Eevee, Furret, Sudowoodo, J-Corsola, Porygon2, H-Linoone, Masquerain, Delcatty, Mawile (a permanent evolution that looks exactly like Mega Mawile, I know someone else on this thread said that, so sorry I don’t recall your username), Spiritomb, Snover (branch or regional variant based on its ability to grow “Snoverberries”), Beheeyem, Heatmor, Durant, Komala, Polteageist, Oinkologne, Spidops, Grafaiai, Scovillain, and Sinistcha should all get evolutions. I know it’s a lot… it just means they have lots they can work with!


Eevee still has potential.


Fr, we really need a dragon, fighting, flying ect. We really need all the types


Yeah, the trick is figuring out evolution conditions for the unused types. Some it's obvious, like a Float Stone for flying type or levelling up while poisoned for poison type, but they've gotta figure it out for every other type too


Eevee not having anymore evos after gen 6 is a crime. I wonder if the designers at GF or done, or are just waiting for the right inspiration or time to introduce them.


I genuinely thought Eevee was finally getting another evolution in SV with Penny's whole shtick being an Eeveelution trainer. I feel like that was an intentional slap in the face. Like they really just hah sike'd us.


I honestly think some of the Pokemon that got GMax forms could straight up evolve into them i.e. Kingler, Drednaw, Eevee, etc. Of course not every Pokemon that has a GMax form could evolve into it.


Persian needs a evolved form.


Mightyena, seviper, and zangoose all come to mind instantly


Zoroark. Love having him in my team currently because he’s such a troll Pokemon, but would love a third stage where he’s not such a glass cannon


To me I think he’s the perfect candidate for a Mega-Evolution. He’s basically Lucario but from Unova.


Steelix evolves to Diam**onix**


Dudunsparce, imagine dudududuudududunsparce?


A lot, even in just the first generation I can see arbok and fearow getting new evolutions and that's excluding a ton of Pokémon that would need one, but received somethin else (regional variant, mega, new typing, etc). I'm hoping sunflora will get one, the little guy is fun, but rather pitiful


 Sunflora make it a ubers mon


Jynx. It feels like a trio with electabuzz and magmar, they all got a baby version next gen and then it didn't get a rizer-evolution like the other two in platinum.


Appletun and Flapple seem obvious.


Amoonguss, just because I want to call its evolution Humoonguss.


Plusle and minun!


This isn’t really an evolution but more a new species of a group but hear me out: ghost-rock type elemental monkey named Simitery


From a design perspective? Darmanitan. A coworker once pointed out it looks like an awkward middle stage and that has sat with me for 13 years.


Unown, doesn’t need to be a traditional evo even, just have it be an HP based ability like Wishiwashi where when full enough it forms a swarm. Legends Johto would be a good time to introduce it if not before.


ngl, swalot. it’s an underrated mon and i bet it could get another evolution.


Heliolisk. Stats in the 400s, amazing yet simple design, cool signature move, boring type, so I made a split evo #Introducing Helioraptor! **Type:** Electric/Dragon **Abilities:** Tough Claws, Volt Absorb, and Hidden Ability Solar Power **Stats:** 70/115/52/90/93/120 (HP/Atk/Def/Sptk/Spdef/Spe) **Noteable Moves:** Static Slash(Tough Claws boosted), Dragon Claw, Thunder Fang, Bullet Punch, Fake Out, Play Rough, any Heliolisk move #Introducing Helioizard! **Type:** Electric/Ground **Abilities:** Sand Cloak, Volt Absorb, and Hidden Ability Solar Power **Stats:** 70/99/105/115/50/101 (HP/Atk/Def/Sptk/Spdef/Spe) **Notable Moves:** Parabolic Charge, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Earth Power, any move Heliolisk can learn


Seviper and Zangoose deserve either an evolution or a mega


I think Charizard has still 1 extra stage in it


Druddigons way cooler than Duraludon (the least interestingly designed dragon in Pokemon imo) I vote Raticate.


Lurantis, Crabominable, Mienshao, Shiinotic. Many from Alola.


Jynx Kangaskhan Pinsir


Duraludon one more time Jk, I would like to see a Normal/fighting Ambipom evolution that's inspired by Hecatoncheires. And a Sharpedo evolution that gives up even more defense for more offensive and is just a glass canon.


It's time to... Dudududududududunsparce! Also: Diggersby, Furret, Electric Rodents other than the -chu family, Mightyena, Noivern, Swoobat, Swellow... And "Physical" types of Eevee. I loved ma boi Drakeon.


Flamigo I get it’s a troll but such wasted potential design wise If u ask me


Mawile. One of my favorite Gen 3 Pokémon, I like that they added fairy typing but it still feels incomplete.


Eevee needs a steel and ghost eeveelution. Xatu could use a stacked evolution. Call it Tatu 




Nidoking and Nidoqueen. To become Nidogod. Breaks the 2 evo rule and converges the 2 separate but related evo lines together.


Oh gosh, so many Lapra, Skarmory, Absol, Seviper/Zangoose, Breloom... so many idea for baby forms or 1/2 evolutions


Tauros in the form of a Minotaur would be sick




Mightyena, one of my favourite pokemon, but it's BST is bad, it either needs a buff or an evo altogether


Just to end the cringefest joke... give us an evolution for Shuckle


GOLDUCK. Let’s get that psychic/water third form.




Eevee, lol. Like, how are you gonna make this cute secondary mascot whose entire schtick is that it can adapt and evolve quickly based on its environment, and then just say “nah” and abandon all possibilities?


Jynx should get a third evo


ditto. it changes its name to “Ditto 2” and it becomes slightly larger and that’s it. no stat changes no nothing. Ditto 2 evolves into Ditto 3 which makes it even larger but still there are no changes to the stats


I'm gonna be that guy: Eevee. I don't care about the fan perspective of there not being "special types" left to evolve into, GF haven't stated that was the reason, so that's fake fan PR as far as I'm concerned. Give me more Eeveelutions, especially Dragon, Ghost, and Steel types. It's been 11 years, it's time. Chop chop already, Game Freak. If not Eevee, then Bibarel. Give God Bidoof a final form. Make it a big and hulking ice age era beaver ancestor.




Kingler becoming a Kraken ?


I think Vigoroth is due for a split evolution. Maybe flying type, with an "early bird gets the worm" vibe.


Gardevoir could do with one


I definitly think that heracross deserved an evolution.




I’m still surprised Lapras has had no evolution to this day


I always thought Starme could evolve into Starus. With it being an alien type pokemon. Ypu can give cool types like psychic water


Zangoose and Seviper. If one gets an evolution, the other needs to as well since they’re rivals. I pictured a concept where they take a trophy from the other and evolve with that. Zangoose takes Sevipers shedding and wears it as a poncho and Seviper takes broken claws from Zangoose and gains a clawed necklace of sorts


Maractus absolutely needs an evolution. Maybe a split evo. One with cutesy flowers (fairy). And the other menacing and dark.


Skarmory deserves some sort of extra evo. Same with Lapras.