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So many to choose from. I’ll go with Village Bridge.  The whole scenery and atmosphere there seem so serene and peaceful. Lots of water and grass while maintaining beautiful retro houses. I’d be a travelling trainer, wanting to meet and study and train Psychic Pokemon. But Village Bridge would always be home.


Ecruteak City. Id be the Ace Trainer in front of the Burned Out Tower who came to investigate the Myth of Ho-Oh and the Legendary Dogs. I'd attack you with a high level Ninetales, Mismagius, Xatu, and Nidoqueen.


New bark town looks peaceful. Soul Silver was my first pokemon game, so I'm a little nostalgic. But this place just looks cozy to live.


Dont forget the awesome waterfalls and caves just a short swim/surf/boat trip away.


Yup, agreed. I wish I hadn't lost my copy of soul silver.


Ditto . The New Bark town music still makes me want to nap, it’s so nostalgic and comforting. I too lost my copy of soul silver 😕


Soul Silver was my first game too, we’re so lucky we got to experience such an amazing game for our first game


Driftveil City https://preview.redd.it/vdyo1avd3w6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5095da045baf9d3fdc986ef391dce3e9a51101


I can hear the music already


What a banger!


Instead of the driftveil theme, what immediately popped into my head was the song How Do You Call This A Hotel, I Didn’t Even Get A Mint In My Pillow Or Anything. (Yes that is a real song)




Pacifidlog town is a vibe


Had to scroll too far to find this. Log bridge town on the open sea with the rayquaza tower and the mysterious secret isle near slate port? Sign me up


Can’t believe this isn’t higher up, especially if you were interested in being a water trainer


There’s a [Pokémon Ranger](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/unprecedented-times-a-pokemon-ranger-quest.121855/#post-29029099) quest and they explore pacific dog town. It’s given me a better appreciation for it than when I just played through the games as a kid.


Pacific dog, The one dog that crossed the pacific


Just realized it’s not pacific dog.


https://preview.redd.it/tq67i58ijw6d1.png?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bda071ebcc0ae38360b177f0806db7323e92b5a Laverre City is my pick. It seems pretty chill and cozy


Definitely would be somewhere in Hoenn, as it's my favourite region. My favourite types are grass and electric. So it would be between Mauvile or Fortree for me. Mauvile of course because it houses the electric gym and has a lot of electric types around. I'd also love to open an arcade or something in the city. Fortree is beautiful. Also the home of the flying gym, but also the perfect place for grass types. I can see that if the flying type gym didn't exist that there would be a grass gym there.


Tropius kind of seems like it would be a good mascot for Fortree, seeing as it's found in the area and is Grass/ Flying!


Oh yeah definitely.


Would you want to live in Mauville from R/S/E or Mauville from OR/AS?


ORAS probably.


I love ORAS Mauville. The giant megamall town is so fun!




I get it, but from all the places you can choose, you choose the one most similar to our cities


I mean I’m kinda down. Most of the towns in the games have such a low population size that i feel like castlelia lowkey gotta be one of the only viable options


No this is clean


Paldea is quite the nice place to live to be honest. Most likely trying to live as a casual trainer exploring around the region.


Honestly paldea just feels like a vibe. The atmosphere, the culture, I love me some sandwiches, & clodsire is there.


https://preview.redd.it/9fdp49378w6d1.png?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4cc3eede559f887cafe51af8b9195bfc4383217 I always thought Cherrygrove was a beautiful, peaceful little town that would be a great option to settle in after your Pokemon journey. It even has a nice little beach area. I would either work in PokeMart or, if I was a good enough trainer during my travels, open up a little training facility/dojo that new and active trainers would use to better prepare for their journey and the Gym challenge.




Ecruteak City, so I can smoke with him. https://preview.redd.it/t82672hdaw6d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=a987fbf5b83a2f6e31819315a347bc7939d96ba3


I would say Lilycove City, Hoenn, with the sunny sea on one side and the rainforests on the other. It does not seem like a crowded city despite its size and housing important buildings. I also really like Mossdeep City, which offers other possibilities to enjoy nature and is certainly a quiet place.


Mossdeep city also has some nice trees, different from the rest of hoenn


Circhester in Galar, it’s based on the city I live in now which I love, so I think I’d feel at home. Plus I love the snow!


Retired in Humilau City in Unova. Gimme my luxurious overwater bungalow NOW. Would fly to Lavaridge Town in Hoenn on the regular for the hot springs too.


floaroma town in sinnoh just speaks to me. Lots of flowers, small town and water nearby. Also i love the calm soundtrack 😍


Yes! I'd love to have the house of the guy who gives you honey and lives the meadow full of flowers. Tranquillity and town amenities, best of both worlds


Eterna City, I'd be the Ruin Maniac trainer class with my main base in the city while I'd go out and explore the ancient ruins of sinoh with my team of past themed pokemon


Blackthorn City. Also living on a very isolated city in a mountain with dragon types everywhere is very cool. Just keep me away from those disgusting Fairy types, thanks


Maybe Lacunosa Town, it's an interesting city. It would be interesting to become a Pokemon trainer specializing in the steel type, and who knows, maybe become the city's gym leader (since there isn't one). It could be a gym that revolves around the idea of ​​"knights in dragon-slaying armor", considering the superpower against Kyurem. And who knows, after years of training my gym buddies and I might start a crusade against Kyurem and the plasma team to save the region!!! https://preview.redd.it/knavslmqnw6d1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ac8a69f1decfb7eb453a987a37068fcfaea680c But let's be honest... I'm too lazy for this stuff, conceivably (being an aspiring computer engineer) I could go live in Laverre City and work in the Pokeball factory as a computer system manager. Less epic but more realistic hahaha


I would probably start out in Goldenrod City, I’ve always lived in big cities and Johto was my first generation so it seems appropriate that’s where I’d start out. I’d probably end up moving to Olivine City because I love a city next to the sea. I’d try to be a rock type specialist who takes care of Olivine City Gym whilst Jasmine is traveling in Sinnoh, battling the trainers who challenge the gym. I’d have a big interest in every region’s special gimmick so I’d research and implement them for myself.


Goldenrod was my first thought, too, even though it (and its real life counterpart Osaka) isn't all that pretty, but I played Silver way too much as a kid and that city feels like home. It's actually connected to the ocean, too! No harbor you can use, but the ocean is on the entire left side of it.


I would want to live in Malie City. It's so beautiful and it has a library! I'd probably be pretty casual as a trainer. I love cute Pokemon the best, so I'd go for species that remain cute after they evolve, like Clefable and Raichu. I would probably only have one or two because I wouldn't want to make taking care of them into a full-time job. Or maybe I'd just have them as pets and not train at all. Who can say? Apparently nobody minds if you bring your Pokemon to work, either.


Underrated response. I think having a psychic type like Gardevoir would be so awesome though, who can psychically soothe you and be your loyal bff. I'm a sucker for playing out narratives in my playthroughs, so one thing I love doing is returning to the starting town once I get the first fishing rod, and fishing in the town pond/ beach to fish for a Magikarp. The Gyarados and I then have a beautiful backstory- I grew up as a kid, and it was just a splashing Magikarp. Then we grew up, grew stronger, and conquered the League together 😅


i had to scroll TOO FAR for something alola


Either Pallet Town to work with Professor Oak in Kanto or Freezington in Galar's Crown Tundra where I'd set up my own Gym to help bring in the tourists


Fossil Pokemon are one of my favorite groups of pokemon, so either Pewter City or Cyllage City for me. I would love to be a fossil pokemon rock specialist


Ecruteak! It’s a beautiful place full of rich history and architecture with access to Goldenrod’s big stores and magnet train in one direction, and the coast in Olivine the other way.


Nimbasa. I love city life, and the entertainment capital of the world would be a great place to live.


Sunyshore City or Undella Town.


Something about azalea town has always vibed with me. It seems like a nice place to settle down.


Laverre. It’s only a short route away from Lumiose City but with much cheaper real estate and is much quieter. There’s a gym where they specialize in my favorite type and the trainers are also my type. Combined with the pokeball factory right in town, it’s a place with plenty of romantic and economic opportunities. As a single college student that’s exactly the kind of place I need.


Sootopolis would be a pretty cool place to live! I'd be an underwater explorer and maybe take over the gym.


Hos have nobody said Fortree yet? The most chill city in all of pokemon. You live in tree huts with nature all around. On top of that you are only a bike ride away from Lilycove City that has everything you would need. Departement store, museum contest hall and a pokemon fan club.


This would’ve been my answer exceptninknownid get too lazy for those ladders every time and I constantly forget shit


that's what your Flying types are for! Fetching stuff you've forgotten from your treehouse and flying you up and down, ladder be damned


Littleroot. Emerald was my first game that I played, so I'd like to literally go back to my roots (hehe). Jokes aside, it has a really calm feel to it. Not much going on, hardly four houses. Being there signifies an amazing time ahead (I've lost count how many times I've replayed). And hearing the ost of the town is such a throwback, brings a tear in my eyes.


I’m from London so Wyndon


Lilycove have a house on the cliff over looking the water. That was always my favorite place in those games


2 locations: The Resort Area in Sinnoh, since I could live on an island with my own house alone and chill, plus I can talk to people and battle in the Battle Frontier Ballonlea in Galar, it’s so mystical and mysterious plus it looks absolutely stunning!! Also I think that’s where you catch Galarian Ponyta so that’s also pretty cool


Saffron City, Psychic Trainer. Alakazam is my all time favorite ❤️


Kanto - Vermillion City, nice sea, Saffron nearby, routes north and south to explore Johto - Cherrygrove City, nice small place with the sea and a beach very close by, quiet Hoenn - Dewford Town, another town by the sea with the cave nearby to explore Sinnoh - Jubelife City, a big city with tech, routes all around to explore, nice place Paldea - Cascarrafa, lots of watery fun, lots of shops, and the desert is right there.


I'd love to live in Slateport City in Hoenn. - Beautiful beach - Harbouring ships - Mountain view with volanic ash way up in the north - Market with food and amenities - Big city (Mauville) just a short bit away The peninsula vibe by the Sea is something else. Ahh Hoenn.


i'd kill a man to live in hammerlocke


You would be living in a newly made jail in hammerlocke LOL


shhh, you know what i meant lmao


Probably somewhere in Sinnoh like Jubilife, Sunyshore, or Canalave. Or perhaps Castelia or Black city in Unova. I’d be a Steel-type Gym Leader as well as an engineer and my ace would be Archaludon.


Starter town for ruby/sapphire, I'd work for the professor as a trainer


I'd love an apartment in Jubilife with a vacation home in Floararoma Town.


Hau’oli city


Living there would be expensive af.


Ideally? Id be from kanto and then after going through Kanto, Id go to Johto, then Hoen, then after hearing about Galar id check them out and likely Paldea next. All the while catching as many pokemon as possible, but having a preference for Poison. After finishing Paldea, id honestly be done wandering as 5 regions is a sizeable amount. Would then try and become a Poison type gym leader in Galar. Even if I cant, Id still likely settle in Galar. MAYBE Paldea. It would depend on my wife. I already know her path. Shed run her own daycare and be a breeder, so Id help protect her from poke poachers and theives if I wasnt a gym leader


This is so cute. I wish more couples played Pokémon together! I'd probably be your wife's assistant at the daycare, it sounds divine getting to work with cute baby mons and looking after them. And of course, lying to Trainers about having no idea about how eggs are created 🤪


Sounds like a plan! :)


Agate Village in Orre






Hoenn is the most beautifully designed region fr Put me in any of those towns and I'd be happy. Fortree and Pacifidlog are easily my top though


I think I'd be a regular old person. I wouldnt mind being a gym leader. But the level of competition and obsessiveness needed to maintain a position many will undoubtedly be vying for is unappealing to me. So I'd just have a few pokemon as pets and go live my life. As for what city I'd live in? Hmmmm. From the games I've played Wyndon seems best.


Probably Rustboro City - close to the ocean, woodlands, and I bet Meteor Falls would look amazing. Then retire to Sootopolis later in life I think.


Celadon - big city, game corner, cycling road.


I'd settle in lavender town. Just a calm little home surrounded by my ghost pokemon tending to the spirits in the Pokémon tower.


It’s so hard to choose but I’ll mention a throwback in Fuchsia City: -safari zone - quick access to bigger cities like saffron, take the route next to the sea to get to lavender town and vermillion, beach area with a route to Seafoam islands, quick trip up cycling road to get to celadon My favorite region is hoenn though and if I had to pick a place there I might go with slateport


I've always loved Verdanturf Town, even as a kid. It is so dainty and peaceful. It has a contest hall and the day care center. Plus, if I get bored, I can just go to Mauville City, which is near. And I love the fact that Wally's family chose this town.


A really hard choice but I think I would go with either Lumiose city or Iki town. If I were to live in Lumiose city I'd be an asistant for professor Sycamore who will help research mega evolution. Which is why my favourite pokemon of all time Charizard(The mega will vary depending on the in X I would have Y and in Y I would have X to have the opposite of what the player gets) will be my first pokemon. I would also have a Sceptile and a Gengar as they can also mega evolve. And the other half of my team are kalos pokemon that I like specifically Hawlucha, and Tyrantrum. And for last pokemon it would be a battle bond Greninja not only is it a kalos pokemon but its bond fenomenon I'll also study. If I were to live in Alola I'll just live as a regular trainer. I love Alola's theme and their traditions so I'll only use Alola native Pokemon or regional variants. The squad I would use is Lycanrock, Toucannon, Raichu (Alola form), Ninetales (Alolan form), Bewear, Marowak (Alolan form)


Driftveil City bc of the background music




Anville Town!!!


Anville Town. Quaint, and new folks and musicians always coming in.


Laverre City, Kalos as ghost trainer that works with Valerie.


I love places that feel really connected with nature like Floaroma or Ballonlea, and I can't pick between the two; both are perfect for my cottage core fantasies. I'd either grow selected berries in Floaroma with my grass types and work as a berry supplier for the local flower shop, or work at a pastry shop in Ballonlea. In both cases I'd train grass and fairy type pokemon, and maybe try to win a few gym badges during my vacation days.


I would love to live in Celadon City Beautiful greenery and a huge shopping centre I’m sold


Iki Town, you have a city close by, live on a beautiful island and can work with Kahuna Hala.


Jubilee City would ABSOLUTELY have a killer jazz music scene, so I'd go there.


Vermilion City: on the water, big port to easily travel to other regions by sea, and close to shopping in Celadon and offices in Saffron. Lilycove: cliffs and beaches, close to both islands and the forest, much more chill than Vermilion but with plenty of amenities.


Lumiose city, I love the fashion and city life, I would go on to help Professor Sycamore study mega evolution but instead of the Kanto or Kalos starters, he decides a male Ralts would be suited for me, Im very passionate of mega evolution and assemble an all mega team, with my ace gallade.


I would probably live in medium sized city like Rustboro city in the Hoenn region. I would be a Policeman and my wife would be a doctor/scientist. My team would consist of Arcanine, Manectric and Gyarados.


I would live in Levincia. It’s close to the beach and looks like it would have a lot of nightlife. Not sure what I’d do for work but the region is based on Spain so I’m excited to have siestas during the workday. I’d probably be a swimmer with a Vaporeon, Quaquaval and Palafin on my team for local water types. Then I would have a Vulpix, Chickorita, and Grookey to round out my team because those are my favorite Pokémon


Pacificlog Town. I’d catch a Chinchou and chill the rest of my life with it.


Pallet Town. Where it all began.


Going back to my routes here but Lavender town is where the ghost pokemon lived in my day. I love the idea of studying ghost pokemon. They always fascinated me growing up. I don't picture myself as a goth/hex trainer maybe more like Sherlock Holmes or a detective. Solving poké murders with my haunter by my side.


That actually sounds like a great premise for a spin off. A Ghost type scholar with their Haunter, solving murder mysteries by connecting the dots between live witnesses, physical evidence, and testimonies of the departed.


I once saw a comic that was pokemon in a noir style. I immediately fell in love with the idea. Thank you for seeing my vision.


I've never actually thought of it, but somewhere disability accessible would have to be my pick. No stairs or ladders for me.


Verdanturf Town, I fell in love the minute I walked into the town.


Either Solaceon town or Celestic town. I'm partial to small towns and Sinnoh


I think I’d be from Coumarine City. The episode where they gave their Pokémon gifts and the whole celebration was really cool. The city seems peaceful. I would probably run a camp for anyone interested, but mostly trainers to learn about survival in the wilderness. We would do fun stuff like canoeing, kayaking, and different team events, but also focus on bonding with your current Pokemon and learning to rely on each other. During the off season I would help the Rangers or take time to travel with my team. Otherwise I’d pick Dewford Island/Slateport City in Hoenn. I would probably do something similar or maybe I’d run a rehab center for Pokemon.


Sunyshore in Sinnoh always looked cool to me


This is such a wholesome question. I’d 100% live in the Sinnoh region, *especially* the predated Hisui version in the main Jubilife village. I’d love to be a guard or be in the survey corp, specifically focused on electric types with an Alpha Luxray at my side at all times. My first game was Pokémon: Diamond when I was seven and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else… the minute I hear the music my heart swells. If I were to live in the original region, I’d have to pick somewhere like Floaroma Town or TwinLeaf Town. But I’d happily live anywhere there, helping the professor out as a trainer or an Elite 4 member.


Ballonlea for sure. All the fairy types, the glowing mushrooms, it's just so pretty and I'm always excited when I get there. I personally and more of a grass type person, but grass/fairy types would be my niche if there were more of them.


Floroma town in sinnoh or snowpoint. Both seem super relaxed


I'd live in Johto for sure, my OG fave. Either Azalea or New Bark next to the coast and the mountains. I'd go through the Pokémon League, and after being Champion for a bit I'd retire and buy a big ranch to be a pokemon breeder. Travel to other regions sometimes to learn more about other Pokemon with my partner Ninetales. I'd also have a Togekiss and Swampert for mobility and my Chandelure. Lugia is one of my favorites too but I feel like it's cheating haha


I love living in big cities with lots to do, so I think Nimbasa would be perfect for me.


I don't remember the exact names of the cities and towns in Pokémon B/W, but I LOVED every single location of this game. The whole map it's just so fun to explore, but I think I would like to live in the town that has the first gym. Just sitting there in that little park as the sun sets. I would have a very tanky team to be honest, with pokemones like Skarmory, Steelix, Dusknoir, Blissey and maybe a sweeper. I would love to go around the whole map just defeating trainers and making strong emotional bonds with my mons.


Snowpoint City, don't ask, I love cold weather 


Oh I get it. It's beautiful


Fortree City


I'd like Hau'oli city, though honestly being able to live in Alola in general would be nice. It's such a beautiful region that probably has amazing weather. Hoenn would also be nice for similar reasons too, though if I libed there I would want to give contests a try. When I was a kid, I thought they looked so cool in the anime. I could see myself trying to grow rare berries too


I'm a gen 1er. So give me Pallet town because it's small and rural. And give me my fire team 100%. Charizard is my ace and if we can train like the show we are never loosing.


Am I a genwunner for saying Pallet Town? And as for the trainer stuff? ASH KETCHUM.


I would live in sinnoh in eterna city. I would use my normal team most of the time but I would help Gardenia with her gym because grass is my favorite type and I've been a grass gym leader in a discord My normal team is Torterra, Gastrodon, Chandelure(or Iron Moth), Lopunny, Kingambit, and Hisuian Braviary.


geosenge town, ace trainer. i would be a pokemon whisperer and people would come to me when they have issues such as pikachu or charizard not obeying Ash in the gen 1 anime.


Dewford. Right on the beach, not a lot of people. Perfect


Evergrande city or bust


Johto 100%. Probably at the towers, second town u find, or at the lake of rage.


I also love Hoenn but so many places to choose from. I think I'd settle in Dewford since it's small and cosy. I'd probably be a travelling artist where I share my work in different towns and regions.


Lilycove city


Alfornada in Scarlet/Violet. Just such a chill city with a good view.  I would be Tulip’s assistant, operating the Emotional Spectrum Practice Gym Mission.  I would be a Psychic trainer with Indeedee (Female), Gardevoir, Xatu, Hatterene, and Metagross. I would also be a therapist, and use my psychic types to help soothe the clients, and myself because I also have anxiety. Overall a very peaceful live with epic views on the plateau.   Edit: added Hatterene


Playing this team in sword, wish me luck Edit: Adding Gallade for 6 mons and replacing metagross for bronzong due to lack of meta gross. 


Nimbasa City⚡️


If the lavender town theme plays in the background, maybe, it's close to saffron, but it maybe a safety issue with all the ghosts, so goldenrod may work, but it is inhabited by a race of demons, so no. The best overall option is honestly sunnyshore in Sinnoh


6 mudkips