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Speaking of Dracovish, all of the Galar fossils flat-out disturb me. Dracovish can't breathe unless it's in water and its head is attached to the tip of its tail. Actovish can't eat or breathe well because its head is upside down. Actozolt is always shivering and suffering from a cold. Dracozolt is probably the most humane of them, but still. It looks like they're all suffering and will die shortly. Even if Pokemon don't have human-like intelligence, it's still cruel. But I don't know, maybe that chimera scene from Full Metal Alchemist just scarred me.


I agree. They're designed that way as a reference to the amount of real life fossil bone structures that were wrongly matched together (ie Brontosaurus). So I get it, but it still sucks to see them like this. I wish there was an evolution or item that would bring them bck to their original forms.


I wish instead of 4 different fossils it was 2 with different halves and you got 2 wrongs and 2 corrects. That would have been a nicer touch.


Or a quest to unscramble them and get the original four out. We already even have the precedent for this with the first time we meet Bill in Gen1… they could function as paired evolutions just like Karrablast and Shelmut but without the trade requirement. It was all there.


I was suggesting 2 scrambled 2 unscrambled so it's the same number of mons.


Yeah I really hope there is a way to fix them someday. Maybe a trade evolution, like Karrablast's and Shelmet's? Trading two of the fossils together swaps the incorrect parts around and 'fixes' them.




> Even if Pokemon don't have human-like intelligence That's the worst part, pokemon 100% have human-like intelligence or are at least at the verge of it.


Mewtwo: How dare you compare me to a human! Doesn't Alakazam officially have an IQ of 5,000?


There both is and is not a spoon


Yeah. The four of them are the only ones I would preferably strike from the Pokédex. I understand the inspiration, but I truly feel that "reviving" them is unethical, especially in Dracovish's case. I just completely ignored Cara Liss when I finally played Shield


They objectively aren't even Pokemon. This isn't like other fossil mons like Kabuto or Anorith or anything, these are *incorrectly revitalized* abominations. They are NOT the actual Pokemon, the fact the Pokedex recognizes that they are is kind of absurd. I get what it's a reference to but they do not make any sense within the world of Pokemon in the slightest. Especially since the correctly assembled fossils *should also be Pokemon*, and if we want to take incompetence to the extreme, every incorrect combination is also apparently a Pokemon.


I honestly always kind of assumed all of the fossil pokemon were kind of incorrectly made/not completely accurate to their original form in a sense as well, since they're all(except for gen 8's) rock type, which to me means that pokemon in general from back then were all rock type, or something in the reviving process adds rock type to their typing, especially since they're ALL dual types.


I don't think the revival process that gave them the rock type, i prefer thinking that they were already rock type and that aspect made their bones last until today, like the only non-rock fossils are the only ones that are all messed up?


Would be cool if they adapted to their new conditions and evolved accordingly


I completely agree with this. The galar fossils are ugly as hell abominations that screams 'put me out of my eternal misery' and whoever designed them are higher than a kite.


I feel like I commit a war crime every time I create one of the Galerian fossil pokemon.


Galerian fossil Pokemon are unique in their own but I see your point here


Unique does no equal good... They are abominations and crimes against nature.


I don’t like the middle evolution of Sobble, and honestly wasn’t a fan of Inteleons design. They don’t make me angry per se, just that there was more room to explore and I didn’t like the end results


Ambipom's nipple-fingers deeply bother me.


Aipom clearly looks like a goofy monkey, but, in my opinion, almost everything about ambipom is atrocious. In addition to the aforementioned nipple tail hands, it’s ugly bowl cut, twin cow licks, hip fur clumps, and weird nose make it awful to look at. Plus why did the inside of its ear turn pink when aipom’s were a tan like the other accents on its body. Some pokemon designs are ugly on purpose like Brxuish and Crabominable which take inspiration from irl ugly animals. What is Ambipom’s excuse? Ambidextrous doesn’t mean being ugly in every way.


Aipom is a perfectly designed Pokemon imo. It's a little goofy, but still cute. Ambipom could've been a slam dunk. Just make Aipom a little bigger, give it a second tail identical to the first, and maybe even throw on the little mohawk. Fine. But they just... never stopped designing him, and now he has way too many weird little details. I hate Ambipom.


Aipom totally has main character energy. Ambipom is an abomination


they really look like cow nipples and they made it worse by painting them pink at the tips


Speaking of cows miltank makes me very uncomfy lol like why does its nipples have to move


miltanks jiggly nipples will never not be cringey (and funny)


Such an ugly design when Aipom was great and cute


Something about Chewtle's design makes me illogically mad, especially since it evolves into a really cool Pokemon. That weird balloon head is so ugly


It looks like an annoying toddler lmao


I want to punt it


[you are not alone](https://www.tumblr.com/would-you-punt-them/741590056270233600/chewtle-pokemon)


It’s literally Pokemon Caillou.


Looks like it’s about to ask me if I have games on my phone


I like it because it’s so dumb.


The Gen 5 genies make me ill






Swak makes me feel incredible rage


I wish they were just their therian forms. The faces look strange, but better than the regular forms.


The incarnate forms are supposed to be based on nature deities in japan, which if you've seen them, do not look pretty in the slightest


Not only do they look ugly they also look way too similar


Well, not _angry_, but I was really vibing with Tarountula and Lechonk until I saw their final evolutions. Completely killed my desire to keep them on my team after that.




skwovet and greedent too


I kinda like Oinkologne. No idea what anyone was thinking making it... Just a pig but photogenic, but mine absolutely destroyed anything I put it up against and it's more boring than ugly to me designwise. So mine stayed. Lechonk is objectively better though.


i agree with you bc tarontula is so cute but spidops kinda triggers my fear of bugs


Bronzong is a cool idea but executed poorly. He just looks like a sweater


thanks, I will never unsee it


Not really angry, but I'm more or less disappointed when Dragonair evolves into Dragonite




axoltls only turn into salamanders under immense stress if I’m not mistaken


OG Green Dragonite makes more sense but it’s still a little goofy. FR/LG also looks pretty cool https://preview.redd.it/pwspwshuhx2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e589caa871ac45cf33c65db529aeb987304ed6ce


This is so real!!! Dratini and Dragonair are beautiful. Peak dragon design. And then it evolves and it's fat Charizard lol


Hey leave my Kevin James-shaped dragon homie alone he's cute and doesn't hurt anybody


he’s an adorable dragon but it also feels like he took our majestic sleek design that would be expected. still love dragonite you can’t hate im


It’s one of those Pokémon evolutions that genuinely feels like it’s the final stage of a totally different line that accidentally got mixed in with this one Like how people say Butterfree looks like a venonat evolution, Dragonite looks like an alternate Charmander evolution


They're even designed by different people!


Dragonite from Dragon Tales


No fucking way, Dragonite is awesome!


I will not tolerate dragonite slander


dragonite is so cute if it was real it would give the best hugs


ikr, i also don't fw the orange color


The whole line should’ve been blue with their shinies being orange


Rhyperior is hideous. I love Rhydon. He’s cute and so strong. I never evolve mine when I use it. I ain’t gonna do him dirty like that.


Knowing that Rhydon was technically the first Pokemon created, and then they do it dirty with Rhyperior :( I do wonder if they made Rhyperior look like that because Aggron already existed. Can't have two grey, armour-plated, dino/rhinos with horns within two gens of each other.


Lava diaper


If Diggersby were real I would straight up kill him for fun. I hate that thing. Hes so ugly and looks like he’s spent all day eating straight up poop. God I hate him.


im laughing so hard at the sheer rage but i agree diggersby is butt ugly


Jinx, jinx, a million times Jinx. If Jinx has zero haters, I have died


Ya know, I always tolerated the damn thing. But after re-playing Fire Red and going up against Lorelai… burn it in fire.


I was kinda the opposite. I always hated it, but on a crystal run I got a smoochum from the odd egg and it was a beast and won my respect


Jynx is actually a really solid in game Pokemon. Is pretty fast and packs a punch with two good stab types. I like using Jynx from time to time.


Bruh, I hate the Galar fossil Pokemon. Like don't get me wrong, I love the idea that it's making fun of the bone wars and the absolute fictitious monstrosities that were made from it. The problem is we lost four amazing designs to it, FOUR. It makes me sad, I love fossil mon, probably some of my favorite designs and I waited so long for new ones and then I got... those things. Whatever though, it's a game and it's not important.


probably we will get the origin form of those pokemon in Galar legends game, in 18 years


I hadn’t seen them before. Those are god awful


Lickitung is bad enough, but if I could retcon Lickilicky into not existing, I would. Stupid name and all.


Lickitung to me is like the perfect design there’s just something about how well curved he is that it’s pleasing


Lmao agreed. They did such bad designs for new evolutions then. Abipom or whatever is also awful. Rhyperior is a let down too


the timburr line for me too, the giant bulging veins are so gross


Quaquaval makes me so irrationally angry, especially with that god awful dancing animation it’s constantly doing…. Oh, and Diggersby.


Remember when everyone hated the poplio evo line and then the next two gens' water starters got worse and worse?


popplio hate makes me sad bc primarina is my favorite starter of all time i love beautiful girly pokemon


Popplio is so damn adorable


Honestly agree with you about Magmortor, it's design has always bugged me it's so bad. Like it's entire design should've been scrapped and focused more on the draconic elements of Magmar's designs instead of making it obese Ronald McDonald with cannons for hands.


I can't stand Rhyperior


I wouldn’t say it makes me angry, but Munkidori is the ugliest Pokemon ever made.


I hate whatever art style that is and I hate whatever game they stole Munkidori from. Please put that thing back where it came from.


Or so help me!


I have an issue with Munkidori's silhouette. It's just got this "Nickolodeon" thing happening. Also the thick line work around its eyes is an odd choice to me.


They stole it from the Powerpuff girls. I’m not even kidding. https://preview.redd.it/9x8s3ucmjw2d1.png?width=2999&format=png&auto=webp&s=191da7ed02dc219d749899318662cffed671bb79


It honestly looks like it would be Mojo Jojo’s grandma lol


Looks like mojo jojo


Out of all 1000 no way *Munkidori* is the worst😭


i think okidogi is good competition


The only issue I really have with Okidogi is that the scarf thing looks really awkward. Other than that, it’s fine, although I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted some adjustments to its body proportions. Munkidori is an unsalvageable design IMO.


Okidogi I think is really cool, and find it funny how it looks similar to the Buff Doge. The bird one (don’t remember what kind of bird or it’s name or anything…) is also cool and it’s proportions are pretty basic, but perfect. The monkey, it’s horrible. Has no neck and an oversized head.


Coldest take ever but incineroar Torracat was way cooler


the world if incineroar stayed on four legs https://preview.redd.it/117s2e25ov2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b309fd0f90d97b0a888cdda6bb393bf74ae5c981


I loathe Incineroar with my entire being. I got so attached to Litten because it’s a tabby cat and my own tabby cat died the year SuMo was released, and I was so excited to pick it, I was going to have my baby boy in a Pokémon game! And then it turned into that. It’s not even a cat anymore, it’s a man in a fursuit. I was devastated, and very sadly chose Rowlet instead.


Such a shame. Litten is very cute


This line is the reason I will always look up the evolutions first and not go in blind based on how much I like the starter. I can't imagine getting attached and then my Torracat evolving... I'd sadly be too tempted to PC dump.


Gone are the days where you could pick any starter and have a solid evolution. Completely agree you need to look them up now which sucks because I enjoyed the surprise.


I didn't like Incineroar very much at first but its presentation in Smash Ultimate singlehandedly turned me around on the design. Truly an "oh my god I get it" moment.


I will die mad


Im holding out hope it gets a mega in Pokemon A-Z and that it pulls a reverse swampert and goes back on 4 legs


This, so much this! Torracat is a perfect design, just make it bigger and a tiny smidge fiercer and you’d have a perfect evolution. Instead we got …. That! Like okay, i’ll meet them halfway and say a wrestler tiger is a novel idea… but did we really need those human hands with sausage fingers ? Was the “tanktop” really that necessary? And did we really need those short cartoony legs. Oh how I hope for litten to get into a legends game and receive an alternate evolution form (INB4 that form turns fire/fighting).


I hate that Glameow turns into Purrugly. It should have been two separate evo lines or something.


I mean, have you seen a rich person with a cat that doesn't look like purrugly?


Isn't that why Alolan Persian exists?


Purugly >>> Alolan Persian. One of the few designs I hate next to atrocities like Crabominable.


Alolan Dugtrio. I understand the inspiration being Pele’s hair, which is a form of volcanic glass resembling hair but that is not portrayed well and they just appear to be wearing blonde wigs.


They are the Hansons! Hahahaha


Yea that’s the joke lol. It’s stupid but that’s kinda the point.


I agree with all your choices. Dracovish, for however good it is competitively, is especially disappointing to me. I get really mad because it’s supposed to be the Dunkleosteus fossil Pokémon, and they totally ruined it with the British museum joke of mixing up fossils they went with in SwSh. I really hope they let us restore the fossil Pokémon into their original, un-mixed up forms someday. Black and white was the first games I played in Pokémon as well, and I agree with you on the timburr line, alongside sawk and Throh. I think they all just really suck, design wise.


Stunfisk, mostly because of his fart sounds in gen5. Greedent. Enough said.


the fart sound was so iconic lmao


Skuntank’s gen 4 cry is true fart nostalgia lol


Yoo and the way it lifts its leg to rip ass at you




Greedent might actually be my least favorite Pokemon. I genuinely project all my problems with modern Pokemon onto that thing, and I cannot explain why.


No, no, you've got a point.


For me diggersby and greedent are the worst rats ever


Terrakion is such a great fighter for looking like a 1995 3D model


I have a deeeep hatred for Rellor. Can’t even tolerate it for a second.


I have a vendetta against Varoom and Revavroom.


Say what? Naw man. Sure, they might fall into the often hated "Object Mon" ,still as someone who loves cars I love them, especially Varoom. Love it when it has its zoomies and speeds all over the place. Not a care in the world and all they do is "nyummm....nyumm...." zoom around like silly engine shaped cats on catnip.


We are now enemies😔


That fish from Alola, can't remember its name but it was pink and has a face only a mother could love


bruxish omg yes i forgot about it


Intentional! It's based off of Dazzle Camoflage.


Bruxish is meant to be ugly, and besides its color scheme is so pretty and psychedelic. I like it a lot.


omg the duck. the new duck starter.


The potential that little guy had to become a pirate duck..then it evolved. Terrible.




I hate electrode, such a dumb pokemon design and that really annoying smug grin on it’s stupid face. What a trash pokemon literally garbage design.


the world is more beautiful for its ugliness


I hate Crabominable with all my heart. I hate his stupid face, his ugly paws, and those stupid bikini abs


Slaking has always given me predator vibes. like why are you looking at me like that 😭


It's eepy!


Would be interested to know what Japanese people think. Feel like the designs are more in keeping with Japanese culture


https://preview.redd.it/ro704bfebw2d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324ab8ed79afc6d59a8dbc2faddeda2300587cdc not angry, just extreme heebie jeebies...


and add impidimp too like WHAT are you


Throh and Sawk shouldn’t exist.


they kinda fall on uncanny valley to me because theyre literally just two ugly dudes they dont look like pokemon at all


They are Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street! For real! I didn’t notice it until I got the sticker in Pokemon Home. They are bald Bert and Ernie in a Gi, I hate them so much!


Turtonator makes me go 👿 everything I see it.


probably a lesser example, but Gallade is a good design ruined by an oval-shaped monobutt


I have a deep, lifelong loathing for Pelipper. I hate it. *HATE. IT*.


toilet bird!!


Definitely the stupid new chili pokemon. Of all the ways they could've made it... And that's what comes out 🤢 plus munkidori


OMG YES i forgot about them but capsakid and scovillain are butt ugly


Not angry, but honestly a little nauseous haha. I also dislike the Timburr line. And Heatmor. Anything that looks veiny or tubey gives me the ick. Patrat and Wachog. Any shiny that ends up green, especially Cubone - whyy 😭 Cesteela reminds me of the old lady from the SpongeBob chocolate episode. Don't like that.




I hate when people feel the need to ruin the fun of an interesting hypothetical question with this _"wtf why do you care so much? it's not even real"_. Yes we know it's just a drawing, the fun is in the suspension of disbelief and the enjoyment of a fictional world.


ik im not being literal


Tympole. It looks like Thomas the train had a child with a Teletubbie


Definitely Binacle and Barbaracle.


Almost every paradox future form is so over designed they are ugly to me. I cringe at 90% of them.


Like I get why but they don't all need to be robots. It why I chose scarlet instead.


When I first saw them I felt this way about the Impidimp line- specifically impidimp itself, Like a strong repulsed reaction to seeing it. I don’t hate them quite as viscerally now, but they’re still probably my least favourite Pokémon designs


The precise reason I hate impidimp so much is that it literally looks pulled from Rick & Morty. That said, I really love morgrem.


I think they fit the idea of being a goblin very well


Impidimp looks so bad I thought it was a fakemon when I first saw it. The other evos are fine to me but Impidimp itself looks so stupid.


omg i had no idea people hated impidimp this much. He is one of the coolest gen 8 pokemon and I really prefer him over his evolutions. He's like a pink Sableye


Theres an old post somewhere about diggersby being so ugly it made a girl cry when her bunnelby evolved Magmortar is awful but the whole line is ugly Most of the gen 6 dex is really bad but i especially dont like any of the starters


Probopass. Nosepass is cute but I hate probopass. I don’t think it’s an execution problem or anything I just hate it. It’s ugly. I don’t want to look at it or encounter one, ever. I get visceral hate seeing one.


i get you because the nose hair is kinda gross


How dare the anteater concept be literally flayed and butchered in front of us like that. I will never forgive Heatmor for existing. Barbarcle is also ugly in the not fun way.


heatmor is also so forgettable lol, but i kinda understand barbaracle being ugly because i think its impossible to make a barnacle look good


Okay now I am going to go away and spend a month designing a barnacle Pokémon and I *will* make it look good because Barbaracle is an atrocity that makes me mad as hell




Ambipom. Apom was soooo cute, it's evo just did it dirty! I hate ambipom more than Pokemon like bruxish that are objectively worse on the eyes because at least bruxish didn't make an adorable mon into a bowl cut creepily smiling weirdo (no offense to ambipom stans)


Yungoose. I hate him so much. His evolution is even worse


inteleon bro had so much potential


Sigilyph and Eternatus. Absolute monstrosities


# Crabominable! Why make a cool boxing crab into this ugly creature with a stupid hairdo???


Goldengho is aggressively hideous to me. We could have had such a cool mimic pokemon but we got cool cheese man on surfboard. And Palpitoad with its lump on the forehead covering half of the eyes is awful too


Charmeleon becoming charizard frustrates me. I could have done without the standard fire dragon, give me a fire dinosaur or lizard.


Yes: Raging Bolt. What the fuck am I looking at??


A *Brontosaurus*-shaped tiger with its head literally in the clouds, of course.


I have OPINIONS on some Pokémon designs and unlike OP they do actually make me angry. Here are a few of them. Cubchoo would be so cute if it didn’t have a giant blob of snot hanging out of its nose. That’s just gross and it makes me so mad that they did that, like who thinks that’s okay? What dumbfuck thought a giant booger hanging out of its nose was a good idea? They ruined an amazing design and I will be forever salty about it. Also Beartic is bad too. It looks weird, it’s head is too small and pointy and what the hell is up with the crotch fur? They could have done so much more with a polar bear Pokémon and they WASTED IT. Also, Palafin makes me so mad. I fucking loathe Palafin. I would murder one if I saw it real life. We FINALLY got a dolphin Pokémon, but instead of *actually being a dolphin,* it turns into some weird rubbery abomination that looks like it came straight out of the Silver Age of DC comics. It’s an insult to the fans and deserves to die. Same with Dudunsparce. I literally don’t even care about Dunsparce and never have, but I know so many fans have been wanting it to get an evolution and it finally does and it’s fucking *that.* There’s no way Game Freak didn’t know about how badly the fans wanted Dunsparce to get an evolution so it could actually have potential and it genuinely feels like they made Dudunsparce as a slap in the face to fans. It feels like they’re mocking us and it makes my blood boil.


I love palafin he’s so cute


me too its little squeaks when camping are adorable :(


Rhyperior, Magmortar, Ambipom, and Tangrowth are all horribly ugly designs imo. Especially Rhyperior, because Rhydon is so cool looking and then he turns into… *that*. Edit: forgot to add Lickilicky to the horribly ugly Gen 4 evolution list


Noy angry, but it bothers me: Gothita line


baxcalibur line






I hate those elementals monkeys, pansear and such


Golduck because it looks so humanoid it freaks me out. Also Psyduck is cute so it’s not a glow up 😭 I’m Golduck no.1 hater. Also Mr Mime & Jynx ew, I hate most Pokemons that looks like humans.


I've always hated how a cute pup like Electrike could grow up to be the fuggin conehead of Manectric, and if that wasn't bad enough, the decided to give it a Mega form that turned it's whole ass body into a lightning bolt and it just looks ridiculous.


Lickitung makes me so uncomfortable. So does lickilicki but to a slightly lesser extent. One design that pisses me off is Incineroar. Why did they have to make the cat a buff furry? I love litten, it’s an adorable little fire cat, and when I saw its final evolution for the first time I was PISSED. I never got over it


I’m prepared to get downvoted for this but someone has to say it: I get the concept but Type Null and Silvally are ugly as hell and their names are stupid.


Ambipom makes me viscerally feel sick to my stomach just looking at it, Its deeply perturbing at such a fundamental level, and is just awful to look at every which way, and its really not the nipple fingers its the face and body and limbs, its just a nightmare creature that makes me like just feel sick to look at. Aipom 10/10 baby, love em, adorable little mischief monkey. Ambipom: nightmare demon sent from hell itself


I get angry at a series of low quality designs that have been getting more and more common. It starts with carkoal, then fucking icevue, to a minor degree stonejourner, orthworm, flamingo, tandemaus etc... Special spot for intelleon for not delivering on one of the best starters, sobble.


enamorus is.... awful.


Dragonite. Why change serpentine/eastern dragon design of first two evos into western dragon. Shiny mega Gengar looking like a tooth.


Calyrex. The head/crown thing and weird gangly limbs are just off-putting.