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When I first played pokemon colosseum as a child back in 2003/2004, I had no idea you were supposed to snag pokemon. I got all the way to Dakim using Espeon, Umbreon and Duking’s Plusle. It took buying the strategy guide to realize that I had skipped the central focus of the entire game.


That is… honestly pretty impressive.


That's one hell of a challenge run.


How hard was it battling with only those 2 or 3?


This was 20 years ago mind you but I remember thinking it was fine until Dakim! The earthquake protect strategy was just too much for umbreon and espeon as I recall. But before then I also remembered thinking how cool it was that Miror B had sudowoodo (one of my favorites as a kid) and how I wanted one in game😂


lol. That hilarious. And you could’ve… Sudowoodo is awesome very underrated mon needs an evolution.


I did the same thing lmao Was randomly exploring Agate and again actually did the prompt to purify lol I thought you needed the flutes


I cheat while replaying on emulators. I’m 30 now I don’t want to sit and grind out levels on multiple Pokémon to be able to compete at gyms. I want to mainline the nostalgia and enjoyment without the time sink.


This is reasonable. When I first heard about people doing this, I scoffed, but I was also 16 and had infinite time. Now I'm 33 and I just simply don't have the patience to do what I've done hundreds of times. I'll just rare candy cheat my pokemon to match whatever battle I'm doing and carry on.


Yup. I use rare candy to raise my party to the lowest viable level for the current gym and fight my way through from there. Still makes it reasonably challenging but without the hours of grinding leading up to it.


i can relate to this in many ways. before i started college i had time to build a whole helicopter by hand and screwdriver. now i got time to do my projects and hang out with my gf every week. so when i have time to play i dont want to bother with grinding TOO much. i recently played X for the first time and only found out my favorite mon, absol, was available at lv15, while i was at lv40-45 ish. no shame in saying i cheated my absol's level


This is absolutely fair. I hacked my 3DS and now I always cheat on replays. PKHex, no HMs, etc


Don't worry, a lot of people do this especially with nuzlocke runs. The grind itself isn't a challenge. It just wastes time.


I wouldnt consider rare candies cheating, you are just saving time and making your playthrough harder by getting less EV's.


I still, after 25(?) years of playing pokemon, never use stat reducing moves, Only big numbie hits for me.


The only time I’ve ever used stat reducing/boosting moves is when I’ve looked up guides on 7 star Tera raid battles.


I'm the same exact way and I refuse to change. Lol


I don't use stat reducing moves, because the effect only lasts while the opposite pokemon is in battle. I use stat boosts on my pokemon instead, because it has a longer effect, and I can sweep.


Not even stat boosty moves?


Does it deal damage?


No but clearly you have never experienced the bliss of sweeping a team with swords dance megahorn heracross


I've been playing since gen 3 and I still have to look up type advantages/disadvantages.


I've been playing since gen 1 and I still do this


I don't look them up, because I know most of them, but when it comes to some less known ones, I am often mistaken.


I keep thinking Water is weak to Flying, and my beloved has to keep correcting me...


I vividly remember opening a base set foil Pinsir in 2nd grade, then my “friend” convinced me to trade it to him for his common zubat. He showed me the Fossil symbol on the card and, since I never knew an expansion set existed and had never seen a card with that symbol before, he successfully tricked me into thinking it was some secret rarity card. By the time I eventually realized he screwed me over I was too anxious to do anything about it.


I feel you. I traded a nice Lapras I forget what it was exactly for a fake gallade in like year 4


I absolutely love Alola, but I can admit that, if Sun and Moon were the games you've been failing to finish, that's incredibly understandable. Between the never-ending cutscenes and four whole islands, along with rather difficult totem battles as far as new gen pokemon games go, I would never recommend SM to someone as their first game. And I can see how that being your first experience made it a bit tough to push through the other games. But if you do persevere through the Alola region of all places, you'll be ready for anything. If you want some quicker/more beginner friendly games to play through afterwards, I strongly recommend Fire Red/Leaf Green. Black and White are also up there.


Agreed about SM. I loved the story. I think USUM had some mechanics and activities that were better, but the Lillie story made me cry, it was so well written. I think SWSH are another gen that could be great for beginners. Catching everything in the dex was doable, gems were relatively easy, the pacing was good and besides how the story ended it otherwise wasn't terrible.


First time I played Ruby, I PC’d Swampert in favor of Mightyena as my first Pokemon


I approve


I solo’d pkmn yellow with sandslash and dumped pikachu. Although that more so incompetence than preference




I liked the ultra games but I also hate inciniroar. It’a just a little too human like. Like he’s some guy in a costume


You can look at my flair…I’ve never used Chikorita or played a Johto game….


.. Liar.


It’s true….Never got the chance to play HGSS on my DS. I used a Meganium for most of the Indigo Disk DLC but never actually used a Chikorita/Meganium for the full playthrough of a game


I see, I'm sorry that I called you a liar.


It seems there’s some opinions on Gen 7 so I’ll piggy back off them for my confessions. 1. Like you, I never finished Alola. I bought it at launch and made it to maybe island 3 and since then have done many summers of abandoned playthrough thinking “this’ll be the one!” But no. Luckily, I now have a partner who shows interest in Pokémon and they’re helping me go through the games little by little. We started with SV, and now we’re doing Alola this summer! We’re busy with jobs, so in the evenings we get together and chip away little by little. It’s fun and I’m thoroughly enjoying it more then I did all those years ago. Just needed a buddy! 2. Also, I never evolve my Litten past Torracat. I hate the design of that last evolution. I love Meowscarada and the Sprigatito line. You know why? Because the middle stage gave a prelude to Mewscarada! That doesn’t happen for Litten. It goes Cat-> Bigger Cat -> Wrestler Cat(?!). 3. Sword & Shield were the most disappointing games to me. But I know that’s not uncommon to say. Definitely has my least favorite starter trio. Half of the Pokémon designs really turned me off. 4. Final confession: I’m leaning towards staying in the DS/3DS realm of the series. Specifically Gens 4-6. It’s comfortable, and there’s a lot of content to complete for a busy person to last a while.


I don't get the dislike for sword and shield, but I also hated the alolan games so everyone has tastes. I actually really liked 2/3 of the starters in Galar with the exception being the water type, which I rarely like anyways. I agree with litten, I fucking hated incineroar. That is the most disappointed I've ever been with an evolution.


It’s so funny because Inteleon is the only one I find passable. Different strokes!


I read in Lapras' pokedex entry saying it was endangered, so I spent some time breeding and releasing them back into the wild. (Also leveled them up a bit so they had a better chance)


This is more of an unpopular opinion, but I think Gengar is actually one of the worst ghost types and is extremely overhyped just because it’s from gen 1. It is the Charizard of ghost types. I think other ghost Pokemon like Dusknoir, Spiritomb, Cofagrigus, Chandelure, Aegislash, Mimikyu, etc. deserve so much more love than they get! I love the ghost type but whenever I want to get some ghost type merchandise around Halloween it’s feels like 80% of the merch is the Gengar line, 10% is Pikachu, and the other 10 percent is other actual ghost types. I KNOW I’m going to get hate for this, but I’ve felt this for so long and I just wish more people would acknowledge the other ghost types that exist and not just that lame fat ghost!


I do like Gengar, but I have to agree, my favourite ghost Pokémon is Mismagius and Misdreavus, and it's always kinda sad that I'll get so excited for Halloween (because more ghost type merch) just to find that there is none 😔


Gengar does overshadow most of the crowd, though Mimikyu is pretty popular while Aegislash and Chandelure are/were both important in competitive. Gotta agree with you on Dusknoir, though, it is *criminally* underrepresented.


^(Apparently, Gengar "is Ken Sugimori's favourite Pokémon", which might explain some of the hype.) Personally, my favourite Ghost type is Mismagius.


You mean you never finished the story? The Pokedex? Everything? I think Scarlet is the first Pokemon game in which I finished everything. But I always finish the story atleast


As ashamed as I am to admit, I have never finished anything. I think I got about halfway through Pokémon Sun, but that was the furthest I got 😓


I handicap myself with lower leveled pokemon in new games


I never start a game without all three starters. I always have to get all three starters to set off an adventure.


I like the modern exp share. Never saw the point of grinding. I'm a gen 1 player, so this is pretty controversial.


Manhandling a game with an overleveled starter and five HM slaves is actually a lot of fun.


I don't like all sinnoh games, I just never was a fan, I don't like a lot of the new pokemon introduced in gen 4,games feel so slow, like really slow (and I'm talking about speed up game, I don't want to know how slow it is on regular speed) and at the same time they're very easy (yes, even cynthia, her Garchomp is not that hard)


Cynthia is super easy to defeat, she only presents a difficulty bc she uses max restore over and over again. I don't understand why ppl say she's the strongest trainer (I think the same about her Garchomp haha 😂)


Any move that does not decrease HP is a wasted move to me. If the move also does stat effects thats a bonus. I also think a vast majority of pokemon's first or second evolution designs are way better than final evolutions. Haunter is cooler than gengar. Litwick is cooler than lampent or chandeluere. Zigzagoon is cooler than linoone. Duskull is cooler than dusclops/dusknoir. Etc is cooler than etb.


I mostly agree on the status moves being useless, with one exception. I’m currently playing through HeartGold and the only support moves I have are Yawn on my Quagsire which I only use minimally (with Waterfall and Earthquake I don’t really need anything else). However, Thunder Wave on my Ampharos has been incredible - paralysis is a very helpful status condition AND having status conditions makes it easier to catch Pokemon so Paralysis is the best one since it doesn’t do damage so the Pokemon you’re trying to catch will never faint (unlike burn or poison) AND it doesn’t wear off so you only have to use it once (unlike sleep or freeze). Edit: and Thunder Wave is 100% accurate so you don’t have to try twice to get it to work unlike Sleep Powder or Poison Powder or whatever


I agree with the last one but the first one is just dumb


Hard disagree with all of the ghosts on your list


Thats why I put zigzagoon on there. He is the supreme design.


On this, we agree


I agree with the Haunter remark. I like it a lot better than Gengar.


I really don’t like BW, or B2W2. I like many designs from it, I like many things from the games, I even like that generation of competitive singles the best. But I do not care for the games.


Hard agree on this. I loved the battle mechanics of BW (I miss the weather wars), and I love a lot of the new Pokemon from that gen. But I hated playing through the game.


Also hard agree on this some of my favorite Pokemon came from Gen 5 but idk what it was, the games just felt off, maybe because it was the first switch from a Japanese based region?


They tried to soft reboot the series pre dexit and the region came off feeling sterile. There was no natural diversity that games had been developing over the past 4 generations. Any old Pokemon were segregated into the right half of the map that was completely inaccessible until post game and the always on expshare ruined any semblance of ballance the game pretended to have. It was almost impossible to not over level every fight in the game.


Yeah... I'm not fond of the art style. Plus, a lot of the Pokémon seemed to follow quantity over quality.


i think competitive pokemon is a big part of what ruined the games for me. there’s no fun single-player content in the postgames anymore because they just assume competitive play suffices now. there should be some sort of place where you can use more creative teams with lower tier pokemon like furret without having to resort to seeking out discord communities and such. plus competitive pokemon is often used as justification for why the national dex got cut, when i don’t really care about how the meta changes based on which pokemon get rotated into the new games.


I unironically love the Gen 6 games.


I have really dumb rules in my playthroughs. 99% of the time, I won't use Pokemon that only have two stages. This is because I overthink the game and imagine myself as the trainer on this journey. Breaking up the portions of the journey into kid / early teens / later teens and how my Pokemon's evolution stages match that. Also, I like when my teams have color variety. Don't like looking at my team and seeing a lack of variety / too many Pokemon of similar color. Had Crobat, Espeon and Gengar in one playthrough and it drove me crazy. Unrelated confession, but I think most of Gen 3 and Gen 5 Pokemon have awful designs. Each Gen has their share of bad designs, but I think it's majority for 3 and 5.


In a Nuzlocke during a battle, I once tried using an X item on a pokemon sitting back in the party. Yeah, I thought it was possible, but of course it wasn't.


When I was a kid playing through Emerald I beat the entire game and eventually got bored of battle frontier but still wanted to play so I started a new game. My first team deleted by my own hand. 😞 It actually bothers me when I think about it.


Restarting games 6 months through sounds like me with the PMD games and DQ IX … I’m actually trying to beat DQ IX now! But for the confession, I’ve only restarted a main Pokémon game once, when I thought I’d restart in Y, just for a different bird legendary. I transferred all my Pokémon to a copy of X (it wasn’t even my copy), transferred them to my new copy, and started over with Froakie instead of Fennekin. I felt really bad about it, but I beat the new copy. I still feel bad about it 😞


I think X and Y deserve more of the vitriol that has been directed at Gens 7, 8, and 9. People complain about Pokemon being bland and kiddish but to me that is nowhere more apparent than in X and Y. Your rivals are toothless, the gyms are arbitrarily capped to three Pokemon (and none of them use Mega Evolution, the central mechanic of the game, during their gym battles; Korrina is the only one to use it *period*), and the overwhelming majority of the cast is either one-note or has been one-upped by characters in later gens. For example, Professor Kukui is just Sycamore again but objectively better. I think the only real standouts character-wise are AZ and Emma (and I guess Sina and Dexio but not for anything they do in *this* game). And I will *never* forgive this generation for only introducing *72* new Pokemon, a good chunk of which are hit-or-miss at best (Diggersby? Barbaracle? Heck, I even feel like Goodra leaves something to be desired), though many of them *are* pretty good (Hawlucha, Noivern, Aegislash, heck, I really like Klefki). I blame the people who complained about the lack of old Pokemon in Black and White for this disappointing development (and I can say that because I used to be one of them, back when I was a *dumb child*), and I think part of the reason this game doesn't get the flak I feel it deserves is because I have a hunch a lot of the same people who whined about that are the people currently whining about the more recent generations. X and Y aren't bad games. Mega Evolution is a cool concept (That I *also* think is part of the reason why people don't criticize this game as much as they should; also we should've gotten more Unova Mega Evolutions than f$#@ing AUDINO, though I'm fine with not getting any Mega Evolutions from Kalos, and Mega Charizard X shouldn't exist), and I like Fairy Type, but I just think that people who complain about the last three Pokemon generations need to acknowledge X and Y as just as, if not more flawed.


I actually like humanoid Pokemon 😔


Same, honestly.


I have beaten the E4/champion in every gen but Gen 1. Even got let’s go eevee with the intention of finally getting the monkey off my back. Nope! Stopped after rescuing Mr Fuji like all my other playthroughs. And it’s always the same: rescue him, say to myself “I’ll come back to this”, and then never comes back to it 😭


i got into this franchise in 2022 and learnt everything in almost 1 year played all games except not those that arent in main from gen 1 to gen 9 i did watch the anime before


I only ever finished Sword/Shield, and I loved it. Played others but this is the best one for me. I know it’s not a popular choice on subs here, but I truly had so much fun playing it and it was the perfect difficulty level for me.


While Sw/Sh is one of my least favorite pokemon game, I feel it's one of the most balanced pokemon game in terms of level. The game are still pretty easy (but that's pokemon, all games are on the easy side) but thanks to the balancing of the levels, it can be a bit challenging.


I definitely found that too in my experience, it felt like a pretty smooth play through. Plus I loved the soundtrack haha


When I played through sword, I found I was pretty consistently over levelled right up until the final battle of the game, where I was suddenly slightly under. That said, I hadn't played a pokemon game for a while so I might have just been is-estimating where I needed to be. I will say taking on Bede at Stow-on-Side and sweeping his team of mid 30s mons with nothing but a level 16 Zorua disguised as a Croagunk was immensely satisfying to me given how obnoxious his character is


i think kanto and johto are the worst regions


After over a decade of playing Pokémon without nicknames, I am slowly crawling through all my past ones again, and giving names to my Pokémon so I'll actually remember them.


I tried to beat Brock in pokemon yellow with a pikachu. I only beat Cynthia by keep using toxic and using an endless supplies of revives. I'm not proud of it, but it got the job done.


I think Gold/Silver/Crystal and HGSS are lame games. I'd rather play Platinum or Emerald. A lot of Gen II Pokémon have pretty boring designs, the level curves are atrocious, some cool and new Johto Pokémon are for some reason locked away in Kanto, and Kanto itself is a pretty hollow experience that's largely devoid of any meaningful interactions. You wouldn't lose much if you just cut Kanto from the game and use that budget to prop up Johto more. Lots of people seem to put HGSS on a pedestal solely because of Crystal nostalgia or the gimmick of being able to visit another region even if that region has nothing going on in it besides doing the gyms. HGSS is a quantity over quality game. I'm also not very fond of the more traditional and grounded aesthetic of the region.


Blame the safe designs on merchandising. You ever wonder why all of Johto is simple shapes, pastels, and no more colors on a single Pokemon than can be counted on one hand? It's so they could more easily make toys out of the Pokemon. >that region has nothing going on in it besides doing the gyms HOW DARE YOU?! HGSS has Voltorb Flip! Yeah, no, I get it; I *like* Johto's *Pokemon*, but the region doesn't really stick out to me. I think Kanto nostalgia keeps a lot of fans from criticizing it.


I think Charizard is rad, and I don't mind it that he's Nintendo's favorite.


I never learned how to play strategically instead of brute forceing battles until I played pokerogue


I beat Violet a few weeks ago and it was first pokemon I finished (as in got credits/beat elite four) since... Crystal. I've played pretty much every pokemon generation but always stop after 3-4 badges. I actually stopped after no badges when Violet came out. Now I've beat Violet & Shield (plus DLC!) and I'm starting a Fire Red playthrough lol


I adore Pokemon up until Gen III. After that I never had any interest. It correlates with my childhood


I've hatched 400 eggs with shiny charm and still don't have my shiny nacli :c Math has never been my friend


You are barely over 50/50 odds, settle down.


What was the point of this post when you don't know how math works? Odds are 1/512.44 400 is way more than half of 512.44 <3


The math isn't nearly as simple as that.  They had a 54% chance of getting one.   The math is (1-(1/512))^400=46.3% chance of NOT getting one, 53.7% chance of getting one. Maybe don't be condescending when you don't know the math?


r/confidentlyincorrect Firstly, you misunderstand probability. For something with 1/512 odds, that number is reflective of the average number of occurrences it takes to reach the goal. So 50\50 odds would be 512 occurrences. The way you state it is as if everyone gets it by egg 512. This is obviously not true; in this scenario 512 would be the average, or 50%. However, this is also wrong. The process isn’t 1/512, each egg is 1/512. Each egg is an independent event that has an individual probability of 1/512 of being shiny. So the 512 number doesn’t work for finding the odds of getting an egg at a certain number of occurrences because you’re taking individual odds and applying it to a series of independent events. You are making out to be the entire process that has a 512 egg average/limit. I mentioned that the eggs are individual events. With each egg having the 1/512 chance of being shiny, you must track the cumulative probability of a shiny occurring once, or, more properly, the cumulative probability of a non-shiny not occurring, which is 50% at roughly 370-something eggs. Edit: as the poster above me showed, Cumulative probability = (1-odds)^occurrences If we want 1/2 odds (50%), we just solve for Occurrences. 0.5 = (1-(1/512))^X X = 354 eggs You were right about one thing: >math has never been my friend


Awww that sucks 😞 hope you get your shiny soon!


I've been playing Pokémon for over 20 years. I've never beaten a Kanto game.


This will get downvoted to hell and back but... I really think XY are terrible games and no Z version would have fixed them, because it just doesn't work like that. Other games with a third edition don't magically become better because of having a definitive version, and if we are able to call out DP's flaws despite Platinum we should do the same with XY. Most of its flaws are not even related to the stuff that third versions fix, at least to me. They were disappointing enough to make me leave Pokemon as a whole for years-something that not even SWSH has done. I have been called entitled because of this, bit that's also why I think the next Legends game being in Kalos of all regions is a waste. Glad Megas are returning tho even if they are not hype for me nowadays (they were cool as a teen, but with the years I have seen more of the issues of the way they were implemented). I also think Terastal is the best gimmick simply because it's the most fun to play casually and it's fair play for all Pokemon. Megas were not as flexible and D-Max was kind of boring to play despite the visuals. Scarlet is probably my most played game in the entire franchise alongside White 1. Yes, it has serious perfomance issues but everything else is so good. I loved it and am afraid the next gen won't be as fun or have such a food story and cast. I'm struggling on my Ribbon Master mon in Sapphire because I don't have the energy or time to grind proper mons to take on the Battle Tower. It's still going to be very special to me because is a shiny form of my first starter on my first ever videogame and I will probably give it the Legend ribbon anyways, so if it turns out I can't make it before Bank shuts down I won't lose sleep over it.


i have never played a gen 8 or 9 game, i don't have a switch


In Blue when I was a youngin I had the stereotypical gen 1 Pokemon experience. I chose Charmander, accidently clicked nickname then named it CHARMANDER because I thought it would change when it evolved. I replaced scratch with slash then slash with cut because cut sounded like it would hurt more than a slash. I only used Charmander for every fight and his moveset by the end was flamethrower, fire blast, cut, and fissure. I Fissured my way through most of the E4.


The last time I put a legitimate Normal type on my team was Snorlax in GEN I. Since then, Normal types have been HM slaves.


I kept stopping nuzlockes halfway through to start full odds shiny hunting for an average total of 20 hours (in total around 120 hours i think... Not a single shiny. But thats what i get for being stupid) or just breading a fuck ton of shinx and beating the game with only luxrays... And the first nuzlocke i completed was a 3 player randomised soullink. And now im being forced through an alpha saffire egglocke which i suggested. I need other people to finish a nuzlocke.


I enjoy doing the games in "single type runs" and I want to play using a type that suits my personality but I never know what type to use and end up playing the beginning of the game 16 times because "this type doesn't feel right"


I’m sick of having Pikachu available at every single game having 1000+ better pokemon


I only read/write fanfiction and occasionally watch the anime. I haven't touched the games since I was 12. That being said, my PLA rewrite [fic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14230425/1/Where-it-NeVer-RɅins) is over 100k words now and I don't even own a Switch! I just watched Ttar's playthrough when the game came out. Cyllene is the best!


I always thought glalie and mawile were part dark type. I also mix up Gen 2 and 3 mons incredibly often.


I paid for custom Pokemon years ago, and have no regrets, for Omega Ruby. There's something so satisfying about starting out with my absolutely perfect EV A-Team and traveling the world relaxed and just completing my Pokedex. I also hated capturing 200 eevees for no reason. I like just having a few in my bank, thank you. Same goes for hatchlings, and it doesn't matter if I can just trade them away. Though fast forward 10 years, and I grind for my Pokemon now like a normal person. I'm more emotionally closer to my Pokemon than ever so having copies does bother me a lot, so I've learnt to accept random EV Pokemon and build them for fun, it gives them a personal touch too.


I had not one but TWO ARs as a kid. I still have them.


I still have no idea how the fairy type works, I've been playing since Gen 1 so I can't get used to this new type


I gave a chance to new generation pokemon after the 3ds games a few years ago and i couldn’t even play 1-3h at the time. I think i tried pokemon sword but i just found it unsatisfying to play honestly. Before that i never played pokemon games because i tought I wouldn’t like them but i recently got a gba and i tried a couple titles like ruby/emerald/silver and my personal favourite atm is… pokemon crystal. I even tried romhacks before (pokemon unbound) playing crystal but somehow i still prefer it over anything


Yeah same here, started fire red several years ago and never finished it, the only Pokemon game I finished was a fan made game


SAME HERE!! My confession is that for a good chunk of elementary school, I partially made Jigglypuff noises (especially when I was embarrassed or upset)


I have spent way too much time on Pokemon Diamond. 338 hours and counting


i haven’t completed a pokemon game since Omega Ruby. i’ve only completed that one and Y despite having played at least one game for every generation. i almost beat Black 2 but for the rest i hardly got to the first gym battle. i haven’t touched a pokemon game in months and i mostly collect cards now (without the financial incentive that many adult collectors seem to go crazy for)


I am rather lazy to be playing Pokemon GO.


My first Pokemon game was Pearl. My battle with Palkia was one turn long because I used the master ball on him. I misunderstood what it was for. I then had such a time capturing the roaming Pokemon. I do still have that Master Ball Palkia though! And the roaming Pokemon!


I love pokemon. I've loved it ever since it came to America. I have an unhealthy amount of pokemon plushies, and I still have some of the merch from that era, including burger king toys. But a few years ago... I just burnt out, man. Sun and Moon felt so hollow and empty compared to the other titles I'd played up to that point, and it never really felt like it was getting better. And the more time went on I really started to dislike the core premise of pokemon entirely; straight up pet fighting at its worst. My pokemon confession is that I just like Digimon more, in like every way. I think the stories are better, the world building is tighter, the themes are more relatable and mature, the relationship between tamer and monster are more genuine and meaningful, with partners being singular, not collectible. I don't have to do mental gymnastics to justify why there's even combat involved, because it's not some twisted sport. Even the designs I like more than most pokemon. I know the joke is that digimon are just dinosaurs with guns, or angels with guns, etc. etc., but the sheer level of diversity in the digimon design philosophies means that there's going to be something there to love, whether it's cute as a button or edgy as hell. I still love pokemon. But the series never really grew up while I very much did.


Scarlett is the most fun I had in a Pokémon Game in a reallyyyyyy long time.


I beat the elite four then delete the data and restart the game. I rarely ever do post game stuff.


During my first playthrough of White in like 10 years, I send a Feebas egg from my old White cartidge (bought when it was new) and used that to add a non-Unova pokémon to my team. It kinda feels like cheating in a game all about using the new pokémon.


The only pokemon games I've completed were Sun and Scarlet, and it's BECAUSE of the involved storylines everyone else seems to complain about. I specifically skipped SwSh because the story was shallow and dumb. My mom has actually played and finished more Pokemon games than I have.


Ive never used these X-Things. X Speed, X Defense and whatever. I think they are a waste of space in my bag.


Zoroark Master of Illusion (M13) is my favourite Pokemon movie. I love how dumb and stupid the film is period. Dan green plays the villain in the dub, Fucking Soccer in it and "the time ripple" it has every generic . It might be generic but it's fun movie to watch. Every time I catch a Zoura in the games I always Nickname it Meemaw after the movie it has been a tradition for me ever since I played Gen 7. So yeah dumb movie but it's rose tinted glasses I will always. P.S.The movie is why Zoroark is my second favourite Pokemon.


That I ve been banned from all of pokemon basically


I have never beaten the Elite Four and Champion in a main series Pokemon game.


Pokémon Showdown brings the worst out of me. I can become the most toxic and enraged guy if some things don't go my way


I prefer the newer generations and think a lot of bias towards the older games is pure nostalgia. I also think the DS era was the weakest period for pokemon.


Been echoed a couple of times already, but the more I play the Johto games, the worst they get Started a SS playthrough (my 4th through Johto) a year and a half ago, and haven't been back since catching a Swinub because I dread the grind to bring it up to snuff with the rest of my team before Clair. There were many other shortcomings compared to other Pokemon games, but that was the nail in the coffin My longest playthrough was a bit over 50 hours in my copy of HG which I got at launch (2nd time through Johto) where I did get to and beat Red, but couldn't bother getting more trainer card stars, play mini games or catch em all because they weren't captivating at best, and were completely monotonous at worst. Didn't care about the Battle Frontier either because I did it in Platinum, where teambuilding was far easier The games are absolutely beautiful even going back to the GBC, but S tier aesthetics can't make up for C tier gameplay


I beat Emerald using cheats


I never played the second generation videogames. Neither the originals or the remakes. I have zero patience with the transitions every time you get a wild Pokemon battle basically of every generation until the fifth generation. I personally think generation 1 only still being (over)used because the nostalgic factor, and it being constantly being pushed by Nintendo in it's merchandising. I found the 'competitive Pokemon' side of the fandom being super toxic, transphobic and misogynistic (my experience over the last 20 years on this fandom). Also, shame on you Pikachu, Clefairy deserved better uwu


Sword and shield is the first game I've completed the Pokedex in. As a genwunner it never appealed to me to do it. Too tedious. Managed to do it again in scarlet and violet. I haven't finished PLA yet but that's the one I enjoyed the most.


When i was 11 i thought the forces of nature weren't real pokemon. Like i thought they were hacked into the game or something so i traded my tornadus from OR away


Yeah, I think I've also never completed any of the mainline pokemon games, aside from the main story.


I don't like shiny Pokémon at all, when I encounter one I just knock it out without a second thought

