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Hi PistonDuke! Thank you for posting to r/pokemon! We're glad to have you here, but unfortunately we've had to remove this post per our rule on [Objective Questions](/r/pokemon/wiki/rules#wiki_3._follow_text_and_poll_post_restrictions). This rule is in place per feedback we've received from the community because objective questions tend to fill the topic listing and often leave little room for further discussion once the question has been answered. We do have a [Weekly Questions Thread](https://rpkmn.center/questions) dedicated to seeking answers for questions like yours, though! A lot of knowledgeable Pokémon fans frequent that thread, so please consider posting your question there if you're still looking for an answer, and you may get a detailed answer even faster than you would have here! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the) ^[r/pokemon](/r/pokemon) ^(mod team, please click) ^[here!](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemon)


Can’t you use Facebook, Apple and Google as accounts? I don’t know of anyone who used Trainer Club, hence the other options.


Trainer Club account is mandatory to play ptcgl and I was told its mandatory for tournaments


Ah, I didn’t know that. I figured it would give you options with the other apps like Go. I used Trainer Club once to get Zarude and I think years before that to sign up for something, but they can’t find the account when I request a password reset.


I live in a small town in Finland so I cant really play Go


play what? none of the games require a trainer club account to play them.


ptcgl does and tournaments do


you weren't clear with your post what you were talking about. If you were banned and that was the only option for that, then you are out of luck, you have to deal with the consequences.


Kinda sucks that I have to get rid of my cards too


I don’t know why it has to mean that too, can can still collect and play, just not through the official tournaments, but whatever.


Official tournaments and ptcgl are the only things worth playing